Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

3. Awakening [3]

Confused by the response of the "Guide", Raymond spoke again

"What do mean? You're saying it's not going to be easy?"

[Why would you think it'd be easy?]

"First, I don't get any cheat-like powers or gifts right?"

[Nope. All you got is me, and all I do is talk. Because this isn't your, as you'd put it, typical shitty "Isekai" comic]

"Exactly, I'm entering the story as an extra and all I have to do is stay alive right?


"Then there's no problem. Naruto is hero of the story anyway, he'll handle all the bad guys. Plus I'm just a background character, so there's no need to work hard. If I just stay out of everyone's way, I can kick back and relax. Just let the main cast do all the heavy lifting"

Raymond's mood improved after learning the rules, unaware he was about to receive a rude awakening when the guide spoke once again

[Unfortunately Ray, I'm going call you "Ray", things aren't gonna be that simple]

"What? What's the problem?"

[Normally you'd be right, the story has been set so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. But, you're forgetting one key element]

"That element being what?"



[What you have failed to understand is just by being in this world, you have changed things]

"How could I change everything by just existing in this world?!"

[Don't you have a several Ph.D's? I think it's about time you start using them]


[Surely you can understand the ramifications of 'Cause and Effect' right?]

"Cause and Effect is just model, completely theoretical. We still cannot truly prove simple actions have world changing effects, or even if the concept is real"

[And why is that?]

"Because we're not prophets, and we can't predict the future! Like dropping a pencil. Science says it'll fall to the ground due to gravity, but who knows? The next time you're about to drop a pencil, it may not fall to the ground, by rise all the way to the ceiling"

[Huh...didn't think of it that way. Your current situation also bring validity to your reasoning as well]

"Of course it does. Past experiences can never prove the future"

[But you're forgetting thing Ray, this isn't your world anymore]


[Come on, use those ivy league-paid-for brain cells]

"...Oh no"

[Oooooooh yes! Science, physics, even the laws of the universe. Everything works differently here. Here, your very presence in the world will cause a sort-of "ripple effect". Prior to your arrival, this world's story was already set. But now, you showing up has completely changed the equation]

"But that means-!"

[That means now...Naruto's victory over the Antagonists is no longer certain. It means those who were slated to die may live, and vice versa]

"This a manner of no longer the world of Naruto..."

[Which also means, Naruto may not be able to save the world as he did in the original ending. And as we both know, if he doesn't save world...]

Ray trembled with anxiety. Naively hoping the guide would not say what he knew deep down it was going to say


He fell to knees in despair, after already coming to conclusion there was no way he could win this "game" now

"No way. This...this can't..."



[Are you giving up already? That's kind of dissapointing]


Ray was unresponsive to the guides remarks.

[Are you really not even gonna try?]


[You've been potentially given a second chance at life, something most people never receive, and you're response is to wallow on ground?]


[Pathetic. Where'd you lose your balls Ray?]

Fed up with the taunting entity, he screamed with all his strength


[Anger. Good, that should help you]

"Is this just some joke to you?! Do you enjoy giving people impossible challenges as they fight for their lives?! Is that how you get your kicks?!"

[Yes? No? Honestly, I'm not really sure in that regard. Why do you think it's impossible?]

"I'm an "extra" with no cheats! I've read enough of this story to know that if you don't come from some prominent clan, or have some demon inside of you, it's pretty much impossible to get ahead is this unfair world!"

[Don't be such a downer. Despite the harsh truth in your words, you still have some leeway. I did say this "project" was a "game"]


[What kind of game would it be if it was completely unfair? How is that any fun?]


[You may not have cheats, but you do have what we call, "Lifelines"]


[Five answers to your questions in particular]

"And how does five answers help me?"

[My "role" in this game is to provide you with all of the information in the original story. This information will aid you in keeping the story on it's original track if you choose]

"If I choose?"

[Yes, because you may decide to go off course at certain points for your benefit]

"Why the hell would that benefit me? My only advantage is the knowledge of future events. If I purposely move in a different direction, isn't that basically cutting off the only thing I got going for me?"

[You misunderstand. When I say "Five Answers", I meant answers with absolute certainty]

"But isn't your role to give me information?"

[On the "Original Events" yes, but if you change the story's course, I can tell you how to put it back on track. Or when it's seems like you might have a chance to progress faster, you can take the risk, go off course, and I can give you the means to survive even in the most dire of situations]


[Obviously there are limitations. I can only give "Five Absolute Answers", but if you're smart, careful, and use all information I give to your advantage, you just might make it out of this]

Shocked at this revelation, hope began to return to Ray's eyes as he stood back up again

"Why didn't you say this earlier? And don't you dare say it was because I didn't as-"

[But you didn't ask?]


Ray stood back up, annoyed, but no longer depressed. Strength returning to his eyes.

[That's a better look than a few minutes ago. So, have you made a decision?]


"When do we start?"

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