Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

1. Awakening [1]





[...Will you hurry up? We don't have all day.]

With a grueling headache, Ray's consciousness began to return

[Come on "genius", wake up]

Waking up, the first thing Ray saw was a starry sky

"Ugh...wha...what happened? The sky? Was I taking a nap outside? No, that's not right I...I was just in the lab and generator just...the generator!"

Ray found himself in an unfamiliar area with only endless sky in sight. Confused and disoriented, he held his head and looked downwards only to be met with shock once again

"Uwah?! Where am I?! What town is that?! And how the hell am I floating?!

Ray was somehow suspended in midair and beneath him, a completely foreign town with a strange, yet familiar structure. Before he could say anything else, a unique, distorted voice began speaking.

[Three questions in three seconds, you're definitely the talkative type]

"W-who said that?!

[I did]

"How are you talking in my head?!"

[Because I can? It's best if you don't question. Such an act would be the equivalent of laying down and attempting to ponder the mysteries of the universe. You won't get a straight answer no matter how much you want it]

"Who are y-"

[We'll get to WHO, or rather WHAT I am in a sec. Right now, it'd be best if you calm down. We can't proceed otherwise]

"Now wait just a-!"

[Calm down right now, or I'll leave you here to fend for yourself]


[Feeling better yet?]

"I guess it's not like freaking out will change my current situation"

[A fast learner...I like that. Means you just might be able to survive the 'game' after all Raymond]

"What game?" (He knows my name? Well, he's in my head so I guess that'd be obvious)

[The one you're in now. And before you have no right to refuse. I'll explain the rules in a sec but as I recall, you had some questions right? Well trust me, better now than later. We're on a clock however, so you better hurry]

"Did did I get here?"

[How do you think you got here smart guy?]

Dark thoughts began to manifest in his mind as Raymond pondered the suggesting question...and he started getting nervous.

"I...I was working on the generator. And then it no no no no! I-?!"

[Dead? Hmmm...]


[Maybe. Only your God would know I guess. But you're here now, and the generator was the cause for sure. As for who brought you to this place, my advice would be to look in a mirror.]

"Look in a...what's that suppose to mean?!"

[It means whatever you think it means. Next question...and try ask a better one this time.]

"Ugh...fine. WHERE am I?"

[Much better. You, my dear reckless-slash-suicidal scientist are in the ONE-AND-ONLY.....'Kumogakure']

"'t that the fictional capital village of the 'Land of Lightning' in the story of...oh...Oh you have got to be shitting me-!"

[And now you've got it. Introductions! You, without even the aid of the notorious 'truck-kun', have been sent into the world of "NARUTO"! I am your "Guide", and I welcome you Dr. Raymond Parker, to 'PROJECT ILLUMINATION'!]



"......Son of a bitch......"

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