I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 64: Fate serialization begins

a new day-

Unlike before, Kurokawa and Ya were already drawing manga at this time of day.

But now it's not—


He is eating!

crazy eating...

The fresh food judged by the ripples has already eaten several times the usual amount, and is still eating—

The table was already strewn with the remains of food.

"Huh—" Kurokawa and Mi exhaled heavily, and then stood up abruptly!

"Ripple sprint—!"



Unlike before, when he used ripples to transmit to the room before, it would only produce a faint light, but now—

The whole room lights up! Turned into a golden room—

"Yeah... not bad, really good, the amount of ripples, my life energy has increased on a large scale. Finally, it succeeded, this exercise!"

After confirming in the dream world that he had learned this exercise, he immediately committed suicide and woke up.

After making breakfast for my sister and sending her to school. I left by myself and used the ripples to judge what food was fresh, and then bought a lot of it. Just now I felt that I really couldn't eat it anymore.

That's the only way to eat half of it.

As for the rest...it can no longer be used, because if it is left for a day, it will not be considered fresh if it is kept until tomorrow, and the life energy will also be lost on a large scale.

According to my own settings, this "gluttonous devouring method" works best only in the first three times. It can greatly increase life energy, and then it will slowly decrease. Although it can still increase life energy, the effect will be very strong. Less is enough.

The reason for the reduced effect is that during these three days, the life energy will reach the limit of a person. After that, it is not to increase life energy but to break through the upper limit of life energy!

He himself didn't want to add so many restrictions, but those who didn't add restrictions failed.

It has been five days since the room was completely renovated.

It has been two weeks since Fate/Zero passed the serialization meeting, and the next issue will have the serialization of this manga on JUMC.

He kept adding restrictions to this exercise little by little, changing the settings of the manga, and even once thought that "original manga will not bring him the ability to surpass common sense". And then finally—it worked out today!

"It's great! This feeling... If it continues like this, my life energy will one day reach the effect of the ultimate creature Kaz in the second part of JOJO."

Generally speaking, it is not possible, at most it can achieve the effect of DIO's ripples when he fights with DIO in his dream.

Because that is already the limit of the human body, and the life energy it can withstand has reached the limit, but this "gluttonous devouring method" can increase this limit! Constantly breaking through the upper limit of the human body.

That is to say—

As long as you have enough time to increase your life energy, one day you will reach the sun-like ripples that can instantly melt the human body like the ultimate creature Katz!

"Well, the current Ripple is already at the level of Jonathan..."

According to the people he met, he divided the ripples into several levels.

First of all, the previous self, he defined the ripples of the previous self as one, then Jonathan who just practiced the ripples was two, and then Baron Qibelin’s ripples were four, Jonathan’s ripples after getting Qibelin’s life energy It was five (there was a certain loss during the transmission process, and Zeppelin only had half of his body at that time.), and finally the ripples reached the limit level of the human body. At that time, the ripples were ten.

If calculated in this way, there should be three ripples now.

Already approaching Zeppelin's level.

Of course, every time the ripple level increases, there will be a great improvement. He has never seen the one of Katz, but it should be around one hundred. You have to see it with your own eyes to know.

But enough for now!

"Now, let's fulfill the promise..."

When I went to Tohsaka’s house before, I said that after I finished drawing the manga with him, I would send it to him...but I guess it will be a little slower than JUMC’s.

JUMC will go on sale tomorrow, and if I go to mail it now, I will have to wait two days to arrive.

Hmm...just in time, let's take advantage of this time to increase my ripples, I don't know if Tohsaka Tokiomi will come...


the next day-

Rito Ishizaki bought back the new issue of JUMC immediately!

"This cover?" Looking at the cover of the new issue of JUMC, Rito Ishizaki felt shocked—

The screen is no longer the muscular men of the past, but dozens of characters together.

Some of these characters wear armor and some wear suits.

On top is a golden cup.

On the side is written the same as the previous JUMC, first of all in Japanese characters [Fate/Zero new series starts! Mr. Kurokawa's latest masterpiece! 】

Then below is a series of small fonts [Seven magicians compete for the omnipotent wishing machine, a brutal war is about to begin in the land of Fuyuki. 】

"Fuyuki? I remember that my aunt lives in Fuyuki...and Kurokawa-sensei's new manga...Where's JOJO? Did he throw JOJO away?"

Rito Ishizaki looked very anxious, wishing to unpack the JUMC in his hand now to see what was going on, but after thinking about it, he decided to wait until home to talk.

Soon after he got home, he opened JUMC and turned to JOJO.

Now he is already a loyal fan of JOJO.

Previous chapter—

A new creature called "The Man in the Pillar" has appeared! It is the stone ghost mask made by this kind of creature, the thing that can turn human beings into vampires, but vampires are just food for them!

It can be said to be an existence above vampires.

According to DIO, "Cows eat grass and humans eat cows, and I eat people. The real ruler of all things is eating people!" But now, there are creatures that feed on vampires!

It is the existence that really stands at the apex of living things!

In the last episode, JOJO used his ripples to turn his hair into a steel needle-like thing and formed a shield in front of him to block the bullets, so what will happen in this episode?

What would happen to the creature called the Man in the Pillar?

Compared with the new comics that he has never read, he pays more attention to this, so - he immediately turned JUMC to the page of JOJO!

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