Chapter 35

Chapter 35 – 035【It’S Not Something That Spreads All Over Jiangxi】

Chapter 35 035【It’s not something that spreads all over Jiangxi】

Pang Chunlai lives at the foot of Hanzhu Mountain, where there are several dilapidated thatched huts, and it is said that he hired someone to build them at his own expense.

Meals are settled in the private school, and other things are done by myself, without even hiring a servant.

Presumably, I didn’t take a bath very much, because I was too lazy to boil water. There are no firewood sellers in the countryside, so I have to collect firewood for boiling water.

Back in the hut, Zhao Han helped to study ink, and Pang Chunlai began to write lace stories.

Zhao Han saw that he couldn’t see clearly no matter how far or near, he seemed to be presbyopic or nearsighted, so he couldn’t help asking, “When did you get this eye disease, sir?”

Pang Chunlai’s eyes were almost glued to the paper, and he wrote in a strange posture, mocking himself: “In the forty-seventh year of Wanli, I went with the army to kill Tartars. One Tartar was not killed, and he was almost captured as a pawn.” The servant fell off a cliff while running away, and his eye was scratched by a branch. The left eye is almost blind, and the right eye can only see near objects.”

Zhao Han was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Pang Chunlai raised his head suddenly, and asked with a smile, “How do you guess it is Shi Niangeng?”

“Sixty years old?” Zhao Han guessed.

Pang Chunlai laughed: “Forty-five years old.”

Is this forty-five years old?

You say that you are seventy years old and no one doubts it.

Fei Yinghuan is also in his early forties. He seems to have just passed his thirties, but he is actually the same age as Master Pang!

Pang Chunlai’s head is now graying, with more white hair and less black hair. The whole family died and he was the only one left, only his right eye could see, and he didn’t know what other crimes he had suffered. No wonder he would instigate and induce children to rebel.

He doesn’t have the capital to rebel, and he can’t fool adults, so he can only slowly train children. I’m afraid Xu Ying is also in the anti-thief training plan.

This guy hates both the Tartars and the Ming court!

Not long after, Pang Chunlai wrote an article similar to a popular novel, trying to make it understandable to those who have read the book for a few years.

Zhao Han immersed himself in the reading, then looked at Pang Chunlai, and thought: What a bad time to be born! If you were born hundreds of years later, you must be a big blogger from the media.

People say that with a picture at the beginning, the content is all edited, and Master Pang doesn’t even have a picture.

Come up is ethics!

Alluding to Zhang’s forty-year-old childlessness, he hooked up with his nephew and grandnephew and prepared an ancient birthday gift for her husband in advance.

As for who is the grandnephew?

Anyway, the Zhang family is of great seniority, and the Fei family is prosperous. If there are a lot of nephews and grandchildren, readers can guess hard.

Aunt and grandnephew have a child together. The plot is too exciting and exciting. It is far more topical than hooking up with a domestic slave. It is guaranteed to spread quickly in a few days.

Pang Chun said: “Copy a few copies for me with your left hand.”

Writing brush characters with the right hand is not bad, but Zhao Han can write with his left hand, which is purely to catch the ducks on the shelves.

After only writing a few words, Pang Chunlai frowned and said, “Stop writing, go and call Fei Ruhe.”

Zhao Han Ruhe received an amnesty, put down the brush, and ran to the private school to find Fei Ruhe.

Fei Ruhe couldn’t figure it out, so he brought the bookboy Fei Chun here. He stood by the side, subconsciously looking at the paper, and the peachy article suddenly made his expression strange.

Pang Chunlai had already copied six or seven copies, and said to Fei Ruhe, “You two, master and servant, post this in conspicuous places in Hanzhu Academy and private school.”

Fei Ruhe is not stupid, he laughed and said: “Master, you should find someone else, if my father finds out, he will beat me to death.”

“Your father won’t beat you,” Pang Chun said, “although your family is a branch of the main clan, it is far away from Ehu Lake, and there is not much property here at the mouth of the river, and there are not many people in Hanzhu Mountain. If this happens, it will benefit your family. It happens that your father is on the mountain, and he is the only one in this generation. The head of the mountain must be the first to consult with him, and work together to rectify the style of study in Hanzhu Academy.”

“I won’t do it.” Fei Ruhe still shook his head.

Pang Chunlai began to seduce children again: “You practice martial arts every day, but you want to be a general when you grow up?”

Fei Ruhe held his head high and said, “I want to be a hero?”

“What?” Pang Chunlai thought he heard it wrong.

“I want to be a hero, do justice for the heavens, rob the rich and help the poor!” Fei Ruhe expressed his lofty aspirations.

Pang Chunlai couldn’t help complaining: “Then you have to rob the Fei family first, and the Fei family is the richest in Qianshan County. There is no need to rob. When you are in charge in the future, all the land and shops of the Fei family in Ehu Lake will be divided among them. The poor people in the village are the real heroes! They only rob others, not themselves, even hypocrites, what kind of heroes are they?”

What he said made sense, Fei Ruhe couldn’t refute it, and muttered: “If you can’t be a hero, you can be a general.”

Pang Chunlai said: “To be a great general, you can’t just practice martial arts. Blindly charge into the battle, you are like a man!”

Fei Ruhe asked: “Then what else do you need to practice?”

“The Art of War!” Pang Chunlai said.

Fei Ruhe’s head suddenly became dizzy: “I also read “Sun Tzu’s Art of War.”

Pang Chunlai sneered: “The art of war is more than these? Do you know how to camp? Do you know how to coordinate food and grass? Do you know how to train troops?”

“I don’t know.” Fei Ruhe shook his head and said.

Pang Chunlai stroked his beard, and said with a thief smile: “I know it, I will teach you as a teacher.”

Fei Ruhe didn’t believe it: “Stop coaxing me, you, an old master, know this?”

Pang Chunlai patted the table and said: “I am the son of a Liaodong general. I have fought countless battles with the Tartars. Do I not know about those things?”

Fei Ruhe often heard his fourth uncle talk about the battle in Liaodong, and said with disdain: “If you Liaodong generals are good, you won’t be beaten like that by the Tartars.”

“It’s none of my business. No matter how good my strategy is, those **** must be willing to listen! Even if they listen, they have to follow suit. The whole **** betrayed their allies and ran away!” Pang Chunlai was really angry. , “I have the art of war in my chest, so I ask you if you want to learn it?”

Fei Ruhe tilted his head and thought for a while, then tentatively said: “Can you learn to try? If you can’t learn it, I’ll go to practice Wudang Heroes.”

“Yes,” Pang Chunlai took a self-media article, “Take it and post it everywhere in the academy, and spread it quietly at night, so don’t be caught by someone.”

Fei Ruhe and Fei Chun picked it up and ran away, somewhat agitated in their hearts, doing bad things quietly is always so attractive.

Pang Chunlai continued to copy, copied more than ten copies, threw it to Zhao Han and said, “Take it and paste it in Henglin and Hekou.”

Fei’s Henglin ancestral house is several miles away from Hekou Town, Zhao Han would have to run back and forth at least one night. Therefore, Fei Ruhe’s master and servant should be recruited and let them take charge of Hanzhu Academy. With a small number of people, it is impossible to keep busy.

Zhao Han first went to Henglin Fei’s ancestral house, trotted five miles, stuck out his tongue out of exhaustion.

There are people in the dark, and no one can be seen, but there are a few dogs barking from time to time.

Lanterns were lit at the gate of Fei’s ancestral house. Zhao Han first hid in the dark, spread it evenly with rice paste, and then rushed over to stick it on the gate. After posting, he ran away, turned around and ran to the side door, posted one on each side door, and then went to post Fei’s ancestral hall.

After some action, it was already midnight.

The cold wind blew across the surface of the Xinjiang River, making Zhao Han shiver. He ran along the Xinjiang River and finally arrived at Hekou Town.

The market here is prosperous, even at night, there are cargo ships loading and unloading.

Crossing the bridge to the entrance of the town, Zhao Han didn’t dare to hesitate any longer, for fear of being remembered. He went to the “Three People’s Pavilion” and pasted all the remaining big-character posters on the pillars of the archway.

Poor Fei Hong I’s fame, as the youngest champion of Ming Dynasty, was insulted like this after his death. The memorial archway dedicated to commemorating his appointment as chief assistant was densely pasted with **** articles about his niece and daughter-in-law hooking up with younger clansmen…

Not harmful, but extremely insulting!

The sun is gradually rising, the river is full of steam, and the big-character posters on the pillars of the archway are soaked in the dew at night.

This archway stands alone at the mouth of the river. It belongs to the place with the largest flow of people in Qianshan County. There are many business travelers from south to north, including many merchants from Huguang, Nanzhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong.

It’s not something that spread to most of Jiangxi, but spread to the whole of Jiangnan!

In the middle of the morning, a merchant from out of town finally wandered around while the man was loading the ship. He came to pay homage to the “Three People’s Pavilion”, but found a lot of papers pasted on the pillars of the archway. When he went over to take a look, he was stunned—good guy!

(end of this chapter)

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