Chapter 1028

Chapter 1023 – 1019【Xinguangcheng】

Chapter 1023 1019 [New Guangcheng]

Deng Youzhang held up the binoculars and said to the generals around him: “The enemy’s elite main forces are all gathered in the central army formation. The soldiers’ weapons are spears, and those next to the commander are equipped with swords and shields. These elite formations are neat, and the rest of the troops It’s a mess, standing crooked in place.”

Xie Yuan left behind two binoculars, and He Wenpeng also observed: “It’s still the old way, most of the enemy troops will be defeated in one blow.”

The two armies are about to fight, and Li Luosheng actually has the time to talk about administrative issues: “This country is very similar to our system, only the name is different. If it is defeated, it can quickly take over the rural tribes.”

The system of Imrina is infinitely close to that of South India, which is the one that King Jin encountered.

The land in the whole country is owned by the king and cultivated collectively by the village community. However, it still retains the shadow of tribal society. Many village communities are actually tribes, and the land is nominally owned by the king, but it is mainly the tribal chiefs who have the final say.

More than 7,000 tribal soldiers, or village communal soldiers, were half-starved and half-fed at this time, and were ordered by the king to move forward in batches.

They wear linen busts, which are in the Southeast Asian style, and they are a bit similar to India. The soldiers wore head wraps on their foreheads, and some officers had leather armor, and they advanced in disorder with spears.

There is also a javeliner in the back row, holding a short spear and something like a mace pinned to his waist.

The first batch of tribal soldiers to go to battle, there are about 4,000 people. The remaining 3,000 were moving towards the flanks, and they actually knew how to outflank.

King Andrea rides on a bullock cart, and the white zebu represents nobility. This guy felt that he was going to win, and he didn’t even intend to let the elite join the battle. He sat there looking at the center of the battlefield, and said to his minister: “Our military strength is ten times that of the outsiders, and none of the enemies can escape.”

“Your Majesty, the firearms of outsiders need to be careful.” The minister reminded.

Andrea said with a smile: “Let those tribal warriors consume the enemy’s firearms. I will send troops to supervise the battle, kill the tribal soldiers who have fled back, and let them charge on the battlefield again. The enemy is only a little bit. After the firearms are consumed, It’s easy to beat.”

The king didn’t regard the soldiers of the village tribe as human beings at all. In his eyes, they were all consumables.

He is already very benevolent, but the queen of Madagascar two hundred years later will be truly cruel. The queen likes to keep reptiles, and she sleeps with her pet boa constrictor, and tens of thousands are put to death in the crocodile pond. The Queen has been in power for more than 30 years, and the population of the country has dropped sharply by 2.5 million (accounting for more than 50% of the total population), who died of massacres, wars, famine and plague.

Of course, the queen didn’t kill people randomly.

The targets of her massacre were all political enemies close to Britain and France, as well as people who converted to Christianity. In the villages infiltrated by the British and French forces, almost the whole village was slaughtered, and the British and French troops were defeated many times.

The tribal soldiers continued to advance in disorder, and the Chinese army launched several artillery pieces.

Deng Youzhang owns more than 30 artillery pieces, all of which were brought down from wrecked warships. The large-caliber artillery has basically never been used, and the small-caliber artillery has been used for the first two years. Later, it was stored due to lack of gunpowder, but there are special personnel responsible for daily maintenance.

Before the iron ore was found, the iron shells had been melted down, and all were made into swords and spears. Anyway, cannonballs can be replaced by stones, without careful polishing, they can be stuffed into the barrel and fired.

This time, they also used stone bullets, and they were also gravel shotguns.

When the tribal soldiers approached to a distance of about 100 meters, the Chinese gunner lit the fuse, and with a few loud noises, countless gravel goddesses flew out like flowers.


The enemy yelled and screamed in terror, and many natives threw away their spears and ran away with their heads in their arms.

He was really running with his head in his arms, as if his hands could block the flying gravel.

“Cavalry chasing the enemy!”

Several officers of the Datong Cavalry Division, leading a group of novice adopted cavalry, galloped towards the defeated enemy.

These local teenagers adopted by the Chinese have been practicing riding for more than a year, and now they finally look like cavalrymen. However, the discipline was still not strict, and he ran without looking at his teammates at all, and forgot to use the physical fitness of the horse rationally, and swung the whip to accelerate as soon as he received the order to pursue.

After chasing and chasing, the cavalry unit was in a mess, and no one paid any attention to the officer’s orders.

Such a terrible novice cavalry, to the aborigines, it seems like a divine soldier descended from heaven. Even those who hadn’t been defeated by the artillery, when they saw the cavalry rushing, they threw away their weapons and turned to run away.

The king sent several elite troops to supervise the battle, and the defeated soldiers who escaped first were beheaded by hundreds of elites. But they couldn’t stop the momentum of the rout at all, and the few supervising teams were dispersed instead, and the militia recruited temporarily followed suit.

These soldiers have been deprived of military rations, and their stomachs are not full. They already lack morale. Who still wants to fight now?

“The whole army charges!”

When the cavalry rushed not far away, Deng Youzhang ordered a general attack, and even the native auxiliary soldiers rushed forward.

King Andrea, who had always had a playful attitude, finally couldn’t laugh at this moment. He said to the generals around him: “Quickly go up!”

Indigenous generals lead the elite to march forward. These elites can eat enough every day, and they are invincible all over the island. It is estimated that the long-term victories have created high morale. Facing the situation where the friendly army was fleeing, they were able to form a formation and move forward, as if they didn’t think they had been defeated.

But there were too many defeated troops, and the elite formation advanced more than ten cloths before being forced to stop and stand by. Even so, the formation was disrupted by the rout. Many elite soldiers were affected by the rout and were ready to flee at any time.

Two hundred cavalry followed behind the rout, and a few teenagers rushed the fastest, leaving the friendly army and plunging headlong into the enemy’s formation.

Fortunately, the formation of the enemy army has long been disrupted, not only the command system failed, but also the morale gradually approached zero.

Deng Youzhang’s adopted son, Deng Anshun, is now at the forefront. In his hand was a waist knife, forged by smelting cannonballs.

The elite enemy army standing in front of him had spears in their hands. As long as you lift them all up, you can poke him over with random guns. But when the elite natives saw the cavalry rushing, their first reaction was to run away, because they had never encountered such a “monster”.

The Portuguese fought against the natives decades ago, but there were not many arquebuses, and more than half of the Portuguese soldiers were still using cold weapons. As for the Portuguese cavalry, there were none.

Deng Anshun’s blood was boiling all over. He didn’t need to use any more force. He only needed to hold the knife diagonally downward, and use the charging speed of the horse to drag the knife to cut the enemy to death.

As more than forty cavalry rushed to the formation, the native elite finally collapsed.


King Andrea urged the driver, who immediately pulled the reins and turned the zebu to flee.

How can an ox cart outrun a war horse?

Deng Anshun himself didn’t know how many enemies he hacked to death. He just dragged his knife and rushed forward, leaving many rout soldiers behind. In other words, his front, rear, left, and right sides were all rout soldiers, and many rout soldiers even jumped into the river in fright.

The road was full of corpses, most of them were not beheaded, but fell down during the escape and were trampled to death by the rebel army.

“Quick, faster!”

Andrea kept urging.

The crazy cow actually runs very fast. Under the frantic whipping of the timing, the zebu dragged the car and ran wildly. It’s a pity that the road is rough, the quality of the car is worrying, and one wheel shakes out during the bumps.

The king fell from the car, his head was dizzy, and he struggled to get up, but was knocked down by the rout. Struggling to get up again, he was pushed away by a broken soldier, and was knocked down again while staggering, and then his back and legs were trampled by countless feet, and he didn’t even know when he was trampled to death.

Tens of thousands of enemy troops were captured, another two or three thousand escaped, and the rest died on the battlefield.

The priest hid behind an overturned bullock cart. When the native auxiliary soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, he knew he couldn’t hide, so he jumped out and shouted: “I am an astrologer, don’t kill me, I am willing to surrender!”

The priest was dragged to see Deng Youzhang, who immediately knelt down and said: “God bless the great outsider!”

“Are you an astrologer? Are you the greatest under the king?” Deng Youzhang asked.

The priest replied: “There are also noble ministers.”

This country has a position similar to a prime minister, which is held by several big families in turn. In fact, they are the descendants of the founder of the country.

Deng Youzhang asked carefully and decided to kill all the big families living in the capital. He said to the priest again: “I can spare you from dying, but you must obey.”

The priest quickly said, “I will be obedient.”

Deng Youzhang said: “You must always tell everyone that their ancestors came from China, because they have been forgotten for too long. As long as you learn to speak Chinese, you can find the roots of your ancestors and become Chinese. You are also Chinese!”

“I am Chinese!” The priest nodded hurriedly.

Deng Youzhang led his troops to Antananarivo, and there really were a lot of people here. The size of the city is small, but there are countless dwellings outside the city, and the style of the houses made Deng Youzhang feel like he was in Java Island.

To capture the capital, the first thing is of course to occupy the palace and government offices, and obtain a country’s documents and archives.

Sure enough, there is a national account book here. Although the Arabic alphabet is used, it is different from the Arabic script. It is a brand-new script based on the Arabic alphabet, just like the difference between English and Latin.

All the nobles and men in the city were killed by Deng Youzhang.

He started to relocate the Governor’s Mansion, and decided to set up a school here to adopt more orphans to learn Chinese. These adopted sons are the backbone of the future. They must be relied on to rule various places and assist the Chinese and their children to control the entire island.

However, the local rebellion began before the capital was moved.

The nobles who were killed by him had clansmen who served as officials in other cities. Hearing that his clan had been killed, he started rebelling one after another, and even gathered an army of 60,000, wanting to take back their capital.

Deng Youzhang was not in a hurry to destroy them, and waited for the rebels from all walks of life to converge, so that they could be easily eliminated in one fell swoop.

More than ten miles away from the city of Antananarivo, He Wenpeng brought dozens of old brothers and hundreds of adopted son troops to a beautiful night attack.

Hundreds of elites attacked the enemy camp at night, setting fires everywhere, and tens of thousands of enemy troops trampled on each other—the country’s elites have long since disappeared, and all who came were mobs.

After the situation was completely resolved, the officials sent by the imperial court were finally brought to Antananarivo.

Antananarivo has been renamed Xinguangcheng, because many old brothers’ hometowns are in Guangdong.

(end of this chapter)

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