Chapter 34

Chapter 34 – 034 [How About I Teach You To Rebel? 】

Chapter 34 034【How about I teach you to rebel? 】

By the Qianshan River.

Pang Chunlai leaned on crutches, looked at Hanzhu Mountain several miles away, and sighed deeply: “Oh, I didn’t expect Fei’s family style to be so ruined.”

With the support of Zhao Han, Pang Chunlai first went to Fei’s ancestral hall to worship the ancestors of the Fei family there. Then he went to Fei’s ancestral house, took out the soaked “Four Books Annotations”, and asked to meet the head of the Fei family immediately as a teacher of Hanzhu Academy.

This is a due procedure, not to mention a hundred years ago, even fifty years ago, the chief of the Fei clan would have personally intervened.

However, Pang Chun didn’t even see the butler during his trip.

Only invited in by the servant who greeted the guests, sat in the small hall drinking tea, asked about the cause of the incident, and said that he was helping to report to the superior.

Children in the clan destroy sage books, bully classmates to the point of insanity, and parents dare to make a scene in Hanzhu Academy—in the past, they could call clan elders for a meeting!

But now?

Pang Chun came to drink a cup of tea and was sent out with a gift, and the Fei family didn’t even bother to pay attention.

Pang Chunlai turned his head to look at the place where the two rivers meet, and there is a single archway standing at the mouth of the river. It’s called “Three People’s Pavilion”. It was established when Fei Hong was the chief assistant. Mrs. Pang sneered, “It’s no coincidence that Fei’s family in Qianshan Mountain has a weak culture and a bleak official career.”

Zhao Han stood with Pang Chunlai for a long time, and finally couldn’t help asking: “Have you made up your mind, sir?”

“How do you know?” Pang Chunlai asked back.

Zhao Han analyzed: “If Mr. has no plan, he would have returned to Hanzhu Mountain in a hurry. How could he be so leisurely and sighing by the river? Moreover, he deliberately took the students to stay, maybe this plan needs to be implemented by the students.”

“You are really smart,” Pang Chunlai couldn’t help admiring, and then said, “I’m just hesitating whether to do that.”

“It seems like a bad idea.” Zhao Han said.

“The best strategy is to persuade the elders of the Fei clan to enforce the Fei clan’s rules,” Pang Chunlai sighed and shook his head, “It’s easy to pretend to enforce the family rules. Who would have thought that the Fei clan didn’t even do superficial work! “

Zhao Han guessed: “There are too many clans, each with their own property, so it is difficult to get people together. The patriarch’s words don’t work, and after a long time, he doesn’t bother to care about them.”

Pang Chunlai sat down cross-legged, with his cane across his knees, and asked, “Zhao Han, do you know where the teacher is from?”

Zhao Han replied: “From the accent, it seems to be from Shandong?”

”Liaodong.” Pang Chunlai looked at the quietly flowing Qianshan River.

Zhao Han was quite surprised by this: “Mr.’s hometown…”

“It was taken over by the Jiannu, and the family is gone,” Pang Chunlai seemed to be lost in memory. “There are many generals in Liaodong. As teachers, they can be regarded as the children of generals. The family is ruined, the wife and children are separated, and a scholar is reduced to a refugee. .In the first year of Tianqi, Lord Yuyun was ordered to take charge of the three ministries of households, workers, and soldiers…”

“Who is Mr. Yunyun?” Zhao Han couldn’t help interrupting.

Pang Chun said: “My lord, the taboo is in Jin.”

Zhao Han asked again: “Administration of the three ministries, does it mean that these three ministries are under his control?”

Pang Chunlai nodded: “I am also the left servant of the three departments.”

Zhao Han was secretly stunned, and there were only two words left in his thoughts: awesome!

Zhao Han had heard of the name Wang Zaijin, but he really didn’t know that this person was actually in charge of the three ministries.

During the hundreds of years of the Ming Dynasty, there were those who held power and held two ministries at the same time. In the Jiajing Dynasty, Wang Hung served as Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of War at the same time.

But those are two ministers, and Wang Zaijin is the left servant of three!

how to say?

You can understand that the specific affairs of the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of War are all handed over to Wang Zaijin. An old scalper, if he does well, the credit goes to the minister, and if he does not do well, it is his own responsibility.

At that time, the Donglin Party and the Qichuzhe Party were engaged in a very fierce party struggle, and every position of Zuo Shilang was very precious.

The two sides actually reached a temporary compromise, let Wang Zaijin be the left servant of the third department, which shows how strong his ability to handle affairs is!

It was nothing more than the urgent situation of the Liaodong Army, and the others couldn’t handle it, and they didn’t want to take on that responsibility, so they put all the burden on Wang Zaijin’s shoulders.

Pang Chunlai continued: “Duke Yuyun is a talented person who knows the world. Guangning was defeated, and Duke Yunyun was ordered to conquer Liaodong. That’s when I joined Duke Yunyun. I’m a sour scholar with little talent. Just because I am familiar with the geography of Eastern Liaodong, I was lucky enough to be the servant of Lord Yu Yun. It’s a pity, a pity, those who can do things are not as good as those who fight for the party.”

Zhao Han became more and more surprised that this old scholar in front of him was once an aide of Liaodong Economic Strategy.

Pang Chunlai smiled bitterly and said:

“I only followed Duke Yunyun for four months, and his Liaodong strategy was seized. He was not charged with any crimes, and he was not at fault. It’s just that some people slandered him. He was not satisfied with being recalled to Beijing. He was forced to get involved in party disputes and was forced to Squeeze out and go to Nanjing for retirement.”

“Both parties in the party struggle can’t tolerate him, just because he intends to shrink the Liaodong defense line! I am from Liaodong, and my whole family died under the sword of Jiannu. Who would give up the land of Liaodong? The people of Liaodong, at that time, everyone who could run ran away, and those who didn’t run away were killed. Abducted. Hundreds of miles are all white land, what are they doing back? The people who escaped have to be relocated outside the pass! The longer the defense line is stretched, the more they will be attacked by Jiannu everywhere. They can only defend passively and cannot take the initiative Attacking is a waste of human, material and financial resources!”

“It’s like fighting with someone. You can’t stretch out your arm all the time, waiting to be cut by a knife at any time. You have to retract it and squeeze it into a fist, so that you can fight hard. Lords of the court, such a simple reason is not enough. Do you understand?”

Zhao Han said: “Don’t dare to understand, if you understand, you will abandon the land and the people, and you will bear the responsibility of the loss of the country.”

“You are young, you understand this truth?” Pang Chunlai turned to look at Zhao Han.

Zhao Han said: “I understand.”

“You are really gifted, and your wisdom is far beyond that of ordinary people,” Pang Chunlai continued, “Young Master Yun couldn’t bear the humiliation, so he resigned in anger. Please write this memorandum from Beijing to Nanjing, and I followed him to Nanjing. Mr. Yun Yun is kind and generous. When he resigned from office and returned to his hometown, he actually thought of arranging a way out for me. He wrote a book and recommended me to be a tutor at Fei’s family. Otherwise, I would have starved to death in Nanjing in this old age! “

So, you’ve come full circle, what exactly are you trying to tell me?

Zhao Han looked at Pang Chunlai suspiciously.

Pang Chunlai praised: “You did a good job today. The thief woman wanted to break into the long house in the mountain, and you were the only one who came forward. A man can have no power, no money, no talent, but he can’t be without responsibility. You are responsible, but also benevolent and righteous, very good, very good!”

Zhao Han reminded: “Master Fei (Fei Ruhe) also stood up to stop him.”

Pang Chunlai shook his head and said: “He has the loyalty of the world. When he sees you step forward, he also stands up to protect you, otherwise you will be hated by the thieves.” Suddenly he asked for no reason, “What is the most important thing in the art of war?”

“Supporting troops to attack and plan, to surrender without fighting?” Zhao Han couldn’t confirm.

“That’s right, I’ve read “The Art of War” at such a young age,” Pang Chunlai said with a smile, “What we’re going to talk about today is that we must save the enemy when we attack!”

Zhao Han asked: “Fei is an enemy?”

Pang Chun looked at Zhao Han’s eyes and became more and more appreciative: “Of course. If you want to save Xu Ying’s family, the enemy is not only Fei Yuanjian’s parents, but the entire Qianshan Fei family. Because facing outsiders, the Fei family must be one. But the Fei family in Qianshan is not monolithic, and there are many conflicts within the clan.”

Zhao Han thought for a while and said, “Therefore, it is necessary to attack the enemy who must be saved, let Fei’s own situation, and force Fei Yuanjian’s family to be incompatible with Fei.”

“Children can be taught!”

Pang Chunlai was extremely satisfied with Zhao Han, and asked, “What is Fei’s most important?”

Zhao Han analyzed: “The Fei family is not short of money, and now it seems that they don’t care about their reputation. The last bit of family face is left.”

“What face? It’s just a fig leaf,” Pang Chunlai sneered, “Let’s tear off that fig leaf!”

Zhao Han asked: “Sir, are you not afraid that I will inform you?”

“You can stand up and block the way today, so you are not an informer,” Pang Chun said mockingly, “So what if you inform me? My family is ruined and I am alone. I finally met a proud disciple who has regarded Xu Ying as half of his son and grandson.” , how could the Fei family be so cruel?”

Well, not only to protect the calf, but to seek justice for my “son”!

Pang Chunlai also has selfish intentions. All his family members are dead. He probably wants to adopt Xu Ying to pass on the incense. He didn’t expect to be bullied by Fei Yuanjian to the point of losing his mind.

Zhao Han said: “How to do things, sir, please explain clearly.”

Pang Chunlai said: “When Fei Song had his son, it was nearly seventy years old, and there were rumors that were unbearable. I will write and write the story of Fengyue, and you can post it and spread it everywhere. Fei’s ancestral house posted a few copies, Hekou Town Post a few copies, and post a few more copies at Hanzhu Private School and Academy. Especially Hanzhu Academy, there are some scholars from the county to study, and some famous Confucian teachers to teach. Let them know about this family scandal, and I am afraid it will spread around next year Half of Jiangxi.”

Fuck me, what a vicious scheme, what a despicable means!

Regardless of whether Fei Songnian really wears a cuckold or not, as long as the news spreads, that cuckold must be worn or not!

Zhao Han reminded: “In this way, I am afraid that Xu Ying’s family will be retaliated even worse.”

Pang Chunlai smiled mysteriously: “The head of Hanzhu Academy will help us when the time comes.”

“Why?” Zhao Han asked puzzled.

Pang Chun said: “Fei Yuanlu is the eldest son of Fei Yaonian. Although he is just a scholar, he is not low in talent and learning. He is just too addicted to poetry and writing. Zhu Academy, but has not been able to find an opportunity to do it. Once the scandal spreads, the bigger the mess, the better, he will definitely take the opportunity to take control of the academy.”

“Isn’t he in charge of the academy?” Zhao Han asked.

Pang Chunlai shook his head: “Hanzhu Academy is like a country. Fei Yuanlu, the head of the mountain, is just a high-ranking emperor. The various clans are local wealthy families, and their slaves have already controlled various affairs of the academy. Even Hanzhu Academy After Fei Yaonian’s death, all the school fields were robbed due to uneven family division. Hanzhu Academy has no money now, and only a few hundred acres of school land are left. The academy needs to collect money from various schools. Fei Yuanlu must take the opportunity to get back the school land , he can truly control the academy!”

I am Nima!

Zhao Han was completely convinced. In a school bullying incident, he played political battles and military tactics. Does it need to be so thrilling?

Zhao Han asked the last question: “Sir, this matter has nothing to do with me, why should I take a huge risk to help you do this kind of thing?”

Pang Chunlai asked back: “Why are you so talented and funded by Fei Yinghuan, but you ignore your fame in the imperial examination and don’t want to study classics with me? Why do you practice martial arts every day? Why do you pay attention to political affairs in the Tang newspaper? A little Child, what do you want to do with such a scheming heart?”

“Students are just playful.” Zhao Han laughed.

“I believe Fei Ruhe is playful, but I absolutely don’t believe you are playful,” Pang Chunlai asked, “Tell me, what exactly do you want to do? Even if you plan to rebel in the future, I will do my best to help you as a teacher.”

Zhao Han quickly denied: “Mr. is overthinking, why should I rebel if I have nothing to do?”

Pang Chunlai sneered and said: “You can rebel. If I were twenty years younger, I would also plan to rebel. Really, rebellion is more promising than the imperial examination. Even if you don’t have this idea, I advise you to try it in the future.”

“Why do you say that, sir?” Zhao Han asked.

Pang Chunlai was obviously trying to lure children and instilled the idea of rebellion in Zhao Han: “People in the pass don’t know, but I know in Liaodong that this Ming Dynasty may not have much time. Taxes are increasing day by day, and military resources are increasing sharply. Raising taxes is like drinking poison to quench your thirst. If the new emperor is wise, there may be a turning point, but I have read the Tang newspapers for nearly a year, and the current emperor is just an irresponsible little clever.”

Zhao Han said: “The current sage, wisely eradicates the eunuchs, and all people praise him for his wisdom and martial arts.”

“He’s so wise and powerful,” Pang Chunlai sneered, “He’s a dead eunuch. He hesitated, twitched, and concealed everything he said, and there were so many problems! In the end, it wasn’t It can be done in one sentence? He has been on the throne for one year, and he has changed three chief assistants. It is also an act of chaos. In terms of political responsibility, he is not even as good as Wanli!”

The fourth chief assistant will be replaced soon…

Pang Chun said: “Even the people in the south of the Yangtze River are overwhelmed by Liao’s salary. Can the bitter cold in the northwest bear it? Within ten years, there will be great chaos in the world, or something like Zhangjiao and Huangchao will happen!”

By the way, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the three additional rates were not only targeted to the north, but shared equally across the country according to the land area.

But the land in the south of the Yangtze River is fertile and the population is large, so they can live on evenly.

Northwest is no good, it simply forces the people to rebel.

Pang Chunlai smiled and said, “My dear, how about I teach you how to rebel?”

Zhao Han thought to himself, do you need to teach me this? The high school political textbook is dragon slaying.

(end of this chapter)

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