Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

11. First Day [2]

Our teacher seemed to be in his late 40's, short dark brown hair and black eyes. Wearing the standard Kumogakure shinobi attire with nothing but a short red scarf to help differentiate him from other ninja.

"I need to add your names to my personal register so I'm going to begin by calling on each of you to introduce yourself, then we'll begin class. First off, you there!" (Osoi)

"Y-yes sir! My name is Tetsu Mikawa!"

"Osoi-sensei! I'm Ashi Saiki!"

"Sir! My name..."

Making his way up, roll call finally reached my row

"Yo, I'm Tai! Nice to meet ya!" (Tai)

"I'm Rei" (Rei)

After speaking, everyone looked towards the last student to be called, the girl to the far right of me.


So her name's Suzu huh? And she didn't reveal her surname either, looks like she knows what she's doing

"Alright...21 students. That should be everyone. Allow me to start with an announcement that we'll be having an adjusted time schedule for today. Mainly due to being the first day, everyone will be going home early. So I'll just be explaining our curriculum for our class." (Osoi)

As Osoi began, the annoying asshat returned

[Aaaah, Doesn't it feel like high school again?]

Oh god please shut up. The guide can't hear my thoughts, but that also means I can only talk to it when I'm using my voice.

[Aw, not gonna talk to me? Don't tell me you're worried people will think you're crazy? Cause let me tell you, that ship already sailed when you were in your original body hahahah!]

"Haaaaaah" (Rei)

"Hm? Something wrong Rei?" (Tai)

"A lot of things actually, but nothing you need to concern yourself with" (Rei)

[I just wanna remind you that if anyone finds out who you really are it's game over. These kids look sharp so stay alert! Later!]

I'm aware things are different now that I've been interacting with more people recently, but what's the point of telling me now? This thing gets more mysterious (annoying) every time I talk to it

"Let me break it down for you in simple terms:

  1. Your first year will be focused mainly with basic exercise, reading materials, lectures, studying equipment, chakra theory, and strategy
  2. Your second? More practical, including hands-on experience with weapons & chakra, plus FAR more intense physical training
  3. Your third year will be exploring how you effectively use the knowledge you've gained from the first two years to the best of your ability

Each student has three years in school. Our classrooms signify which year you're in by the first number of each room. For example, since you're all first years, you were assigned to this room with the number 104 on it." (Osoi)

This number system IS just like my high school

"As you move on from one year to the next, you will switch classrooms. And before you ask, your grades and performance are irrelevant when it comes to getting in second & third year classes. I'll be going along with you as well." (Osoi)

"Our grades don't matter?"

"Then what's the point of 3 years?"

"I said they don't matter when moving to next year classes. When your families paid to send you here, they paid for a 3 year tuition. So even if you're a bumbling idiot with failing grades, no one will get held back a year" (Osoi)

"No one gets held back?"

"Then what's the point of limiting grad spots?"

Oh shit! These stupid kids don't get it but I do, and from the look of Tai's face, he does as well

"I can see that many of you are wondering why we would adapt such a system when we're limiting graduation. Well the answer is simple..." (Osoi)

Here it comes

"More competition!" (Osoi)

Goddamn it, I knew it.

"When you're final exam comes in your third year, you'll be up against every single student in the academy! Why do you think we only open this school once every three years! We're not like those weaklings in other villages that practically surrender their headbands! In Kumogakure, your status as a shinobi is EARNED!" (Osoi)

Great, more competition only makes graduating that much harder. However I will give it to them, Kumogakure has a very good system for 'motivating students'

"But don't think your 3 years are meaningless. Everything you do in your first, second, and third year classes will also attribute to your chances of obtaining a grad spot!" (Osoi)

The entire class was filled with silence as everyone began to let the true challenge of this school sink in

"Haha! We're all going to be stuck with each other for the next three years. So get used to the present company, you're going to be seeing these faces for a while." (Osoi)

"Sensei!" (Rei)

"Yes?" (Osoi)

"What you said about the classrooms. The first number represents what year you're in right?" (Rei)

"Correct" (Osoi)

"And that we have three years to complete this program" (Rei)

"..." (Osoi)

"So if that's the case, what's the purpose of having classrooms starting with the number 4?" (Rei)

When I first entered the complex I noticed three halls. The hall on the left led to first year classes, the one straight forward led to second years, and the one to right led to third years. But there were also a set of stairs leading to the next floor that had classrooms with number '4' on them

"A good observation. Rei, was it? Those classes are optional classes for those that fail." (Osoi)

"Optional classes? Why have them?" (Tai)

"Heheheheheheh" (Osoi)

Everyone got even more nervous when Osoi revealed a wicked expression on his face

"Like I said, you have 3 years to complete this program. If you flunk it,  the only way back in is if you pay for another 3 years of tuition. Class 4 grants you ONE more year and the opportunity to graduate without having to pay for another 3 years as they're free of charge." (Osoi)

"If they grant us another chance, then what's the point of asking for another 3 year-"

"There's a catch right?" (Rei)

"What?! What does he mean?"

"What other purpose could they have?"

"Huh, is your head on straight?"

Everyone started looking at me like I was crazy, I'm a little offended

"...Rei, you're pretty clever aren't you" (Osoi)

"Crap, I was hoping you would be wrong Rei" (Tai)

"Yeah, me too" (Rei)

"Yes! There is a hidden agenda to taking classes in the 400's! While it's true that if you pass, you have a 100% guarantee to become a Genin. But if you fail, you won't just fail to'll be permanently banned from Cloud Academy!" (Osoi)


No matter what world you're in, there's always a damn catch


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