Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

102. Slight Hitch

I MADE A MILLION...lunches. As for the late release, it's because I spent my whole day yesterday doing volunteer work. Making lunches for those who can't feed themselves during these tough times and let me tell you, it felt real good. WE ACTUALLY MADE IT TO A MILLION! Though my back is in pain, my spirit is feeling great. If you guys have any free time, maybe try something like that once in a while (Though obviously not at the same scale, I don't want you hurting yourselves LOL). Nothing wrong with getting some good Karma. Hoping you're all having a wonderful day and as always, enjoy the chapter!


While Rei awkwardly reminisced with Kayui, Yurui, and Nurui, Motoi quietly conversed with F

"What's going on?" (Motoi)

"When I found the drop box, the broker's letter informed me others were closing in on him" (F)

"Who?!" (Motoi)

"He didn't say, all the letter had was instructions for meeting him and stating the details our arrangement have changed" (F)

"He's changing the deal now? Just who is he to-!" (Motoi)

"Believe me, I feel the same way, though let's not loose our heads just yet. He may be a traitor, but he's a traitor with intel Kumogakure desires. Let's see how things pan out when we meet him in person before deciding our next course of action" (F)

"Sigh. Alright, where are we meeting him?" (Motoi)

Before answering his question, F decided to call the others over as they were short on time. He wanted to start the mission as soon as possible since none of them knew if and when any more unwanted guests would show up

"Alright you four, get over here! It's time to move out!" (F)

"Should we put them on sensei?" (Nurui)

"Yes. Give one to Sano-kun and Motoi" (F)

"Hm?" (Rei)

Nurui opened up the large bag on his back and took out several cloaks, handing one to each person present

"Make sure you take off your headbands" (Nurui)

"The place we're going to is called Nikkō Inn Town1Sunlight Inn Town. It's a highly populated area filled with inns and stores. A perfect place to rest up after a long journey, travelers frequently visit the town" (F)

"Hence the cloaks and no headbands, since this is a low profile mission" (Rei)

"Correct, it'd be ideal if no one found out Kumo-nin were here. I want this done as quick as humanly possible" (F)

"And here I thought we could enjoy some nice, relaxing catering" (Yurui)

"We arrive in town, meet our contact at the Okōshi Minshuku2Ryokan, and get our intel...that's it" (F)

Motoi took out a heavily decorated scroll and displayed its contents to the Genin before giving it to F

"In exchange, Kumogakure promises not to pursue this defector anymore and pardon him of his crimes" (Motoi)

"Seems simple enough" (Kayui)

"It was until a few hours ago. I'll skip explaining how I found out, but just know we've confirmed the existence of others seeking this man in the area" (F)

"?!" (Kayui & Nurui)

"Well...shit" (Yurui)

"This just got annoyingly more complicated" (Rei)

"Which is why we're leaving right now. Take only what you need and move!" (F)

"Right!" (The Genin)





After gathering their belongings, the six man group darted through the trees, nearing the town. It was then Motoi whispered to Rei

"Sano-kun" (Motoi)

"?" (Rei)

"While this mission is to retrieve intel, we must not forget the person we're meeting is a former ninja of the village" (Motoi)

"I'm aware" (Rei)

"Not to mention, these new variables now hunting him down. The chances of them being ninja from other villages is high" (Motoi)

"Wait, are you-?" (Rei)

"The only thing more important than acquiring his information, is making sure his knowledge of us and Kumogakure doesn't fall into the hands of anyone you understand?" (Motoi)

"..." (Rei)

Rei simply turned his attention away from Motoi and hastened his pace

{No response huh? I thought something like that would get a reaction out of him but...} (Motoi)

Motoi was still probing Rei, how he'd respond to such a dark question would shed much light on his true character. Because Rei never let his guard down to anyone, it was very hard for most to surmise his intentions

Especially by one unfamiliar with him like Motoi

"We're here! From this point forward, move as if you're a normal civilian!" (F)

"Suppress your chakra!" (Motoi)

The group landed on the ground and began walking with a subtle pace. Quietly entering the city, the large crowds made it easy to remain inconspicuous. After a few minutes, the group arrived at the inn

Entering through the back, F directed them upstairs to the top floor. Walking down the hallway of rooms, he glanced left and right for the room they were seeking until finally...

"Found it, room 407" (F)

F turned around and faced the Genin

"Remember, your focus is to simply keep watch, Motoi and I will handle the talking. Don't react to whatever he might say or do, do not talk to him, and do not take anything from him" (F)

"In the event of an attack, we'll buy you some time to get him out of the inn and city. As for the rest..." (Motoi)

Motoi made a sharp glance at the Genin, or rather, Rei in particular

"?" (Yurui)

"Let's get this over with" (Motoi)

Motoi nodded to F, who after receiving his signal, knocked on the door.


"..." (Motoi)

No response

{Don't tell me we're too late} (Rei)

"Starry Sky" (F)

"?" (Rei)

"Enlightened World"

A voice from inside the room responded

"?!" (Everyone)

"Let's go" (F)

Entering the room, they found most of the appliances inside untouched. In the main area sat a fair-skinned bald man wearing a kimono robe and black pants underneath. A bushy black beard and his robe stretched by his wide belly, he was truly one of large girth

A small bag on his left side and a low, circular table in front of him

"About damn time!"

"Futoi..." (F)

"It was you..." (Motoi)

"Motoi? You're here to? And an extra Genin, that wasn't part of our deal! It was just supposed to be you F!" (Futoi)

"You got a problem with that?" (F)

"Ya damn right I do! You don't get to-!" (Futoi)

"YOU were supposed to meet F outside of town. Having us come here was not only a risk, but also wasn't what we initially agreed upon, so save your complaints for someone who gives a damn" (Motoi)

"You broke our deal first, what'd you expect?" (F)

The Genin split up and secured the surroundings, searching the room for anything out of the ordinary before returning outside to guard the door

"Cheh! Whatever, have you brought it?" (Futoi)

"Not so fast...the intel" (Motoi)

"Hah? You think I'm f*cking stupid? As if I'd give it up so easily!" (Futoi)

"We could say the same" (Motoi)

"Motoi..." (F)

"!" (Motoi)

F held Motoi back. While he was also dissatisfied with current situation, he maintained a calm, level-headed demeanor. Reaching into his pocket, he took out the scroll Motoi had given him earlier

"Is that-?" (Futoi)

"An official pardon signed by the Raikage-sama and Daimyō-sama, stating once you receive it, you're a free man" (F)

"Great! Then I'll-!" (Futoi)

Just as he reached for it, F pulled his hand away

"Hm?! What's the meaning of this?!" (Futoi)

"You didn't think we'd just hand it to you like that, did you?" (F)

"You've verified the scroll contents, now it's time you hold up your end of the bargain. Hand over the intel" (Motoi)

"So you can just kill me here and walk away after I give it to you? Fat chance" (Futoi)

"You're not cooperating?" (F)

"Only when I get what I want" (Futoi)

"...Very well" (F)

F stood up

"?" (Motoi & Futoi)

"You can play hard to get as much as you like Futoi, but if you're just going to waste our time, the deal's off" (F)

"Eh?!" (Motoi)

"Huh?! What the hell are you saying?!" (Futoi)

"Are you deaf? I said we're done here" (F)

"Hah! You're just gonna leave?! Nice bluff" (Futoi)

"I'm pretty sure the only one bluffing here is you" (F)

"Huh?" (Futoi)

"You remained in hiding after all this time, and now you decide to make amends? Kumogakure had no idea where you were since the war ended and believe me, we looked. Traitors like you rarely get away so easily. The fact you've reached out to us means the luck you had...has finally run out" (F)

"You-!" (Futoi)

"It’s pretty obvious someone’s after you, meaning your only chance of survival is with our help. How far do you think a tub of lard like you will last alone?" (Motoi)

"Grrr...ahhh...FINE!" (Futoi)

"Give it to us" (Motoi)

"I...I don't..." (Futoi)

Motoi glared at him, his face full of murderous intent

"If you claim you don't have it..." (Motoi)

"I do! I do!'s not on me!" (Futoi)

"What?" (F)

"A precaution, in the event you tried to kill me. I stashed it in a scroll located elsewhere" (Futoi)

"Where?" (F)

"It won't do you any good. There's a seal on the scroll that only responds to my chakra. If anyone else so much as touches it, the scroll will ignite and burn away" (Futoi)

"Let me guess, somewhere outside the city?" (F)

"Hehehe! That's right! If want it that badly, you nitwits are gonna get me out of here!" (Futoi)

"How dare you..." (Motoi)

Futoi continued with a smug grin on his face

"Look at it this way, putting up with me grants you the information your discount, foolish excuse for a Raikage couldn't get on his own. Then again, what can you do when you come from a family with muscles for brains! Hahaha!" (Futoi)

"That's it-!" (Motoi)


Flinging the table between them over, Motoi was inches away from clutching Futoi's throat when F grabbed him

Motoi was already infuriated with Futoi. He abhorred the arrogant behavior of the traitor sitting before him, and the fact he couldn't do anything about it made him even angrier

"THIS F*CKING PIG-!" (Motoi)


"Heh! At least one of you has a brain" (Futoi)

"Shut it! Motoi, I'll handle the rest, go cool off outside" (F)

"F! How can you-!" (Motoi)


F tapped his forehead protector

"I'm a shinobi, I put my feelings aside for the mission. Now matter how much the task disgusts me as it does now" (F)

"..." (Motoi)

"I know what this about...don't project your personal issues with B-sama on this situation" (F)

"?!" (Motoi)

"I've got this, once I'm done, we'll leave" (F)

"...Right" (Motoi)

Motoi left the room and F continued his talks with Futoi

"Heh! I take it we have a deal then?" (Futoi)

"Not so fast. There are still some things I need to make clear before we go any further" (F)




Just outside the inn

There were several figures hiding on a nearby rooftop


"The target's inside...with others"


"Can't tell, but most likely. I can't feel them"

"Most likely, they're suppressing their chakra"

"They have to be shinobi then, any idea of which village?"

"Because of the cloaks they're wearing, it's impossible to tell. But considering the target's origin, my money's on Kumogakure"

"Probably. We'll know more once they leave. Remember, we'll take action once they're out of the city"

"Got it"


As the figures came to an agreement, the one observing the inn reacted with surprise


"Hm?! What is it?!"

"They...they have a sensor-nin! And...I've been noticed!"


"We've been suppressing our chakra this whole time!"

"She wasn' order to sense their chakra, she couldn't keep hers down"

"Are...are you sure someone noticed you?!"

"Positive. Sensor types can identify other sensor types. Whoever it is, they have an incredibly skilled ninja on their end!"

"Damn it!"

"Shit! I was hoping it wouldn't come to that"

The one in charge stood up and issued commands

"Change of plans, we're moving now!"

"Yes sir!"


The ones following his orders left the rooftop and scattered in different directions


The one in charge lit a cigar as he observed the inn









"Damn you Orochimaru..."


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