Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

103. Moths & Flames

Two minutes ago

While F was conversing with Futoi, Motoi left the room for some much needed air. The Genin were still patrolling the premises as makeshift security guards

After finishing another rotation, the Genin gathered 

"Everything's all clear on this end" (Yurui)

"Upstairs hasn't changed" (Kayui)

"Motoi-san left the room for some reason, he seemed upset" (Nurui)

"Why?" (Kayui)

"I don't know..." (Nurui)

"It's probably because of Futoi, having a traitor call the shots and make demands of us would undoubtedly upset someone like Motoi. Despite his calm nature, that guy is very loyal towards the village. At least...that's the impression he gave me during our travels here" (Rei)

"..." (Team F)

"Hm? What's wrong?" (Rei)

"No, it's just...that's the first time you've talked to us since the camp" (Kayui)

"Uh, well I..." (Rei)

"Hahaha! No need to feel awkward Rei!" (Yurui)

"Huh?" (Rei)

"What, did you think we'd hold a grudge or something? We're not that petty!" (Yurui)

"If anything, we're grateful to you, Sano-kun" (Nurui)

"Grateful? You guys had to take another year because of me and Tai" (Rei)

The three Genin all nodded simultaneously with smiles on their faces

"And it was completely worth it. Our defeat taught us much, more importantly, what we need to improve" (Kayui)

"We had some serious reevaluation after the graduation test. And the extra year we took helped us in a myriad of ways" (Nurui)

"Now, we're stronger than ever! So, on behalf of all us...thank you Rei!" (Yurui)

Rei was at a loss for words when the Genin before him bowed in gratitude. While typically a cold cynic himself, he had trouble maintaining his composure whenever he was met with truly honest and good intentions

Frantically ending his awkward silence, Rei bowed as well. Even he wasn't one who forgets to repay kindness with kindness

"Thank you for being my opponents, and holding such open-minded views" (Rei)


Right after, the door opened with Futoi walking behind F

"We're done here, it's time to leave" (F)

"Sensei? Why is he with-?" (Nurui)

"There's been a change of plans. What we seek lays in a scroll located somewhere else, only Futoi can find and open it" (F)

"Ugh! He's coming along, great..." (Kayui)

"Hmph! Not like I wanted to go along with you little shits either!" (Futoi)

"None of us like it, but that's the job. Speaking of which, Sano-kun. Go get Motoi, he stormed off earlier" (F)

"Right" (Rei)

"We'll meet at the back, where we first came in" (F)

Rei left the group and headed downstairs. Because of his senses, he knew exactly where Motoi was

"Motoi" (Rei)

"'s time then?" (Motoi)

"Yeah, we're taking that pig with us" (Rei)

"That's the job I guess. Alright, let's go..." (Motoi)

"F said to meet in the...UH-?!" (Rei)

"?" (Motoi)

"SENSOR!" (Rei)




Present time

The group once again wore hooded cloaks as they strolled down the street. Because of the casual pace, Futoi started to get nervous, especially after Rei said a shinobi was already zeroing in on their position

"Shouldn't we be moving a little faster?!" (Futoi)

"Quiet dumbass, you wanna get killed?" (F)

"What did you say to me asshole?!" (Futoi)

"Sigh. Running will only draw attention, and whoever it is obviously doesn't want to make a scene. The moment we get past the gate, you lead the way at top speed" (Motoi)

"Hah...fine" (Futoi)

When Rei informed the others of his discovery, F opted to wait and see how the opponents would react in public. But after several minutes, there was no sign of an impending attack. This led him to believe whoever this group was, they also couldn't afford to act with aggression in such a public place

Knowing that, the team immediately suppressed their chakra, and casually left the town in disguise

"Phew, we're here" (Kayui)

"Don't relax yet, this is were things get tricky" (Nurui)

"Futoi, take the lead" (F)

"Fine, geez" (Futoi)

Making it past the gate, the group bolted at top speed, entering the nearby forest

"How far?!" (F)

"Not much, I made sure to keep it in a place I could easily reach in the event of an attack" (Futoi)

"F-sensei" (Rei)


"We have pursuers" (Rei)

In order to not have Futoi freak out, F whispered back to Rei

"How many?"

"From what I can tell...six, and they're probably all high Chunin-level ninja, considering their chakra levels. One of them is the sensor-nin I noticed earlier" (Rei)

"Alright, Motoi...take this with you" (F)

F gave Motoi the scroll containing Futoi's pardon

"...Understood" (Motoi)

"Team F, maneuver 4!" (F)

"Right!" (Nurui, Kayui, Yurui)

"Huh?! What's going...oof-!" (Futoi)

"Just shut up and move! Sano-kun! Let's pick it up!" (Motoi) 

Team F stopped in their tracks and engaged the pursuing enemy




"Here it is!" (Futoi)

"You stored it here?" (Motoi)

In front of the trio stood a tall, isolated grotto, hidden far from prying eyes. It was a fitting place to hide something

"Here, give me a hand" (Futoi)

"?" (Motoi)

"We need to move this" (Futoi)

"..." (Rei)

With help from the pair, Futoi was able life a big boulder. After moving it, he reached deep in the ground and removed a small box. Opening it, he took out a scroll

"Is that it?" (Motoi)

"...Yes" (Futoi)

"Great, open it up" (Motoi)

"Not so fast, my pardon" (Futoi)

"While you give us the scroll we can't open?" (Rei)

"You little-" (Futoi)

"Unlock it, and we'll give it to you" (Motoi)

"..." (Futoi)

Futoi glared at them, annoyed about not getting his way. Just as they couldn't trust him, he couldn't trust they'd let him live the moment he gives up the intel. He was a missing-nin and deserter, the chances of them letting him go clean were slim at best

It was then Rei came up with a solution, gathering their attention, he pointed towards the entrance

"Ah?" (Futoi)

"How about this, you stand at the entrance. Unlock the scroll, and throw it at us. At the same time, Motoi will throw his to you" (Rei)

"And what if he doesn't?" (Futoi)

"Then at least you'll have a chance at escaping" (Motoi)

"Mmmm...fine. But if I even think you're trying to screw me-!" (Futoi)

"We get it already, will you hurry up? I got somewhere to be" (Rei)

"Cheeky bastard" {Since I still have that, I'll play your game} (Futoi)

Futoi moved towards the entrance before putting the scroll down. He poured his chakra onto the tag that kept it shut until it completely vanished

"Alright, it's done" (Futoi)

"On three!" (Motoi)

"Fine" (Futoi)

"..." (Rei)

"One..." (Motoi)

"Two..." (Futoi)

"THREE!" (Motoi & Futoi)


The two men threw the scrolls, much to their surprise. Neither expected the other would honor the agreement. Futoi eagerly looked at the scroll, confirming the contents with a wide, gleeful grin

"Well, it's been fun! Enjoy my gift!" (Futoi)

"?" (Motoi & Rei)


Something was burning at the bottom of the scroll

"!" (Motoi)


"Kuh! Get back-!" (Motoi)

"Too late" (Futoi)


Rei and Motoi were engulfed in bone shattering explosion!

"Pffff! Hahahaha! That was almost too easy! I've been wanting to do that for quite some time Motoi! I never could stand your annoying face! Did you really think I'd keep such intel on a scroll? Dumbass!" (Futoi)

Futoi looked around, but found only scattered pieces of their clothing and blood

"Good, they're dead. With this, even if F and his team survive, Kumogakure will believe it was the 'Supervisor' and his 'Employees' responsible for their deaths. Plus, this official pardon proves my face has been wiped from the Bingo Book" (Futoi)

The most wanted shinobi criminals were listed on something called, the "Bingo Book". While normally compiled by high-ranking members of a village, they're released into the world for everyone to see

Although rare, there have been cases where a missing-nin earns amnesty and has their name wiped off of it. With the process also clearing their name from all other villages, there was no way the Lightning Daimyō could put his name back on immediately, even if they did find out he double-crossed Kumogakure

"Now, time to get the hell out of here, those guys will just have to be content with Orochimaru's escape" (Futoi)

For all intents and purposes, Futoi was officially a free man. At least, that's what he believed...


"Huh? Who's there?!" (Futoi)

"Ah...Shit! Sorry Motoi, I wasn't expecting that"

"Ah?!" (Futoi)


Before he realized it, Futoi found himself in the exact position he was in right before he walked to the entrance...standing in front of Rei and Motoi

"Nice going Sano-kun" (Motoi)

"Eh, not really my best work" (Rei)

"Wha-?! What in the hell just-?!" (Futoi)

"Huh? You haven't figured it out yet. You really are Futoi*1Futoi means "Thick"" (Rei)

"It can't be..." (Futoi)

"That's right, Genjutsu. And like a moth to a flame, you fell for it" (Motoi)

"But when?! When did you do it Motoi?!" (Futoi)

"Oh, it wasn't me. Sano-kun here placed it on you the moment he pointed your way to the entrance" (Motoi)

{Then?! But he made no hand signs!} (Futoi)

Futoi stared at Rei in disbelief, the latter of whom began waving his finger

"Tch! Tch! Tch!" (Rei)

"No way...with just his...finger?!" (Futoi)

Futoi couldn't believe what he was hearing. It wasn't just the fact a nine year old kid managed to place an experienced shinobi like him under Genjutsu with only one Finger, but the quality of the Genjutsu itself was astounding

Sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch...he experienced it all. The taste of ash in the air, feeling the vibrations from the explosion, the sound of the blast, iron-like stench of blood, and he witnessed it all. He was totally convinced everything was real

Genjutsu was an incredibly difficult skill and required those of exceptional talents to master. It is for this reason not many specialize in its use. Using chakra to manipulate the nervous system and trick the senses, the quality of the illusion depends on how many senses are deceived at once

But this Genin standing before him managed to fool all five of his senses. Calling Rei a prodigy simply wouldn't do him justice

"You...GAH!" (Futoi)

"Don't bother, you're still under the effects of my Genjutsu. Get comfortable you douchebag" (Rei)

{He truly is special, even C was nothing compared to him when he was his age...amazing} (Motoi) 

"Motoi, you're up" (Rei)

"Right, now that we know this scroll was nothing but a trap, we have no choice but to coerce you into giving us what we want. Even if we have to get a bit...rough" (Motoi)

"B-Bastards...!" (Futoi)

Futoi did his best to get free, but to no avail

"My friends are fighting so we're short on time. How about we start with what you just said?" (Motoi)

"..." (Rei)









"Tell us everything you know about Orochimaru..." (Motoi)


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