Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

109. Shisui Uchiha

" did you just say?"

"Shisui Uchiha" (Rei)


"..." (Rei)

{CRAAAAPP! Captain's gonna kill me!} (Shisui)

Shisui wasn't supposed to be here, Konoha couldn't allow anyone to know of their investigation. But not only had he conversed with Rei, he intervened in his fight and saved Motoi. Both of whom were ninja from Kumogakure, the very same village his own distrusts the most these days

What he was doing now would undoubtedly be described as the exact opposite of "covert actions"

"Cough! Cough! A-Agh!" {Damn...the strain Kisshōten comes with is awful! As great the power is, it's not meant to used lightly. I thought I was already being careful but...clearly not enough} (Rei)

"Um...are you okay?" (Shisui)

"Now you're ready to talk Shisui?" (Rei)

"Ah! Well, you've already figured it out, so there's no point in hiding it. By the way, what tipped you off?" (Shisui)

"Well, could see your Sharingan eyes and your speed...not many people in the world are so skilled with the Body Flicker Technique" (Rei)

"Ahhh...that's what I figured" (Shisui)

"When you're famous, being a covert Anbu really isn't the best choice" (Rei)

" I've been told" (Shisui)

Shisui lifted the mask from his face and let it hang on the right side of his head

"..." (Rei)

"...What?" (Shisui)

"Is it okay to take your mask off so nonchalantly?" (Rei)

"Not really, but I don't see anyone else around. Besides, you already know who I am" (Shisui)

"You're...more laid back than a typical Anbu, or Uchiha for that matter" (Rei)

"I've been told that too" (Shisui)

Rei checked on Motoi's condition and after confirming he was indeed unconscious,  felt relief knowing not only was a Canon character like him okay, but now Rei could speak more freely

Shisui misinterpreted Rei's silence for anger at his decision to knock Motoi out

"Sorry about knocking him out" (Shisui)

"It's fine, if you consider the fact he didn't see you, this actually works for the best. Hey Shisui..." (Rei)

"Yes?" (Shisui)

"How about we make a deal?" (Rei)

"A deal? What kind of deal?" (Shisui)

"The kind you and I keep to ourselves. I propose an exchange...of information" (Rei)

{Is this kid...really a kid?} (Shisui)

"If I had to guess, the reason for a Konoha Anbu member like yourself, to be all the way out here is because-" (Rei)

"Can't say. I just heard of rumor of sorts" (Shisui)

Revealing such information could be potentially be seen as treasonous, Shisui subtly suggested that from this point forward, they'd only speak with ambiguity

"Right. I was just wondering, this so-called rumor wouldn't happen to be in regards to a certain...snake?" (Rei)

"You could say that, I heard there might've been one causing trouble in the area" (Shisui)

"Well, you're certainly right about that. But after causing so much trouble back in your area, it realized it poked the hornets nest and needed" (Rei)

"...It's been hibernating huh? But why would a young child like you be looking for it? It's dangerous for kids your age to play around with such a dangerous snake you know" (Shisui)

"Believe me, encountering it was never my...our intention. We were surprised to find out about it" (Rei)

"Then...why are you here?" (Shisui)

"Someone tried to steal a very precious cat from our village, the same day a cloud was set to make peace with a leaf. We're still trying to find out who" (Rei)

{The armistice...} "I see. A precious cat you say..." (Shisui)

"As precious as the fox in your home" (Rei)

{Tailed Beast...?! Someone made a move on a Tailed Beast during the armistice?!} "You wouldn't happen to have any clues as to who tried poach such a precious animal, now would you?" (Shisui)

"All that we know is someone really wanted it badly enough to hire two groups to get it. One of which tends to make good use of large shuriken your clan might be familiar with..." (Rei)

{Fuma...could it be the branch that split off from the rest of the clan some time ago?} (Shisui)

"As for the other, we don't know, other than the fact he had unique eyes" (Rei)

"?!" (Shisui)

Rei squinted at Shisui, gauging his reaction to the implication being made towards him and his clan

"You, or your family wouldn't happen to know anything about that, now would you?" (Rei)

"If I did happen to know about it...said poachers would've been dealt with. So no, I don't know" (Shisui)

"..." (Rei)

"..." (Shisui)

{Judging from his chakra...he's telling the truth. And given Futoi's testimony, it's safe to say the Uchiha aren't involved. Though I still can't completely rule them out} (Rei)

Rei was a sensor-type ninja. Sensor's could not only determine the status, location, and magnitude of one's chakra, but also reactions. Whenever someone lies, their chakra becomes disturbed, and said disturbance can be picked up by skilled sensor-nin

Rei was basically a human polygraph. The entire time they conversed, he kept a close eye on Shisui's chakra

"My turn, how did you know the so-called snake would be in this area?" (Rei)

"I heard rumors of a broker who might be able to point me in the right direction, though it appears it was all just a trap set up by the snake" (Shisui)

Both Shisui and Rei glance at the boulder that crushed Futoi

"What I don't know is why the snake would reveal its location" (Shisui)

"Simple, the ones protecting the snake wanted to keep it for themselves. And soon to the snake, protection became imprisonment" (Rei)

"In other words, it spread rumors to cause chaos, providing it with an opportunity to escape. And every single one of us fell for it. It's probably long gone by now, Sigh" (Shisui)

"Yup. We've been nothing but puppets on a string...this serpent is a crafty one to say the least. Tch!" (Rei)

"..." (Shisui)

{I know keeping this story on track is fundamental for my success...but I swear, if I ever encounter Orochimaru...I'm gonna f*cking disembowel him and wear his innards like a goddamn pashmina!} (Rei)

Both of them were irritated. Just when they thought answers were finally in reach, only to find out Orochimaru had played everyone like a fiddle, left a bad taste in their mouths.

Rei in particular, who for better or worse, went through hell

"Alright, any idea where said red-eyed person may dwell?" (Rei)

"I do have an idea...try looking for clues at the best hot springs in the area" (Shisui)

{Hot that's it} "...Got it. I'll be sure to keep our little conversation a secret" (Rei)

"Thanks. Considering the complicated relationship between our respective homes, that's for the best" (Shisui)

"You better go, my friends will be arriving soon" (Rei)

"Mm" (Shisui)

Shisui put his mask back on and just as he was about to depart, Rei posed one last inquiry

"I just have one last question, but its more of personal advice" (Rei)

"Oh? Shoot" (Shisui)

"I always thought my Shunshin no Jutsu1Body Flicker Jutsuwas pretty good, but after seeing you in action, I've been disabused of that notion" (Rei)

"Your Shunshin looked pretty good from where I was standing" (Shisui)

"That sounds a bit sarcastic coming from you" (Rei)

While not only being the greatest Genjutsu user of the Uchiha, Shisui was also renowned as "Shunshin no Shisui"2Shisui of the Body Flickerfor his masterful use of the technique

Rei was always looking for ways to improve himself, and with the obvious certainty he may never get another chance to receive advice from the famous Shisui Uchiha, there was no way he'd hesitate

"Hehe, you're a weird one to ask advice from me, an enemy" (Shisui)

"Are you going to attack me?" (Rei)

"Huh? What did you say?" (Shisui)

"I said, are you going to attack me?" (Rei)

"Um," (Shisui)

"Then you're not my enemy. One's origins are irrelevant to me, what matters are one's actions. We're not Kumo or Konoha-nin right now, but simply a kid asking an elder ninja for advice" (Rei)

The more he listened to Rei, the more intrigued he was. For a young child to display such calm and insightful maturity, to properly handle a complicated situation like this one. Not too arrogant about his own abilities, and easily acknowledging another's skills with no bias whatsoever

This was the type of wisdom belonging to a Kage, agreeing to keep Shisui's identity a secret to avoid any unnecessary trouble between their two villages and maintain peace, he had broad understanding of what's important. He only knew of one other Rei's age that was similar to him

{This kid...he reminds me of Itachi...} (Shisui)

"You don't have to, if you don't want to" (Rei)

"Hehe, I have to leave soon so there isn't enough time to give you the full course" (Shisui)

"I see, how unfortunate" (Rei)

"But, here's some quick advice. The amount of time you take to gather chakra between each Shunshin is too long. Just like the Jutsu, you also need to knead your chakra just as quickly. Only then can you bring out its full effect" (Shisui)

"That makes sense...thanks, I appreciate it" (Rei)

"Don't mention" (Shisui)

"My name's Rei. Rei Sano. A pleasure to formally meet you, Shisui Uchiha" (Rei)

"Rei Sano. I'll remember it!" (Shisui)



{Damn. He really is fast. I've got a lot of work to do when I get home} (Rei)

Shisui left just in time before his companions arrived

"SANO-KUN!" (Nurui)

"Hey! I need someone to carry Motoi!" (Rei)

"Motoi?! What the hell happened?! Where's Futoi?! And these corpses are...!" (F)

"These corpses are the masked men who split off from the others. Futoi's also dead, a result of him trying to kill us" (Rei)

"Eh?! He tried to-!" (Kayui)

"It's a long story, but I suggest we leave. There's nothing left for us...why is B here?" 

"Sigh...that's" (Yurui)

"Back in the Cloud, home was like a prison!
I said screw it, don't need this supervision!
Coming outside, it's never the same I feel!
See me? I'm well known for re-inventing the steel!♪"
"WHEEEE!!!!!" (Killer B)

"..." (Rei)

"..." (F)

"In other words...he snuck out again?" (Rei)

"Yup" (F)

"Good grief. Whatever, we need to leave now. I'll explain everything on the way back to Kumogakure" (Rei)

"Okay then. Truth be told, we've made enough noise as it is, that exact opposite of how the mission was supposed to go anyway. Everyone! We're moving out!" (F)

"Phew!" (Nurui)

"Oh thank god" (Kayui)

"I need a vacation" (Yurui)









{Now, let's see how I'm gonna spin this to the Raikage} (Rei)


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