Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

112. Next Steps

                                                                    Hope you're having a great weekend!


[Building Suzu a new house, expanding Mori Sp., going on a mission with Motoi, getting trapped beneath a grotto, and gaining Earth Style...]

"Don't forget meeting Shisui Uchiha"

[Right. I distinctly recall telling you to "Stay out of trouble" the last time we spoke did I not?]

"And I said that was impossible in this stupid world"

Rei conversed with Notitia in his room. The day after Mabui brought him home for some much needed rest, the shapeless voice once again reached out after "recovering" from the Second Lifeline. With nothing to do but train, he spent his time getting Notitia up to speed on recent events

"More importantly, there's something I want to ask you"

[What is it?]

"While enjoying my time off with nee-san, I've been thinking about the future. The enemies at the end, the climatic final battle, the criminal organization Akatsuki, its orchestrators Obito & Madara Uchiha, Black Zetsu & Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, etc."

[All important factors you must take into account whenever you make a decision]

"I don't know what the future holds, which is why it's best to have some insurance. Doesn't matter what form, be it weapons, ninjutsu, or powerful allies"

[Get to the point man]

"What I want to know is...whether or not it's possible to save the Uchiha Clan"


"The Uchiha Clan and their Sharingan would be a very potent weapon towards the end, feels like a waste if I just let potential allies as strong as them die out"

[Yes, they're without question a potent force. But have you REALLY considered the repercussions of interfering with the predetermined course set for them? The sheer amount of "Ripples" you'd create?]

The Uchiha were destined to be destroyed by the upper brass of Konoha for their heinous plans of a coup d'etat. Because of Obito Uchiha's attack on the village using the Nine-Tails, the elders rightfully suspected an Uchiha was behind it. Unfortunately, said Uchiha was no longer apart of the clan and while never openly stated, the blame fell to them

Moved to the edge of village after its reconstruction, their clan's dissatisfaction with the government grew until preemptive measures were needed. Using Itachi Uchiha as a spy, they ordered him to carry out the removal of his clan in exchange for his younger brother's safety

This event would set in motion a chain of events that would dictate the respective paths of the Manga's two main characters; Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha

[...Did your encounter with Shisui Uchiha change your thought process somehow?]

"A little...seeing him in action reminded me of how strong they are"

["They" is an incorrect term]


[There are multiple problems with this scenario you're contemplating, so let me start with the first. Not all of the Uchiha are gifted. Awakening the Mangekyō1KaleidoscopeSharingan is a rare feat many are unable to accomplish, regardless of what trauma they suffered]

"Just losing the one closet to them doesn't grant them that power? I thought trauma made their eyes stronger?"

[They may become stronger, but there's a limit. You're under this misconception because the only Uchiha you've seen are the most gifted ones. And even the ones who awaken it don't necessarily gain all of its powers. Remember how shocked Itachi was when he discovered Sasuke could use the Susanoo?]


[Think about it, out of all the people in that clan between now and the Climax of the story, only around five had awakened the Mangekyō]

"Five? Isn't that number off?"

[Obito, Itachi, Sasuke, Shisui, and Fugaku]

"Fugaku? You mean Sasuke and Itachi's dad? He awakened the Mangekyō?"

[Of course, how'd you think he became the clan leader? Or how the Uchiha would carry out their coup? As Madara Uchiha demonstrated, the Mangekyō Sharingan can control the Nine-Tails and they were gonna use it to take over Konoha]

"Meaning they were gonna kill Naruto..."

[And that brings me to the second problem, the Ripples. By interfering with this event, you could potentially make things worse. Imagine what would happen if you caused the death of the main protagonist? Or causing Konoha to be destroyed?]

{Ugh! Worst cast scenario...I need Konoha around in order to win}

[Even if everything I've stated could be ignored, there's still the third problem, the author's will]

"You mean...the overall influence in this world don't you?"

When Rei used his Second Lifeline to gain a better understanding of this world's rules and laws, he came to realize it was completely at the mercy of the author's whims. Phenomena which shouldn't be possible, absurd coincidence, the overall fantasy setting...certain events were set in motion regardless of outside tampering on his part

[This world follows the author's, Kishimoto's script. Think of it like cement, certain parts are soft and malleable for you to change without consequence. Others have already hardened and attempting to change them results in awful cracks]

"Those cracks being the ripples. Meaning, I could try as hard as I can and still fail to change anything. On the other hand, I do manage to change something and make EVERYTHING much worse"

[Yes. I'm not telling you what to do, just laying out your options. I'm just your guide, the decision is ultimately yours. But you're gonna have to live with the consequences, whether they be wonderful...or awful]


[Hm? Where are you going?]

"There's not much I can do about hypotheticals, and if I go to my lab, nee-san will find out I've left the village. She's been keeping a close eye on me ever since she brought me home. I'm going to finish what I initially started with Tai and Suzu"

[Oh! You mean the house]

Because he was called on mission by Motoi in the middle of construction, Rei had been eager to get back to work. This project was more important to him than meets the eye. Asking Tetsuo for help, the latter used Mori Sp.'s resources to provide the materials. But this wasn't just a good gesture between friends

The new house is an Insulated Concrete Form, or ICF house. A low-cost, much easier to make house would definitely become popular in a mountainy nation like Kumogkaure. It's terrain makes house building difficult enough as it is. If  Tetsuo was going to have Mori Sp. manufacture this technology, he needed to be sure it works. That's why the first prototype, Suzu's house, was a necessary step

Leaving his room, he strapped on the Chakra Control exercise bracelets Tango gave to him and his team. Building Suzu's new house while wearing them was the perfect daily activity to gain the best effects. And he was never one to miss out on training

"Nee-san! I've got work to do so I'm heading to Suzu's!" (Rei)

"Don't stay out too long! I'd rather not have to knock you out, stuff you in a bag, and drag you back home!" (Mabui)

"It's sounds too convincing coming from you! And that's not something a parental guardian should be saying!" (Rei)

[You really are adjusting to this world LOL]




Rei left the house and dashed through Kumogakure. Along the way, he took in the sights and thought about what he could do to improve life in the village. More products for Mori Sp. meant more income for him

Minutes later, he arrived at Suzu's old home to find Tai working alone. Rei was pleased to find the foundation was already completed and the walls would soon be to. Despite the instructions he left behind, and easier process, he was surprised to find out Tai and Suzu made so much progress in such a short time

{I was only gone for three days, four if you count the day of rest nee-san forced on me. Even if they're ninja, how the heck did they-?} (Rei)

"Hm? Oh, welcome back Rei! You finished your mission with Motoi sooner than I thought" (Tai)

"Sooner? That's not the word I expected to hear after leaving you and Suzu to work on the house" (Rei)

"Well, the instructions made things easier, and after finishing the ground work...everything just started falling into place" (Tai)

"Yeah but, to progress this the heck did you two-?" (Rei)

"It wasn't just the two of us" (Tai)

"What's that mean? Did you hire help or something?" (Rei)

"Oh, absolutely not. It's more like-!" (Tai)


"?!" (Rei & Tai)

Shouting from behind was Suzu. Because her house was under construction, she had been staying with the foster home owner Mariko. But what caught Rei's attention was the fact she didn't come alone, several younger children were following her

"Ah! Look who it is!"


"He's here, he's here!"

"Long time no see! Let's play Rei-nii!"

"If it isn't the infamous Thunder Cloud Unit. What are you guys doing here?" (Rei)

"We're helping out Suzu-nee!"

"There's no way we can let her do this by herself!"

"Is that right? No wonder there's been so much progress" (Rei)

"You finished your mission? When did you get back?" (Suzu)

"Yesterday. I would've come straight here if nee-san hadn't forced me to rest" (Rei)

"Well, there's no defying her. It's good you're back, they seem to be ecstatic as well" (Suzu)

The smaller kids behind her began crowding around Rei. Suzu was like a big sister to them since she used to live with them when her parents died. Even after moving out, she regularly visited and as her teammates would naturally tag along occasionally

Ever since his first experiment, Rei became oddly popular with children and adults, easily turning into one of their favorites

"When I told Mariko about this little project of ours, she sent the kids to help" (Suzu)

"She sent little kids to build a house?" (Rei)

"They help out with minor tasks anyone can do. Nothing too dangerous, and not for long. Mariko-san believed learning about this kind of stuff would be good for their education" (Suzu)

"She's certainly not wrong about that" (Rei)

"Ah, don't sweat it Suzu. These brats have too much free time anyway. Hey, where's Mariko-san?" (Tai)

"!" (Rei)

"Not here!"

"Her chest isn't here for you to ogle at!"

"Shut up! I don't do that!" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"What's with that cold stare Suzu?! Don't you believe in your teammate?!" (Tai)

{Phew! She's not here. I'm bad at dealing with her} (Rei)

"Womanizer! Womanizer!"

"Single for life!"

"We pray every day to make sure you never get a girlfriend!"

"You little brats! Get over here!" (Tai)



"Good grief" (Suzu)

"He fell for their provocations again, though that isn't to say they're not wrong" (Rei)

"How did your mission go?" (Suzu)

"About that...lets-" (Rei)

Rei quietly gestured for her to follow him. Getting the hint, the pair snuck away behind the unfinished house and conversed in silence

"I'm only allowed to tell you this since our squad was involved but, Motoi and I went on a mission to investigate the ones helping the Fuma clan" (Rei)

"What did you find?" (Suzu)

"Turns out, that Fuma group is just a small, rogue branch of the clan that split off a long time ago. As for the ones helping them, we've confirmed it's not the Uchiha" (Rei)

"Not the Uchiha?! Who else has a dōjutsu powerful enough to take down Team Mabui?" (Suzu)

"I thought the same thing, which is why after getting some hints on that mission, I did some investigating as soon as I got back" (Rei)

"You stayed up all night at the library again didn't wonder Mabui-san didn't let you out of her sight yesterday" (Suzu)

"Yes, thank you for reminding me. My research led me to discover it's actually an old clan called the Chinoike. They lived in the Land of Lightning before the formation of the shinobi village system. They also have serious beef with our country and Konoha" (Rei)

"Then, this is what? Revenge or something?" (Suzu)

"I don't know, when I reported my findings to the Raikage in his office, he was already briefing F and Motoi. But the weirdest thing was Sensei, nee-san, and even Dodai being there" (Rei)

While each of said persons held a position that kept them near the Raikage most of the time, it was rare, if not outright unusual for all three of them to be there at the same time, especially in the middle of night. This factor did not escape Rei's attention

"It's all very strange" (Rei)

"Did your cousin tell you anything?" (Suzu)

"Nope. After telling them about the Chinoike, the old man sent me out of the room. Nee-san dragged me home and wouldn't tell me much no matter how hard I pressed her for the truth" (Rei)

"Then there's nothing we can do. Come on, let's go" (Suzu)

"Huh? You're're not even curious?" (Rei)

"Oh, I'm definitely curious. But what can we do? If even you can't get any answers, I doubt I will. When we need to know, I'm sure they'll tell us" (Suzu)

"That's just...! I still think we should do more" (Rei)

"We are, we're training" (Suzu)


Suzu put on her training bracelets and grabbed some tools

"Don't sink into that bad habit of yours. Try to solve everything immediately, and you'll end up solving nothing entirely. Whether it was intentional or not, you taught me that" (Suzu)

"..." (Rei)

"Just like this house, it'll take time to get what you want. Have patience, take things one step at a time, otherwise you're gonna end up miserable" (Suzu)

"?!" (Rei)

"Come on. Though I'm suggesting patience, I would like to finish at least one wall by the end of the day" (Suzu)

"...Alright" {Damn, it's like she can see right through me} (Rei)

Ending their talk, Suzu led Rei back to the front, only for something of note to catch their attention. Two more children had joined the group

"Hm? Aren't they-?" (Rei)

"Karui! Omoi! What're you two doing here?" (Suzu)

"Mariko-san wanted to bring you guys some lunch" (Karui)

"You can't go to work on an empty stomach. If you did, your work ethic would be poor, you'd make a mistake, get a fatal injury, then Mabui-san and Mariko-san would go crazy, the village would burn to the ground, all of us would be homeless, then-!" (Omoi)


"Ow!" (Omoi)

"Cut that out Omoi! You really think they're that clumsy?!" (Karui)

"Maybe not Rei-nii and Suzu-nee, but what about Tai-nii?" (Omoi)

"Say what now?!" (Tai)

"He's a ninja like them! He wouldn't...yeah...Tai-nii wouldn't kill himself doing simple construction" (Karui)

"What was that pause just now?" (Suzu)

"Unbelievable. Does anyone here respect me?!" (Tai)


"Don't think so!"


"Respect? What's that?"

"YOU BRATS!!" (Tai)

As the kids continued to fool around, Rei seemed to be looking for something

"Hm?" (Rei)

"What is it?" (Suzu)

"Where's the lunch?" (Rei)

"Huh?" (Suzu)

"They said they were bringing lunch, where is it?" (Rei)

"Really, food's all you think about" (Suzu)

"Priorities Suzu, priorities" (Rei)

"More like, your monster of a stomach's priorities. But he does have a point you two. I'm surprised Mariko would let you kids wander about the village alone without a chaperone" (Suzu)

"Did something happen?" (Rei)

"No, Mariko-san took us. She allowed us to run on ahead when we got close" (Karui)

"Geh!" (Rei)

"Oh, I see. Looks like we're eating first after all Rei-?!" (Suzu)

"I just remembered Suzu, I have something to do so I'll be taking my leave now" (Rei)

"Eh?!" (Suzu)

"See you later" (Rei)

"Wait, hold on a sec!" (Suzu)

Suzu grabbed Rei's arm as he struggled to get away

"Let go! I have to get out of here!" (Rei)

"Why?! What's the prob-?!" (Suzu)


Before any of them could react, a figure showed up and zealously embraced Rei with much strength

"!" (Suzu)

"Ah!" (Karui)

"BWEGH!" (Rei)


"H-Hello Mariko-nee. Long Oomph!" (Rei)

"I missed you so much! You were gone for so long, I worried something might've happened to you! Mabui told me you were back so I immediately rushed over!" (Mariko)

{It was nee-san! Damn it!} (Rei)

"Ah! Mariko-san's here guys! Lunch time!" (Karui)


"Your true thoughts are slipping out Tai" (Suzu)

"Sniff! Dang it! Why is HE so popular?!" (Tai)

"Hehehehe!" (Mariko)

"Mariko-nee...can't...breathe...!" (Rei)

"Oh! Sorry! It's just I was so excited when I heard you were back. I even made your favorite!" (Mariko)

"Favorite? Wait, you mean-?!" (Rei)

"Hah!" (Mariko)

Mariko took out a scroll and weaved a hand seal


{That's right, I almost forgot she was a retired Jonin} (Rei)

"It's what we've been using to eat since there aren't any close food stores in this area" (Suzu)

Appearing out of thin air was a grill and different paper tableware on top of it

"Lighting it was always a pain, but with you and your Katon2Fire Style, I don't think that's going to be a problem. Hope you're ready for some grilled teriyaki!" (Mariko)

"Nice!" (Rei)

"Ready to take a break now?" (Suzu)

"A-Ahem! I suppose I afford taking it easy for a day or two" (Rei)

"So not honest" (Suzu)

"Let's eat guys!" (Mariko)

"YEAH!" (Everyone)








{She's right, there's no use worrying about the future. Whether it's the Uchiha, the Manga's end, or whoever's behind the Fuma and Chinoike, I'll settle everything when the time comes. All I can do now, is focus on what's in front of me!}


And with that, we've wrapped up this arc! To not torture Bodoncio and the rest of you too much, I made sure not to end this on a cliffhanger. The next arc starts the following week! Spoilers, I've been in Tokyo this whole time watching the Olympics in person! It's ending soon and I'll be on a flight back home right after so I'll probably have the first chapter out by Tuesday, if not Wednesday (Need to ONCE AGAIN adjust to the time change, ugh!). Get ready for next chapter because this next arc is gonna be one hell of a rollercoaster!


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