Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

2. Awakening [2]


[What did I say about remaining calm?]

"Ahhhh! I can't believe this shit!"

[Believe it]

"It's bad enough that I was stupid enough to cause my own death but...!"

[It still hasn't been confirmed you're dead yet...]



"...but to add insult to injury, I've been sent to another world like in some shitty 'Isekai' Manga!"

[Isekai's really aren't that bad. Only poor execution of it...though that's just my opinion]

"Will you shut the hell up already!" Filled to the brim with anger, Raymond began gasping for air.

[Let it all out of your system.]


[You done?]


[Good. As much as I enjoyed your adorable little freakout, like I said, we're pressed on time. So let's finish this little "Q & A" session before the "project" starts]

"About that, why does this...well...whatever this is...have the same title as my..."

[That's not for me to say. But your project is, in part, one of the reasons you're here so it seemed appropriate]

"Uh-huh" (Yeah...that sounds like a load of BS. But this thing is probably not gonna say anymore so I'll drop it for now)

[Let's stop talking about the past, and more about our mutually beneficial future. You know what you have to ask]

"Sigh...How do I play this game?"

[The rules are simple, you'll be inserted into the world as a simple background character and all you have to do is survive. And if you survive, you just might be able to go back home]

"I'll be able to go back?! You'll send me back?

[Not me, I have no influence in this world]

"Then how do you know I can go back?"

[Because I'm the "Guide". Like everyone else in the universe, there are things I know...and things I don't know]

(How convenient for you) "And all I have to do is just...survive? That's it?"

[That's it]

"And for how long do I have to survive"

[You should strive to stay alive past 'Part 2' of the main story is finished. That should guarantee your safety]

"Part mean after the '4th Shinobi World War' is over?"

[Correct. When I say "survive", I mean become strong enough to the point no one can really threaten you]

"Why not later, like during the sequel series 'Boruto'?"

[This "game" takes place during the events of 'Naruto' not 'Boruto']

"So, there will be no influence from Sequel?"

[Just a little, but hardly anything noticeable. If you make it past "Part 2", you shouldn't have anything to worry about. This 'game' is supposed to be interesting]


[Of course! Otherwise, there'd be no point in doing all of this!]

"...In other words, I'm just a source of entertainment for you"

[I'll certainly have fun but, you're not here to entertain me. But definitely "someone" else. And that is all I will say on "that" matter]

"......So just survive then. Alright, I can work with that."

[Hm? Someone's awfully chipper now]

"Well it's just, I thought it was gonna be hard but who knew it'd be so easy"

[Oh, and just who said it was going to be easy?]



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