I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 40


“I’ve been told by Mr. Cain to teach me his moves from the moment I want to!

For Princess Fee to say, that’s what happened.

Running writing, but there was even a formal order in Ior’s name. For grass it takes the same effect as an order from His Majesty.

In the meantime, it’s dangerous, so I’ll get you out of the tree and then we’ll talk.

“That’s amazing! I had no idea you were hiding out there! What were you doing?


(I was watching you……)

There’s no way I can tell that to myself.

Seeing Cain shut up without saying anything, Princess Fee wants to guess something, too.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Must be a secret mission!

For some reason, I’ve said that with my eyes shining a little.


In fact, it was a secret assignment for Princess Fee.

Probably not as good a mission as she imagines.

“So what moves can you tell me?

Princess Fee was totally willing to be taught the moves. I’m looking at this one with a glittering eye with anticipation.

(No…, but is it okay…)

Cain reconsiders the order given by the Lord in advance.

“Monitor Princess Fee,” “Report only when it was black,” “Teach Heath (Princess Fee) your moves”.

Yeah, I’m not particularly inconsistent.

Just watching Princess Fee, finally teaching her moves and giving Her Majesty nothing to report is something that can easily be achieved…

Nothing is inconsistent……


(I don’t care what you think……! Think common sense……!

Cain wanted to hold his head. rather than held.

As a result of keeping it to be grass and faithfully following orders, things were going even further into the labyrinth.

“Mr. Cain!? Mr. Cain!? Are you ok!?

Princess Fee sees it and sounds worried.

Cain made up his mind and stood up softly.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.”

(I am a grass… Only faithfully carry out orders……)

He insists it’s grass, but his heart was no longer just a shitty cain.

“Really? Good. Only Mr. Cain can count on me anymore. So what can you tell me?

Cain was troubled again when he said so.

(It’s good to teach moves, but is it dangerous…? This is the princess. No, she’s already the queen of this country. You can’t do a high-risk move… Then we have to rule out the attack system. The mobile system can also cause injury. If……)

“Well, be passive.”

“I’d like it to be more flashy”

As soon as I tried to say such a tricky move, Princess Fee swelled her cheeks a lot.

(That, unexpectedly selfish…?

Cain was a little confused by the impression he had when he was watching and the impression he actually had of talking to him.

“Then we’ll defend the opponent when he grabs his hand.”

“I’ve already learned that with an apprentice knight.”

After that, all the moves that seemed to have no problem teaching His Highness Cain’s chosen side queen ate the rejection.

“I’d prefer it to be more flashy. It doesn’t make sense unless you can be proud of everyone. Mr. Cain can do it!

It’s supposed to be our first meeting, but Princess Fee affirms so.

Fee was desperate at this time as well. Because Mr. Cain is the last fortress for special skill mastery.

And Mr. Cain had an aura that looked like that in Phee’s eyes with amazing moves.

(I’m stuck… No more moves that can guarantee safety…… I can’t help it……, at least with a move-based move……)

Cain ended up compromising so……

Cain took Princess Fee to the backyard.

It’s grass, so you shouldn’t be in people’s eyes.

“Sounds like some kind of secret special training.”

Princess Fee looked at Cain with excited eyes.

There were walls where they moved. It is a relatively low wall among the inner walls that divide the royal castle.

From his nostrils, Cain picks up a tool with hook claws at the tip of a sturdy rope.

And when I held the part of the hook claw in my right hand, I threw it over the wall as much as I wanted.

The hook claw snaps and the rope is fixed. Then Cain climbed the rope without sound, and in a few seconds he climbed up on the wall to show it.

(How about this…?

When I looked at Princess Fee, I looked at Cain on the wall and his eyes were really shining.

“Shh, it’s amazing……!

Apparently, expectations were answered. I took a sigh of relief and showed her gently off the wall in front of Princess Fee.

Then it was Princess Fee’s practice time.

“Eh! Is that…? Eh……!

Even if Princess Fee throws it, the hook claws aren’t quite caught on the wall.

“It’s annoying…”

Truth is, Cain was after this. There are many difficulties with this move, but it is generally difficult and frustrating to hook it up to the wall.

If you look at the whole move, it’s more dangerous, but if you hadn’t let it climb high, it would have been safe for sure.

Princess Fee fought a rope with hook claws for about 20 minutes before giving it to Cain.


I’m sure I can give up.

Good…… Now the mission should be completed……

Cain thought so for a moment.

“Mr. Cain throws it. Because I also want to practice going up. You can practice throwing later.”

(Efficient…… I didn’t know why this would happen, I…)

Cain suppressed his head……

There was nothing wrong with Princess Fee’s opinion, and Cain had to drink it.

Throw the hook nail and hook it up to the top part of the inner wall. Called slightly more politely than usual.

Princess Fee just grabs the rope and starts practicing climbing.

Cain went downstairs in advance and prepared to be taken even if he fell.

At the beginning of the climb Princess Fee’s body grew wide open. Cain’s heart is about to stop.

But he lightly re-holds it, and from there he softly climbs up the wall.

(Oh my god…)

Normally, it’s not something you can do if you’re told to do it in one shot.

Balance when climbing, unfamiliarity with using ropes to support one’s weight, and fear of heights, such things definitely interrupt and fail.

But Princess Fee fluttered several times, yet steadily climbed the wall.

Moreover, the sense of stability increases with each ascent.

Light weight, excellent exercise ability, and fearless bravery.

While they were still unstable from Cain’s point of view, they were trying to mimic their first wall ascent to success.

(It’s the talent I want in the grass… No, what are you thinking? This person will be revealed by the Queen of this country…)

Cain unwittingly strikes down the words that have come to his mind.

Fee was the first wall climb, and every single one went up to the top of the inner wall.

“Mr. Cain, I did it. Yo!

Princess Fee was waving at Cain on the wall.

Princess Shaggy Fee’s body sways happily on the wall.

“Ugh, that?

In front of Cain’s eyes, that body slipped off the wall.

(Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Cain ran selflessly obsessed and caught Princess Fee’s body.

And scold Princess Fee as loudly as she can as a grass.

“You can’t be as alarmed as you were when you succeeded! Don’t get distracted until you get down!

“I’m sorry.”

Princess Fee nodded honestly, keeping it round like a cat in her arms because of her mistakes as well.

“Then I’ll try not to fail you this time. Oh, and show me how to get down.”

Once she falls, she will not be afraid, and Princess Fee will soon resume practice again.

That’s how I learned how to climb and descend walls in a day.

“Thank you for sharing your amazing moves! Mr. Cain!”

Princess Fee’s face after the practice was over was a bitter and satisfying face.

Then he flattered his fingers and stared at Cain’s chest.

What was there was the rope on the wall earlier.

(No way, do you want…? No, you can’t. There’s only one of these. It’s an essential tool for grass… You can’t let it go……)


Cain thinks only slightly.

“Ask Garuge…… I’m sure you’ll make it…”


Princess Fee nodded with great pleasure at Cain’s words.

A few days later, Phee stood with her throat and face in front of the slads.

“I’ve finally learned my special moves, too!

Those who throw and hook up have also practiced in the last few days and are finally able to do so.

First I thought I’d show it to three people: Slad, Geese and Raimier.

By the way, when Gollms heard of the special attack, he fled with a shitty. I’ll definitely show you later, Fee is determined.

Anyway, that was a revelation to the three of us first.

“Heh, what kind of move is that?

“We’ve all been running out of stories in the last few days…”

“Looking forward to it.”

Slad seemed purely intriguing, and Geese, in the wind of discussing, Laemier gathered me in front of Fee with a smile.

In front of those three, the moment Phee took out the rope with the hook claws, the expression of the three changed into something subtle.

“Heath, you…”

“That’s a little…”

“That’s a regulation violation…”

A gaze that sees such a pathetic thing as a shudder.

They had rules in place for the boys’ Special Attack Boom at some point.


1.5x points for sword moves, 1x for spears or bows, no other use.

The time for martial arts is up to 10 seconds.

If you move more than 2 meters from the start, you will be disqualified.

Up to 3 swords can be used.

At last, the boys decided to voluntarily rule after a special competition that expanded in many directions.

I didn’t know Phee had spent the last few days just practicing throwing.

Fee, who received a rule explanation from Raimier, turns bright white.

Cain taught me how many special moves I couldn’t use.

“Well, good luck next time? Right?”

“Yep, yep, yep, yep!?

Laemier’s awkward and seemingly encouraging, fie’s sad scream echoed in the training center.

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