Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

107. Yin and Yang [2]

This one's a little bit rushed due to my schedule. Feel free to let me know if there are any errors. Enjoy!


Team F's location

"Heads up!" (Supervisor)


"Acrobat!" (Killer B)



"Damn it!" (Supervisor)

Killer B had just taken down the three "Employees" previously targeting Team F, the so-called "Supervisor" was all that remained. Juggling seven uniquely-shaped short swords between his hands and joints, it was next to impossible to keep up with him

"Haha! Awesome B-sama!" (Yurui)

"Sensei, how is Killer B-sama fighting like that?" (Nurui)

"I know right? With a weird, awkward stance like that...I'm seeing it and I still can't believe how effective it is" (Kayui)

"The movements just feel unreal, like they'd never be practical at all" (Nurui)

"The Acrobat is a Kenjutsu1Sword Techniquederived from his self-created Kakuran Taijutsu2Disturbance Taijutsu" (F)

"I think I've heard of it...he spent years perfecting it with Raikage-sama on Genbu Island when they were younger" (Yurui)

"Mm. The moves are so unpredictable, not even a doujutsu3Eye Techniqueuser can anticipate his attacks. It came in real handy against the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan and the Hyuga Clan's Byakugan during the last war" (F)

"Amazing..." (Nurui)

"It's more akin to a warrior's dance performance" (F)

The supervisor was annoyed as he watched Killer B take down his men. The mission was going so smoothly before this unknown variable arrived. But even worse, B hadn't killed them

{Is he planning to-?} (Supervisor)

"Yall too important to kill, imma bring ya back
We got much to discuss, ain't takin no wisecrack!
Try anything bad, I bring out the lumber jack  
All of us tired lately, cause shit be outta wack!♪" (Killer B)
{I knew it, he's gonna bring us all back for interrogation. Kumo really is becoming more aware of our activities, or was it...because of that bastard Orochimaru...} (Supervisor)
"♪Strong, wild, cool, like mah shades
Guess who's ready bitch, deez blades!
I'm fully equipped, got the best tools
This fight's over, Fool, ya fool!♪" (Killer B)


Despite the taunts from Killer B, the Supervisor fully understood escape was impossible with an opponent like him, whose abilities he was fully aware of. If he allowed them to take him and his group away, his superiors would no doubt kill them for sure

They also didn't take too kindly to failure either, the moment Killer B showed up, everything was already over. With such an outlook, he steeled his resolve and made his final play

"Sorry, but I'm not letting you take me" (Supervisor)

"Don't even think about it! You really want to die?" (F)

"Not really, but I am content with a certain thought..." (Supervisor)

"?" (F)

"If I'm going down...I'M TAKING YOU ALL WITH ME!!!" (Supervisor)


He formed the seal of the Tiger

"Get ready!" (Killer B)

"!" (Team F)


The Supervisor, and his employees knocked on the floor began to combust!

"Huh?" (Kayui)

"No way-?!" (Nurui)

"Is he actually-?!" (Yurui)

"HAHAHA! DIIIEEE!" (Supervisor)

"Kuh! B-sama!" (F)

"I know!" (Killer B)

F and Killer B grabbed the Genin and ran before...


...the enemies exploded. The shockwaves blasted the Kumo-nin away


"Ooof!" (B)

"Hah....hah! Ugh! Is everyone okay?!" (F)

"I'm good, just a few scratches" (Nurui)

"B-sama got me out in time!" (Kayui)

"Agh! My leg! Think I sprained my ankle!" (Yurui)

"Let me see!" (F)

F tended to Yurui as the others turned their attention towards the blast site. There was not a trace of the enemy left

"I can't believe they blew themselves up..." (Kayui)

"A means of preventing intel from leaking" (Nurui)

"Yeah but, forget ignoring his own life, he even sacrificed his men..." (Kayui)

"..." (Nurui)

"Close your heart to it! This is common in the ninja world" (F)

"How's it look sensei?" (Yurui)

"Hmmm, no. I've put a leg brace on it but, you won't be running anytime soon" (F)

"But-!" (Yurui)

"Relax, you're not gonna get left behind or anythi-huh?" (F)

Before he could continue, the group was approached by a flying creature

"?" (Killer B)

{That' of Motoi's owls!} (F)

Standing up, F raised his arm and the owl taking this as a sign to land, complied. Tied on its leg, was a message from Motoi

"What's it say Sensei?" (Kayui)

"..." (F)

"Sensei?" (Nurui)

"We need to move. I haven't forgotten about the two enemies who already left to go after them. Nurui! Kayui! Help Yurui!" (F)

"R-Right!" (Kayui)

"Lemme give you a hand Yurui" (Nurui)

"Thanks" (Yurui)

With both of his teammates lending Yurui a shoulder, Team F was read to leave. F in particular grabbed a hold of Killer B, the latter of whom was attempting to sneak away

"Don't even think about it B-sama. Now that you've snuck out of the village again, getting the Iron Claw from Raikage-sama is inevitable. You're not leaving my side" (F)

"♪Why you messing with mah flow?! My vacation's just started ya know?!♪" (Killer B)

"Sigh!" (F)


Despite B's protests, F dragged him along with the rest of the team as the owl Motoi sent led them to his last reported location

It wasn't until they were completely gone did a shinobi land on the very spot the group just fought on


"That's not something you see everyday. To think the Jinchūriki guardian of Kumogakure would be here. Things just keep getting more and more complicated"

It was Kakashi. Being an ANBU, he naturally wasn't meant to make any appearances in public. Opting to stay out of Kumo's business, he decided not to interfere in Team F's battle

But he and Shisui were still on a mission to verify Orochimaru's whereabouts, and whether or not he was actually here at all

"Since I have no leads, I guess I'll just follow them at a distance for now. Shisui should've caught up to those other two Kumo-nin and masked men" (Kakashi)


After investigating the area, he found nothing of use. The masked men who self-detonated left no trace of their bodies, as was likely their intended purpose

{There's nothing for me here, I better get to Shisui. Although I told him not interfere, for an Uchiha, he's pretty laid-back} (Kakashi)


Kakashi disappeared as quickly as he came, following Team F all the while concealing his presence




In an empty white space

Rei had once again entered his personal dimension where time flows differently. The outside world appeared as if time was frozen

"Alright, have to call it with my mind" (Rei)

Closing his eyes, he focused on the only other entity that occupied this space

{Come...Black gem} (Rei)


Appearing out of nowhere was the strange, dark, orb-shaped object that resembled a stone. Always following Rei's thoughts, it seemed to lack a will of its own. Rei theorized it was a manifestation of his own will, considering it did everything he mind commanded it to do

Though the possibility it had a will of its own was also taken into consideration, Rei always approached it with caution. Especially after it caused him to go out of control the first time he used it

"I don't think I'll be able to build anything that can help. Hell, I doubt I'll be able to bring anything back with chakra I have right now" (Rei)

Kisshōten worked by taking objects from the real world, copying and modifying them, then sending them back out. It also had the strange ability of connecting to other spaces, such as the space in Rei's red weapon-summoning arm bracers

While altering objects was limitless, it'd only cost Rei chakra whenever he brought an object back to the real world. But the cost itself took quite the sum of chakra. The last time he used this power, he summoned too many objects and sent his body into shock

The overall mass of said summoned object appeared to determine the amount of chakra used for this In'yōton4Yin-Yang/Shadow & Light Stylepower

"I haven't copied enough materials, and modification has its limitations. I also don't know if its safe to use this power for an extended period of time. Sigh...I've got not choice, but to get out of the driver's seat"

{Alright, I'm giving you temporary control. You are to help not only myself, but the one called Motoi next to me. Get us out of this situation alive with MINIMAL injury. Do not converse with anyone, but if hostiles attack, take care of them. Finally, DO NOT overuse my chakra like you did last time, simply use my body to the best of its ability. Move up and down if you understand} (Rei)


The sphere moved up and down after receiving Rei's orders

"Okay then, here goes everything" {Open the door} (Rei)


Moving in front of Rei, it tore space open, leading Rei back into the real word before once again, phasing into his body


Back in the cave, Motoi was at a loss as he observed Rei, who was just standing in place...not moving a muscle

"..." (Rei)

"Hey. Sano-kun...are you alrig-?" (Motoi)


"!" (Motoi)

The young man in front of him suddenly moved his head around, taking the time to examine his surroundings. Gathering every ounce of information he could before deciding to take action

"E-eh?" (Motoi)

After inspecting the cave-in, he turned to Motoi. Rei's sudden change in demeanor threw him off balance, but he didn't say anything while the young man was seemingly scanning him. In fact, Rei was emitting an air of intimidation that prevented him from speaking at all

{?!} (Motoi)

Once he was done staring at Motoi, he placed his hand on his chest before kneading the chakra within his body. When he was done, he turned his attention to the floor beneath him. Grabbing Motoi with his left hand and placing his right hand on the ground

"What are you going to do?" (Motoi)

"..." (Rei)

It was then he spoke for the first time...









"Doton5Earth Style..."


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