Chapter 197

Chapter 197 – 195【Mutiny】

Chapter 197 195 [Military Mutiny]

In terms of the area within the city, Ganzhou City is only half the size of Nanchang City.

As for the city wall, the foundation stone of Ganzhou City was poured with molten iron to prevent it from being destroyed by flooding of the river. There is a drainage system in the Northern Song Dynasty in the city, and it is not afraid of floods that are rare in a century.

Surrounded by rivers on three sides and a moat on one side.

Most of the cities in Jiangxi are of this kind. Facing the river on both sides and facing the river on three sides, all kinds of structures are all masonry structures, which can be called a nightmare for besiegers.

Zou Weilian sat on the stage of eight mirrors, where Su Dongpo wrote eight poems, but now he has no taste for poetry.

More than 600 fire attack boats have been prepared long ago, just waiting for the enemy’s navy to throw themselves into the trap.

The place where the three rivers meet is Ganzhou City. The river to the north of this place is more than one mile wide. Unless the rebels are stupid and learn from Cao Cao’s iron rope horizontal boat, it will be difficult for more than 600 fire attack boats to be effective.

Only after crossing the confluence of the three rivers, no matter whether you enter Gongshui or Zhangshui, the river channel will be much narrower. At that time, it will be conducive to fire attack.

However, Ancient Sword Mountain will not pass!

Because of the navy of Gujianshan, there are only two missions this time. One is to transport people and food, and the other is to stop any ships from going north. It is enough to cruise in the north. Why take the risk of sailing into Zhangshui or Gongshui?

“Fu Shuai, there are scholars crossing the river from Gongshui.”

“Bring him here.”

Not long after, a scholar was brought to the eight mirror stage, and he couldn’t wait to meet him: “Master, please send troops quickly, if it is too late, it will be too late!”

The place where Zou Weilian stands is the best place to see the scenery. You can look down on the river and even vaguely see the anti-thief camp on the other side. He frowned and asked, “But what happened to the rebel?”

The scholar said: “The rebels are inciting the common people to form peasant associations to force the landlords to reduce rent and interest rates. The peasant associations refuse to accept any loans with an interest rate of more than three percent and force the landlords to hand over the leases. They also have to remove barrel noodles and waste winter animals, it’s simply lawless!”

Barrel noodles, similar to the official fire consumption.

Tenants pay one shi rent to the landlord, and they have to take one dou for the loss of barrel surface, and the actual rent is one stone and one dou. And it still uses a special big bucket to collect rent!

Anyway, the landlord has countless ways to squeeze out the grain in the hands of the tenants, and then force the tenants to borrow usury.

Day after day, year after year, almost every family is in debt, and the tenants are essentially reduced to serfs.

Hearing what the scholar said, Zou Weilian instantly felt finished.

Although he tried his best to restrain his soldiers and refrained from looting surrounding villages and towns, he seemed to have treated the people very well. But compared with the rebels who formed farmers’ associations, reduced rent and interest, removed barrel noodles, and abolished winter animals, Zou Weilian’s good governance is nothing!

What’s more, the Fujian soldiers are already disobedient, and have sneaked out to rob twice this month.

Letting the rebels do this, it is estimated that it will only take a month or two, and the surrounding countryside will be completely occupied by the rebels. He led his troops out of the city as if entering an enemy-occupied area.

Zou Weilian asked: “You just let the rebels form a peasant association?”

The scholar complained: “The rebels have a team of 50 soldiers, escorting those officials (the backbone of the peasant association), and they can confuse the common people with a few words. If the landlord resists, he will be searched for public trial. There was a landlord in the same village of Wansheng. The clansmen and slaves suppressed the peasant association, and were immediately defeated by those bandits, and the house was ransacked that afternoon! And…”

“And what?” Zou Weilian asked.

The scholar said in horror: “Furthermore, after the formation of the peasant association, the rebels trained farmers and soldiers. They used Qi Wuyi’s mandarin duck formation, using bamboo, sickles, kitchen knives, and pot lids as weapons. One day the rebels left , these unruly people can also win against the landlords, only the officers and soldiers can come forward to crusade.”

Zou Weilian was speechless for a moment, completely at a loss as to how to deal with it, and no old example could be found in the history books.

This is sowing the seeds of rebellion. Even if the bandits are beaten back now, as long as the officers and soldiers leave Ganzhou, I am afraid that the local farmers will spontaneously revolt.

Could it be possible to kill all the little people?

Zou Weilian stood on the eight-mirror stage, looking at the rebel camp on the other side, feeling so depressed that he couldn’t tell anyone.

He turned around and looked back at Yugu Terrace on Helan Mountain, and murmured Xin Qiji’s words: “Yu Gu Terrace is under the clear river, and there are many pedestrians crying in the middle…Who are these pedestrians?”

If Zhao Han was present, he would definitely say: “Of course it is the people who are suffering.”

After a few more days, all the officers and men in the city knew what the rebels were doing.

Fujian General Soldier and Military Champion Chen Tingpair came to pay a visit: “Fu Shuai, you are afraid of that Zhao thief, but I am not. Let me cross the river and kill those rebels!”

“Don’t be arrogant,” Zou Weilian comforted, “Master Zhu has long been admonished not to send troops without authorization before receiving his military order. The most important thing now is to defend Ganzhou City to the death and consume the food and grass of the rebels. Wait for Jiangxi, Huguang officers and soldiers Sufficient preparations, the north, south, west and third armies are coming together, it will definitely make it difficult for the Zhao thief!”

“Tens of thousands of officers and soldiers are just watching in the city?” Chen Ting asked depressedly.

Zou Weilian said: “Be safe and don’t be impatient.”

“How can you not be bored?” Chen Ting became more and more angry, and roared, “I came all the way from Fujian, and I worked hard to suppress bandits in western Fujian and southern Jiangxi. If you say that you restrain the soldiers, you restrain the soldiers. After moving to Ganzhou, it will be almost a year here.” It has been years, and he has been reluctant to go north to suppress the thieves. These Fujian soldiers also have wives, children and parents. It has been two years since they dispatched troops from Fujian. Are they leaving their hometowns to get promoted and get rich for you, Fushuai Zou? You want to get promoted and get rich, you Zou Fu Shuai eats meat, we warriors should at least drink soup!”

Zou Weilian didn’t have a sword, so he had nothing to do with these generals, so he could only bite the bullet and say: “Within this year, we must go north to suppress the thieves.”

“The thief is on the other side, there is no need to go north, just cross the river!” Chen Ting said, pointing to the river.

Chen Ting is the champion of martial arts, the champion of martial arts hand-picked by the emperor.

He was born in a rich family in Fujian, and his ancestors were hereditary generals. After being admitted as the champion of martial arts, he was directly awarded the deputy commander-in-chief of Guangdong, and was quickly promoted to the commander-in-chief of Fujian. When suppressing the peasant army in southern Fujian, they were invincible. Killing rebel peasants was like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

Luling thief Zhao is nothing!

Chen Tingsui also sent spies across the river, and he was very keenly aware that there were not many rebels on the other side of the river, and if they survived, there could be five or six thousand.

Back in the army, Chen Ting summoned his generals and said: “Zou Weilian, all his clansmen were captured by Zhao’s bandits. I’m afraid he really joined the bandits in secret long ago. Otherwise, why didn’t he go north to use troops? Some bandits, On the other side, he also guards the city to get out.”

“I have long disliked him. He has been away from Fujian for two years, and he is restrained and hindered everywhere.”

“That is, we wiped out many bandits in western Fujian. He said he wanted to repay the merits to the imperial court, but what kind of merits did he repay? He didn’t even see the reward!”

“Most of the reward money has been embezzled by this fellow!”

“Last year, my nephew was beheaded by this bird officer just by leading troops to rob a village. I couldn’t bear it anymore.”

“It’s better to kill this dog!”

“He is a civil servant and cannot be killed.”

“Then tie them up and report to the court that the governor has been a thief.”


The powder keg that has been buried since last year is finally about to explode in the face of the rebels.

Chen Tingyue had given gifts to Wen Tiren’s party members, and he also knew that Zou Weilian and Wen Tiren were at odds. If it were any other civil servant, he really wouldn’t dare to do it, but Zou Weilian is really not afraid of house arrest.

He put Zou Weilian under house arrest. As long as Shangshu impeaches his henchmen, Wen Tiren’s party members will surely fall into trouble.

That night, a group of Fujian soldiers led troops into Zou Weilian’s temporary residence.

As the governor of Fujian, Zou Weilian has 2,000 personally trained governors.

At this moment, there are only more than a hundred pacesetters guarding the mansion, and the rest are sent out to guard the city in rotation.

These soldiers rushed too fast, and they took advantage of the night to make a surprise attack. Hundreds of the governor’s pacesetters didn’t react at all, and Zou Weilian was already caught.

“Are you planning to rebel?” Zou Weilian scolded angrily.

Chen Ting sneered at him: “You are the one who has been a thief for a long time. All kinds of military orders are considered for rebels. You are a civil servant. I will not kill you. The court will deal with it!”

Actually, everything is an excuse.

The real core contradiction is that Zou Weilian, as a native of Jiangxi, does not allow Fujianese soldiers to plunder in Jiangxi.

They set out from Fujian, fought in the west of Fujian first, and then fought at the junction of Guangdong and Jiangxi, defeating a large number of peasant troops there. But after making military exploits, the imperial court did not raise rewards on a large scale, which made these soldiers resentful and desperate to get them back in Jiangxi, but Zou Weilian did not allow them to plunder in Jiangxi.

Having been away from home for more than two years, Fujian soldiers can’t get any benefits, so what are they fighting for? I want to go home a long time ago!

Zou Weilian thought that by paying the salary himself, he could reap the morale of the soldiers at the bottom.

But with the little salary he pays, how can there be more robberies?

After Zou Weilian was placed under house arrest, Chen Tingdui announced that the governor had been a thief, and he arrested him and handed it over to the court for handling, and promised to bring all the soldiers to make a fortune. Those pacesetters personally trained by Zou Weilian, except for a few who were dissatisfied, all turned to Chen Tingdui!

In just two days, Chen Tingdui took control of Ganzhou City.

After all, he had read the book and knew that there were bandit soldiers outside, so he couldn’t mess around in the city at this time, so he aimed at the other side of the river.

There is always a chance to attack on the river bank that is more than ten miles long.

Moreover, the anti-thief navy did not dare to sail across the confluence of the three rivers, and the upper reaches of the river were all the territory of the officers and soldiers.

Chen Tingdui set up an ambush upstream, as long as the anti-thief navy of Gujianshan dared to come to the Gongshui River to cruise, hundreds of fireboats would be dispatched immediately. And the sailors of the officers and soldiers can also block the back of the rebels from Zhangshui, so that the rebel sailors can’t escape even if they want to!

Only 3,000 people were left to defend the city. Chen Tingdui went upstream to smuggle 5,000 people first, and the rest of the troops swaggered across the river from the front.

He just wants to lure the rebels, no matter the navy or the army, they all have to fall into his trap.

At night, 5,000 smuggled people crossed the river one after another. Due to the large battle, they were discovered halfway through the crossing, because there were sentinels sent by the peasant association along the river.

It doesn’t matter to the officers and soldiers. The place of smuggling is far away from the rebel camp, and the main rebels can’t stop them for a while.

As for the anti-thief navy, if you dare to make trouble, don’t even think about going back, there are more than 600 fire attack ships waiting.

The peasant association here began to remind the people to move by beating gongs and drums.

It’s a pity that the peasant association has just been established, and its appeal is insufficient. Many farmers are disobedient, hiding at home and refusing to come out.

After the five thousand officers and soldiers successfully crossed the river, they immediately plundered villages and towns with torches. They looked down on the poor and poor people, just killed a few when they passed by, and then went straight to the mansions of those big families.

Guest soldiers from other provinces are more ruthless than rebels!

How ruthless they are, you can refer to Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang. Not to mention stealing money, but also engaged in massacres, the killings were too extreme, and even foreigners couldn’t stand it.

If Chen Tingdui wants to gain a firm foothold in Jiangxi, he must let every Fujian soldier under his command be able to earn money to be a landlord at home!

(end of this chapter)

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