Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

0. Prologue

"Almost there, almost there" energetically a man said.

Eager to get to his destination, the lone patron continued driving swiftly down the road in spite of the heavy rain. Moving along, he noticed a bright light shining over the next slope on the road. Past it was a wide facility consisting of multiple buildings, with the tallest possessing the words "LIMELIGHT LABS" on it. Driving to a security gate where two armed security guards stood, the patron timidly handed over a paper without leaving his seat. The security guard moved his eyes from the paper to the patron repeatedly until finally touching the radio on his shoulder.

"This is security at gate 12, requesting entry for a Gabriel Russo"

A loud horn sounded off before the gate began to open. The guard proceeded to return the paper he received before giving directions.

"Alright, you're clear to proceed Mr. Russo. Just continue driving straight ahead and you'll reach the parking lot. After that, walk towards the tallest building."

Gabriel nodded and continued driving.

"I finally made it! After all the trouble it took just to get a phone call through, let alone an appointment, I'm actually going to meet him!"

The patron named Gabriel could barely conceal his excitement as he parked his car. Wearing a black suit and armed with nothing but a briefcase to shield himself from the rain, he quickly made his way towards the door of his destination. Making his way inside, he was met by a stoic looking woman wearing a lab coat. She possessed a melancholy, yet calming demeanor.

"Mr. Russo, welcome to Limelight Labs. I'm Dr. Patricia Myers, and I'll be your guide for today. Dr. Parker is waiting for you on the sixth floor but before we go any further there's something you're going to need. We take security very seriously here so please put on this badge. This entire facility is automated and the last thing we need is an alarm going off every time you enter a room".

The two proceeded towards an elevator. Traveling up several the floors, they exited the elevator towards a hallway with one door.

"Is there anything I should know before speaking with him?"

Dr. Myers made a slight smirk before responding.

"He's someone who prefers to get to point so waste no time explaining why he should pick you over the other applicants who have reached out to us. Don't drone on about how much you admire him or his work as he abhors sycophants. Simply stay direct, quick, on point, and you'll be fine. But whatever you do, don't mention the books"

(Books?) thought Gabriel before going inside. Dr. Myers remained standing by the door.

The room was approximately half the size of a basketball court. The walls covered with strange panels. There was a single desk at the edge of the room with a computer and schematic papers next to it. Multiple wires from both the wall and the computer were attached to a glowing rectangular-shaped device about Five feet tall at it's center. On the floor by the door was a pile of manga with the word "NARUTO" printed on them. Working on the device was a lone man dressed in standard office attire.

"Hmm, the output is less than I had hoped for, most likely due to the copper plates"

"Hello Dr. Par-"

"I'll need to make some adjustments to outer shell"


"But I really don't want to make the device any bigger than it is, maybe I can switch out the materials?"


"But what type should I use? The copper is limiting the output, and with the heat building up, titanium is far too dangerous"

"How about a Cobalt resin?"

"Cobalt...yeah that should work. In addition to the heat tolerance, it's very effective against corrosion. Good idea...who are you?"

Having a sigh of relief after getting his attention, Gabriel retrieved a paper from his briefcase and introduced himself.

"My name is Gabriel Russo, and I'm here to offer my sponsorship towards you and the Illumination Project"

After handing him the contract, Gabriel nervously waited for a response.

"Gabriel Russo. Oh right, the boat Mogul from Italy that's been investing into the energy business recently...and where in the hell did you hear about the Illumination Project?"

"Contrary to what the tabloids might say, I think we both know I'm not a boat Mogul, but rather an engine fanatic with really good ears. Recently, I heard of a certain energy scientist that had made a breakthrough in his research. And as fate would have it, that scientist is someone I've already been very eager to meet. The infamous Dr. Raymond Parker himself"

"Hmph, 'Infamous' huh? I suppose that's ONE way to describe me. Alright then"

"Alright then?"

"I accept your offer. 'Limelight Labs' will accept your patronage Mr. Russo"

Raymond said as he quickly signed the paper.

"Wha?! Just like that?! Don't you even want to read it first or discuss terms?!

" Gabriel"


"First...just call me 'Ray'. Second, You're giving me money for my project in exchange for just some stock in my Company right?"


"Third, anyone who can discover this highly secretive project, and immediately decide to offer money to support it wouldn't be the type to take advantage of me, as it would serve no point given the unique goal of the project. And from what I've already read, your contract doesn't request any say or authority on my work or company right?


"Then there's nothing else to discuss, plus there's no need for a tour since you not only know, but have seen the project"

Ray then pointed to the device at the center of the room

"Ah! So this is..."

"The first prototype for 'Project Illumination'. A generator that can harness ambient energy from almost any vibration and air density shift. Practically free, clean energy for our use and soon, they won't even need wires"

Marveling at the device, Gabriel was at a loss for words


"Yes...yes it is"

After a brief pause, Ray suddenly began shaking Gabriel's hand before speaking again.

"Welp! Pleasure doing business with you, my people will contact you next week to finalize the details. Dr. Myers will see you out"

"Please follow me Mr. Russo"

"Huh?! Wha? Bu- but I just got!"

Before he even realized it, Patricia had already taken Gabriel out the room.

A bit flabbergasted and still trying to come to terms with what just happened, Gabriel took a breath and followed Patricia before speaking again.

"Nicely done Mr. Russo. You took my advice to heart."

"You weren't kidding, he does like to get the point. But I guess I can't complain since I got what I came for. Still, I'm surprised someone so focused on his work would buy piles of Manga and leave them in his workstation. There's a hobby for everyone I guess."

Patricia suddenly spoke under her breath.

"...They weren't really bought, but rather gifted to him"

"Hmm? Sorry Dr. Myers, did you say something just now?"

"Oh! No, it's nothing. Anyway, here's our stop. Thank you for coming, we look forward to working with you in the near future"

As Gabriel proceeded to leave the facility, Patricia headed back to find Ray still working on the maintenance of the generator.

"You really should head home for the night. The project isn't going anywhere, plus we do have people ready to handle the grunt work"

"This is our only current prototype. We really don't need any hiccups on the account of someone screwing up. I'll be fine, that will all for today Dr. Myers"

Patricia frowned but didn't say anything more before leaving. Alone, Ray continued working on the generator for the next hour before picking one of the manga on the floor and walking to his desk.

"Sigh, I have read this story dozens of times and I still don't understand why 'he' liked it so much"

Ray continued reading before drifting off to sleep.

"I really should just call them at least once in a while. Especially...if I keep...receiving...these...manga"

As he slept, the generator suddenly began to power up and after a few minutes, began shaking violently. Ray quickly woke up to the noise.

"Huh?! W-what going-"

Spotting where the noise was coming from, Ray dashed towards the machine.

"What the hell?! Where is all this excess energy coming from?! This room has been isolated from the power grid and covered with inertia panels! There's no way it could gather this much...GAH!!!"

Before he could even finish his sentence, the device suddenly imploded with light and engulfed him.

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