I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 39


Cain couldn’t do anything in the end until Princess Fee left the palace.

Princess Fee has taken the apprenticeship knight exam, fought desperately for the game, passed brilliantly, and is well covered as an apprentice knight. Of course, it was His Majesty who hired him in.

And His Majesty is not aware of this situation at all.

This whole thing was from His Majesty’s bad habits in the first place.

This person can do what he or she is interested in and what he or she thinks is important. That’s why I was always looking for somewhere to cut my time.

Does it make sense to shred that much already? I try to shred sometimes to the point that

For items that you have to do in there, but you decide are not as important, you create a mechanism that works automatically, like this one, and you throw it out in one package.

In that case, it is customary to receive only minimal reports as well.

Since the candidates are always accurate, if we add up to the outstanding accomplishments we are giving in the other jobs we ourselves were in charge of, we would have gone around in total well as a king’s job, but only this time must be called a failure.

Cain believes that the underlying cause of this would have been a complete misreading of Princess Fee’s character.

If Princess Fee had been a selfish princess that was common, she would have complained to the guard immediately, secured about the lowest limit of her life, and had a problem-free operation. It’s only a “no problem” level for His Majesty…

Even a normal princess would have said about two things about one of the complaints, taking the limit of patience in a few days.

But the actual Princess Fee was a person who would say the opposite.

I don’t say selfishness at all, I try to do something with what I’ve been able to do, and when I’ve been stuck, I try to solve it by myself.

Judging by her from the information obtained as a result of the surveillance, except on a personal basis, she can only be a very good healthy child with cancer.

That’s what Cain thinks.

And I was capable of action.

As a result, she left the palace to improve this living environment, took the apprenticeship knight exam and passed brilliantly, securing her place in the apprentice knight’s quarters.

And only when His Majesty’s plan was broken was the person in the position to hold the most important information, thus himself, the grass…

Whatever you say yourself, grass is an inflexible, ineffective soldier who, if given the wrong order, leads it straight to the wrong result.

Cain was even supposed to monitor this case of great failure, which has since been abandoned and Princess Fee’s daily efforts as an apprentice knight, growing as a single knight while failing.

As a story in the first place, Cain wanted to say that even now.

The king said this was enough.

(Though ‘surveillance’ would be the only thing enough! What are you going to do with her ‘life’! Besides fashionable or social? There will be something I have to let you do. It’s a girl!?

That said, Cain himself noticed the problematic nature of this plan through Princess Fee’s surveillance, so I can’t really blame people for that…

It was a common perception of those who could grasp him, grass or subordinate, that this king had considerable problems only with the treatment of women.

Cain knew.

His Majesty has not received any report on the matter from the watchdog at all.

His Majesty is not so interested in the existence of Princess Fee.

I didn’t think it would be as threatening because she was black, and I also put on surveillance because I thought I could pull information from a contact person into a potato formula if it was black, rather than to determine whether she was white or black herself.

I am suspicious that even a piece of Princess Fee’s name remains on His Majesty’s head, sitting at his desk now and glistening with the documents of the water treatment project on the southern river.

In this surveillance mission, Naena, the only woman in the grass, etc., who has had her watch replaced about a few times, after the mission, her gaze at His Majesty was about 10°C colder than before, but she probably hasn’t noticed that either.

Cain once again thinks he’s the only one who can manage this situation.

(It’s easy…… Princess Fee works as an apprentice knight in your unit. Just say that one thing…)

That’s what I thought, the moment I sat at my desk and tried to open my mouth to a king who moves a pen, I said to Cain’s head, ‘Report only when it was black’, ‘I don’t need anything else’, ‘It’s the grass’s job to faithfully carry out the Lord’s commands as much as possible’, ‘Advocacy is the work of his ministers. It’s our job to be hands and feet’, different words come to mind.

(Why…… Why can’t it be this simple…… Why……)

Cain was that day.

(Why am I a grass…!

I’ve followed my own existential questions.

Of course Cain is grass only because he has been well educated as much as possible with the same grass as his parents who were the grass of his predecessors, but that’s not the story.

Without realizing how troubling Cain was, His Majesty Roy began to run his pen on paper as usual. Apparently, a policy has been decided on this year’s water treatment project.

(If you turn your interest even in this 100th of the time to Princess Fee…)

Cain had to think so.

In the end, even in him that day, he won himself as a grass and could not give the king a report about Princess Fee.

(I am a grass… Just execute orders faithfully. I am grass… I am grass…)

Saying those words to his heart about 100 times, Cain walks away from the king’s office so no one can see him.

Looking back on your inner self no longer feels much too late, but don’t think deeply.

That was last night.

Today Cain continues to monitor Princess Fee on a tree.

Until just now, I was having fun talking to His Majesty Roy.

(How about that! I was getting confused!

Pretending to think, realizing that he had neglected to monitor, and daring to return his gaze to its original place, there was no sign of Princess Fee or His Majesty Roy there.

(Mm, have you moved yet? Find Princess Fee.)

A serious lapse as a grass. My condition that it is no longer a grass.

Still faithfully attempting to continue his duties, Cain realized that there were signs of someone twisting up the tree where he was hiding.

Plus, it’s pretty close already……!

Soon after Cain noticed the signs, a girl’s face popped out of between the pimples and the branches.

Cute girl’s face with her hair cut in a shortcut boyish breeze.

I mean, it was Princess Fee’s face.

Princess Fee, when she found herself hiding on a tree, gave her a parched, people-pleasing smile and greeted her.

“Maybe it’s Mr. Cain!? I’m Heath! Hello!”

(I’ve been in contact with a surveillance target! What do you do, Your Majesty?!!!

Cain exclaimed in his heart.

“I want to eor. I asked him where he was hiding, but he wasn’t there, and he told me to look elsewhere, but I finally found him!

(And why are you teaching surveillance subjects all the surveillance points – oops!!!

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