I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 38

39 Mr. Cain.

Cain was in danger of his identity.

He was a special soldier called “grass”. Soldiers under the King’s orders and in charge of intelligence, intelligence gathering, etc. In some cases, it also performs dirty work such as assassination and manipulation. That said, I’ve never been ordered to do that since I became king of the present day.

He’s been here a long time. Something’s been bothering him lately.

(Should I say… No, but I’m a grass…)

Hiding on a tree, looking at a watchdog, he remembers interacting with this previous king.

Coming not to be seen by anyone in the king’s office, he wondered, after reporting to the king the results of the work of the other grasses, whether to tell him one thing.

“Your Majesty, this is about Princess Fee.”

“What. Was it black?

“No, I’m not.”

“Then there’s no need to report it”


After hearing the reports that seemed necessary, his Lord, who even began to move the pen, cut and threw away all that Cain had tried to say in that way.

I’m not at all aware that Cain’s “No, I’m not” had a worse tooth cut than usual. That’s also because Cain is training himself to keep his emotions off the table…

Cain couldn’t wait to say.

(Princess Fee is working hard as an apprentice knight in your cavalry right now! And you’re the one who hired me!


But I can’t do that…… He was under orders.

“Monitor Princess Fee and report if black. I don’t need anything else.

For this person, ‘don’t need’ means’ don’t do it because you don’t need it ‘.

The guard of Princess Fee’s outhouse had been pre-shifted to gradually become full of holes.

The orders that were made to them were: ‘Watch Princess Fee not outside at the exit of the outhouse’, ‘Don’t let anyone visit you inside’ and ‘Fulfill him to the minimum extent necessary if requested’.

Unless they burn the mysterious sense of mission that nobody passes before this outhouse, etc., there can always be time without guard. That’s how His Majesty Roy was placed.

And Cain was ordered, ‘Monitor Princess Fee’s trends in this environment, and if it’s black, report it. Otherwise I don’t need it’.

If she was black, she would have made contact with someone related to that incident during her unattended time.

A few days after the surveillance began, the first incident occurred.

Cock left the palace. I thought it was possible to communicate with the outside world with him as a messenger, and had him followed by other grasses, but he would normally leave the castle gate and never return to the outhouse again, and is now in the position of cleaning husband in this borough inn in Sumi, Wang capital.

Same day. When I saw the princess who had been outside the wall of the detached house late at night, I thought maybe, but when she hung out for a walk, she stepped on some paper, put it up in the moonlight, and then curled around happily on the spot, and ran straight to the detached house.

It is not a suspicious move at all. No, it was obnoxious in a different way.

For once later, I checked the paper for contact with the outside world, but it was just an announcement form for an apprentice knight’s enlistment exam.

And the next day, Princess Fee’s survival life began.

Princess Fee did not try to show her face with the watchmen, but rather did not find them on the watch, while only the food – which sounds good but is just leftovers – left behind by that cock man began to feed on the outhouse, where food self-sufficiency was completely impossible.

As soon as I saw it, I began to sweat sloppily on Cain’s forehead.

(Why did this happen…? Do you want to report it to His Majesty? No, but I need a non-black report… Now we need food support……. No, you can’t. What I have been commanded to do is to keep watch. If it were to protect her life, it would be their job as a guard……!

I saw them as a guardian with such expectations for a moment, but there was no way they noticed any strangeness in the outhouse at all.

Even though Cock’s man was out buying out a few times, there’s no way he doubted it was gone either.

Cain recalled their terms when His Majesty chose them.

Those who are retarded or less conscious of their work who do not question their perforated shifts.

His Majesty’s candidacy was qualified.

They had no doubt about anything, just kept digesting even the perforated shift and enjoyed the easy work.

(If I have to…… But that’s the last resort……)

Cain softly put a nutritious meal in his place.

However, using it is tantamount to violating your existence as a grass.

(I’m fine…… Safe if you can just flatter your nose. Not against orders yet……!

Cain repeated those words in his heart.

Princess Fee’s survival life continued. Besides, she was repeated bareback while trying not to be found by the guards in that condition.

(Exercise on an empty stomach is not good for your body…! Even the muscles hardly attach……!

Cain’s stomach began to ache.

And finally, the food in the outhouse ran out……

Princess Fee waved barely as she put up with her hunger, and then stood still and plunged her strength drain.

(What to do… What do I do……)

The Lord’s command and Princess Fee’s physical condition circled around in her head.

If you put this nostalgic nutritional diet where she’ll notice, no, you can buy regular food and leave it. That’s all I can do to save her.

But that also meant disqualification as grass.

Grass is a special soldier.

While he is just a soldier with no particular family or high status, the information it touches even goes as far as state secrets and sometimes information that even exceeds them. He shall send beside the king, and he shall carry out his activities in his private realm. If you divulge it to the outside world, you’ll know several times that it could be a national scandal.

For this reason, the mind was different from ordinary subordinates.

If he is an ordinary subordinate, it shall be good for him to give advice and praise when the king has made a mistake.

But this is unacceptable for grass.

Advocacy can lead to rebellion, which leads to conspiracy.

That has happened several times in the history of every country.

And as long as the grass is rebellious, it is even possible, by the nature of its duties, to directly assassinate the king, whose dangers may be high.

So the things of the grass are educated to be as faithful to the command of the Lord as they can be. It is only within the limits of the order that self-judgment can be made.

If it is the subordinate’s job to stop beating the Lord’s stupidity, then it is the grass’s way to obey any foolishness of the Lord at all costs.

(I am a grass… I am grass… I am grass…)

Cain told himself that about a hundred times.

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