I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 65: Tohsaka Tokiomi and Fate

Powerful creatures, powerful abilities.

Just by hearing other people's words, he can learn a new language in a short period of time, and has a stronger ability to control his body than a vampire. He even let his ribs protrude from his back in an instant to attack.

If it weren't for JOJO's ripples, he would be dead now!

Creatures that can't even cause damage with Ripple Qigong are stronger than vampires, and even more incomprehensible than vampires!

How to deal with such a creature?

This word ends here.

Looking at the familiar [—ToBeContinued] with excitement, his heart was complicated.

"We have to wait until next week, tsk, no one suspends the publication of this issue!" If someone suspends the publication, there will be another episode in the series.

Turn to the next page, that is the new work of Kazuya Kurokawa【Fate/Zero】

"The painting style is completely different from JOJO... Forget it, let's take a look at Mr. Kurokawa's new work." Ishizaki Rito said and saw a few lines of small characters on the side.

[I am Kurokawa Kazuya. When I was painting "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", I actually still had some free time, anyway, I was idle, and I just had a new inspiration in my mind,...]

Here's some more from the interview...

After reading it, he realized that the draft of "Fate/Zero" had already been finished! Even "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" still has a lot of manuscripts, and he even started to prepare new comics.

"The industry Schumacher...should mean that..."

But that's all he said. After all, he didn't know whether drawing manga was tiring or not, and how long it would take.


The other cartoonists who saw this issue of Shonen JUMC don’t think so. They are all past or present cartoonists.

So it's clear how difficult it is to draw manga.

And now - there is such a perverted person, many people are wondering whether this "Kurokawa Kazuya" is a manga artist or the name of a studio.

Especially the huge change in style between JOJO and this Fate.

But—all of this has nothing to do with Ishizaki Rito, all he wants to read is...an interesting story.

The picture is obviously different from the manga of this era, just like this was opened by him—


Tohsaka Tokiomi bought a JUMC...

Hmm... In fact, he has been a little bit interested in "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" from the beginning, and now he has initially entered the pit.

"Huh? This person...couldn't be Kirei."

Looking at a person on the cover, Tohsaka Tokiomi said in surprise, it's okay for someone on the cover to look like him, after all, he has already agreed with Kurokawa and Ya.

The purpose is to win a certain degree of popularity for the Tohsaka family in the watch world. Fame is sometimes a weapon. In this way, even if something happens to her, this reputation and the property she left behind can protect Rin until she grows up.

He had already figured it out, the Matou family did not have a suitable heir.

After a while, I will find a suitable opportunity to see if I can send Sakura there...

Sakura is younger than Rin. If she dies in the Holy Grail War, Rin should still be able to protect herself. After all, after a while, I will also start to teach her magic. In a year, I should be able to teach him something. up.

As for Sakura... she's too young, it's too early to learn magic.

If it is sent to the Matou family, although Matou Zouken is a little disgusting, but facing such a child who may bring prosperity to the Matou family, he will definitely protect it like a treasure.

In this case, the safety of the family will be resolved, and I can put all my thoughts on the preparations for the Holy Grail War.

next moment-

His pupils shrank slightly.

He saw a sentence on the cover of this comic JUMC-[Seven magicians compete for the omnipotent wishing machine, a brutal war is about to begin in the land of Fuyuki! 】

"Impossible—! How could that man know about this?"

"Honey? What's the matter?" Aoi Tohsaka, who was outside the room, heard the voice coming and said.

"No, nothing." Tokiomi Tohsaka took a deep breath, and used magic to hide the manga on the top of the bookshelf beside him.

‘The family motto of the Tohsaka family is to be graceful at all times, and I lost my composure just now...but...I have clearly checked that Kurokawa and Ya do not have the qualifications of magicians. What is the situation now? Where did he get the news about the Holy Grail War? ’ Tohsaka Tokiomi thought, and didn’t read that manga right away. Although he wanted to read it very much, his self-control was pretty good.

First, he went out to appease his wife Tohsaka Aoi.

Only then did he walk into his study with the usual gentlemanly smile.

The moment he entered, his face sank.

He took the book he had just hidden and came to the underground magic workshop, and after activating the nearby barrier to prevent anyone from breaking in, he set his sights on this comic.

"Seven magicians compete for the omnipotent wishing machine, and a cruel war is about to begin in the land of Fuyuki... Fuyuki, the seven magicians, the omnipotent wishing machine, and... the Kotomine on the cover that I care about Kirei's appearance...what the **** is going on? Where did that person get this information from?"

And...Holy Grail War, this manga shouldn't be about the Holy Grail War? And this is obviously something that hasn't started yet.

Moreover, both himself and Kotomine Kirei on the screen can explain that this should be the fourth time, that is, the Holy Grail War that will be held in about two years, no... less than two years already. There is still more than a year!

This is the upcoming Holy Grail War in that period!

This is no longer intelligence that can be collected.

That man... high-level clairvoyance? No... Impossible, that is something that has long since disappeared and cannot appear on the magicians of this era!

So... futuristic?

That person... After leaving here, for some reason, he awakened the future vision?

And it's pretty advanced.

How could such a coincidence happen—


"Fate/Zero...the information is in there, right?"

Take a close look at this comic and see if you can gather useful information.

But...it is estimated that most of it is fabricated by the manga artist himself...fukushi can only see certain things in a limited way, and he probably drew the limited things he saw plus his own thinking This thing, but... there must be something hidden in it!

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