Chapter 1000

Chapter 995 – 991【Reprint Of The Battle Of Guandu】

Chapter 995 991 [Reprint of the Battle of Guandu]

Have you read “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”?

In another time and space, the Qing army in the Battle of Yaksa, someone in the army must have read it.

At that time, the Qing army stormed the bastion as soon as it came, and did not dare to confront it head-on after suffering heavy losses. He also deliberately built siege equipment by the river to lure the Cossacks out of the city. As expected, the Raksha ghost sneaked up in the fog and was ambushed by the Qing army and killed nearly a hundred people.

From then on, neither of the two sides moved, and just confronted each other.

The Qing army found out that the enemy’s wells were outside the city, so they destroyed the wells. The Cossacks had no choice but to go out of the city to fetch water from the river. The Qing army aimed their guns at the city gate. Every time the city wanted to fetch water, they had to rush to the river with the shells. Or, stealthily fetching water at night, sometimes the Qing army couldn’t find it.

Next, the Qing army used the style of the Battle of Guandu to build a high platform and bombard the enemy’s castle.

There is really nothing to do. The high platforms built by the Qing army turned into castles. It’s still nothing to do, let’s continue to build earth walls. The Qing army built three earth walls and directly surrounded Yaksa.

For half a year, soil was built, shelled, soil was built, shelled… the whole process was boring.

But staying idle is the most unsolvable thing. The Qing army fired artillery from time to time, and when they saw that they could not cross the city wall, they bombarded the buildings in the city. Food was cut off and water sources were limited. Not to mention how many indigenous servants died, less than 150 of the more than 800 Cossacks died. Many Cossacks starved to death!

The Qing army was also miserable. The weather was cold and supplies were difficult. More than half of the more than 2,000 soldiers died.

Then the two sides negotiated a peace, because Tsarist Russia and Ottoman fought, and the Manchu and Qing wanted to use troops against Geer. Neither China nor Russia wanted to waste time in Yaksa.

Coincidentally, Li Zheng has also read “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, and he learned Cao Cao and Yuan Shao without any suspense!

After taking down the sub-fort, Li Zheng divided his troops to camp upstream to block possible Cossack reinforcements. The remaining soldiers and civilians built a high platform in the sub-fort. He wanted to fire from the heights and kill the fort of the enemy’s bastion.

“Huh, I’m so exhausted!”

Qiao Guang collapsed on the ground with his whole body, looked up at the sky and said to himself: “This is a war, so why do soldiers eat and sleep well, and we civilian husbands are exhausted to death?”

The second treasurer, Qiao Nian, leaned on the soil slope: “Li Duhu is learning from Cao Yuan, building a high platform, and firing thunderbolts.”

“Quickly stop lying down, those who are taking a break after changing shifts, go and eat!” A cook shouted.

Qiao Guang got up slowly and moved with difficulty.

The blisters on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet burst and reappeared several times, and the soles of the hands and feet were full of calluses. His arms and legs have also become thicker, and he is not as weak as before. He really should pay a fitness fee to the Datong Army.

It was salted fish porridge again, and Qiao Guangyong felt like vomiting.

Along the coast of Heilongjiang, the most indispensable thing is fish. There are several boats of salted fish, and this time they are all pulled out to make military rations.

Qiao Guang complained: “When this battle is over, I would rather eat **** than eat salted fish!”

Qiao Nian said with a smile: “Master, it’s good to have meat to eat in the army. I heard people say that during the Chongzhen Dynasty, many civilians didn’t even have to eat bran, and they worked hungry until they died.” He suddenly lowered his voice, “This place is so dangerous. After the officers and soldiers take it, they must station a large army. We need to open a cargo station here first, and establish a good relationship with the officers in advance. The nearby fur business can be won. Maybe we can get A military supply transfer license, to deliver food for the soldiers here.”

“Indeed.” Qiao Guang nodded solemnly.

Day after day, build earth and earth.

Many buildings in the castle have been removed, and the mounds are getting higher and higher, and the more they are built, the wider they are.

Building up to a height of three feet, Li Zheng finally issued a military order to drag more than 20 artillery pieces along the **** to the high platform.

The artillery surveyors started to move, calculating the distance and height difference between the battery and the target.

The newly-built artillery of the Datong Army in recent years are all rifled guns. Straight rifling, round shells, muzzle loading, purely for increased rate of fire – straight rifling greatly improves muzzle loading efficiency and slightly increases the range of the gun.

As for the spiral rifling, it existed a hundred years ago, but it is really not very useful now.

Although it can improve the range and accuracy, the muzzle reloading speed is extremely slow. You can also change the shape of the cannonball and make it an enlarged version of the miniature bullet, but this thing is useless. In the era when shells cannot explode, conical shells are far less useful than spherical shells, which can bounce and roll in a row!

The rear-pass gun and the rear-pass gun are currently under development, but it will be difficult to use them in actual combat in the short term.

The problem of air tightness was solved by the craftsmen quickly provided by Zhao Han.

But the cartridge is always a hurdle. At this time, there is no smokeless gunpowder, and there is no thunderbolt to make the cap. Regardless of whether it is a rear gun or a rear gun, there is a lot of residue after firing, and it is infinitely more troublesome to clean up than a front-loading firearm.

This has to wait for the progress of chemistry, and the technology tree is still missing a link.

“Boom boom boom!”

More than 20 artillery pieces were fired, all aimed at the two nearest bastions, and the artillery range was only allowed to hit there.

Straight rifling, round shells, the accuracy is still impressive.

Even if the parabola was calculated, only four shells landed on the bastion. Moreover, one of the enemy’s forts missed, but several Cossacks were smashed to death.

“Fight back!”

Bashkov roared.

Facts have proved that the traditional method is still very effective.

Historically, the Qing army built a high platform, condescendingly fired cannons, and beat the Cossacks without temper.

It is the same today. The fort of the Datong Army is ten meters high, and it can easily bombard the enemy’s fort when fired at an elevation angle. The Cossack’s bastion fort was only five meters high, separated by a river of Heilongjiang, and at most it could hit the wall of the sub-fort occupied by the Datong army.

Of course, the Cossack mother castle also designed a defensive fortress, which is fully eleven meters high.

But this fortress was built on the west wall, where there is the only land passage, and it is also the easiest place for the siege side to attack, so it is necessary to focus on deploying firepower. The Datong army shelled in the southeast, but could not hit the enemy’s artillery fortress, and the enemy’s artillery fortress could not touch the high platform of the Datong army.

After firing a few shots, Bashkov had to give up and ordered the soldiers to withdraw into the city.

As for those cannons, let the Datong Army bombard them. Anyway, it is not easy for Iron Pimple to be damaged after being shot. At night, drag the artillery into the city, and pull it up on the city wall during the actual battle. The three fences and trenches outside the fortress are enough to delay the rearrangement of artillery positions.

Bashkov also has a secret weapon, a cannonball that can explode.

There is a fuse on the cannonball. First ignite the fuse of the shell, and then ignite the fuse of the cannon to launch this flowering bomb. It’s not a new gadget, it has been around for decades, but its shortcomings are so obvious that the Datong Army doesn’t even bother to make it.

Seeing that there is no one on the enemy wall, Li Zheng ordered: “Raise the angle and attack the buildings in the city!”

The artillery fires at a 45-degree elevation angle, and the range is the farthest.

One shell after another fell on the buildings in the city, making holes in the roofs from time to time, and occasionally smashing down the walls of the houses.

The enemy troops in the city can only abandon the houses in the middle, and all live near the city wall.

The shelling continued for half a day, and today’s operation came to an end.

The next day, the shelling continued.

However, a few cannons were pushed off the high platform and pulled to the north wall of Zibao to be erected. Coupled with the captured Cossack artillery, they bombarded the wooden fence around the enemy’s fortress – the artillery position of the high platform was too high, and the artillery at this time could not shoot down, so they could not bombard the closer target. Instead, the shorter city wall was more suitable. .

For eight days in a row, the artillery positions on the high platform bombarded the inside of the city, and the artillery positions on the city wall bombarded the outside of the city.

The defenders in the city hid behind the walls and dared not show their faces.

The fortifications outside the city, and the two wooden fences outside the city have been blown down.

Li Zheng has no shortage of ammunition, and a batch of large ships have already returned, and supplies will be shipped in a few days. But it can’t be delayed until winter. When Heilongjiang freezes, the logistics of the Datong Army will be interrupted.

Bashkov stood in the defensive fortification of the west wall of the mother castle, watching through the telescope, watching the Datong Army destroy its outlying fortifications little by little. There was nothing he could do about it. He only had more than 400 Cossacks in his hands, and the rest were all indigenous servants, so it was impossible for him to go out of the city to take the initiative to attack.

And the shelling is not good, so he can only wait for the reinforcements to delay the time, and he will win if he delays it until winter.

“We also build mounds and bombard the enemy!” Bashkov ordered.

But his manpower is too small, so he can only call women and slaves. Go out from the north gate (the west city deliberately does not have a gate), dig the soil and move it into the city to build a pile, and then give up halfway.

Because they not only have few people, but also have insufficient tools, and there are not enough rattan baskets and sacks.

Another half month later, the enemy’s southern fortifications were completely destroyed by the artillery of the Datong Army. As a result, all the artillery moved back to the high platform and bombarded the buildings in the city indiscriminately.

This style of play is a waste of ammunition and cannot cause effective damage.

The only function is to give the enemy psychological pressure. If it was replaced by an army with low morale, and the bombardment continued for a month or two, it is estimated that all the soldiers would run away.

But these Cossacks are really tough, even if they guard the castle and don’t leave, they don’t know what beliefs are supporting them.

There are more and more soldiers under Li Zheng’s command. Every few days, sporadic aborigines join the army. They were all warriors from Sauron’s tribe. They hated the Cossacks. When they heard that the Datong army was besieging the city, many tribal chiefs came from afar with people.

Li Zheng decided to write letters to the Ministry of War and the Governor’s Mansion to recruit some Saurons to join the army in the future. It can not only supply soldiers nearby, but also strengthen the connection with the indigenous tribes.

Seeing that Li Zheng was besieging and not attacking, but just bombarding the buildings, Bashkov knew that he would fight a protracted war.

The soldiers who were killed by shells a few days ago, whether they were Cossacks or servants, were ordered by Bashkov to cut up the corpses, sprinkle them with salt and make them into jerky.

There is not enough food in the castle. Even if Bashkov succeeds in defending, half of them will starve to death in the winter.

The remaining half are still alive because they can eat dead bodies!

The Dutch and Spanish castles in Southeast Asia can be besieged for a year or two because they have sufficient food sources. The Cossacks can’t do it. There is often not enough food here, and sometimes they have to go to the indigenous tribes to grab food.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

The battle started ten miles upstream, and the Cossack reinforcements landed ahead of time, only to be discovered by the Datong Army standing guard in the mountains.

(end of this chapter)

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