Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

13. An Unusual Visitor

Evening had come, a lone man walked through town with a solemn look on his face. His destination was anyone's guess


A loud thump!

"Nice! You're getting better. It's takes much more effort to bring you down now" (Mabui)

"Well...I'm glad to know I've become a better punching bag for you" (Rei)

"Don't be such a pessimist, you'll catch up to me in time. Come on, let's eat something" (Mabui)

" about grilled teriyaki? I did pick up more groceries when you weren't here." (Rei)

"Hehe, did you now? I guess I'll cook your favorite since I was away from home all week" (Mabui)

As the war worsened, more and more active duty ninja have been away from the village. Even Genin like nee-san are becoming overburdened.

"Aaah, it's soooo nice to just let loose every once and while. Work has been very stressful lately" (Mabui)

"Whatever makes you happy nee-san" (Rei)

Coming back home after a week, nee-san was absolutely ecstatic to see me. And that enthusiasm quickly led to another one our 'training sessions'. Just when I was getting used to having an evening where I'm not sore. Though I guess I'm  getting used to it as I can immediately get back up after we're done instead of laying on the ground wishing I was dead. Sigh

Reaching in a kitchen cabinet, she took out a box of matches. After lighting one, she ignited the gas stove before giving me a smug look

"I see that you've already prepped the meat. To go to all this trouble...I guess someone really wanted grilled teriyaki" (Mabui)

"...Um...well I..." (Rei)

"It's fine I guess, but you can't just eat meat. I'll be adding more vegetables for you to eat" (Mabui)

As expected of nee-san, she saw right through me, though I'm not complaining. When she's not here I increase the amount of food in my diet to bulk up faster. I need a healthy body to get stronger after all. Plus, I've really come to like grilled teriyaki. Since it was 'Rei's' favorite food, I wonder if this body is beginning to alter my preferences as teriyaki was never my preferred food in the past.

"If you don't need any help I'm going to return to my studies" (Rei)

"I'm good Rei, you go right ahead. It should be done soon" (Mabui)

Picking up a textbook I left on the kitchen counter, I sat down by the kotatsu and began reading

"...My progress is adequate for a normal person, but I need far more than just normal" (Rei)

My life in school is progressing smoothly as we approach our second year, but I'm still not satisfied. There are people out there who are MY age, yet stronger than nee-san. Not to mention all of the 'Kekkei Genkai'1Bloodline Limit holders, people blessed with unique abilities only they and their family members can use.

The only thing I can boast about now is having good chakra control and adequate skills with ninja tools and weapons. Even my taijutsu skills, which exceeds everyone in my class, would be considered pretty average by Genin. The fact that I've never beaten nee-san, a Genin herself, is proof enough.

"...And my chakra..." (Rei)

After training in secret, the chakra in this young body has finally developed to the point where I'm now able to perform some basic E-Rank level techniques with little trouble like the 'Henge no Justu'2Transformation Jutsu or using chakra to walk on water.

Everyone in my class is older than me, so most people would call me a 'prodigy'. But compared to all the main characters in the story with 'cheats' & 'plot armor', I barely come off as average. Mabui, albeit reasonably, has not proceeded to teach me any ninjutsu out of fear for my safety. Makes sense considering if one pushes their chakra too far (especially a child), they could die. I wish I could tell her that I'll be fine, but I wouldn't be able to convince her without risking my identity being revealed.

So for now its just training with nee-san, followed by studying at the academy

"I really wish I could find some way to-" (Rei)

knock, knock

"Who could be here at this hour?" (Rei)

"Oh Rei! Could you get that? I'm still cooking over here" (Mabui)

"I got it" (Rei)

Opening the front door, I was met with a huge figure I'd seen before

"...Heh" (???)

"...What the?! Why are you here?!" (Rei)

"Hey Rei! Long time no see!" (???)

"Rei? Whose at the-" (Mabui)

"Good to see you too, Mabui. Does your dinner have room for one more?" (???)

"Oh! Raikage-sama!" (Mabui)

For some reason, the leader of Kumogakure was at our front door asking for dinner

"! Thanks to Rei, there's plenty of food to go around" (Mabui)

Great, guess that's means I'll be going shopping again soon

"Hold on, the food is almost ready. Rei, please help Lord Third to the table" (Mabui)

"...Sure, come on in Raikage. We're having grilled teriyaki tonight" (Rei)

"Oh nice, I was just in the mood for some meat" (Raikage)

Settling in like it was natural for him, the Raikage had slipped his way into our dinner. He maintained a carefree attitude while Mabui was being as respectful as possible. After finishing dinner, I was the first to break the ice

"Alright, I'm just gonna flat out ask it, why are you here tonight?" (Rei)

"Rei! My apologies Lord Third" (Mabui)

"Hahahaha, no worries Mabui! Rather I prefer he keeps that casual attitude. Most kids his age, and adults for that matter, are usually so stiff around me so it's refreshing to experience something different" (Raikage)

"Oh...well...okay then" (Mabui)

"But to answer your question Rei, I'm here to see you" (Raikage)

"Me? Why would you need to see me?" (Rei)

The old man stood up and looked towards the direction of our backyard

"Mabui, I've heard that you train with Rei in your backyard right?" (Raikage)

"Um...yes Lord Third, but it's just physical training" (Mabui)

"Great! Hey Rei!" (Raikage)

"Yeah?" (Rei)

He chuckled for a bit before speaking again

"How do you feel about sparring with me?" (Raikage)

"..." (Mabui)

"..." (Rei)

Mabui was at a loss for words. I on the other hand...

"Why the hell not" (Rei)

...was smiling



How in the world is this happening?


"Alright Rei! The rules are simple, you have 1 minute to use whatever means you can to get me off this flat rock I'm standing on and you win!" (Raikage)

"What do I get if I win?" (Rei)

Lord Third began to ponder

"...Hm...I guess teaching you some jutsu could be your reward? (Raikage)

"Nice! Okay 'Third', you got yourself a deal!" (Rei)

Rei...please be more respectful to the village leader...

You don't mind right Mabui? (Raikage)

"Um...well...if it's just a little that's fine" (Mabui)

It's not like I could say 'no' to the Raikage himself. I'm just worried you're going to give him something far too powerful for a 4 year old to have

"Cool! Since we have permission from 'nee-san' we can begin!" (Raikage)

"I'm ready whenever!" (Rei)

Holding a stop watch in my hand, I reluctantly moved my hand down

"Begin!" (Mabui)


So in case any of you were wondering, that last part switched perspective from Rei to Mabui. I used a large space to make things easier, but I'm considering using titles to help identify whoever's narrating. You guys message or let me know in the comment section if that's what you'd like me to do

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