Chapter 194

Chapter 194 – 192 [A Group Of Weak Chickens]

Chapter 194 192【A group of weak chickens】

Huguang, Liuyang County.

The name of the magistrate is Feng Zuwang, the son of Feng Menglong, the author of “Three Words”, and the disciple of Xue Fujiao, the eight gentlemen of Donglin.

Because of his father, Feng Zuwang was deeply influenced by Li Zhi’s thoughts. On the one hand, he advocates helping the world and saving the people, on the other hand, he is cynical, and his life is extremely tangled and painful.

Feng Zuwang was a Jinshi in the fourth year of Chongzhen, and his first official position was the county magistrate of Liuyang.

After taking office, Feng Zuwang cared about the sufferings of the people, personally visited the fields, and wrote an article “Eight Difficulties and Seven Suffering Talks”, reflecting the various sufferings suffered by the people of Liuyang. In his writing, the land in Liuyang is very barren. The yield of many paddy fields is only 1 shi per mu, and the yield of the top fields does not exceed 3 shi per mu.

First, the imperial court increased its dispatch in an all-round way, and then Pingxiang County next door was occupied by that sweeping king.

Feng Zuwang, a scholar who doesn’t understand anything, can only try his best to raise food and salaries, and recruit village bravery just in case.

This summer, the Sweeping King really came, and he came here to rob summer food!

“Master Xian, the rebels have been tricked!” A scholar rushed over happily.

Feng Zuwang is a 46-year-old Jinshi, and he is 51 years old this year. When he saw the thieves coming from the foot of the mountain chasing and killing the defeated soldiers, he immediately drew out his scribe sword: “Fathers and elders, follow me to kill the thieves!”

1200 Xiangyong suddenly burst out from the mountains and rushed towards an enemy three times his own.

The Sweeper King did not plunder Liuyang himself, this time he came to “fly to the sky”.

Flying to the sky was also very depressed. He led the crowd to attack Liuyang County twice, but they were defeated and returned home. This time I finally met officers and soldiers in the wild, so I naturally wanted to chase them down. After chasing them, I lost my mind and forgot that there was a dense forest in front of me.


The brave men in Liuyang Township are like a rainbow. They belong to defend their homeland and protect their own fields and food. These rebels who crossed the border from Jiangxi, burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes have already aroused public anger in Liuyang.

More than 3,000 rebels were ambushed by more than 1,000 Xiangyong, and they turned around in a panic and fled.

Fifty-one-year-old Feng Zuwang was out of breath when he ran out of the forest. He was also embarrassed to stop, gritted his teeth and chased after him, and finally caught up with a traitor who fell into the rice field.

Before Feng Zuwang could make a move, two Xiangyongs already stabbed the traitor to death with their bamboo spears.

There was a small river in front of the rebels. In a panic, many rebels jumped into the river to escape for their lives, and many others fled southeast along the river bank.

The thief flew into the sky for the first time, and at this moment he was jumping anxiously. He found that there were not many Xiangyong chasing him, and they had already dispersed. At this time, as long as you bring more than a hundred people, you can turn around and kill those Xiangyong, but there are only a dozen or so old thieves around you who are willing to obey.

But I saw a village officer, holding a hundred-smelting steel knife in his hand, stepping on the ridge of the field with great speed.

Flying to the sky and seeing this person coming alone, he immediately shouted: “Go back and kill that guy!”

However, only six old thieves were obedient, and the rest chose to continue running for their lives.

With one enemy seven, the officers of the village brave army were not afraid, and just charged along the ridge of the field. Six old thieves jumped into the field and flew up to the sky to surround and kill this person. The two sides were about to collide in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the rice is still immature, and the tip of the rice that has just headed has grown to the height of a person’s waist.

The officer of the township brave jumped into one side of the rice field, kept pushing aside the rice stalks, and rushed forward with his bare feet stepping on the muddy water. Bailian steel knife brandished, slashed an old thief to death with one blow, turned around and slashed to death the second traitor.


The rest of the old thieves were shocked when they saw this, dropped the thief leader and flew into the sky, turned around and fled.

Flying to the sky, he was already on the top, ignoring the pursuers in the distance, and even jumped into the rice field, wanting to fight the village officer.


The two sides quickly slashed across the rice.

Unfortunately, it is not so convenient to fly in the paddy field and wear shoes on your feet. The officer of the village brave pushed aside the rice, and soon came to his side, and flew into the sky with great effort to lift his foot, directly tearing off a shoe.

A blade of light flashed, and flew into the sky with a colored left arm.

The Xiangyong officer moved again, and he had already circled behind Fei Shangtian, and made another slash at an extremely fast speed.

Flying to the sky, suffering from pain and falling down, overwhelmed several nests of rice, but did not die immediately. This guy struggled to get up, but before he could stand still, he was slashed to the neck with a knife.

The brave officer of the village stepped over and cut off the head, held his head high and shouted: “Liuyang Wang Hui, behead the thief here!”

Jiangxi rebels entered Huguang. For a few people, it was time to make contributions.

Feng Zuwang led his troops to chase all the way, and was so tired that he stuck out his tongue. When he heard that Wang Hui had captured the leader of the thief, he immediately lay down on the ground and laughed.

However, they said that the defeated rebels were killed and fled back to Pingxiang County, and were ordered to gather in Yuanzhou Fucheng the next day.

They dawdled towards Yuanzhou, and when they heard that they were going to fight Zhao Tianwang on the way, they trembled in fright. That night, most of them fled directly and hid in Wugong Mountain with all their brains.

That was Zhao Tianwang, who defeated the officers and soldiers several times. Two Jiangxi governors were expelled, and a Jiangxi general was arrested.

Such a rebel ancestor, how can he be against him?

King Sweeper is currently guarding the city in Yuanzhou Mansion, hearing the information reported every day, makes his forehead sweat with anxiety.

“Brother, let’s surrender.” Yizhang Bing said with a sad face.

“Damn it!”

King Sweeper roared angrily: “It’s not like you don’t know how much blood is on our hands. If you surrender, you’ll die. Why don’t you fight with your mother!” .I didn’t go to beat him, but he beat me instead!”

Yi Zhangbing said: “There are deserters every day, and they slide down the city wall along the rope. We can guard here but not there.”

“They are all eggless cowards, and they have the guts to rebel!” King Sweeper was very depressed.

He wants to expand his territory, so he has only four options, one is to fight Zhao Han in the east, the other is to attack Chaling County in the southwest, the third is to attack Liuyang County in the northwest, and the fourth is to attack Wanzai County in the north.

To start a war with Zhao Han, the Sweeper King would never dare, so he can only choose the last three.

But Jiangxi has such a big disturbance, Huguang officials have long been alert. Both Chaling County and Liuyang County were guarded by officers and soldiers. Two strong attacks were ineffective, and attempts to defraud the city also failed.

Wanzai County in the north was even more speechless. More than 500 officers and soldiers were stationed at Tieyan Pass.

Being stuck in the land of three counties, if nothing happens, King Sweeper can continue to enjoy it, but who knows that Zhao Tianwang will turn his face when he says to turn his face!

Huang Yao was stationed in Linjiang Mansion, and Fei Ruhe was stationed in Wan’an County. They had to guard against a sudden attack by officers and soldiers.

In this western expedition, Li Zheng led troops to attack Yuanzhou Mansion, and Jiang Dashan led troops to attack Yongxin County.

Yongxin County is the territory of Nine-headed Bird and Zhenshanhu, the head of the bandits. Nine-headed Bird occupies the county seat, and Zhenshanhu occupies Lianhua Township.

Jiang Dashan led the troops to the outside of Yongxin County. Instead of attacking the city immediately, he camped outside the city, preparing to besiege the city and fight for aid.

Waiting left and right, Zhen Shanhu still didn’t come to rescue.

Therefore, Jiang Dashan asked his soldiers to plant more banners, led 800 people to continue to guard the county, and sent all the rest of the troops to attack Lianhua Township.


“There are no thieves in Lianhua Township. According to investigations, Zhenshanhu has escaped into the Huguang territory!”

Jiang Dashan was so angry that his liver hurt, these rebels were too disrespectful. The friendly army was besieged, and it didn’t matter if they didn’t come to rescue, but they fled to Huguang before a battle was fought.

When his large army came back, crossed the river and hid in the mountains, Jiang Dashan ordered: “Send people outside the city to shout, and say that Zhenshanhu defeated Lianhua Township, and only took dozens of old thieves to escape to Huguang.”

More than a dozen loud voices, holding tin horns in their hands, shouted at the tower by boat:

“Zhenshanhu defeated Lianhua Township and fled to Huguang with only dozens of old thieves. You have no reinforcements!”

“Zhenshanhu defeated Lianhua Township and fled to Huguang with only dozens of old thieves. You have no reinforcements!”

The rebels in the city were terrified.

I shouted a few days ago, saying that Yuanzhou’s capital city was besieged, and it was impossible for the sweeping king to come to rescue Yongxin County.

That night, more than thirty thieves, carrying their belongings in large and small boxes, sneaked to a certain section of the city wall in the west, and other rebels along the way were dispatched in advance.

The nine-headed bird stood guard on the city tower, and asked his confidantes to hang the treasures outside the city in baskets and prepare to take them away.

Yongxin County is surrounded by water on three sides and mountains on one side. There is only a small amount of flat ground to attack. Forcibly attacking the city is very fatal.


The basket suddenly fell from mid-air, and the box hit the ground, but it didn’t break open after it was locked.

Nine-headed bird scolded in a low voice: “Be careful!”

The confidant cried bitterly: “Jiu Ye, the silver is too heavy, the brothers didn’t hold it.”

An anti-thief sentry on another section of the city wall heard the movement and came to check, very alert and felt that something was wrong. He didn’t dare to get closer, but turned around and ran away shouting: “Master Jiu is going to run away, Master Jiu is going to run away!”

The rebels in the city boiled quickly and opened the city gates one after another, wanting to take advantage of the chaos and run away first.

Jiang Dashan heard the movement and immediately ordered: “The whole army cross the river and attack the city!”

The soldiers stationed in the northwest mountains also quickly rushed out from the mountains, and the bandits could only flee to the mountains to the west.

Nine-headed bird didn’t care about carrying the goods, but let each of his confidantes take dozens of taels of silver, and then fled to the mountains to the west in horror.


Following the pursuit of Datong soldiers, one after another the bandits knelt down and surrendered.

There are only a few roads into the mountain, and all of them are very narrow. The thieves huddled together, all suspected that the friendly army was blocking their way, and even started to kill each other.

“Get out of my way!”

Nine-headed bird is also killing people. He has more than thirty confidants around him, and each of them has dozens of taels of silver in their arms.

In addition, they were wearing leather armor and had better weapons in their hands. While running for their lives, they slashed at friendly soldiers blocking the way, and there were corpses everywhere they passed.

Finally, a bandit saw the Nine-Headed Bird killing him, and shouted wittily in fright: “Kill the Nine-Headed Bird, go to Zhao Tianwang to ask for credit!”

“Kill the nine-headed bird!”

“Kill the nine-headed bird!”

Up and down the mountain, the rebels roared one after another, and Nine-headed Bird and more than thirty confidantes were blocked in the middle.

Suddenly, a confidant slashed out with a knife, and the nine-headed bird was hacked to death by his own soldiers before he could react.

“Nine-headed bird is dead, I killed it!”

This man cut off the head of the nine-headed bird, and suddenly he was stabbed in the back, and he was also killed in a daze.

The killer snatched the head, brandished the weapon frantically, and quickly climbed to the nearby cliff while the friendly troops retreated. This guy threw away his weapon, hugged the head of the nine-headed bird, and slid down the steep mountain wall.

“Grab your head!”

Inexplicably, many thieves came down the mountain one after another, trying to **** the head of the nine-headed bird.

There were also many thieves who took the opportunity to escape into the mountains and fled across the mountains to Huguang. They dare not stay here, Zhao Tianwang is too scary, even go to Huguang to rebel.

When Jiang Dashan came after him with his troops, a group of rebels were fighting at the foot of the mountain just to **** the head.

(end of this chapter)

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