I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 157


Cooinu checks in on Fee and looks a little relieved.

Then I immediately returned to my original serious expression.

“Are you with this woman……!?

“Hehe, you’re still a kid. Don’t get on with it.”

The men seemed to think the fellow behind them had been knocked down because they were surprised, but all I could say was that it wasn’t.

We point our swords at each other, and we flirt with each other – for Cousins, we don’t even have to do that.

When the cooinu kicked the ground, its appearance scratched out.

When you get out of the target’s sight in an instant, you unleash a riding blow of acceleration from the blind spot. The other person gets hit without even being able to react.


The men now look stunned.

But it’s too late.

Instead, at the time of confrontation with the cousin, there is no way to take action without the strength to keep up with the movement. That was no longer common sense for the apprentice knights in the northern quarters.

Without stopping his movements, Couinu took delicate steps like a wolf and wiped out the men without even allowing them to defend themselves.

Even relative from the front, he defeats the opponent with unparalleled power, more effective than the unintentional blow Fi does.

You don’t have to use any special tools, you don’t have to think about tactics, this is it.

From Fee’s point of view, all I could say was “things are different”.

The scoundrels rolling on the ground groaning at the slaughtered pain.

The townspeople who have come late look surprised when they see it.

“Let these men be taken into custody and handed over to soldiers at a later date. There may be remnants, but we’ll stop going deep and leave the rest to the country.”

After a sigh of relief, Couinu, returning to his usual quiet expression, looked back at everyone and said so.

The people of the town nodded as well.

(You’re a fine lord.)

And Fee thought.

The men of the town take the fallen men.

Fee just thanked Couinu.

“Thanks for coming to help, Couinu”

It was obvious that Couinu had come to help himself. In such a hurry.

Relax, help, think about it again like that, I’m glad you came to help me that way after all.

I’ve been close enough, spent a lot of time with him, and I don’t know if I’d think of that now… I thought Phee herself might be a little bit of a human mistrust.

Kuinu blushed like he remembered something, but said to me, “I’m glad you’re okay,” as he turned that way.

Fee is relieved that the trick feels like the usual cousin. Even though it’s incredibly strong, it’s kind of a cute thing to be a cousin.

Somehow, here’s the thing – I want to stroke it as much as I want.

I’m just injured in the leg, and if I do that in front of everyone’s eyes, it lowers the majesty of the cooinu doing the lord. Fee put up with the impulse.

I stroke the head of the cousin in my heart, squeamish and squeal.

Couinu put his neck on such a fie.

Then ask Couinu.

“Speaking of which, will you lend me your shoulder? I hurt my leg.”

“Are you hurt!?

I look worried about Cousin in that word.

“Yeah, I just twisted it a little bit”

When I said that and tried to get him to lend me his shoulder, Couinu gave me a much more noticeable look.

Then he went on a tour for quite some time, eventually blushing and opening his mouth.

That much time-consuming behavior was such that Fee accidentally observed the cooinu as it was.

“Well, well… well… well… well…”

Even to Couinu, who repeated ‘it’, Phee necked what she was going to say, but finally guessed what she was going to do to the shape of the hand Couinu was reaching out to herself.

“Hugs? That’s good. It’s childish, and it’s embarrassing.”

Fee chuckled and said no to it.

“Damn… is that right…”

Couinu drops his shoulder.

With such a shoulder of cooinu, Phee walked with him toward town.

“Speaking of which, you could even throw a cousin. That was really helpful.”

When I was about to be slashed by an upside down crowd grab, a silver knife flew in and prevented me from doing so. If it hadn’t been for that, Fee would have died the worst, or even if he hadn’t, he would have suffered a lot of injuries.

It is surprising to recall now. Because Phee has never seen Couinu do that during training. Basically, Couinu is a melee specialist.


Kuinu puts his neck on it.

Fee thought that all the time.

“Oh, because…”

Couinu has the face that he’s really not sure. Fee got confused.

Leaning on the cooinu, looking around, there was nowhere left for Fey’s seen silver knife. When I heard about you back in town, no one knew.

(Then I wonder what that was…)

The silver light that helped me save myself is clear in my memory.

It didn’t seem very memorable to Fee.

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