Chapter 40

Chapter 40 – 039【Old Friends】

Chapter 40 039 [Old friend]

Before the erection of the Martyrs Memorial Archway, Mrs. Chen and Fei Yuanjian lived in the Academy temporarily.

As for the family, Fei Yuanlu has sent someone to seal the door.

After days of wild thinking, Fei Yuanjian finally found Mrs. Chen, and couldn’t help but ask, “Are you really my mother?”

Mrs. Chen held the rosary in her hand, and said ambiguously: “Silly boy, whether you are or not, you can only be from now on. Both of us have no choice.”

Fei Yuanjian pondered for a while, but he really couldn’t figure it out, so he asked from another angle: “Then…then my former mother is really my own mother?”

“She died for you, whether she died for you or not, you must admit it in your heart. Knowing how to repay her kindness, can you understand this truth?” Chen still refused to make it clear.

Fei Yuanjian was almost driven crazy, so he simply asked the key question: “Then who is my real father?”

Mrs. Chen got up and walked over, stroking the top of his head, and said in a low voice: “Remember, it doesn’t matter who your real father is. The important thing is that you can only have that one real father from the beginning to the end. If anyone comes to your door in the future , you don’t have to admit it, just beat him away.”

Fei Yuanjian’s face turned pale in an instant, he finally understood what he said, he was indeed a bastard!

No wonder the last words left by the mother did not resent the rumour-mongers, but only said that she was forced to death by the tribe, and the rumour-mongers were indeed wrong.

Mrs. Chen paced back to her seat, fiddled with the rosary in her hand, and whispered softly, “Sit down and talk.”

Fei Yuanjian sat down obediently, observing this young lady carefully for the first time.

Mr. Chen is only in his thirties this year. He has always been a green light ancient Buddha, and his skin is a little pale. She doesn’t wear makeup or even any accessories, but her oval face still looks charming, and her pair of dark eyes seem to be able to penetrate people’s hearts.

Chen’s eyes swept over, Fei Yuanjian quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at him, feeling a little awed in his heart.

Mrs. Chen sighed and said: “I know you have conflicts in your heart, but before your mother died, she entrusted you to me and asked you to kneel down and recognize me as your own mother. You and I are one body, and we will be together from now on.” It’s your loving mother.”


Fei Yuanjian shouted a little awkwardly.

Feeling relieved, Chen showed a loving smile and warned: “From now on, don’t act willfully.”

“Baby knows.” Fei Yuanjian has experienced a lot, even if he hasn’t matured, he still knows that he can’t pull himself up.

Mrs. Chen carefully analyzed Fei Yuanjian: “The inheritance left by your mother is not the family property, but the cold Martyr’s Memorial Archway. If the archway does not fall down, you are an orphan, and no one will dare to touch you.”

Fei Yuanjian was silent, suddenly moved to the point of crying.

Chen continued: “Fei Yuanlu, the head of the Hanzhu Academy, has gained a lot of benefits this time, and his prestige even exceeds that of the patriarch. He must keep you. You have to rely on him a lot, you know?”

Fei Yuanjian listened carefully and nodded repeatedly.

Chen said again: “Whether it’s the Martyrdom Memorial or Fei Yuanlu, they can only keep you for a while. You have to work hard to get ahead, you know?”

“But the boy is really not good at reading.” Fei Yuanjian said distressedly.

“No matter how bad you are, you have to be a scholar,” Chen said. “With fame, you can spend money to donate to tribute students. Even if you go bankrupt, you have to donate a small official to do it. You have been nesting in Qianshan, and you will only grow moldy here.” , I have to jump out anyway.”

Fei Yuanjian was thoughtful, he really didn’t want to stay in Qianshan Mountain, it would poke his spine too much here.

Mrs. Chen ordered: “The schoolchildren who were frightened by you, I heard that they have improved recently, so you should go and apologize in person.”

“Why should I apologize to him?” Fei Yuanjian relapsed, his domineering temper was still there.

The Chen family taught: “You can’t study on your own, and the other tribes don’t get close to you. Who can help you in the future? You used to be stubborn, and you were burdened with unbearable rumors. You must work hard to cultivate your own virtue. Whether you do it for others Look, if you really reform yourself, you should respect your elders, love your clansmen, unite with your classmates, and treat your neighbors leniently. In this way, you are a person of virtue and filial piety. If it is still the same as before, I am afraid that the property will be taken away, and others will applaud.”

This was very thorough, combined with the recent encounters, Fei Yuanjian sincerely admired: “What mother taught is, the child must remember.”

Chen smiled and said: “I heard that that schoolboy is quite intelligent, you should get close to him more. Not only him, you should make friends with all promising peers. If you reconcile with that schoolboy, you will Let others know that you, Fei Yuanjian, have reformed yourself. Go!”

“I listen to mother, the baby is gone.” Fei Yuanjian left quickly.

He also really wants to make friends, after all, he is only a half-grown kid.

Not to mention the former attendants, even the book boy who grew up with him, followed his relatives and fled without a trace, and took away a lot of the family’s floating wealth by the way.

He has to make friends, at least one to chat and play with.

Although he only had contact with Mrs. Chen for a few days, Fei Yuanjian was willing to listen to this young lady.

“Boom boom boom!”

Fei Yuanjian left for a while, when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Chen has only one confidant maid, and now she stays at home to manage the place, and did not bring Hanzhu Academy.

She went to open the door herself, and when she saw who was coming, she was so frightened that she immediately closed the door.


Wei Jianxiong stretched out his hand to stop it. With great strength, he pushed the door open: “Miss, I’m not a thief. Why are you so afraid?”

Mrs. Chen stepped back a few steps, no longer as calm as before: “Your Excellency, please go back.”

Wei Jianxiong, a rough man, shyly confided his heart: “Since the master moved to the frontier, I have been looking for the lady for three years, and I have found the lead mountain all the way from Yangzhou. The lady refused to see me or talk to me, so I went to the Ehu Lake I have been a domestic slave. For more than ten years, I only hope that every year during the Obon Festival, I can take the opportunity of the lady to worship the Buddha, and I can look at the lady from afar…”

“Stop talking nonsense, you go!” Chen was flustered.

Wei Jianxiong continued: “I know that I am humble, so I don’t ask for anything else. The master saved my mother and child back then, and my life was given by the Chen family…”

“Go away!” Chen turned around and growled, her breathing becoming short of breath.

Wei Jianxiong gritted his teeth, summoned up his courage and said: “Miss, I have never married a wife, and I have never been close to a woman. Every time I follow Young Master Fei to the brothel, he calls me a woman, and I have always guarded myself like a jade. I even Those women don’t even touch their hands…”

“Bastard, get out!”

Chen Shi finally had an attack, trembling all over, and smashed the rosary in his hand.

Wei Jianxiong reached out to catch it, put the rosary in his arms, carefully kept it, and exited the room and said: “Miss, if there is any trouble in the future, please send someone to report to me. Even if you risk your life, I will definitely help. If …If the young lady doesn’t want to stay in Qianshan, I will take the young lady to flee elsewhere. I have also saved some money over the years, so I can set up a family and start a business…”


Chen couldn’t suppress it, and roared loudly.

Wei Jianxiong didn’t dare to say any more. After closing the door, he blushed and ran out of the yard.

Ms. Chen knelt down and folded his hands together, his chest heaved and fluctuated, and he closed his eyes and recited: “So I heard it. At that time, the Buddha was in Sravasti. Only the tree was given to the Lonely Garden…”

Obviously, it was not the first time that the two had met in private.

Hysteria, the scientific name is “dissociative conversion disorder”, which is caused by severe mental stimulation, and most of them can be relieved within one year.

In “The Scholars”, Fan Jinzhongju suddenly went crazy with joy, and it would be good to be slapped, which is also hysteria.

In the first half month, Xu Ying completely isolated herself.

He eats as soon as he is served, and doesn’t talk to you. He just keeps reciting, and he knows that he is looking for a latrine.

After memorizing “The Analects of Confucius”, I will memorize “Great Learning”, after memorizing “Great Learning”, I will go back to memorizing Primary Four Books.

Primary Four Books are not simple. Although they are elementary books, they can be called all-encompassing. Generally, recitation is not required, only understanding and memory is required to shape the world outlook, outlook on life and values of schoolchildren.

Xu Ying was able to memorize all the contents of these books, remembering word for word from beginning to end.

He memorized all the way to “Five Characters”, which he didn’t have, so he only listened to memorize a few paragraphs.

Xu Ying then went to ask Pang Chunlai: “Sir, the body of a snake and the head of an ox, there is no article in the world, what are the next few sentences?”

Pang Chunlai was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: “Your hysteria is cured?”

Xu Ying was also stunned, her eyes widened, and she stammered: “I…I…”

“It’s done when it’s done, it’s done when it’s done, don’t think too much about it.” Pang Chunlai hurriedly comforted him.

This evening.

Pang Chunlai was teaching arithmetic to Zhao Han, Fei Ruhe, and Xu Ying, while Fei Chun quietly dozed off on the side.

Fei Yuanjian came in suddenly and bowed to Pang Chunlai: “Sir, my disciple was stubborn in the past and disturbed the lectures. Please forgive me, sir.”

Pang Chunlai did something bad, so he couldn’t help but feel guilty and suspicious, so he just nodded and said: “If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it.”

Fei Yuanjian bowed to Xu Ying again: “Student Xu, I shouldn’t bully you, please forgive me for being ignorant.”

“No need to apologize, no need to apologize, I forgive you.” Xu Ying felt lingering fear, and was afraid when she saw Fei Yuanjian.

Fei Yuanjian bowed to Zhao Han and Fei Ruhe again, and even counted Fei Chun: “Students, I will study hard in the future, and I only hope to be friends with you.”

Zhao Han subconsciously looked at Pang Chun, and the master and apprentice looked at each other, but they couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Zhao Han laughed, stood up and took Fei Yuanjian’s hand: “We’re all classmates, why bother talking so much, sit down and learn arithmetic together.”

After being rejected and ridiculed by countless people, Zhao Han was the first to accept. Fei Yuanjian was very happy, and his impression of Zhao Han soared.

Zhao Han was even more vigilant in his heart, angering other people’s fathers to death and driving other people’s mothers to death, this is a sworn hatred.

Then, with a very headache, Pang Chunlai forced him to learn arithmetic, saying that it would be useful for marching and fighting in the future…

(end of this chapter)

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