Chapter 1027

Chapter 1022 – 1018 [“Smart” King]

Chapter 1022 1018 [“Smart” King]

Deng Youzhang owns five major rivers, and he occupies 60% of the island’s major rivers.

But why did the aborigines establish a country in the central plateau?

Because the precipitation in the central plateau is more uniform, and the western area occupied by Deng Youzhang, except for farming along the river, the rest is tropical grassland with distinct rain and drought.

Grassland area, only grazing!

Deng Youzhang’s class teacher returned to Wangxiang City, and soon received a message from Li Luosheng from the north. The messenger said: “Governor, Li Zhi County has conquered the Maevatanana tribe. According to the chief there, along the Bezibuka River, you can go directly to the capital of the country of Imerina, a large city with tens of thousands of people. It was built by the river. By the way, Lizhi County thought the name of the river was too awkward, so it will be renamed Beiqi River from now on.”

“Understood,” Deng Youzhang said, “When you go back to return to your command, ask Lizhi County to hold a meeting in Wangxiang City before the rainy season, and say that all the city lords will come.”

In fact, there is another river that can go directly to the capital of the country of Emerina, and it is just over the village where they originally lived.

Deng Youzhang sent people to explore, and a small group of troops was able to pass along the river. But it is troublesome to bring luggage, because there is a section of the river that is very turbulent, and both sides are full of cliffs, and you must use trackers to row upstream. If it is too difficult for people to carry food, it is too difficult to walk across the mountains, and no one is willing to take risks.

In the next two months, the city lords of the seven cities, as well as the second official in the city, returned to Wangxiang City one after another.

Deng Youzhang said: “Brothers, you have all received my letter, which has already stated very clearly. The angel left in September last year, and the court estimates that it will send people next year. What did your majesty and ministers say? We definitely can’t figure it out. Maybe, I, the governor, will be replaced directly.”

“Why should the country send someone to be the governor of the territory we have built so hard?” He Wenpeng sneered, “If the court changes the governor, I will be the first to stand up and oppose it!”

Li Luosheng said: “It is absolutely unacceptable to openly disobey the emperor’s order.”

He Wenpeng asked: “Can you bear it?”

Li Luosheng said with a smile: “All the indigenous tribes have already married us, and the indigenous chiefs can only listen to us. How many people can the imperial court send? If the governor comes, it will be easy to make offerings. What should we do?”

“Yes, yes, that’s how it should be!” Wang Yuan laughed.

These guys are already discussing how to evacuate the governor.

Deng Youzhang said with a smile on his face: “Everyone, don’t think about things so badly. The imperial court may not send a governor. But, even if they don’t send a governor, they may send someone to supervise. After all, we have gold mines here. Before the imperial court sends people , we have to speed up the expansion of the site.”

Li Luosheng asked: “What kind of Emerina country do you want to destroy?”

“Yes, after the rainy season next year, we will send troops to fight from your side,” Deng Youzhang nodded. “I heard from the tribes who migrated here and there, there are countless people in the capital of the country of Emerina. If it can support three Fifty thousand people means that the farming conditions are better than ours, and the capital will be moved directly… no, the Governor’s Mansion will be moved there.”

Relocating the ruling center is a must, otherwise it can only be settled in a corner.

The city of Antananarivo is located in the central plateau of the whole island, where all the rivers originate. Build the Governor’s Mansion there, and as long as you can build strong inland ships, you can send troops along the river in all directions.


The king’s name is very long, and it’s called Andrea Mavagina Valona.

Compared with his subjects, the king’s complexion is pale. Because he is of Arabic descent, there are books in Arabic script in the palace, and they have even learned how to make paper.

There are even black slaves in this country, who were transported by the Arabs to farm the land.

As for when the Arabs came here, some say it was the ninth century AD, while others say it was the thirteenth century.

But it is very interesting. They don’t believe in religion, and they don’t use Arabic in their daily communication. Arabic and Arabic characters, as well as Arabic astrology, are only used during sacrifices, and civilians are not allowed to get involved, and they must be killed if they are found.

The architecture in this country is more interesting. The houses built by the common people have a very obvious Southeast Asian style…

“Your Majesty, the outsiders from the west have occupied the Maevatanana tribe in the north.” The minister brought news of the border.

King…the name is too long, and it is shortened to Andrea. The king said disdainfully: “Outsiders are not scary. Decades ago, the Portuguese also landed in the east and built two fortifications. My grandfather drove them away? Grandpa told my father, I My father told me that the firearms used by outsiders will fail in rainy days. The God of Storms will bless us, as long as the enemy dares to come, we will fight in rainy days!”

The minister hesitated to speak, and finally said: “Your Majesty is wise.”

King Andrea said: “Compared to outsiders, the domestic tribes are worrying. Why didn’t the tributes of all the ministries pay in full this year? I just raised the tribute a little bit.”

The minister said: “The tribute is still a bit too much, but it can be reduced a little.”

“It can’t be lowered anymore, I’m already very merciful.” Andrea said.

The king extorted violently, and in another time and space, directly split the country into four small countries. It was not until more than a hundred years later that his descendants reunited and began to engage in maritime trade with India. Immediately afterwards, the son of the unifier expanded his influence to the whole island and established the Kingdom of Madagascar.

Facing the expansion of the Chinese, the king didn’t take it seriously at all. He felt that he was invincible—his world was the whole island.

In fact, neither King Andrea nor the Chinese expanding to the west knew that there were other outsiders on the island.

The French have already arrived, and they were earlier than the Chinese. They established Fort Dofan in the southeast, and continued to infiltrate and expand relying on the castle. But the number of French people is very small, there are only a dozen permanent residents, and Fort Dofan is more like a supply station.

French merchant ships dock here, waiting for the trade wind and ocean currents, and can go straight to southern India.

In the autumn of this year, a tribe in the south rebelled, and nearby tribes responded.

King Andrea was furious, and gathered 8,000 troops to conquer, and personally led the troops to kill them. His elite troops have iron wares, not only bronze wares as Deng Youzhang thought, and even this guy has a trebuchet troop.

For the native tribes, such a powerful army is simply irresistible.

The tribe that led the uprising, the nobles were slaughtered. Ordinary people and the elderly are all killed, and young men, women and children are used as slaves. Most of the other tribes who responded, the nobles were also killed, and then the food was robbed, and the common people probably starved to death.

It is one of the most important grain-producing areas on the island!

Another year passed, before the officials sent by the imperial court arrived, Deng Youzhang led his army and set off.

They passed through the northwest grasslands and came to Li Luosheng’s Mazhenjia City to meet. There are more than 300 musketeers, 200 cavalry (adopted cavalry), 150 infantry with cold weapons (adopted son corps), and more than 2,000 native auxiliary soldiers.

The northern tribes of the country of Imrina, all looked forward to surrender. They had long been dissatisfied with the tyranny of the king, and some even joined the Chinese army.

King Andrea finally panicked and ordered all tribes to send troops.

Although this guy is brutal, the majesty of the king is still there, and more than 7,000 tribal soldiers have been gathered one after another. He also recruited soldiers in the capital, and with the addition of the army of his direct-administered area, he managed to gather more than 20,000 soldiers.

Andrea said to the ministers and tribal leaders: “Don’t panic, outsiders are afraid of rainy days, we just need to wait for the rain.”

Everyone is speechless, it rains in the dry season!

Here is a tropical plateau climate, with very little rainfall in the dry season, and the temperature generally does not exceed 30 degrees. It is cool and dry, which is very suitable for war.

Under the king’s insistence, the Imelina army did not take the initiative to attack, and never thought of setting up an ambush halfway. They just stayed in the capital and waited stupidly, and asked the priests to pray for rain to give the Chinese army a hard job.

The priest is also a wonderful person. He knows what the king is thinking, so he naturally speaks according to the king’s heart.

The priest used Arabic astrology to observe the sky at night, and used human animals to communicate with the gods, and then said to the king: “The gods came to bring revelation, and the king’s army will definitely win.”

Andrea asked: “Will you win in the capital, or send troops to win on the road?”

The priest was a little confused about what the king wanted to do, so he asked, “Does Your Majesty want to send troops?”

Andrea said: “The chiefs of the various ministries have been arguing for the past few days, which has given me a headache. I want to take the initiative to lead troops to fight north. You can calculate the date and find out which day is the most suitable for the expedition.”

So the priest started divination again, and determined that it would be best to send troops seven days later.

Neither the king nor the priest thought they would lose, because they have never encountered an opponent on the island.

More than 20,000 indigenous soldiers marched towards the north in mighty force.

The more than 7,000 tribal soldiers came with their own dry food. They were heavily taxed by the king, and they were already in short supply of food, and they consumed a lot on the road and in the capital. They started to run out of food within two days of walking.

King Andrea is very interesting. He thinks it is too wasteful to provide military rations to tribal soldiers. But now that there is a war, it has to be given, so the minister who is proficient in mathematics is asked to calculate the rations of each soldier, and then provide food and grass according to the minimum standard.

The minister in charge of distributing food, withholding food and grass behind the king’s back, guessed that he would not starve to death.

Before the war was fought, more than 7,000 tribal soldiers complained, and their morale plummeted after they were hungry and full.

Andrea felt that he was very smart and could save a lot of food, so he ordered the promotion of this method. He recruited many civilians as soldiers inside and outside the city, and the rations of those militiamen were also distributed according to the standards of tribal soldiers.

The two armies met in a river valley, and more than half of the soldiers in the army of Emerina were too hungry to move.

(end of this chapter)

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