Chapter 195

Chapter 195 – 193【Yasha Heavenly Soldiers】(For The Lord

Chapter 195 193 [Yasha Heavenly Soldiers] (addition for the lord “Shangxian Qitian”)

After taking Yongxin County, Jiang Dashan immediately divided his troops to block the mountain passages in Huguang and Jiangxi, and asked the General Military Office to send officials and mission groups over.

Another half a month later, a scholar who looked like a beggar fled to Ji’an Fucheng to report: Yongning (Jinggangshan City) bandits escaped and ran across mountains and mountains to Ling County (Yanling County) in Huguang. Please send someone to Yongning as soon as possible. County subfields.

Dividing the land is false, but seeking Zhao Han’s asylum is true.

There is no harm without comparison. The gentry in Luling, Jishui and other counties felt that Zhao Han was like a big devil. The gentry in Yichun, Yongxin and other counties have long been looking forward to Zhao Han’s passing. At least Zhao Han wants Tian to die, and the other rebels want everything!

Regarding this, Zhao Han couldn’t laugh or cry.

Yongning County is not the territory of Sweeping King, and Zhao Han never thought of taking it, because this place is poor and remote, Zhao Han and Sweeping King look down on it.

Now, Zhao Han sent troops to attack Yongxin County, and actually scared away the rebels in Yongning County next door…

It is also possible that the Yongning rebels felt that this place was too poor, and it was not safe to be next to Zhao Han, so they simply ran to Huguang to plunder a more affluent place.

Since Yongning County has become a land without an owner, and the people sincerely belong to it, Zhao Han can only reluctantly accept it. It is really difficult, such a poor place has to spend officials and missionary groups to manage it, and the tax revenue is probably not enough to support the local officials.

Zhao Han thought about it, discussed it with Pang Chunlai and Li Banghua, and decided to set up only three towns in Yongning County, and the farmers could share more fields—there are too many barren mountainous lands there!

The current acres of land are completely sufficient, and the surrounding rebels have ravaged the counties, not only killing most of the landlords and fleeing, but also causing a sharp drop in the civilian population. In Luling, Jishui and other counties, the surplus population can be relocated there, and Zhao Han has more than enough land in an instant.

It means that money and food are stretched, after all, it costs a lot to migrate people.

The business taxes in Linjiang Mansion, Ji’an Mansion, and Zhangshu Town, the iron mines, iron factories, and porcelain kilns in Xinyu County and Fenyi County, as well as the three consecutive years of bumper harvests, have made Zhao Han a lot of money.

However, there has been a lack of money and food, because he does not exploit the people, but also pays officials and soldiers full salaries.

Fei Chun, who was in charge of money and food, was almost out of breath.

Yuanzhou Fucheng.

Li Zheng, like Jiang Dashan, did not choose to attack by force.

Moreover, he was more ruthless than Jiang Dashan, leaving only 500 people guarding the other side of the river. Ships are allowed to come and go every day, and flags are planted all over the barracks, creating the illusion of increasing troops.

The rest of the troops quietly left at night and went straight to Pingxiang County further west.

The Datong navy blocked the river, and the news was completely cut off. The sweeping king didn’t know the situation in Pingxiang, and the rebels in Pingxiang didn’t know what happened to the sweeping king.

King Sweeper sat in Yuanzhou’s capital city, with more than 5,000 soldiers in his hands. He didn’t know that there were only five hundred enemies left outside the city, but he thought that he was surrounded by a large army, and there must be enemies ambushing in the mountains outside the city.

Half a month has passed, and the rebels have continued to escape, and they all slipped out of the city with ropes at night.

In desperation, the Sweeping King could only confiscate the ropes in the whole city, and anyone who hides the ropes will be beheaded!

I feel that it is not a problem to continue to procrastinate. King Sweeper selected hundreds of warriors, and let Yizhangbing also select hundreds of warriors. The two of them took down the gate panels in the city and crossed the river at night to attack the camp on the opposite bank, maybe they could defeat the enemy.

That night.

Yizhang Bing asked the soldiers to bring more food, quietly set off from the east gate, and then ran directly to the mountains to the north.

The subordinates quickly reminded: “Second Master, Zhao Tianwang’s barracks is to the south.”

Yizhang Bing said unhappily: “Zhao Tianwang has learned magic, so he can invite heavenly soldiers and generals. His soldiers are all heavenly soldiers and generals. How can we fight?”

“Then where are we going?” the subordinate asked.

Yizhang Bing said: “I have already inquired about it. There is a small road in the mountains in the north, which can lead directly to Wanzai County. We can’t defeat Zhao Tianwang’s soldiers, and we can’t defeat the officers and soldiers of Wanzai County? From now on, we will go to Wanzai County to enjoy the blessings!”

Hundreds of rebels were very happy that they didn’t have to cross the river to die, so they went into the mountains in the dark and went straight to Wanzai County.

The Sweeping King also didn’t cross the river to attack the camp. This guy didn’t want all the money and goods, and took hundreds of old thieves out of the city from the west gate.

He did not dare to walk on the flat ground, for fear of being discovered by Datong soldiers. So he went to Pingxiang along the valley on the north bank of the Yuan River, planning to regroup in Pingxiang County, and then go to Huguang Liuyang County to be happy. If the magistrate of Liuyang is difficult to deal with, then loot outside the city and move to Pingjiang County further north.

Anyway, he doesn’t want to fight with Zhao Tianwang, Zhao Tianwang is much more difficult to deal with than officers and soldiers!

The rebel who was in charge of opening the door for the two thieves waited in the middle of the night, but there was no sound of fighting from the other side. They immediately realized that there was a problem, and guessed that their boss must have run away, so they opened the city gate and started to flee for their lives.

The commotion became louder and louder, Li Zheng immediately sent troops across the river, leading only 500 people, killed thousands of rebels and fled, and even captured more than 800.

The commander of the army who was sent by Li Zheng to attack Pingxiang was called Wan Sitong.

When Zhao Han confronted Xie Xuelong, Wan Sitong joined the army with more than a dozen gangsters, who claimed to be homeless people from Ji’an Prefecture, and were dispersed into various battalions.

This person has experienced many wars, and was finally promoted to the commander-in-chief of the five hundred troops during the last military expansion. However, he is now leading more than 2,000 people, and has a navy to help transport the luggage along the way. He quickly rushed to the outside of Pingxiang County, spreading the news that the King of Sweeper has been defeated along the way.

Then it was discovered that all the bandits in Pingxiang County had fled. They either hid in Wugong Mountain as bandits, or fled directly across the border to Huguang.

Pingxiang County was won without a single soldier.

Leaving 500 men to guard the city, Wan Sitong led 2,000 soldiers and rushed back to Yuanzhou, intending to cooperate with Li Zheng to continue the siege of King Sweeper.

“Mr. Wanba, a large number of bandits have been found in the valley ahead!”

Wan Si went with the army, not only sent sentry ships to explore the way, but also sent a search team to avoid ambushes.

Most of the mountains along the river from Yuanzhou to Pingxiang extend horizontally, and there are many parallel valleys that can be passed through.

Sweeping King led his troops to run wildly in the middle of the night. After he was safe, he slept from dawn to noon, ate some dry food and continued to march. He had to go to Pingxiang to gather troops and escape.

As a result, in the middle of the afternoon, they were discovered by the search team sent by Wan Sitong.

“Old Tie, you take the lead.” Wan Sitong smiled.

The black buddy Tie Nu, now renamed Tie Hong, is wearing a pair of Datong army’s self-produced cotton armor. He was dispersed and incorporated into the army. Because of his bravery in battle, he can now command a hundred soldiers.

Wan Sitong was not in a hurry to attack, but led his own troops over the small mountain ridge, and went around to block the sweeping king’s back route.

Sweeping King looked at the sky and urged: “Hurry up, it’s getting dark. After leaving the valley, I remember that there is a small town by the river. Go grab some food and goods at night.”

“My lord, there are people ahead!” An old thief exclaimed.

The sky is a bit dark, and it is too far to see clearly.

Sweeping King rubbed his eyes and muttered, “Is it the reinforcements sent from the sky?”

This guy was blocked by the Datong Army. He didn’t know that Feishangtian was defeated in Huguang, so he had no chance to escape back to Pingxiang.

“But the fourth child?” Sweeping King shouted loudly.

The black buddy who changed his name to Tiehong replied: “I am your grandpa!”

The Sweeper King was stunned, and suddenly shouted in horror: “Run!”

Hundreds of old thieves turned around and ran away, and the black buddies carried big iron bars and led the troops to chase them wildly. This guy’s legs were much longer than Huang Yao’s, and he was still walking like flying in the cotton armor, and he left the soldiers by more than ten steps in a blink of an eye.

Wan Sitong led his troops over the hill and came to the valley.


The Sweeping King’s escape route was blocked, and Wan Sitong was waiting for him in full battle.

The sweeping king was so frightened that he turned his head and rushed up the mountain ridge. The mountains to the north were steep, and they subconsciously fled to the ridge near the river in the south, where Wan Sitong had just climbed over the mountain.


There are still a thousand soldiers who stayed on the mountain and did not come down, and they collided head-on with the sweeping king.

Encountered strong enemies three times in a row, hundreds of old thieves collapsed in an instant, and quickly turned downhill again, fleeing to the steep mountains to the north.

The black buddies have rushed over alone, each with a stick, killing hundreds of old thieves.

These old thieves were scared to death at the moment, not to mention maintaining formation, many even threw away their weapons, it seems that after losing weight, they can speed up their escape.

The stick is made of wrought iron at both ends, and the middle is made of mulberry wood.

Brother Hei swung his stick out, directly swept over two old thieves, then knocked down another thief, and went straight to the sweeping king to kill.


“It’s the Yaksha soldiers recruited by Zhao Tianwang!”


The thieves who were close to each other finally saw what the black buddy looked like, and they were frightened, and they all avoided the places they passed along the way.

Seeing the black buddies rushing towards him, King Sweeper was so frightened that he was paralyzed, thinking that King Zhao could really recruit heavenly soldiers and generals.

Otherwise, why is this person covered in black?

Otherwise, why did I sneak in the valley, but was suddenly surrounded by three sides?

“Grandpa Yasha, please spare me!”

The sweeping king had no courage to resist, and knelt down and kowtowed to the black buddies.

The black buddies are a bit murderous, and they didn’t know how to catch them, so they just knocked them down with a stick.


Smashing your head with an iron rod, imagine a smashed watermelon.

Seeing this situation, the nearby rebels were paralyzed with fright, and one after another knelt down and begged for mercy.

There are too many people to kill, and the black buddies only hunt for those who do not surrender. One child with one stick, there is no second move to kill. He doesn’t have any stick skills at all, he just relies on his height and strength, and his shooting speed is very fast.

After the battle, Wan Sitong came over, looked at the Sweeper King whose head was smashed, and couldn’t help complaining: “Old Tie, next time you hit someone with a stick, can you change the place? I haven’t had my **** dinner yet.” Woolen cloth.”

Tie Hong, who was brave and invincible just now, scratched his head and smirked, revealing two rows of white teeth.

He felt that he lived a very happy life. He was caught by the chief when he was a teenager, sold to those red-haired men, and came to the East on a big ship.

The cabin was very crowded, not only lacked water and food, but also lacked oxygen and made it difficult to breathe. More than a dozen black slaves who were with him died of illness.

Because he was tall and strong, the red-haired man deliberately kept him and sent him to Guangzhou for sale, so that the rich merchants of Ming Dynasty could pay a higher price.

He first took care of people’s homes and nursing homes, and worked as a servant for wealthy businessmen of Ming Dynasty. Because he couldn’t understand the language, the rich businessman thought he was too stupid, so he punished him by beating and scolding him.

One day, Fei Yinggong came and took the bandits to rob the rich merchants. He took the opportunity to escape with Fei Yinggong.

Today’s life has become better, he married a widow in Tianhe Town. The widow brought a cheap son, and gave birth to a son last year, and the family business ushered in a new peak.

As for the things in Africa, he has almost forgotten. His future name will be Tie Hong.

At night, the soldiers lighted fires to keep warm and eat.

Tie Hong chewed dry food and asked: “I heard that the emperor is the biggest, when will the general town be the emperor?”

“How do I know?” Wan Sitong also began to look forward to it, “Everyone guesses that Jiangxi will be conquered within three years, Jiangnan will be swept within ten years, and Beijing will be entered within fifteen years!”

“I know Beijing, but where is Jiangnan?” Tie Hong asked curiously.

Wan Sitong said with a smile: “All the prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, the world of flowers, you will know when the time comes.”

Tie Hong said: “I just thought, Zongzhen became the emperor, built a big ship and went back to my hometown. I want to catch the chief and ask him why he sold me to the red-haired man!”

(Thanks to Nuanyang 1314 for the reward from the Baiyin League. Pharaoh can only change three times a day, and his hands are too weak to be more powerful. The Baiyin League, as well as the penguin boss, and the addition of the two double leaders, can only be slowed down every day. slow repayment.)

(end of this chapter)

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