Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

105. Motoi

"Cough! Uhack! M-Motoi! You there?!" (Rei)


Rocks tumbled all over the place!

After the grotto collapsed, Motoi dragged Rei into the hole Futoi dug up to hide his fake scroll. Realizing they couldn't escape in time, Motoi decided to take his chances and jump in, dropping the pair into a small, compact cavern

Rei, being the first to get up, used his enhance eyesight to see in the dark. After a minute of searching, he located Motoi on the ground with his leg pinned by rubble

"Motoi!" (Rei)

"A-Agh!'d you find me?! I couldn't see a thing in this-!" (Motoi)

"I've got good eyes, now let me help you up" (Rei)

"No wait! Don't do anything!" (Motoi)

"?" (Rei)


Motoi took out a snaplight flare from his pouch and after lighting up their surroundings, Rei saw his leg pinned under rubble. Removing it could cause the rest to fall in

"Crap...we can't use explosives either" (Rei)

"My Raiton1Lightning Styleis nowhere near strong enough to get us out" (Motoi)

"It was Raiton that got us into this mess in the first place, I doubt more of it would help" (Rei)

"I sent an owl out right before we arrived. If we're lucky, F and his team will come and find us but..." (Motoi)

"Considering how far we are from them, it's unlikely. Well, this isn't how I'd thought my death would be like. This isn't a barren wasteland and you're not an asshole with a missing eye" (Rei)

"Huh?" (Motoi)

"Nothing" (Rei)

Rei sat down and stopped moving, as to not risk a cave in. Motoi couldn't help but notice how calm he was in such a horrible situation

"You're taking this quite well" (Motoi)

"One could say the same to you. You're worse off than me right now and yet, more calm than your talk with Futoi" (Rei)

"Ah, you heard that" (Motoi)

"I think the whole inn could hear the screaming...he must've really gotten under your skin" (Rei)

"It wasn't his words that bothered me, it was the man himself" (Motoi)

"...Well, he pretty much personified the word 'jackass', so it's not like I don't understand" (Rei)

"Hehe-ow! Oh, don't make me laugh...agh! That really hurts. Ugh...but all things considered, that really wasn't what set me off either. Cough! Cough!" (Motoi)

"I don't follow?" (Rei)

"I hated him so much because of his betrayal, and not just for the village. He betrayed his comrades, setting them up to die" (Motoi)

"All you told me was that he never mentioned anything about a set up" (Rei)

Motoi was hesitant to say more, but after several seconds of silence, he spoke again

"He was stationed on the front and one day his squad was cornered. The captain opted to fight it out, wait and let the enemy come to them. But when they arrived, he detonated the paper bomb traps they laid out, killing his squad and providing an opportunity to escape in the process" (Motoi)

"?!" (Rei)

"He's been on the run ever since, working as an information broker to stay one step ahead of his enemies" (Motoi)

"I had no idea..." (Rei)

"His betrayal was expected but...I still can't believe he got one over me in the end. Though he died in the process" (Motoi)

Rei's voice became hoarse

"That death was too easy for him..." (Rei)

"Sano-kun?" (Motoi)

"I wish you told me sooner...would've made interrogating him easier" (Rei)

{This kid...} (Motoi)

Rei's face could only be described as terrifying. If there was one thing he hated more than anything else, it was betrayal. Said subject always set him off. Having underwent a similar experience, Futoi's story brought up some unpleasant memories

Motoi stared at him with a blank expression, unable to understand how a young child could emit such bloodlust capable of making an adult like him shiver

"Um..." (Motoi)

"Oh! Uh...sorry. Basically, that story is why you hated him so much, I get it now but...something tells me it's more personal for you than you'd like me to believe" (Rei)

{?!} "That, I..." (Motoi)

"..." (Rei)

"..." (Motoi)

"You know, there's a saying that tells us, one usually hates the person who reminds one of oneself the most. Does such a saying apply in this situation?" (Rei)

"I'm nothing like-!" (Motoi)

"I never said you were...but you obviously seem to think so. I also overheard F mention Killer B" (Rei)

"How'd you-?!" (Motoi)

"My ears are just as good as my eyes" (Rei)

There was not a single detail of the meeting Rei missed despite standing outside the room. But Rei's curiosity stems from Motoi in particular, he couldn't put his finger on it, but this situation reminded him of something

"Sigh...when I was young, my father was killed" (Motoi)

"In the war?" (Rei)

"No, he was killed by the Eight-tails" (Motoi)

"Eh? B killed your father?" (Rei)

"No, no, it was a different Jinchūriki at the time. B and I were best friends as kids, and he wasn't selected to be the next host yet" (Motoi)

{Wait, doesn't this story seem familiar? Damn it, I can't call Notitia right now} (Rei)

"The host failed to control its power and lost control, my dad was on the squad with the 3rd and 4th Raikage to seal it away. He was killed in the process" (Motoi)

"Oh Motoi, don't tell me you tried to-" (Rei)

"My family fell apart after his death and when I found out B was going to be the next host, my hatred of the beast became warped and focused on B" (Motoi)

"Sigh...considering that awful rapper is still alive, I can only assume you failed. So why aren't you in jail?" (Rei)

Killer B was the adoptive brother of the Raikage, attempting to kill him is a capital offense of the highest degree. Yet, Motoi was still active as a shinobi, even given the honorary role of looking after Genbu Island

"Despite my attempt, B didn't even care. He still treated me like a friend, me! The worthless bastard who unjustly tried to take his life!" (Motoi)

"You betrayed your friend, that's why you hated Futoi, who reminded you of your actions. But your betrayed friend didn't retaliate..." (Rei)

"He should've thrown me under the bus" (Motoi)

{I definitely wouldn't have let you off. I don't understand why B can you just forgive betrayal so easily like that...?} (Rei)

"But he didn't, and since then, I've served the village loyally at the cost of my life to atone. I just hope its been enough if I die here" (Motoi)

Both didn't say anymore, leaving each other to their thoughts. Rei was annoyed when he thought of Killer B, the man always got on his nerves, but this time was different. He couldn't accept someone being so forgiving to such heinous acts. They've experienced similar circumstances, but Rei's actions afterwards were entirely different from B's

{Damn it...this world just continues to get under my skin...} (Rei)

After several minutes of cumbersome silence...

"..." (Motoi)

"Have you asked B what he thinks?" (Rei)

"Eh?! I haven't talked to him since" (Motoi)

"Why not, are afraid he'll retaliate against you or something?" (Rei)

"No, I'm just afraid he won't forgive me. I wish...I wish I could take it all back but..." (Motoi)

"You can't. And knowing that, you've avoided him this entire time. Funny, considering how unafraid of death you are" (Rei)

"Heh, is funny. No, more like sad" (Motoi)

"No argument there, but you do realize nothing will get better, right?" (Rei)

"Mm..." (Motoi)

"Repeating the same action endlessly, while expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity. Just sitting on your ass every day, expecting shit to change isn't gonna help" (Rei)

"Man, you really don't mince words. Are you really a kid?" (Motoi)

"I get asked that a lot. But if you want my advice-" (Rei)

"I don't" (Motoi)

"Correction. Because you NEED my advice, I'm telling you on the next chance you get, talk to B. Own your shit" {Jesus, wish I learn how to take my own f*cking advice back then...} (Rei)

"And if he decides to kill me?" (Motoi)

"I think we both know that's very unlikely to happen considering who were talking about but, if he actually tries, don't let him" (Rei)

"Huh?" (Motoi)

"What? Did you think I was gonna say you should take it? Dying for atonement or some cliché shit like that? Pssh, as if! The dead can neither make amends, nor demand revenge in their stead. Just excuses used by cowards with so little faith in themselves, they need lame reasons like that to justify their actions" (Rei)

"R-R-Right..." (Motoi)

{That's pretty much Sasuke during the entire time of Part 2. Now that I think about it, his attitude displeased me so much I decided to skip past several parts in the Manga...and that's why I can barely remember anything from story! Why I have such a difficult time keeping track of this world! Goddamn it! It's that little shit's fault I'm gonna have a rough time when the main story starts!} (Rei)

Motoi was flabbergasted, the more he talked, the more irritated Rei seemed to be. The one in question was getting more and more vexed when thinking how he'll navigate through all the chaos that has yet to come

"Sano-kun, I think you might be projecting a little" (Motoi)

"Ah?!" (Rei)

"Heh! But I will take your advice, even though I didn't want it. But you really hate the concept of revenge, don't you" (Motoi)

"Wrong, I wholeheartedly support the idea of getting even. I just hate the idea of using loved ones as an excuse for revenge. When you take revenge, you do it because you simply want payback. The dead are owed nothing..." (Rei)

"...You are, without question, the most interesting person I've ever met" (Motoi)

"I don't know about that, Killer B is pretty interesting himself...though more in an annoying way" (Rei)

"I get it, I'll talk to him when I get the chance. Well, if we get out of here" (Motoi)

"Mm" (Rei)

Motoi chuckled a bit as his mood improved, the "hopeless" situation there were in didn't seem that bad anymore. Though he hadn't shown it on his face, he was a bit concerned about the current predicament

"Hmmm, I can't use Katon to blast out of here without burning you alive. Suiton might work, if I apply enough force...and you hold your breath long enough" (Rei)

"I thought Katon and Suiton were your secondary abilities?" (Motoi)

"I only said that because my performance is at its best with Taijutsu and Genjutsu, as in the case of Futoi" (Rei)

"True, I was surprised at how proficient you were with Genjutsu" (Motoi)

"Yeah, but it's not much help now" {I know there's a way to get the both of us out of here alive...what am I missing?} (Rei)

Motoi watched as Rei surmise a way to escape before steeling his resolve. As the senior, it was his priority to make sure Rei stayed alive

"I'm up for anything you try Sano-kun, don't worry about me" (Motoi)

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not doing anything until I'm sure the two of us get out safely" (Rei)

"..." (Motoi)

{Hm, I don't think Suiton will be enough either. Looks like I'm gonna have to try something different. Gotta think back to the last thing Notitia told me} (Rei)

Motoi was touched as he misunderstood Rei's intentions, believing him to risk his life for a comrades sake. In reality, Rei couldn't afford to let him die on this mission as it cause a slew of problems for him down the line

Rei closed his eyes and focused, kneading the chakra within him

{Have to reach deep to find the center} (Rei)

{I wonder how the others are doing?} (Motoi)




Team F's Battle


F and the enemy clashed with blades at close range

"Kuh!" (F)

"Heh!" (Supervisor)

{Just who the hell are these guys?!} (F)

"It's been fun F, but unfortunately I'm on a clock so-" (Supervisor)

"How do you know my nam-?!" (F)

"Kaze no Yaiba2Wind Sword(Supervisor)


{Wind Blade?! Isn't that a Sunagakure3Hidden Sand Villagespecific Jutsu? But these guys don't strike me as Suna-nin...} (F)

Sharp wind gathered around the mysterious foe's hand as he thrust towards F's head 

"Bye" (Supervisor)

"Sensei! Hang on, I'm coming!" (Yurui)

{CRAP!} (F)


Just as he was about to end F, something crashed in between the opposing forces

"?!" (F)

"Eh?!" (Yurui)

"What the-?!" (Supervisor)


F and the Supervisor backed away from one another, rejoining their respective groups. When dust settled, a single figure's appearance came into view for everyone to see

"Huh? That back looks familiar" (Kayui)

"Wait, is that?" (Yurui)

"Did back-up arrive?" (Nurui)

"No. Way." (F)

"Why the hell is he here?!" (Supervisor)

"♪I was enjoyin my vacation, now I'm workin'
My comrades in trouble, gotta start fightin'
Genin sweatin bullets, not cool this evenin'
Jerks with the masks, you gonna start cryin'!♪"
"♪I came fully equipped, can ya fell my excitement?
I still got the hunger pains, from my confinement
Nothing to see, nothing to do, nothing less than the best
This be a seven sword special, I'll carve it into yo chest!♪"
"WHEEEEEEE!!!!" (Killer B)
"..." (Team F)
"..." (Supervisor)
"..." (Employees)
{He snuck out again? Raikage-sama's probably having a coronary right about now...} "Sigh" (F)

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