Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

108. Yin and Yang [3]

And here's number 5! Wow, didn't think I could do it with my hectic schedule. Not sure if I'll update this weekend (I don't update on Sundays anyway), but expect the next chapter on Monday. About 3 more to go before we enter a NEW ARC! I can't wait to share it with you guys! Until then, please enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!




"?!" (Motoi)

The ground beneath Rei and Motoi turned soft and just like that, they were both dragged under.

{I see! Because he couldn't remove the rubble on top of my leg, he decided the bring me underground before the place collapsed instead! But this technique is-!} (Motoi)

"..." (Rei)

Rei tunneled beneath the destroyed grotto before making his way upwards until finally...


"We're out!" (Motoi)

...the pair made it back to surface, just outside the entrance

"Cough! Cough!" {This technique changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, so one can dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body, and allows one to pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces} (Motoi)

Motoi looked at Rei

"Sano-kun...that was the "Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu1Earth Style: Hidden Mole Jutsu" wasn't it. When did you learn to use Doton?" (Motoi)

"..." (Rei)

{Don't tell me...he figured out how to do it just now?! Impossible! Even if one suddenly discovered they had affinity for an element, being able to use it so skillfully on their first try is...that's beyond being a simple genius!} (Motoi)

Rei didn't even bother looking at him as he ignored his question. He only glared in the opposite direction of the grotto. Then, with a cold voice barely resembling his own, he muttered one word

"Hostiles..." (Rei)

"Eh?! Where?!" (Motoi)

Motoi peered at the direction Rei was facing and spotted two men in masks headed towards them

"They caught up to us! We have to-Ow! Urg! Damn it, my leg's broken!" (Motoi)

Motoi's leg had been pinned under heavy rubble for quite some time. His body had already undergone significant trauma when he shielded Rei from the cave-in Futoi caused. He was in no condition to run, let alone fight

"Alright, here's the plan. We set up an ambush and let them come to-?!" (Motoi)


"SANO-KUN?!" (Motoi)

Rei, or rather the entity controlling him, dashed ahead with the intent of taking on the enemies alone. When the two "Employees" saw him, they thought he must've lost his mind to charge at them alone

"What the?"

"The Genin's coming to us. His superior is laying on the ground"

"From the looks of it, he appears to be hurt. Only makes our job easier, but where's the informant?" 

"Worry about that later, let's take care of this brat first. We've been out here for too long, I'd like to get back to the others"


One unsheathed the long sword on his back while the other began weaving signs

"Right, I'll go first. Hmph!"


His right arm expanded to an inhuman size as he tried to grab Rei

{His arm?! That's a hidden jutsu from Konoha's Akimichi clan!} (Motoi)

{Yōton2Yang/Light Styledetected, preparing countermeasures...} (Rei)

"Hold still you-uh?!"

"Hm?! What's wrong?!"

"I. Can't. Move!"

"Genjutsu? How could you fall for a kids-LOOK OUT!"


"Guhack! A-Aghhh! Mah eeth!!

His face was met with Rei's knee and his mask shattered into pieces! His plump face was distorted and missing a few teeth, but Rei didn't stop there. Not letting up, he took out a kunai and thrust towards his face

The other enemy with the sword was quick to react

"Like I'll let you!"

"?!" (Rei)


He unleashed a swift horizontal slice at the young Genin standing over his partner before following it up with another attack. Gathering water in the area towards him...


"!" {Suiton detected...preparing countermeasures} (Rei)

"Suiton: Amearare3Water Style: Rain Hail!"

{Doton: Doryūheki4Earth Style: Mud Wall(Rei)



With his Ninjutsu, he manipulated the water into large, clump-shaped spheres before launching them at Rei. The latter whom defended appropriately with his own earth style jutsu

The employee beneath Rei took the opportunity to slip away from him and rejoin his partner

"O-Ow! My mouth!"

"This kid isn't ordinary"

"Obviously! His blows are too powerful for someone so small and short"

"That's not what I meant..."


"He keeps countering our attacks with their natural opposites, and quite perfectly to. Doton to match my Suiton, and Genjutsu, or rather Inton5Yin/Shadow Styleto combat your Yōton"

"Uh?! That's right...Genjutsu is perfect to counter my physical techniques"

"From now on, we'll attack together"

"Can't believe we've got to get serious for a little kid. You got a plan?"

"Something like that...LET'S GO!"


Rei took on the pair at the same time, flawlessly avoiding blows while taking every opportunity to deliver his own

"Careful of his sword, Sano-kun!" (Motoi)

Motoi had managed to get up after wrapping his broken, bleeding leg in bandages. Standing up, he could only limp to get around, he knew there was no way to provide proper support

Instead, Motoi understood the best way to help is to analyze their jutsu, and provide a means of counterattack. But as he watched, something peculiar caught his attention

{That guy, he's definitely from Konoha's Akimichi Clan. However, the other one's a Suiton user with skill in Kenjutsu...a ninja from Kirigakure6Hidden Mist Villagemost likely. Ninja from two of the Five Great Shinobi Nations are involved in this...the hell is going on?} (Motoi)


Rei charged at the big man from the Akimichi clan, armed with a Kunai in his hand

"Do it now!"


"!" (Rei & Motoi)


Before Rei could get to him, the big man threw a kunai with a paper bomb tied on its end, in the direction of Motoi

{Crap! Gotta move!} (Motoi)


{Factoring velocity, trajectory, angle, air resistance, temperature, planetary rotation...hostile weapon is estimated to reach its intended target in 4.1 seconds. Factoring current distance and Shunshin7Body Flickerspeed, unable to rescue without suffering injury...

Subject Motoi is attempting to evade. Will avoid blade, will not avoid blast. Odds of survival...87%. Odds of minimal injury...38%} (Rei)


In the instant that seemed to last for an eternity, a figure moved at blinding speed, grabbed Motoi, and knocked him out before he even realized what happened


The interloper managed to get Motoi out of harms way just in time before the paper bomb exploded

{New factor. Reassessing situation...clothes identify newcomer as a member of Konoha's ANBU. New edict...eliminate hostiles before verifying newcomer's intent} (Rei)


{He didn't even flinch with his comrade in danger?!}




Rei continued onwards and stabbed his blade right into the neck of the Akimichi clan member, forcing him to the ground. The Kiri-nin moved in, seeing this as an opportunity to strike

"Guooh! Guhack"

"Little Bastard! Die!"

"..." (Rei)


Rei picked up the body of the man, who just died after drowning in his own blood, and used him as a shield

"You. Monster!"

{Shunshin no Jutsu8Body Flicker Jutsu} (Rei)

After Jamming the sword into his dead partner's fat body, he struggled to pull it out. Rei zipped behind with incredible speed and before he could react, cut his mask...



...and his eyes, effectively blinding him

"You little rat! HOW DARE YOU?!"


Rei weaved hand seals


{Katon: Endan9Fire Style: Flame Bullet(Rei)


A stream of concentrated fire emerged from his mouth as Rei ignited the now un-masked swordsman

"Damn..." (Anbu)


"..." (Rei)


He screams went on for several seconds before he fell over, becoming nothing else but burnt meat. Confirming his death, Rei turned his attention to the ones behind him, or rather, the Anbu member

Armed with a kunai in hand, slowly walking towards the pair before pointing his blade at the Anbu

"Whoa, whoa! Friendly! Not here to fight!" (Anbu)

"..." (Rei)

{Ah crap. Captain told me not to interfere but I moved before thinking. Now what do I do? I can't just sit down and have a casual conversation with him. And if I run, Kumogakure will know Konoha Anbu were here} (Anbu)

{Obersavation...Anbu possesses the Sharingan in both eye sockets. Factoring speed and agility...Odds of being Kakashi Hatake...23%. Gathering data of Uchiha Clan members...Gathering data of Uchiha Anbu members...Odds of being Itachi Uchiha...56%...Odds of being Shisui Uchiha...92%

Attitude and behavior indicate a non-hostile presence. All hostiles eliminated...Subject Motoi rescued...Returning Control} (Rei)

"Hm?" (Anbu)

"..." (Rei)

"Um..." (Anbu)

"..." (Rei)

"Excuse me?" (Anbu)

"Phew!" (Rei)

"?!" (Anbu)

"Sorry about that, it's been one hell of a day" (Rei)

"Oh. Um. Okay...?" (Anbu)

"Let's have a nice chat before the others arrive..." (Rei)

"?" (Anbu)










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