Chapter 41

Chapter 41 – 040 [Tian Yuan Shu? 】

Chapter 41 040 [Tian Yuan Shu? 】

It was another evening.

After school, Fei Chun was sent to the cafeteria to wait for dinner, and Pang Chunlai went to the latrine with a stomachache.

Fei Yuanjian stayed in the classroom foolishly, restless, as if suffering from ADHD. He didn’t want to make up lessons every day, but except for Zhao Han and the others, the other students didn’t play with him, and even laughed at him when they saw it.

Is it so difficult to be a good student?

Fei Ruhe’s situation is similar, flipping through the “Algorithm Tongzong” in his hand, his thoughts have drifted to the sky, the devil’s arithmetic is more difficult than the Four Books.

Finally, Fei Ruhe couldn’t help but said: “Sir, you shit. You haven’t returned for a long time. You must have a stomachache. I don’t think you need to learn today’s arithmetic.”

“That’s right, that’s right, there is no need to study anymore.” Fei Yuanjian quickly agreed, he came here to make friends, not to study hard together. As far as his knowledge base is concerned, if he really wants to make progress, he must first go back to the Mongolian library to retake the children’s books.

Xu Ying didn’t dare to speak. Although she wasn’t so scared anymore, she still had a gap with the rich young master.

Zhao Han said with a smile: “Then you go to practice martial arts in the bamboo forest.”

Fei Ruhe, who had already stood up, sat down again when he heard the words, and said with a smile: “If you don’t go, then I’d better stay.”

Fei Ruhe also had a guilty conscience, and he also had a part in posting big-character posters, so he didn’t dare to be alone with Fei Yuanjian.

“Haha, then I’ll stay and study too.” Fei Yuanjian echoed with a smirk. He has no place to go, and he has offended too many classmates before, so once he is alone, he will be easily beaten by the group.

Fei Chun ran back and forth several times, and finally called everyone’s meals.

Not long after, Pang Chunlai also returned to the classroom, picked up his chopsticks and said, “Learn while eating. This method of arithmetic is more practical than classics. From now on, whether you are a local official, marching to fight a war, or managing a family business, Arithmetic is definitely useful.”

“Yes.” Fei Ruhe, Fei Yuanjian and Fei Chun all had sad faces.

Xu Ying sat honestly, eagerly waiting to learn new knowledge.

As for Zhao Han, he remained silent the whole time, and immersed himself in familiarizing himself with various ancient related terms.

For example, “length” and “width” are often called “wide” and “from”. If you don’t understand this, it’s useless to be good at math, you won’t even be able to understand the questions.

Another example is the timing unit, hour, quarter, change, and point.

Everyone knows that there are 12 hours in a day and 2 hours in an hour.

It is a bit troublesome to record the quarters. In the past, 100 quarters a day, but with the introduction of Western clocks, the day was changed to 96 quarters. I heard that in Beijing, someone suggested changing it to 108 quarters, which is a mess anyway.

In addition, there are also non-common time units such as seconds, awns, and suddens.

Moreover, Zhao Han was surprised to find that there was a “Zhou” in ancient China, and it had been used for two thousand years.

7 days in a normal week and 8 days in a leap week. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, it was used to set working days, and court officials only worked 6 days a week. Because of the troublesome conversion between the average and the leap, it was not used much later, and it is more intuitive and convenient to use the thirty days of each month.

The word “week” also exists, specifically referring to the seventh day of July, and it is derived as the date of marriage.

The week is approaching, and the wedding day is approaching.

Zhao Han was already familiar with counting chips, and then he was reluctant to learn, pestering Pang Chun to explain various units and terminology.


Can you see what it means?

Account version 6322.14 (the decimal must be half a space shorter).

In fact, as long as you get used to it, it is no different from Arabic numerals, it is nothing more than a different symbol expression.

Seeing that Zhao Han only pays attention to technical terminology and doesn’t like to learn basic arithmetic, Pang Chunlai smiled and asked a question: “Zhao Han, can you figure it out?”

It’s really because Zhao Han is progressing too fast, and he is obviously tired of studying, so he has to beat the problem of his debut!

Xu Ying, Fei Ruhe, Fei Yuanjian, and Fei Chun read the topic curiously, and then they all looked dumbfounded.

The content of the topic is roughly: “There is only 280,000 shi of military rations left on the front line, and 7,000 shi is consumed every day. If the food is transported, it can be reached in 25 days, and 1,000 shi is consumed per day on the way. Please, how much food needs to be transported to allow the frontline soldiers to last for 90 days ?”

Xu Ying thought about the method of solving the problem carefully, but her mind was confused. He had just started to learn multiplication.

Fei Ruhe couldn’t help but said, “Sir, aren’t you making trouble for others?”

“I didn’t ask you to solve the problem,” Pang Chunlai looked at Zhao Han with a smile, “If you can’t solve it, you will be honest and practice hard from now on!”

Zhao Han didn’t answer the question immediately, but asked: “After the ration team completes the military order, should they stay on the battlefield and wait for 90 days, or return immediately? Or, after transporting the rations, they don’t care whether the ration team lives or dies. Mr. The title is vague and has three different answers.”

Pang Chunlai laughed loudly: “It’s really rare to have careful thinking. You can figure out all three solutions.”

Zhao Han picked up the straw paper, set the number of grain to be transported as X, and then began to formulate the equation.

A linear equation in one variable, just a primary school topic.

Three answers were thrown out quickly.

All the schoolchildren were shocked, whether they were good students or bad students, they all looked at Zhao Han with admiration.

Pang Chunlai snatched Zhao Han’s calculation draft, a string of mysterious codes made him dizzy, and modern equations are a holy book to him.

“Which country’s character is this?” Pang Chunlai asked confused.

Zhao Han tentatively asked, “Do you know Xu Guangqi, sir?”

Pang Chunlai nodded and said: “Although Xu Guangqi has never met him as a teacher, and he doesn’t even know his name, he has heard his name for a long time. After the defeat of Saerhu, he was ordered to train a new army in Tongzhou. Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, According to the imperial court report, he has been restored as an envoy of the Qing army.”

The Qing army is to check the situation of the army, including generals, troops, training, food and salaries, ordnance, etc.

Xu Guangqi’s current duty is to clean up the Ming army.

Since Pang Chunlai has never seen it before, Zhao Han can talk nonsense.

Zhao Han opened his mouth without blinking his eyes, and said, “There is a missionary in the West named Matteo Ricci, who brought “The Elements of Geometry” to Daming. Xu Guangqi translated this book, and my father had the honor to read it during his lifetime. These figures are from Western legends. here.”

“Let’s talk about it.” Pang Chunlai was immediately interested. He let the schoolchildren eat and do problems, and he asked Western arithmetic.

Zhao Han wrote Arabic numerals, and various arithmetic symbols, and marked Chinese characters one by one below them.

Pang Chunlai did not like Arabic numerals, but was surprised by the convenience of Western arithmetic symbols. However, if you want to introduce those arithmetic symbols, you have to cooperate with Arabic numerals.

Analytics expression is not acceptable, because the “4” in the abacus is exactly the same as the multiplication sign, and the “2” is almost the same as the equal sign.

Pang Chunlai can only forcefully compare the two characters, and then look at Zhao Han’s equation.

“This Tianyuan technique!” Pang Chunlai slammed the table.

Xu Ying and San Fei, holding chopsticks in their hands, looked over stupidly, they didn’t understand what it meant at all.

Tianyuanshu is an equation.

Pang Chunlai said again: “This is Taixi’s Tianyuan technique, which only lists one yuan. Can you solve two yuan, three yuan, and four yuan?”

Zhao Han asked curiously: “Can you use a counting chip to solve four yuan?”

Pang Chunlai shook his head and said: “Some people will, but I won’t. It is said that Zhu Shijie, a master of mathematics in the Yuan Dynasty, once created a four-element solution. But I have only read his “Enlightenment of Mathematics”, and have no chance to see his “Siyuan Yujian”. “One book. Not to mention so much, I will come up with a problem, and you can use Taixi’s Tianyuan technique to solve it.”

Soon, a topic came out.

Zhao Han solved it with a linear equation in two variables, and handed over the solution draft: “Please read it, sir.”

Pang Chunlai is still not familiar with Arabic numerals, so he could only check the calculation slowly, and then clapped his hands and praised: “Wonderful, wonderful!”

Using arithmetic to solve binary linear equations is actually very fast, and the efficiency is not inferior to that of column equations.

However, the problem-solving process of calculating Tianyuan technique is more cumbersome to express on paper, far less simple than the equation.

If it’s a binary quadratic question, Yuanjutsu will be even more cumbersome that day!

Pang Chunlai laughed loudly: “This technique is so ingenious, let me teach you as a teacher.”

Students teach teachers?

Xu Ying and San Fei were even more astonished, feeling that Zhao Han is really amazing!

Pang Chunlai said to the four, “You also learn together.”

Since then, their arithmetic learning speed has doubled compared to before, and even Fei Yuanjian finds it easier.

After all, they are not fools.

The relationship between Fei Yuanjian and everyone has always been delicate.

Every day is like sticky candy, reading, practicing martial arts, and learning arithmetic together. Xu Ying accepted him very quickly, but the others felt pimples in their hearts, and they always had reservations.

The winter solstice is coming soon.

The memorial archway for Lie Nu has been repaired, but the approval document from the imperial court has not yet come down.

This thing needs to be approved by the government at various levels, and then it will be granted in the name of the emperor.

But at the end of the Ming Dynasty, basically giving money was enough.

Look for the county magistrate if you are slow, and find the censor if you are fast. After sending it to the imperial court, the emperor didn’t care about it at all, and the cabinet directly dumped it to the Ministry of Rites, and the officials of the Ministry of Rites could approve it with money.

The chastity archway is also exclusive to the rich!

Because the imperial court only allocated thirty taels, it was not enough to set up the memorial archway, and more money was needed for up and down management. People who have no money and no status, no matter how chaste and powerful they are, they can’t afford to erect archways unless the magistrates are doing it for political achievements.

Etiquette cannibalism?

Sorry, if your family has no money, you are not even eligible to be eaten.

(Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket. For friends who read books on the Internet, this book is first published on the Qidian Chinese website, you can download the “Qiandian APP” and come to base together.)

(end of this chapter)

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