Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

12. Limits

It's been a few months since school began and I've gotten used to the change. The war still rages on as less and less people come back alive from the battlefield. Nee-san has told me not worry and close my heart to it.

"You're 100 years to early to be worrying about me. Your only job should be focusing on school" is what she told me the last time I saw her

Lessons continue as usual with a moderate amount of physical exercise, but mostly lectures. However, other than the subject of chakra, there's nothing else that interests me. Most of what Osoi teaches are subjects nee-san has made me go over at home. But Tai has really proven just how useful he can be. He provides info on the school and what I need to stay ahead, in exchange for me helping him with our class lessons. I still wonder how he gets all this info but I don't pry on the risk that it damages this beneficial relationship.

If there's one thing that's changed its...

"..." (Suzu)

"Hmmmm" (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

...Suzu. For some reason, she just keeps staring at me whenever she gets the chance. I wonder if it's because I'm at the top of the class. I know that out of everyone here, she's proven herself to be the most competitive. I saw this first hand during one of our outdoor (P.E. equivalent) sessions. That kid she bumped into during our first day challenged her to a sparring session. She accepted, and proceeded to kick the crap out of the poor kid. Watching him get beat up, I was reminded of my 'training' with nee-san

Tai and I began whispering to each other as Osoi continued today's lesson

"You think she has a grudge against you for being the first in our class?" (Tai)

"I don't know...but it seems unlikely" (Rei)

"Why do you say that?" (Tai)

"Tai...she's not the shy type. I think we both know if she has problem...she'll take care of it" (Rei)

"...That's for sure. She's probably just curious about you" (Tai)

I guess...still doesn't make me happy that a wild child like her has taken an interest in me.

"...and that will conclude our geography lesson for the day. Now, continuing what I was talking about yesterday, lets go over the subject of 'the relationship between your body and chakra'. Does anyone remember where we left off?" (Osoi)

"You were explaining how it affects our bodies and what we can do to improve it?"

"Right. Chakra is created from molding two energies together in your body. Civilians refer to these energies as 'stamina', but we ninja call them 'Physical Energy' and 'Spiritual Energy'. These energies flow seamlessly through our bodies in something known as the 'Chakra Pathway Network'. Only by mashing these energies together can chakra be created, and we use unique hand seals to manipulate it."

"But how do we improve these energies?"

Thank you, that's just the question I need answered

"Well physical energy comes from the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy comes from our minds and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience. It's also why when use a lot of it, we suffer from exhaustion" (Osoi)

"Doesn't this relationship between the body and chakra seem very symbiotic?"

"That's because it is. When these energies become more powerful, so to will the chakra you make. Repeatedly practicing a jutsu will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, allowing more chakra to be created. As a result, a ninja is able to use the same technique with more power but with less energy. This process is the same for physical energy, except the ninja needs to increase their endurance instead. This process is commonly referred to as 'Chakra Control'. (Osoi)

"Sensei" (Suzu)

Oh? It's rare for Suzu to ask a question. Even Osoi is a little surprised

"Yes Suzu?" (Osoi)

"So theoretically, if one were to constantly practice these methods, there would be no limit to how far they can grow?" (Suzu)

"Well..." (Osoi)

"Hey, you're right!"

"If I follow this kind of training, I'll be invincible!"

"..." (Osoi)

"Sensei?" (Suzu)

"...Everyone! Get ready! I'm going to do something a little mean" (Osoi)

Before anyone could ask what he was doing, an immense, invisible pressure suddenly bombarded them

Kuh?! T-This...suffocating feeling! This is chakra!!

Everyone began to gasping for air as Osoi's chakra made them feel like their bodies weighed tons

Fearing for their safety, Osoi ceased

"Gaha?! Chak!"

"Hrgurk! Oh my god! What was?!"

"That...was that Sensei's chakra?!"

"Sorry about that! I have below average chakra so I assumed you lot would be fine if I brought it out" (Osoi)

Everyone (including myself) had a look of annoyance on their face. Osoi smiled awkwardly before speaking again

"Still, that fact of releasing MY weak chakra could be so terrible for you should prove a valuable lesson. Suzu! To answer your theory about whether it's possible for your chakra to grow infinitely..." (Osoi)

"..." (Suzu)

"Well...not exactly. You see at some point a ninja will reach a maximum amount of chakra they can use before it runs out and they need to rest to replenish it. Now with practice this 'limit' can be increased, but only to a certain extent" (Osoi)

"...Why is that sensei?" (Tai)

"We human beings are limited to the quantity and strength of chakra that our 'genes' grants us. It's why people from prominent clans, or those that possess unique bloodlines are usually so powerful" (Osoi)

"..." (Suzu)

"If one is given far more chakra than they're able to handle, the body would most likely die from overloading. Remember how all of you are feeling now. As young children, your bodies have yet to properly develop and adapt to this power. You guys can barely handle taking my average chakra from the outside. Can anyone of you imagine what would happen if it came from the inside?" (Osoi)  

Many of us gulped

"There was once a crude training method our village practiced in the past that involved having our ninja take in chakra from others and ingesting unique materials like flesh from a Tailed Beast. Going past their limits, they would hold these overwhelming energies in their bodies to expand the maximum capacity of their physical & spiritual energy." (Osoi)

"...Di-did it work?" (Suzu)

"...They experienced a short burst of power, but they all died in agony soon after." (Osoi)

"..." (Suzu)

"What you all have to understand is that the energies inside your bodies...they're like...well...they're elastic. Like a rubber band, if you want it to stretch more you have to pull it a little bit at a time. But if you stretch it too much at snaps" (Osoi)

"...Only in our case, that rubber band would be our lives" (Tai)

"Indeed Tai, why do you think information on ninja is so heavily restricted. Let this be a lesson to all of you who have yet to take this seriously enough. DO NOT...TAKE NINJUTSU...LIGHTLY" (Osoi)

"Yes...sensei" (Suzu)

"Hm?" (Osoi)

So this is why I couldn't learn anything regarding ninjutsu in the library or why Mabui didn't teach me. Or rather it's not that she wouldn't, but that she couldn't as she wasn't allowed to. The mood of the class had started to dampen a little


"Haha! Turn those frowns upside down! I'm in no way implying those who aren't from prominent origins can't excel over the naturally gifted!" (Osoi)


"But you just said..."

"Even if you don't come from some powerful bloodline, that doesn't necessarily mean your chakra cannot grow to great lengths. Like I said, it's all about genetics. And genetics can be very unpredictable. Take the head of our village for example. Raikage-sama1'Sama': a respectful honorific for individuals of a higher rank than oneself is often touted as the greatest Raikage in history and yet he does not come from a powerful family. Rather he created his own strong family line starting with his son, who himself has been rumored to have chakra levels comparable to a Tailed beast! To be compared to one those legendary chakra creatures is an amazing feat in its own right!" (Osoi)


"Some of the most legendary and powerful ninja in history have possessed weak chakra, yet made up for that weakness with pure skill and versatility." (Osoi) 

"Awesome, I had no idea Raikage-sama came from a background like that..."

"And he and his son still became that strong..."

"I wonder if I can become that strong"

As the class began to chatter, Osoi spoke again

"Hehe, you know I really envy you kids for starting on the path of a shinobi at such an early age" (Osoi)

"What do you mean sensei?"

"Well you see, I was born around the time of the 'Second Shinobi World War', which was one of the worst in history for any village. By the time I had signed up to be a ninja, I was already a young man. If you start training to be a ninja at a late age, the chakra in your body won't be able to make much progress as its pretty much lost the opportunity to grow. This has been the biggest factor preventing me from becoming a 'Chunin' in my long career as a ninja" (Osoi)

Right, guide said something similar to me when I first got this body

"But I made up for it by working hard, and now I'm recognized by even a shinobi like the famous 'Jiton no Toroi'2Toroi of the Magnet Style!" (Osoi)

"Eh?! That famous ninja?!" (Suzu)

"That's right! Bet all you brats didn't expect that did you! Maybe I'll ask him to visit if there's an opportunity" (Osoi)


"Yeah awesome!"

"I can't wait!"

So noisy, good grief

"But like I said, genetics are unpredictable. And even if you come from some powerful clan, that doesn't mean YOU will become powerful AND vice versa. Remember, nothing is ever guaranteed in this world. The only thing you can do is strive to perform at your best!" (Osoi)

"Yes Sensei!" (The whole classroom)

"Now, moving on. Let's dive into to the ranks of shinobi and their responsibilities. From lowest to highest it goes Genin, Chunin, and Jonin. The typical duties of the Genin are to..." (Osoi)

As Osoi continued his lesson, Tai quietly began speaking to me

"I was getting a little worried for a sec, but I'm starting to feel better now. Ya know for just a Genin, Osoi-sensei is a pretty good teacher! Don't you think so too Rei?" (Tai)

"...Huh? Oh...uh...yeah...I guess" (Rei)

"?" (Tai)


Everyone else can afford to be optimistic, but I sure as shit can't. I remembered in the past guide told me that 'Rei' was just some insignificant 'extra' who got killed before the main story even began. Most likely because he wasn't a 'gifted' ninja. There's no damn way I'm leaving my life up to chance like some random, genetic, punnett square3 type 'luck-of-the-draw'.  I need something far more practical than that


Whispering to myself

"It may be time to consider using one of my five Lifeline Questions the next time the guide shows up"


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