Chapter 1061

Chapter 1055 – 1051 [Daily, Daily! ]

Chapter 1055 1051【Dawan, Dawan! 】

“Someone claimed to be a survivor of the former dynasty and wanted to ask the governor to offer advice in person. But judging by his high cheekbones and deep eyes, it seems that he is not a Han Chinese, but a Huihui of a foreign race.”

“Bring it in.”

A middle-aged man with unknown bloodlines was brought to Jiang Liang by the guards, bowed his head and said: “Liu Qin, a survivor of the former dynasty, pays homage to the governor.”

“Speaking Chinese is the adherent of the previous dynasty?” Jiang Liang laughed suddenly, “Your Chinese is very fluent, and it sounds like you learned it after growing up in a foreign race.”

Liu Qin stated: “My sixth patriarch was Ji Shan from the residence of King Zhongshun of the Ming Dynasty. He was an upright Juren of Ming Dynasty and was sent to Hamiwei to teach Confucianism. Hamiwei fell, King Zhongshun went into exile, and my sixth patriarch followed him all the time. Later, King Zhongshun died suddenly, and the sixth patriarch was captured by the Great Khan of Chagatai, and was placed in Turpan to remarry and have children.”

Jiang Liang asked, “Who is King Zhongshun of the Ming Dynasty?”

Liu Qin explained: “King Zhongshun of the Ming Dynasty is the Commander of Hamiwei. His ancestors were Mongolian nobles who defected to the Ming Dynasty. The Ming court did not interfere with Hami affairs, but there were always Han officials appointed as Chang Shi and Ji Shan. The sixth ancestor They are really Han people, although they later married women of different races, but the Confucian classics in charge of the royal family Ji Shan, every generation of descendants must learn from childhood.”

Jiang Liang asked again: “I have occupied Kashgar for half a year, why are you here now?”

“It’s a long journey, and I’m coming from Gurban Alimatu (Almaty) after a long journey.” Liu Qin said.

Almaty is the core site of Dayuzzi!

Jiang Liang asked, “What’s the current situation in Dayuzi?”

Liu Qin said: “Yerqiang’s soldiers and horses were beaten by the governor and fled to Dayuzi. They conquered several tribes in late autumn last year. After the beginning of spring, the war broke out again. When I left, the Yeerqiang soldiers and horses were victorious. However, the various tribes of Dayuzi, which were scattered in the sand, were forced to join forces to fight. Moreover, after the grassland area of Dayuzi was conquered, there were still many cities that could be defended. The soldiers and horses of Yarkand seem to be not good at attacking cities.”

“What is the reaction of the Junggar Department?” Jiang Liang continued to ask.

Liu Qin explained: “There is a tribe in Junggar Mongolia who nomads in the Ili grassland. This tribe is also fighting with Yarkand soldiers and horses, but it is said that they have suffered a defeat.”

Although Yao Levas was driven away by the Datong army, when he arrived in Dayuzi and Yili, he was able to beat the forces there.

Historically, if Yao Levas had not been assassinated, it would have been really difficult for the Junggar tribe to annex Yarkand. If this person is given ten years to develop, he is very likely to unify the Yarkand Khanate.

Liu Qin suddenly asked: “Where is the governor going to fight?”

Jiang Liang thought for a while, and decided to answer half-truths: “The south occupied the land of Pamirs, and regained the Congling in the Tang Dynasty. As for the west, they conquered the territory of the Kyrgyz people. Now both places have been captured, and we don’t plan to do so for the time being.” Keep marching.”

Liu Qin knew that his opportunity to make contributions had come, and excitedly said: “Commander, if the Western Regions want to be stabilized, there are two places that must be conquered.”

“Oh, which two places?” Jiang Liang smiled.

Liu Qin said: “One is the Ili Valley, and the other is the Fergana Valley. If these two valleys are captured, the army of the Western Regions will have no shortage of food and grass. Moreover, these two valleys are also good for defense, because they are surrounded by mountains. .”

Ili must be recovered, but Jiang Liang really didn’t want to occupy the Fergana Valley.

Jiang Liang asked: “In the Fergana Valley, I heard that the religion is very radical. I am afraid it will not be easy to rule if it is defeated.”

Liu Qin explained: “No. There are radical sects and docile sects there. It is enough to support the docile ones and attack the radical ones. There are hundreds of races in the entire valley. As long as there is a strong army, they can be easily divided and governed. Moreover, After taking the Fergana Valley, not only can we get enough food and grass, but also the Pamir… Congling no longer needs garrisons.”

“Hundreds of races?” Jiang Liang asked in surprise. Tajik merchants didn’t tell him about these things.

Liu Qin immediately explained in detail: “There are three major races in the Fergana Valley, Uzbeks in the west, Kyrgyz in the north, and Tajiks in the south and east. In addition to these three major races, there are hundreds of minor races. All Races, no matter nobles or commoners, all hated the brutal rule of the Bukhara Khanate.”

The information provided by Liu Qin is not the same as what Jiang Liang learned, nor what Lei Zhiji heard.

However, this information can be aggregated!

Fergana Basin, later known as the “Central Asian powder keg”.

Because the land is rich, the products are rich, and it is sandwiched between various forces, there are more than 100 local ethnic groups. Anyone who comes in to provoke it will easily explode when sparks are ignited. Even after hundreds of years, it belongs to the area with the most enclaves on the earth.

As long as China occupies this place in Datong, it doesn’t matter whether it emigrates or not, it can solve the food and grass problems in Congling and Kashgar.

Because of the rich products in the Fergana Basin, the exploitation of the local area by the Bukhara Khanate is far more than Congling. The local Uzbeks have revolted many times over the years. Historically, they will establish an independent state (the Kokand Khanate) in another 40 years.

Jiang Liang asked: “Do you know how many Bukhara Khanate troops are there in the entire Fergana Valley?”

Liu Qin said: “The garrison is only 10,000 to 20,000, but if there is a war, you can recruit soldiers of all ethnic groups, and easily pull up more than 100,000 people.”

“One hundred thousand enemy troops, it’s not easy to fight. It’s too difficult to transport rations.” Jiang Liang shook his head.

Liu Qin knelt down abruptly, prostrated himself and said, “If the governor is trustworthy, he only needs 3,000 soldiers and horses to conquer the entire valley!”

Jiang Liang was surprised by this, and asked with great interest, “How can you fight with three thousand troops?”

Liu Qin said: “All races in the valley want to rebel, and they have been suppressed many times. I can contact the leaders of the various ministries in advance, claiming that 200,000 celestial troops are coming. Even, they can spread rumors secretly, saying that Bukhara The Great Khan wants to raise taxes. Spreading rumors requires the governor to win over merchants and promise to sell them more cheap goods. Merchants must be willing to cooperate in order to make money.”

“Once the rumor spreads, even if it is false, it will become true. In this way, all the ministries are full of complaints, and I can take the opportunity to contact you.”

”Which tribe is unwilling to rebel together, so spread rumors that if this tribe wants to rebel, it will be suspected by the governor of Bukhara!”

“The one hundred thousand troops of all ethnic groups can be used by me, but the enemy has only ten or twenty thousand troops left.”

Jiang Liang didn’t immediately agree. Although Liu Qin’s strategy is clever, but relying on this method to lay down a territory, future governance will be troublesome.

After thinking about it, Jiang Liang still decided to make a move.

I will talk about the future things later, taking it there is a great military achievement.

According to the old names of the Han and Tang Dynasties, the Pamirs are Congling, and the Fergana Basin is Dawan!

When the time comes, bring a horse to Zhao Han: “Your Majesty, this is a Dawan horse. From now on, all Dawan horses will belong to His Majesty.”

“Go down.”

Jiang Liangping retreated from this person, and said to the guard: “Call Lei Zhiji here.”

The plan has been changed again. Congling is not in a hurry to build a city for the time being. As long as the Fergana Basin is taken down, Congling’s garrison of 1,000 will be safe.

Liang Zhen was the chief general, Lei Zhiji was the deputy general, and Liu Qin was the non-staff staff officer, leading 3,500 men on foot and cavalry.

Of course, before going out, you need to visit the information station.

Jiang Liang immediately ordered the restoration of the Silk Road, and a large number of merchants poured into Kashgar. He took the opportunity to spread false news that the 200,000 troops were going on an expedition.

At the same time, they continue to meet merchants, and first obtain the basic information of merchants. Specially select Uzbek and Tajik businessmen, and promise to issue them special licenses for a period of five years. Holders of this license can purchase goods at low prices in Kashgar first (Chinese merchants who sell their goods can get tax rebates).

After buying merchants, assign tasks to merchants.

In the autumn of that year, all the merchants who returned from Kashgar brought back the false news that “200,000 Datong troops are about to attack Fergana”.

The merchants bought by Jiang Liang spread rumors everywhere that King Bukhara wanted to increase taxes.

Two false news came out together, and the whole basin became jittery.

On the one hand, the governor was nervous and sent people to the various tribes to gather the army.

On the one hand, there are complaints from various ministries. The king has raised taxes several times. If taxes are raised again, it will force everyone to death.

Liu Qin, who has a foreign appearance, has already disguised himself as a merchant and entered Fergana with goods.

He first contacted the nearest Tajik leader to preach the tax reduction policy of the Chinese court. Adding fuel and vinegar, it tells how powerful the Chinese army is and beat the Yarkand Khanate into a mess. Besides, once the 200,000 Chinese army arrives, the governor of Bukhara will definitely not be able to resist it.

If you don’t help China fight the war, you have to help Bukhara fight the war. It is your choice whether you live or die.

The Tajik leader immediately agreed, willing to help China fight. Anyway, I agree first, and depending on the situation, I will help whichever side has the upper hand.

Visited several Tajik tribes in a row, and all the leaders agreed.

It went so smoothly, but it made Liu Qin feel bad, and he immediately changed his plan temporarily.

Liu Qin quietly contacted the bribed merchants and asked them to spread the “truth”. Shake out all the tribes that have promised to help, saying that these tribes want to rebel, and finally simply say that the Tajiks want to rebel.

After the incident became serious, this guy immediately went to the territory of the Kyrgyz people.

After visiting a few more tribes, they spread the “truth” again, saying that all the Kyrgyz people in the north have defected to China. The Kyrgyz people in the Fergana Basin have been bewitched by their kinsmen, and they plan to defect to help the Datong Army.

Finally, Liu Qin was too lazy to go to the west, and directly said that the Uzbeks in the west were going to rebel.

This place was originally a powder keg, and King Blaha’s violent expropriation had already sparked many uprisings.

Rumors are flying all over the sky now. The governor and the leaders of various ministries know that someone is doing something. However, the governor did not dare not believe it, and the leaders of the ministries did not dare to believe that the governor did not believe it.

The Datong army has not arrived yet, and the fight is about to start here.

The governor ordered that before winter, all ministries must lead their troops to assemble, otherwise they will be regarded as malicious.

The governor wanted to frighten the ministries, but the leaders of the ministries were terrified, thinking that the governor was going to act in advance.

The most powerful Kokand tribe directly killed the officials of Kokand city and announced that he was appointed governor by the Chinese emperor. This dude really raised the flag to rebel!

(end of this chapter)

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