I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 158


He was in a hurry to see the sight.

Anxiety, agitation, worry, those emotions clasp my chest.

Girl standing around with different weapons against the crowds. But it’s a little slower than her usual movements I remember. Turns out I’m hurting my leg.

(What to do…)

Cain asks his own heart.

Cain has no obligation to protect her. And the emotion of keeping someone without the Lord’s command, etc. should not be grass.

Then this tour itself is an emotion that should not be grass.

Still, Cain’s hand was squeezing the silver knife he put on his hips.

(I’m still fine… not yet…)

Princess Fee stood around well.

If you deal with more than one man, her power makes it difficult to defeat the other. So with good restraint, I was getting distance and buying time.

Especially effective is the collapsible bow and arrow that seems to have been made by Garuge. On the battlefield, having a flying tool is a big advantage.

Nobody likes to get hurt, and even a small arrow can die if it hits a steep spot – it always frightens me when it does.

The opponent had only swords and other melee weapons, and his protective gear was lightweight. Arrows become a sufficient threat.

But at the same time, Cain knew.

He said he’d be caught sooner or later.

There’s only one arrow left.

I guess she herself was aware that the number of arrows she brought was not enough. He had set his aim, aimed for steeplechase, and switched to use it in such a way as to stir up the enemy’s fear.

I guess I learned the bow from Parwick. Pretty accurate, though close range.

If you shoot him in the face and hit him in the arm or foot, the opponent may be ready to get hurt, reopen him and approach him. Conversely, if you aim directly at the steeple, you’ll be able to kill the two of them, but your opponent will also be desperate, and you won’t mind getting close and trying to kill Princess Fee.

It inflicts fear on each person without causing injury and stops them from moving.

It would have been the most effective use of arrows in this situation. But with the two remaining at the start of the fight, it was too little for boulders.

If the number of arrows is broken, the opponent will be forced to fold. Even if not, fear fades with time.

As Cain expected, his opponent, who was frightened by the first arrow, eventually approached him forcefully. You missed the girls, and in this situation, where reinforcements might come to your opponent, you wanted to avoid being close to the stare.

I approached him with a sheath of swords as a coarse shield.

With enough gear, it was only a targeted move, but unfortunately I was right in Princess Fee’s condition using arrows as bluffs.

Princess Fee must have noticed immediately that her opponent’s movements had changed as well. Run away when you punch the rest of the arrows into the feet of the most leading man. But as usual, there is no agile move.

(If I leave, even those men can be defeated right away…)

But then it’s too late for me to be watching her.

In the first place, such an order does not exist……

I mean, I can’t.

But at the same time, in Cain’s mind, one voice boils up.

‘Then you abandon her…’

Give me that kid I’ve been amazing with for the past six months… Give me that kid who laughs at me innocently… Give me that kid who works hard as an apprentice knight while teaching himself all sorts of skills… Give me that kid who’s a little selfish and occasionally has an amazing personality, but still a very good one -.

I don’t know, getting in trouble, guilty, Princess Fee was a cute apprentice to Kane.

At that time, the figure of Phee lying in the hospital bed came to Cain’s attention.

Fee was gradually cornered.

Surrounded by men with trees on their backs.

“The orders I received from the Lord are her surveillance”

“You’re not gonna help that kid.”

Two voices flatter each other in the cain.

Slash the approaching man with a knife that Fee had hidden in his palm.

The upside-down man pointed a blade at Fee.

(Heath kun……!!

At that moment Cain’s hand was moving unconsciously.

Pull out the hips sword and throw it against the man’s hand. A silver blade cleaved the air and pierced the arm of the man attacking Fee.

A man holds his arm and screams.

And from behind the men, there were signs of approaching this one at a tremendous speed.

I know because I’ve been watching Fee. Close to her, the boy who is lord of this region. He’s a talented boy with a sword, and his arms won’t beat him when he grabs people.

In fact, you’re right, Couinu defeats the grabbers one after the other.

That’s how brilliantly I let Fee try to help.

Fee also smiles and closes in on the cooinu, thanking him.

Seeing the sight, Cain was grating his chest.

Gently retrieve the weapon in the gap between the two sights. Cain stared at his weapon.

It’s not like I could have made any decision. My body just moved.

Besides, as a grass, disqualified behavior. But at the same time, my heart was relieved.

(Anyway… I’m glad she’s safe…)

Should I report it or what should I do?

Cain couldn’t give his own answer yet……

The king’s office, Roy, was still moving his pen in front of a ton of paperwork today.

Make signs that people will stand before them.

“Naina. That’s unusual.”

“Yes, Cain asked me to represent him in his periodic report.”

Usually Cain compiled and reported information on the other grasses.

Today, however, it appears that Naena assumed that role.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, it just wasn’t the right time”

Naina answers concisely and shakes her head.

Her long dark hair swayed saggily.

Roy was concerned about the hair.

Long hair can easily get in the way anyway. There is a danger of being grasped in battle, and it can block one’s own sight. It’s definitely something that gets in the way on grass missions.

I thought we should be careful.

But I recall.

(No, the grass needs privacy, too. Naena also has good enough results from her work. You should forgive me for this)

To be honest, Roy didn’t really like the system called grass.

That is because the work and the very way they are, impose a great burden on their existence. Their way of life is too different from normal people.

For Roy, they were also one of the people. If you wish, they want you to get happiness as an individual too.

So – I got lost before that existed.

That’s also why we haven’t increased our personnel since Roy took over the throne.

I even want to abolish it if I can.

At the same time, however, it was true that their presence was necessary in the running of the state. I also feel that the failure to increase the number of personnel has, on the contrary, increased their burden.

I was in a dark mood.

I’m done listening to Naina’s report.

Roy asks her.

“Are there any problems here at work these days?

Naina looked straight at Roy and answered.

“Yeah, nothing’s wrong, Your Majesty. Everything is going well.”

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