Chapter 1001

Chapter 996 – 992【Killing Prisoners】

Chapter 996 992【Killing Prisoners】

By the Heilongjiang River, larch trees towered into the clouds, and a total of thirty scouts were hidden in the canopy of the mountains on both sides.

They wear special iron shoes with a “ㄛ” shape at the front end, which can be used to catch tree trunks and climb up quickly—this kind of iron shoes are usually used to climb trees and beat pine nuts.

After climbing to the top, choose a strong tree branch and fix the pulley device with nails and ropes. In a group of two, watch the whistle in turns, and pulleys can be used for climbing up and down.

Luo Shu tied the noose around his waist and hugged the tree trunk with both arms.

The partner below, Chen Yutai, was putting down the rope bit by bit. With mutual cooperation, he quickly descended to the ground.

Luo Shu untied the noose, and Chen Yutai took it and put it on, and put on the iron shoes at the same time.

Chen Yutai stepped on the tree trunk to climb up, while Luo Shu pulled the pulley on the ground to help his partner climb the tree quickly. When Chen Yutai arrived at the observation position, Luo Shu went to tie the rope, and at the same time hung a bell on the lower end of the rope.

After squatting on the tree for a long time, Luo Shu was so tired that his back hurt and his eyes were sore.

He lay on the paved hay, took out dry food and closed his eyes to fill his stomach.

After eating the dry food, I didn’t even have time to drink water, so I fell asleep in a daze.

“Jingle Bell!”

The bell under the tree suddenly rang, and Luo Shu woke up from his sleep. He was afraid that the mountain wind was blowing the bell, so he didn’t act immediately, only to see the rope vibrating violently, and the bell rang even louder.

Luo Shu picked up his flintlock rifle, ran quickly down the mountain, jumped into the boat and reported the news.

This place is thirty miles away from Nerchinsk!

Holisanf is the chief of the support army, and he is usually stationed in Bargutimu Hetun. The city was built on the shore of Lake Baikal, next to the Balahu tribe of Buryat Mongolia, and the battles have never stopped every year.

The territory of Buryatia Mongolia was occupied by the Cossacks and only one-third remained.

Among them, the Bajihube became more powerful. Because of this Mongolian tribe, the grassland was not damaged, but instead received a large number of refugees who fled south. They don’t lack horses or people, they only lack pasture and food, and they will take the initiative to attack whenever they have the opportunity. It doesn’t matter if you lose troops. Anyway, the population is too large to support, as long as you can kill the Cossacks, you can earn it.

Ust-Borolva city is the most lively place to fight. They dare not send too many soldiers to support, leaving a full 60 Cossacks to guard the castle.

Bargutimu and Tuncheng, the pressure is slightly less, leaving 40 Cossacks to defend.

The cities of Upper Angarask and Bayont, further north, were almost fully mobilized, leaving only ten Cossacks in each castle.

Four castles, three strongholds, gathered 386 Cossacks, and brought more than 800 servants, and rushed to help Nerchinsk after gathering in Chita.

They also encountered an attack from the Buryat Mongols on the way, and won several battles, but one Cossack was killed, five Cossacks were injured, and more than 20 indigenous servants were killed or injured.

“Just go ashore here and go around the mountains.” Hollysanf said.

He has been very cautious and landed more than ten miles ahead of schedule. The Cossacks walked in the front, and the native servants followed behind to carry the grain. These guys also brought some grain and grass to Nerchinsk.

But their every move was seen by the sentinels of the Datong Army along the coast.

Walking among the mountains, Holisanf suddenly muttered, “Why do I feel something is wrong?”

Of course something was wrong. All the birds and beasts along the way were scared away by the Datong Army, and the forest was extremely quiet.

After Chen Yutai asked Luo Shu to report the news, he returned to the ground with the telescope. After the Cossack fleet passed, they went to gather with other scouts on both sides of the strait, followed the enemy far away, and destroyed their ships when the enemy came ashore.

These scouts have different selection criteria in each region.

Take the coast of Heilongjiang as an example, you must be proficient in climbing, you must know how to swim, and you must be good at marksmanship. After being selected as a scout, they have to learn the indigenous language, especially the language of the Daur people. It is convenient to communicate with the indigenous people in the mountains.

They each had a flintlock rifle, and daggers and axes, and all the rest.

Because the boat was taken away by their partners, the scouts cut down small trees, tied them with the ropes before, and made a raft to move forward slowly. After advancing for more than ten miles, people continued to join along the way, and fifteen scouts successfully assembled.

When they arrived at the Cossack’s landing point, the enemy had already gone far away, and the ship was buckled on the shore.

Chen Yutai swung his ax and chopped the bottom of the Cossack’s boat to pieces, then climbed to a nearby tree and squatted to guard.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

Gunshots sounded in the distant mountains and forests.

There is more than one path here, and a perfect ambush cannot be achieved. The Datong army was divided into several groups to set up an ambush, and only 200 people fought first. Before the gunshots sounded, other scouts had already moved, leading the rest of the troops towards the battlefield.

The moment the gun rang, Holisanf fell down suddenly, his heart beating violently.

The Datong Army in charge of the ambush had two scouts, shooting with rifled guns, aiming at Hollisanf and his clerk respectively.

A bullet flew past Hollisanf’s ear.

Another bullet hit the clerk in the chest, and he was still alive after falling down.

“There is an ambush, retreat to the forest to the west.” Hollysanf shouted.

Nearly 400 Cossacks and more than 800 servants received a cold shot, and more than 70 people fell down in an instant. Due to the close distance, the Datong Army’s hit rate was close to 30%.

While the Datong army was loading ammunition, the rest of the enemies fled frantically.

“Use the bayonet to scatter the Rakshasa ghost!”

Counting the two scouts, 202 Datong troops rushed out with bayonets in their hands.

Suddenly encountered an ambush, the Cossacks were in a panic, even if they had guns in their hands, they did not dare to stop and fight back. It is good that they did not completely lose their organization.

Part of the indigenous servants dropped their food and fled indiscriminately, and did not follow Hollisanf’s order to retreat westward. These guys didn’t escape very far before colliding with another Datong army. Most of them surrendered directly, and a few continued to escape.

Holisanf fled to a hillside, leaned behind a big tree and shouted: “Fight back here!”

The Cossacks were very obedient, but the native servants ignored them and continued to run away, wanting to drive a boat by the river.

While these Cossacks were reloading, there was another shot from the **** above the north slope, and several Cossacks were shot and fell to the ground—another Datong army had already arrived.

Faced with enemies, there is no way to escape, and anyone who dares to show their faces will become a target.

These two Datong armies have four scouts.

They put on iron shoes, hid behind a tree and climbed up. Climb to a certain height, step on the trunk with iron shoes, immediately fill the ammunition, and attack the enemy from two directions condescendingly.

Luo Shu was just behind the Cossacks. He led the troops to come, already out of breath from exhaustion.

Climbing up a tree at this moment, I immediately saw the backs of several Rakshasa ghosts.

Holisanfu was targeted by Luo Shu, because this guy dresses best, and the hat is even made of sable fur.

The weapon in Holisanf’s hand is a rare flintlock gun for Cossacks. He squatted quietly behind the big tree, quietly observing the Datong army below, and suddenly he heard shouts from the side, and instantly despaired—surrounded on three sides!


Desperation only lasted for a moment. Hollisanf suffered from back pain and felt that his whole body was losing strength.

Luo Shu grinned and continued to reload the bomb. He is very confident in his marksmanship, he is a sharpshooter selected from tens of thousands of soldiers!

The main general disappeared suddenly, and the Cossacks completely lost their organization.

But they were surrounded by three sides, and they didn’t dare to escape, because they would die faster if they left the cover of the big tree.

Cossacks keep falling, enemies are everywhere, they don’t even know where to hide.

“Surrender, we are willing to surrender!”

Finally, a Cossack officer yelled, and the guy had obviously collapsed.

In a situation where death is inevitable, the Cossacks will also surrender.

Battle of Yaksa, the Cossacks attacked the siege equipment of the Qing army in a foggy sky. After being ambushed, those who could not escape all surrendered. A total of 45 people were escorted to Beijing to join the army. They belonged to the Xianghuang Banner and were compiled as the 17th assistant leader of the fourth Manchurian leader. This leader is also called the “Russian team”.

Zhao Han is very stingy with Khabarov, and he has to make meritorious service in order to be promoted.

Kangxi was much more generous to those 45 Cossacks. As captives with **** hands, they actually enjoyed the treatment of bannermen. Even, the Guandi Temple was converted into an Orthodox church, and the number of people multiplied to about 1,000 in the late Qing Dynasty.

Due to the intermarriage with the Chinese in the past dynasties, the descendants of these Cossacks have almost the same appearance as the Chinese. More than 200 people were killed by the Boxers, and a few people emigrated to the Soviet Union, and the rest have been living in China.

“Put down your weapons and come out with your hands up!” shouted the officer with a little Russian.

One Cossack after another, throwing away their weapons and raising their hands, they carefully left the hiding place.

These guys were **** and taken to Nerchinsk.

Hundreds of indigenous servants fled to the river in a panic, eager to carry the overturned boats into the river.

“There is a hole in the bottom of the boat!” One person shouted fiercely.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

Fifteen scouts crouched in the trees and fired at the crowd of people without even needing to aim. There were people all around the boat.

Because of gunshots from all directions, the indigenous servants thought they were ambushed by the army, and subconsciously jumped into Heilongjiang. While diving, I also took off my clothes. If the clothes are too thick, I can’t swim far.

The scouts came to the ground, reloading and shooting slowly.

It doesn’t matter if you hit or not, you can’t let the enemy go ashore anyway. When the enemy is half dead from exhaustion, even if he swims to the opposite bank to escape, he will probably end up starving to death, because it is too far to walk back to Chita on foot.

As for the captured Cossacks, Emperor Zhao had ordered them all to be killed, leaving no one behind!

Killing also needs to talk about methods, waste utilization.

Li Zheng ordered them to be escorted to the top of Zibao, all **** and fixed, and shot in batches of ten.

Hearing the sudden gunshots, Bashkov picked up the binoculars, and his face turned pale—his reinforcements were killed!

How can we fight when we are trapped in an isolated fortress, cut off reinforcements, and running out of food and grass?

(I have something to do in the past two days, and there is only one update today.)

(end of this chapter)

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