Chapter 1062

Chapter 1056 – 1052【Love The Homeland】

Chapter 1056 1052【Caring for the homeland】

The Kokand tribe who pulled the flag to rebel, the real name is the Minge tribe, whose ancestors moved from the Golden Horde, and claimed to be descendants of Shaybani.

Fergana Basin originally belonged to nomadic society.

More than a hundred years ago, the Uzbeks brought farming technology, and now a state of farming and nomadism has formed.

Moreover, Hezhuo often serves as the leader of the tribe.

Being both Hezhuo and the leader of the tribe, it will be a matter of time before the separatist regime is established. With the decline of the Bukhara Khanate, Hezhuo leaders are more inclined to stand on their own, in order to get rid of the king’s exploitation of them.

Mahmur, the leader of the Ming tribe, is a Hezhuo.

This tribe is relatively large, with thousands of members, and is one of the ninety-two Uzbek tribes.

The city of Kokand they conquered was just a small castle. Craftsmen and merchants lived outside the city, while farmers and herdsmen scattered in all directions.

In the city of Kokand.

An Uzbek businessman knelt in front of Makhmur tremblingly.

Mahmur held the handle of the knife and asked: “I have arrested many merchants, and I can finally confirm that you are the one who spread the rumors. Do you still dare to deny it?”

“No…no, I also heard from others.” Shangjia was trembling with fright.

Mehmur suddenly smiled: “Don’t be afraid, I have killed Bukhara officials, and I am willing to help the Chinese army fight. Tell me quickly, how to contact the Chinese army.”

The merchant was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, “Just send someone to Pamir.”

“Very well, I will send someone there, and you will be responsible for leading the way.” Mahmur said.

After dismissing the merchants, Mehmur lost his smile and sat there alone with a cold expression.

What he really wants is tribal independence. He hates both the Bukhara Khanate and China, which came from nowhere. But then again, as long as his interests are protected, it doesn’t matter which country rules.

The rumors of this rebellion were only a catalyst, and the real reason was the king of Bukhara’s excessive expropriation.

He Zhuo, I have long wanted to rebel!

Makhmur sent dozens of people to contact other Uzbek tribes. Those Uzbek and Zhuo all expressed silence. To put it bluntly, they just waited and watched, neither cooperating with the governor to send troops to suppress the rebellion, nor helping Makhmur rebel.

After all, the power of King Bukhara is still there.


This is the birthplace of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Dynasty in India, and the core area of the Fergana Basin.

Governor Mirza has gathered 10,000 elites here, and forced the nearby ministries to send 6,000 troops to kill Haokand City. Whether the Chinese army came or not, Mirza could no longer take care of it. He had to put down the rebellion of Minge’s tribe first.

The army marched to the south of Namangan, and Mahmur received the news.

Mahmur did not dare to resist, and immediately withdrew to the southern mountainous area with his own people, which was the territory of the Tajiks.

The Tajiks were unwilling to fight against the Minger tribe, so they reached an agreement with Mahmur in private. As long as the Minge tribe did not plunder along the way, the Tajiks would allow them to escape, otherwise they would definitely help the governor to destroy them.

As a result, the governor and the rebels began to go around in circles.

Mahmur’s goal is to lead his tribe to escape to Congling, and to fight back with the help of the Chinese army.

Onion Ridge leads to the mountain pass of Fergana.

Liu Qin, dressed as a merchant, joined the 3500 Datong army.

The mission officer Lei Zhiji personally held out a set of clothes: “Mr. Liu, this was ordered by the governor himself.”

Liu Qin cupped his hands and said, “Thank you!”

After getting the clothes, Liu Qin changed clothes in the army. The clothes of Central Asian merchants soon changed into Confucian shirts, and they also wore square flat scarves.

Seeing Liang Zhen and Lei Zhiji again, Liu Qin was a little embarrassed: “I have been far away from my homeland for several generations, and I don’t even know how to wear the Han family’s clothes. I have to ask the army sergeant for help.”

Lei Zhiji handed over a scribe sword: “If you have your homeland in your heart, why bother to stick to your clothes.”

To be honest, Liu Qin looks a bit nondescript in wearing a Confucian shirt. He was tall and thin at nearly 1.8 meters, and he was of Central Asian appearance, but he was very similar to those European officials in Nanjing.

Riding forward on a horse, Liu Qin touched his clothes from time to time.

As Ji Shan of Zhongshun Prince’s Mansion, when his ancestors fled Hami, they brought a large number of classics and history subsets with them. After fleeing Turpan, most of the ancient books of the Han family were lost. When they migrated to Dayuzi, most of them were lost.

By the time Liu Qin was born, there were only half a set of “Four Books”, half a set of “Zizhi Tongjian”, one “Shuowen Jiezi”, and one “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”. There is also the “San Zi Jing”, which was handwritten by his grandfather, and the memory of the first two ancestors was confused, and there is a content error with the real “San Zi Jing”.

His family is doing business in Dayuzi, and the business is not big or small, but Han books are hard to come by. For more than a hundred years, only one copy of “Anthology of Tang Poems” has been obtained.

Liu Qin began to read at the age of five, and at the same time began to learn Chinese, and he learned Nanjing Mandarin. But speaking Chinese with people is a bit like Mandarin with a Xinjiang accent.

The last words of each ancestor are to let the children and grandchildren go back to their hometown in Anhui to worship the ancestors!

“Brother Liu has been here?” Lei Zhiji asked.

Liu Qin replied: “I used to come here when I was a teenager. At that time, there was a war around Yili, and Dayuzi cut off trade with China. My uncle and I went around here from the west, bought Chinese goods in Andijan, and then shipped them back to Dayuzi for sale. Not only hard money, but also hard money, often robbed by tribes along the way.”

Lei Zhiji sighed: “It’s not easy.”

“After taking this place, I want to go back to Huizhou to worship my ancestors and fulfill their last wishes.” Liu Qin said.

Lei Zhiji asked: “If Brother Liu’s ancestors were from the Anhui clan, maybe we can still find the ancestral grave. If not, I’m afraid it will be difficult, after all, it has been more than a hundred years.”

“Let’s try it.” Liu Qin said.

Not far from the mountain pass, I met a Tajik tribe.

Although there are only 3,500 people in the Datong Army, all of them are elite in armor, and they are not easy to mess with at first glance. As for the logistics troops, they were Tajiks from Congling, who recruited more than 5,000 people with real money.

Because of submitting to China, the Tajik tribe in Congling is obliged to send troops to help.

But the Datong Army actually returned the money, which made the Tajik leaders very happy and strengthened their determination to fall to China.

The regular army plus Tajik logistics, a team of nearly 9,000 people, made the Tajik tribes here dare not resist.

Liang Zhen said to the tribal leader: “Surrender, or fight!”

Liu Qin immediately translated: “Either surrender or become an enemy. This is only the vanguard of China, and 200,000 troops will come later.”

How can a small tribe with hundreds of people in the mountainous area on the edge of the basin dare to be an enemy of the Chinese army?

At this point, the leader of the department bite the bullet and assembled an army of nearly a hundred people, bringing their own dry food to follow the Chinese army.

When Liang Zhen led his troops to approach the city of Osh, the size of the army was already twelve thousand.

Except for the 3,500 Datong Army, the others are all miscellaneous troops. Once the battle is lost, the miscellaneous troops will collapse, and maybe someone will fight back.

There are only 1,000 troops left in the garrison of Osh City, and the rest were all taken away by the governor to counter the rebellion.

The generals temporarily recruited people from outside the city to defend the city, gathering thousands of people to defend the city. The civilians outside the city here are mostly Tajik craftsmen and merchants. They have long heard the news spread by the merchants that the taxation of the Chinese emperor is lighter than that of the king of Bukhara.

Both artisans and merchants choose to believe!


Because the Silk Road passes through here, a large number of Chinese goods are shipped in every year. Although the craftsmen and businessmen living in the bazaar outside the city have never seen Chinese people, their ancestors have admired China for a long time.

In their imagination, China is rich and powerful, with honey flowing everywhere. Otherwise, how could so many Chinese goods be shipped in?

Since China is rich, there is no need for the Chinese emperor to impose heavy taxes!

Liang Zhen led the army to the city, and the civilians who had long been dissatisfied with the governor’s rule, how could they still have the thought of working hard to defend the city at this time?

When the hot air balloon rose, a large number of artisans and merchants who were dragged to defend the city shouted the devil and began to escape. The “devil” was just an excuse, they just wanted to run away, and even dispersed the real garrison, and quickly opened the city gate.

Before the hot air balloon even had time to drop the bomb, the gate of the city was opened, and the guard fled with the soldiers in a hurry.

Winning Osh City is of great significance, and Liu Qin’s strategy has begun to take effect.

A large number of Tajik tribal leaders took the initiative to vote with their soldiers. Regardless of whether there are still 200,000 Chinese troops, anyway, the Chinese army has come, and some people have taken the lead in rebellion. This time, the Governor of Bukhara must be driven away no matter what.

The troops under Liang Zhen’s command increased to more than 20,000 in just over half a month.

Liu Qin suggested: “General Liang, don’t fight westward, it is better to fight northward. There are a large number of Jirijisi tribes in the north, and the Jirijisi people west of Kashgar have all surrendered to the Celestial Dynasty, and the tribes here will follow suit. Going west is more difficult, and the further west you go, the more Uzbeks there are, and they are more loyal to the king of Bukhara.”

This is the role of the advanced guide, and it is more effective in fighting battles.

Liang Zhen listened to Liu Qin’s suggestion and led the army to the north. Sure enough, a large number of Jirijisi people came to seek refuge. Among the three major ethnic groups in the entire basin, the Giligis belonged to the bottom of the oppressed group—the most wanted to rebel, but the least daring to rebel, and they desperately hoped for a big brother to take the lead.

Historically, at the beginning of the establishment of the Kokand Khanate, it was the support of the Kyrgyz people that allowed the Kokand Khanate to gain a firm foothold.

Jirijisi people came to vote one after another, and Liang Zhen’s army strength was already close to 50,000.

Governor Mirza received the news, no longer dared to chase the rebels, and hurried back with troops to fight. At the same time, Uzbek soldiers from the west were recruited along the way, and they brought back more than 40,000 people day and night.

When Mirza arrived, Liang Zhen was already besieging Andijan.

Andijan, an important node of the Silk Road, has seen countless wars over the past millennium, and now it has become a place of decisive battle to determine the ownership of the basin.

The main force in Bukhara has a high rate of firearms, and Mirza has a musketeer team of 2,000 people.

In addition, the proportion of cavalry is also high, and there are a large number of heavy cavalry.

Dominating Central Asia is no joke!

It’s just that, how high is the morale of the army in a country that is about to fall apart?

Even many cavalry and musketeers have been owed wages for a long time.

(end of this chapter)

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