Chapter 198

Chapter 198 – 196 [Ganzhou Water Battle] (Temporarily Vacant For The Leader

Chapter 198 196 [Ganzhou Water Battle] (addition for the “temporary vacancy” of the leader)

The commander-in-chief of the Southern Expedition was Fei Ruhe, and he did not respond to the officers and soldiers crossing the river.

Huang Yao, Li Zheng, Jiang Dashan and others lead troops, they will definitely act immediately, recruit local farmers as auxiliary soldiers, and then fight a big battle with the officers and soldiers to prevent more people from being slaughtered by the officers and soldiers.

Who is Ke Fei Ruhe?

The eldest son of the Fei family of Ehu, the young master of the Fei family!

To this day, although Fei Ruhe recognizes the Datong theory, he feels that doing so can win the world. But deep in his heart, he is still the son of that family, no matter how many people die, it doesn’t matter to him.

What’s more, Fujian soldiers ran to the countryside to plunder, and the real victims were those landlords, and the small people were just killed incidentally.

Gu Jianshan, Li Hui, Fan Chao, Wan Bangyan and other naval generals were called by Fei Ruhe to a meeting.

Fei Ruhe pointed to the map and said: “Officers and soldiers sneaked across the upper reaches of the Gongshui River, and their main force crossed the river swaggeringly, and sent troops to plunder the countryside. If we don’t take us seriously, the enemy’s generals are either fools or Deliberately luring me over. I am not worried, Master Lu, how should your navy fight?”

Wan Bangyan is the son of a concubine from a wealthy family in Linjiang Prefecture. His family volunteered to donate two boats to convert them into warships, and he became an officer of the navy because of this.

Although this man was not a scholar, he was still a boy, and he immediately analyzed: “If the officers and soldiers only want to rob property, they can cross Zhangshui and go to the west to rob. There is no army in the west, and there is no peasant association we formed. Since the officers and soldiers crossed the Gongshui River and came to the east, they robbed incidentally, and their real intention was to lure us to send troops.”

Li Hui was born as a fisherman in Yongyang Town. He scratched his head and said, “The terrain of the river here is exactly the same as that of Linjiang Mansion. Will the officers and soldiers learn from what we did last time?”

“It must be,” Gu Jianshan said with a smile, “prepare to attack the ship on one river, and ambush the sailors on the other river, just wait for the enemy to come, and immediately attack from both sides. I was fully prepared on the Gan River and Yuan River, Wang Siren’s officers, soldiers and sailors were not fooled, and in the end they had to take advantage of the swollen water to force a fire attack. The Ganjiang River here is wider, so a forced fire attack will not work, and our navy must be lured there.”

Wan Bangyan pointed to the map and said: “Fujian soldiers are good at naval warfare, but their sea ships cannot be transported to Jiangxi. The ships recruited in Fujian cannot reach Jiangxi. Therefore, the number of warships of the officers and soldiers is very small. At least, they were all compiled and practiced in Jiangxi. The officers and soldiers swaggering across the river are nothing more than luring our sailors into the Gongshui. , We were rammed by fireboats in front of us, and blocked by officers, soldiers and sailors in the rear, and we couldn’t escape even if we wanted to.”

“So,” Fei Ruhe understood, “there must be a large number of fire attack ships in ambush in Gongshui, and the main force of officers, soldiers and naval forces in Zhangshui.”

“It’s obvious,” Fan Chao sneered, “We Poyang water bandits have used this kind of little trick a lot, and how can we still be fooled and run to our death? The commander of the officers and soldiers treats us as fools.”

Li Hui said: “Then let’s do the opposite, regardless of the officers and soldiers in the direction of Gongshui, only go to Zhangshui to destroy the main force of the officers, soldiers and navy!”

Wan Bangyan shook his head and said: “You can’t go directly to Zhangshui, otherwise the officers, soldiers and sailors will definitely flee, and all the hard work will be in vain.”

“Then bring out the officers, soldiers and sailors!” Gu Jianshan said.

“How to quote?” Wan Bangyan asked.

Gu Jianshan said: “Send thirty or forty grain transport ships, disguised as warships, and sail into Gongshui. Wait for the fire attack ships of the officers and soldiers to be released, and wait for the officers, soldiers and sailors to attack from behind, and our navy will kill them again! Let’s go back, and let’s copy the officers and soldiers’ back!”

This is equivalent to sending thirty or forty grain transport ships to let the officers and soldiers burn slowly, and those boatmen don’t know how many they can survive.

Fei Ruhe immediately made a decision: “Call the boatmen, I want to recruit dead soldiers. Those who are willing to lure the enemy by boat, whether they die in battle or flee back, will be rewarded with thirty taels of silver. Military achievements will be counted separately, and pensions will be counted separately!”

Wan Bangyan said: “Just sailing into the Gongshui, nine boatmen are enough for a boat.”

That would cost two or three hundred dead soldiers.

Gu Jianshan, Wan Bangyan and others went to convey the military order immediately.

There are really many boatmen who came to sign up, because it is not a deadly task. When the opponent’s fire attack ship is sent out, they can jump out of the ship and escape for their lives after a long distance. Although it is the high water season, there is no flood, and the speed of the water flow is not difficult for the boatman.

Of course, swimming back to the shore quickly is not enough. It is easy to swim and be attacked by officers, soldiers and sailors from behind.

It can only be said that these death squad boatmen have at least a 50% chance of surviving.

And in their own opinion, the hope of living is more than 90%, because they all rely on their superb water skills.

In early July, the fourth day of the Fujian Bingdu River raid.

Thirty-six grain transport ships disguised as battleships suddenly rushed from the Gan River to the Gongshui Basin.

Acting in a full set, Fei Ruhe cooperated with the dispatch of troops, and the main force of the army set off ahead of time along the river bank, making the illusion that land and water were advancing side by side.

The eight-mirror platform in Ganzhou City had a clear view of the surrounding situation, and immediately ignited the beacon fire to warn.

“The rebels have been tricked!”

Upstream of Gongshui, Chen Ting smiled all over his face and ordered: “Wait for the rebel navy to get closer, and give enough time to the navy on the Zhangshui side.”

At the same time, Chen Tingdui commanded land officers and soldiers, planning to fight a decisive battle with the main force of the rebels by the river.

He has more than 10,000 people, and only a few thousand rebels.

Moreover, he also has a thousand firearms troops, which he brought over from Fujian sea ships.

Chen Tingdui also sent spies to Ji’an Mansion. Since the rebellion, only a few archers have never used firearms. Keeping two rounds of guns fired, these Jiangxi rebels were scared to shit!


Fei Ruhe turned his head to look at the beacon fire in Ganzhou City. Since the strategy was successful, why did he still send troops?

After waiting for a while, Fei Ruhe’s entire army turned around and returned to the camp at the foot of Egong Mountain.

The officers and soldiers in Ganzhou City hurriedly waved signal flags upon seeing this.

Such a long distance, it is impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

But Chen Tingdui saw it clearly immediately, because he had a telescope, which he bought from Western Red Maoyi at a great cost.

This is where Chen Ting’s confidence lies. He not only has superior military strength, but also crushes equipment.

He has binoculars, he has firearms troops, but Fei Ruhe doesn’t have these.

Zhao Han’s blunderbuss soldiers have increased to more than a hundred, all led by Li Zheng. They are now hiding in Linjiang Fucheng, in case Zhu Xieyuan suddenly sends troops from Nanchang.

In Fei Ruhe’s hands, there is really no firearms troops, only a thousand newly trained archers.

“Have the rebels withdrew their troops?”

Chen Tingdang put down the binoculars, his mind was a little confused, and he didn’t know what the rebels were doing.

A young man beside him suddenly shouted: “Master Taishan, quickly send an order for the navy to retreat!”

The person who spoke was Chen Tingdui’s son-in-law Huang Hanliang, who was also considered an anti-Qing warrior in history. And it is said that Nengwen was a well-known child prodigy at the age of nine. He recruited thousands of soldiers to fight against the Tartars, and was finally shot in the eye by the Qing army and died.

Chen Ting responded immediately, and hastily ordered: “The navy retreats, the navy retreats!”

The herald immediately rushed to the river, frantically calling out the flag.

There are also binoculars at the eight mirrors in the city, and even the officers, soldiers and navy have binoculars to observe the situation. Its information transmission speed is countless times that of Fei Ruhe’s.

However, it was too late.

Fei Ruhe estimated the time to withdraw his troops, enough officers, soldiers and sailors to fight out from Zhangshui. Because if you don’t fight out, you can’t form a siege, and those officers, soldiers and sailors are not mentally retarded.

Even, more than 600 fire attack boats have been ignited, rushing quickly along the tribute water.

Thirty-six grain ships, each with nine boatmen, one at the helm, and eight at the wheel.

Seeing this, the helmsman immediately shouted for warning, and three hundred and twenty-four dead boatmen ran out of the cabin and jumped into the river to escape for their lives.

More than 600 fire attack ships collided with 36 grain transport ships quickly, and officers, soldiers and sailors also rushed into Gongshui from Zhangshui, blocking the retreat of the 36 grain transport ships.

In order to make the performance realistic, the bilges of these grain transport ships were even filled with a lot of stones and soil, so that the officers and soldiers would not see the flaws if the draft was too shallow.

Praying mantis catching cicadas, with oriole behind, Gu Jianshan led the navy, with only small and medium-sized fast boats, and rushed from the Ganjiang River to the officers and soldiers navy.

“Turn, retreat quickly!”

Before the ancient sword mountain reached the confluence of the three rivers, the officers, soldiers and sailors realized that something was wrong, and they panicked and wanted to turn to escape.

The two sides collided at the wide mouth of the river!

The formation of the officers, soldiers and navy was in chaos. Hundreds of fire attack ships and thirty-six burning grain ships were drifting over from the south. And to the north is the real anti-thief navy.

Fortunately, they had already sailed out of the Gongshui River, and turned to Chaozhangshui to escape.

During the panic, there was even a ship collision accident, and several ships blocked each other.


The naval divisions of the two armies finally joined the ship. The shipboard equipment of the officers and soldiers was backward. After all, they were all warships temporarily refitted in Jiangxi.

Gu Jianshan, Fan Chao, Li Hui and other sailor generals all led their troops to charge and kill.

Wan Bangyan is a nobleman after all, so he will not go all out. He just commanded the warships under his command and circled to the southwest at full speed to prevent any enemy ships from escaping into Zhangshui.

Chen Tingdui, the general soldier of Fujian Province, looked at the battle situation with binoculars at this moment, and he was already stupid.

Once the navy was destroyed, he would cross the river himself as a bait, and the tens of thousands of Fujian soldiers he brought over would not be able to cross the river and return to Ganzhou City. Although he still had more than a dozen troop carriers left, he didn’t dare to go by boat at all. He would definitely be attacked by the rebel navy on the way.

More than 10,000 Fujian soldiers will not be able to return to Ganzhou City…

Of course, before the water battle is over, if you start immediately, you can still pass thousands of people.

But who will pass and who will stay?

The remaining soldiers may mutiny on the spot.

Son-in-law Huang Hanliang quickly said: “Master Taishan, you must make a decision as soon as possible. First, abandon the 3,000 defenders in Ganzhou City, and immediately retreat to Xingguo County or Yudu County; second, quickly send troops to attack the main camp of the rebels!” The entire navy of our army has been wiped out, and we can no longer withdraw to Ganzhou City, and there is no third option at all, and if we drag it on, our morale will collapse sooner or later.”


Chen Ting’s eyes are red, he has more soldiers, and he still has a thousand gun troops.

(Thanks to Hengfeng for the reward, and thanks to all book friends for the reward and subscription.)

(end of this chapter)

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