Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

104. Double-dealing

Things have been really good for me lately! So to celebrate, I'll try to release a chapter EVERYDAY this week! Enjoy the first one! I'm promising big changes in the story soon!



Motoi smacked Futoi across his face

"Talk or not, I can do this all day!" (Motoi)

"Haa...haa...!" (Futoi)

"Every time you don't talk, one of us is going to punch your face. And don't let my small figure fool you, I punch above my weight class" (Rei)

"Grrr...!" (Futoi)

For several minutes now, Futoi had remained silent despite consistent blows from Rei and Motoi. However, it wasn't bravery that kept him silent, but fear

"Since you already know about my connection to Orochimaru...just get it over with and kill me" (Futoi)

"You wanna die that badly?" (Motoi)

"Hah...hahaha!" (Futoi)

"Find something funny?" (Rei)

"Oh yeah, the fact that you two idiots actually believe you can get me to talk with just this. You think death scares me? That's NOTHING compared to what Orochimaru will do to me if he finds out I talked" (Futoi)

"..." (Motoi & Rei)

"I've seen what that mad scientist is capable of. His experiments, the things he's done, the fact Konoha let him slip out of their fingers was without question, the worst mistake they ever made!" (Futoi)

{Maybe not the worst, but definitely top 3 material} (Rei)

There were fates worse than death, and for Futoi, facing Orochimaru's wrath was one of them. His greatest fear was getting caught by him and being used for experimentation

Orochimaru had a reputation for being especially cruel to those that crossed him. Compared to that, getting beat up by two Kumogakure ninja was nothing

"Son of a..." (Motoi)

"Kill me!" (Futoi)

"I have a better idea, hmph!" (Rei)


"Uh?!" (Futoi)

"Hm?" (Motoi)

Futoi displayed tired, almost intoxicated behavior

"What did you do?" (Motoi)

"Since...he's not gonna talk...I'll just make him" (Rei)

"Using more forceful methods?" (Motoi)

"Something like that, although it's my first time trying it on someone. And he's a real, urg! Bastard's tougher than he looks! Good grief, Futoi, tell us how you know Orochimaru" (Rei)

{He's overly eager for some reason. Though, I guess it makes sense considering the name Orochimaru came up} (Motoi)

Rei was more than just eager. If there was one thing that could get under his skin in this world, it was the main cast and their actions. Being the ones whose choices impact the world the most, Rei couldn't afford to ignore them

Orochimaru in particular would cause a chaotic chain of events, setting a course for the main protagonists of the manga, Naruto and Sasuke. The moment Futoi uttered his name, Rei decided he wouldn't leave until he extracted every bit of information from Futoi's matter what it takes

"...Orochimaru hired me to...spread knowledge of his whereabouts..." (Futoi)

"?!" (Motoi)

"Why would he do that?" (Rei)

"His freedom is gain protection from...Konoha...he sought exchange" (Futoi)

{Help for avoiding Konoha...has he...already joined Akatsuki?} (Rei)

"Protection, makes sense. Not even he could withstand the full force of the Leaf" (Motoi)

"That's probably how he managed to avoid capture, but why is he leaking his location?" (Rei)

"He said he sought aid, could it be the ones protecting him have restricted his movements?" (Motoi)

"Hey, fatass! Is that what's going on?" (Rei)

"Yes...he fears they'll turn on him...when he completes their request..." (Futoi)

{They? Someone hired him? Another nation?} "Is he planning on leaving whoever's protecting him now?" (Motoi)

"Planned on having Konoha attack...they fight...while he escapes" (Futoi)

"Whoever's guarding him won't be able to keep him contained while fighting Konoha at the same time. The perfect chance to escape" (Motoi)

"Who's they? You also mention something about supervisors and employees" (Rei)

"Code words for...troops...don't know who they are...ugh...!" (Futoi)

Futoi's body began spasming. He was doing his best to resist the Genjutsu and conflicting with Rei's commands triggered an unhealthy reaction

{Damn it! Running out of time} "Motoi!" (Rei)

"Right! Why did they need the Two-tails?!" (Motoi)

"Chakra needed...for Orochimaru...experiment...they wanted him to build...something..." (Futoi)

"Build what?!" (Rei)

"Don't know...Orochimaru called it...revolu...tionary..." (Futoi)

"Considering he was the one who said it, that can't be good" (Rei)

"What is their connection with the Fuma clan?!" (Motoi)

"No connection...only work...with rogue branch..." (Futoi)

"Branch...a part of the clan that split off from the rest. What about the other clan working with them?!" (Rei)

"Is it...the Uchiha?!" (Motoi)

"...Ngh...ngh...n-no..." (Futoi)

{Not the Uchiha?! But Hikaru clearly said he was attacked by a Doujutsu1Eye Techniqueuser with red eyes! That has to be the Uchiha!} (Rei)

"Then who is it?!" (Motoi)

"Speak" (Rei)

"Ngh...ah...guh...raaa...!" (Futoi)

"Speak!" (Rei)

"" (Futoi)

"SPEAK!" (Rei)

"!!!" (Futoi)

"?!" (Rei & Motoi)


Blood was flying everywhere!

{F*cking lunatic! He actually-!} (Motoi)

{Bit his own tongue. He used pain to get out of my Genjutsu?!} (Rei)

"Ugh...NO! I wo-!" (Futoi)

"Whatever, it just means we take you down again!" (Motoi)

"!" (Futoi)

"Motoi!" (Rei)

"!" (Motoi)

{I will have my freedom!} (Futoi)

With everything to lose, Futoi started weaving hand signs!

"What's he gonna-?!" (Rei)

{Raisō: Ikazuchi no Utage!2Thunder Funeral: Feast of Lightning(Futoi)


Yellow electricity emerged from his body and shot out in multiple directions, striking everything within the enclosed space


"This lunatic!" (Rei)

Rei charged at Futoi, dodging the lightning with the intent of knocking him out

{You won't stop me!} "WOOOAAARRRRGGGG!!!!!!" (Futoi)


Not letting up, he increased the intensity of his attack, and eventually

"Ah?! The grotto is-!" (Motoi)


The area began to tremble

"I'm...ot...iying...hurrr-!"  (Futoi)

Not letting up, Futoi slammed his hands on the ground, releasing all of his chakra. The grotto started to collapse

"He's gonna bring this whole place down!" (Rei)

"RUN!" (Motoi)

"Ehehehe!" (Futoi)

"I swear...when I get my hands on him-!" (Rei)

Futoi turned around and ran, dodging all the falling rocks. He was just about to leave when...

{Almost there, then I'm-UGH?!} (Futoi)

...he body started behaving oddly

{What?! Is it the after effects of the Genjutsu?! My nervous system's still messed up!} (Futoi)


"GAH!" (Futoi)

"!" (Motoi)

One of the debris stuck the side of his face, causing him to fall over before another large piece fell in his direction



With his entire body crushed, he was nothing but a corpse now. Motoi and Rei did their best to escape...

"It's too far, we won't make it!" (Rei)

"...This way, I have an idea!" (Motoi)

"Eh?! Wait, you're gonna-!" (Rei)


All traces of the original grotto was gone, its form completely caved in




At the site of Team F's battle

"Fūton: Taifūikka3Wind Style: Supreme Typhoon!" (F)


F blasted the enemies into a batch of steel wires

"Oh? Another wind user huh?"

"Boss, now's not the time to-!"

"Kuh! Annoying wire traps!"

"We were just behind them, how could they have set these up so quickly?"

The group pursuing them were instantly hindered by the wire traps Nurui set at record speed

"They're my specialty, I'm the cautious type after all. Yurui, Kayui!" (Nurui)

"I'm on it!" (Kayui)

"Doton: Chidōkaku4Earth Style: Mobile Core!" (Yurui)


The ground beneath broke into a perfect square, lowering the six adversaries into a giant hole. Kayui hurled several kunai with paper bombs at the top of the hole. The resulting detonations cause the rocks above to collapse

"I see, the traps were to slow us down while you planned to literally dig our own graves..."

"Not bad for Genin"

"Still, it's pretty embarrassing we fell for it"

"Let this be a lesson to you, never underestimate your opponent, no matter who they are"


"I know, I'll take care of it. We're on a clock after all" {Fūton5Wind Style...} (Supervisor)

Back at the top

"Nice job guys, but..." (F)

"We know Sensei" (Nurui)

"!" (F)

"This isn't over yet" (Kayui)

"Like it'd ever be that easy" (Yurui)

"I'm glad you understand. Now, get ready!" (F)

After a few seconds of waiting...


"Here they come!" (Yurui)

...the ground began to tremble


"AH!" (Nurui)

"What the?!" (Kayui)

"Urgh!" (Yurui)

"Yurui! You alright?!" (Kayui)

"I'm fine, focus on what's in front of you Kayui!" (Yurui) 

"No that guy-?!" (F)

"You've certainly given my employees a run for their money" (Supervisor)

Emerging from the rubble was the so-called "Supervisor" and his "Employees", completely unharmed

{This guy's Fūton is even greater than mine! And we're outnumbered...I'd hoped we'd get lucky considering we held the advantage of an ambush but...} (F)

{While they're no real threat to us, we can't waste anymore time having fun. Company employees aren't supposed to be out in public this long} (Supervisor)

Yurui whispered to Kayui and Nurui

"These guys are above our level, we'll have to fight defensively while coming up with a means of escape" (Yurui)

"You want to run?!" (Kayui)

"Even with F-sensei, there's no way we can win. Not that we need to" (Yurui)

"Right. We just have buy enough time for Motoi-senpai and Rei to get the intel" (Nurui)

"Alright, keep our distance then?" (Kayui)

"Mm" (Nurui)

The supervisor knew what they were planning from the looks and their faces and smiled, unsettling the Genin

"Alright, you two, go after the others. We'll clean up here and join you shortly" (Supervisor)



"Ah! No you don't-?!" (F)


The supervisor drew his blade and clashed with F, preventing him from intervening

"I'm your opponent for today" (Supervisor)

"Kuh! Damn you-!" (F)




Several meters away from Team F's fight

Two anbu were observing the situation

"Well, I bet this isn't what you expected now is it?"

"Would anyone have foreseen this Shisui?"

"That's fair. What do we do now, help?" (Shisui)

"Mmm, no. We really shouldn't get involved in the affairs of other villages, especially in a foreign land. Konoha and Kumo relations are still not good" 

"Stirring the pot, wouldn't want that. But I don't think it's a coincidence this is happening is the same exact area the rumored snake is said to be hiding" (Shisui)

"Honestly, I'm not even sure he's still here. He's more of the introverted type, with a habit of striking from the shadows"

Shisui hesitantly asked a personal question

"You've...fought him before, haven't you Captain Kakashi?" (Shisui)

"...Once. Though I was younger and far more reckless. Plus, I'd hardly call it a fight, more like he let me live" (Kakashi)

"What about now? Do you think the two of us can-?" (Shisui)

"That's more of a coin toss than anything else, we'd never know what he might have up his sleeve. Orochimaru's famous for being crafty...besides, our orders were just to confirm if he was here or not" (Kakashi)

"Right, now what?" (Kakashi)

"For now, since the Kumo-nin split up, we'll do the same. You go after the ones who left, I'll stay here and observe the situation" (Kakashi)

"No helping then?" (Shisui)

"...I'll trust you to act as you see fit...if you can do the same for me" (Kakashi)

"Heh! Sure" (Shisui)


Shisui left Kakashi to himself as he blitzed in the direction of Rei and Motoi with blinding speed. Now to himself, he voiced his thoughts aloud

"Just what the hell is going here, is Kumogakure after Orochimaru as well? And those guys they're fighting, I have no idea where they come from" (Kakashi)


"!" (Kakashi)

Suddenly, a figure landed in between the fight between Team F and their assailants

{What the hell?!} (Kakashi)

As the dust cleared, the newcomer's appearance came into view









"That...that person is-?!" (Kakashi) 


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