Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

“The Island” Saga – 113. Phase Two, Start!

Just got back from Japan! You'd think watching the Olympics in person wouldn't be that different from watching it on TV but you'd be WRONG! I highly recommend for any of you who can travel to France in 2024 (Hoping this annoying Pandemic is over by then) to check it out! Anyways, I'm still super tired after a TWEVLE hour flight back, plus adjusting to the time zone change, AGAIN. It was Wednesday for me not too long ago but now it's Tuesday again, calling it disorienting would be an understatement. Here's a little prologue for the New Arc while I get myself together to write more chapters. Enjoy!


An obscure facility within unknown territory

Several masked figures had gathered inside a dark laboratory. The top members of the mysterious, shadowy organization only known as the "Company", had convened once again

"I'm all for it but...aren't we moving too soon? Sister Time?" (Three)

"It's already been a year and this phase is well within expected parameters" (Time)

"We've stalled long enough. If we wait any longer, there's a chance we may be discovered" (Blade)

"The Raikage is already sniffing around for clues. If I hadn't intervened and sent my men to eliminate Futoi over a year ago, things could've been much worse" (Mountain)

"That doesn't excuse the fact you disobeyed brother Sage's orders to remain low. If anything, your actions probably increased the Raikage's suspicions. Good grief, this is what happens when brutes try to think" (Red)

"I was doing my job as our enforcer, which in that case, was cleaning up your mess you dumb broad" (Mountain)

"And here we go again" (Three)

"Sigh" (Blade)

"It's strange you're here in the first place when we already have sister Blade as our Enforcer, mister second enforcer" (Red)

"Hmph! It wasn't just Kumo, the Hokage had also sent Anbu. Maybe if YOU did your damn job and kept a proper eye on that snake instead of getting wet over his twisted research, such actions wouldn't have been necessary" (Mountain)

"What did you say to me you fat bastard?" (Red)

"I don't know how or why anyone here can believe it's okay to employ a scientist who's probably crazier than Orochimaru. You're likely to experiment on US before anyone else, you f*cking lunatic" (Mountain)

"Don't worry, I'd never experiment on you brother Mountain, your stupidity might be contagious after all" (Red)

"Oh? You know Red, if wanna die that badly, you just had ask" (Mountain)

"Can we ever have a meeting where you two don't threaten to kill each other?" (Three)


"?!" (Everyone)

The one in charge known only by the displayed word on his mask, "SAGE", cut the banter. These meetings were not meant to be long and he wanted to get to the task at hand

"And just when I thought I'd finally get some entertainment" (Arc)

"I'm sorry, are we boring you brother Arc?" (Three)

"Hey mister treasurer, you get to relax at your comfortable facility in the Land of Rivers. I've been stuck in the wasteland called Ishigakure1Hidden Rock Villagefor MONTHS, gathering any potential recruits I could find for the renovation. Don't you talk to me about getting bored" (Arc)

"Speaking of that, did you complete the quota I assigned you?" (Sage)

"It's done, Red will have more than enough volunteers. And though my big brother isn't here, he's successfully planted plenty of seeds within the prison" (Arc)

"Excellent, glad to hear you and brother Balance have done so well. And what of you brother Scorpion?" (Sage)

"Takigakure2Hidden Waterfall Villagewill be too busy to help, or even notice activity on that island. By the time they do, Kumogakure will have wrapped things up by then" (Scorpion)

"Assuming they send an appropriate squad to clean up the mess we've started" (Mountain)

"The one responsible for managing that land has a certain protocol in the event of an attack. It why I choose it as our target to begin with. He has a connection to that famous Enka Master, suitable opponents should arrive" (Time)

"In that case, Phase two can-" (Sage)

"Excuse me"

"?" (Sage)

The one who raised his hand carried the mask with the symbol for "FLOW". He was the youngest and newest member of the "Company". Whose responsibilities designated him as their informant within Kumogakure's government

"What is it brother Flow?" (Sage)

"While I understand we've acquired everything necessary for Phase Two, all of it will be meaningless if sister Red's research isn't ready for Phase Three. We're now at the precipice of the renovation and with Orochimaru gone, are you sure that you can-?" (Flow)

"Is the rookie doubting my abilities now?" (Red)

"Not at all!" (Flow)

"Haha! Don't sweat it Flow, you're absolutely right! We SHOULD know if Red is even capable of completing the Lifts" (Mountain)

"Mountain, you..." (Red)

"He does have a point Red, we'll have far less leeway with our timetable between Phases Two and Three compared to One and Two. As the one in charge of micromanaging our plans, I'd also like to know ahead of time if there are going to be delays" (Time)

"Sister Red, your response?" (Sage)

"Sigh...look over here" (Red)

Red got up from her seat at the circular table and turned on a light. What came into view were several liquid-filled glass tubes containing various samples of strange organic materials

"These are..." (Blade)

"I managed to compile and combine the necessary components into a proper stimulant. Granted, there are still some aftereffects, but isn't that why we're using these guinea pig's in the first the place?" (Red)

"Is this the result of Orochimaru's research?" (Blade)

"In part, what he discovered was the requirement for a proper conduit to produce the Lifts. That's what led him to using this" (Red)

Red pointed to another container containing an abnormally large horn. It didn't take long for everyone present to realize where it came from and what she was doing with it

"How long will our sacrifices last?" (Sage)

"I disagree with the term, sacrifice. It's not like they'll die after using it. The Lift will simply burn through their resources until they pass out, though with the sheer amount of adrenaline, the stubborn ones might continue using it until they die" (Red)

"But THEY WILL be able to complete their task, correct?" (Time)

"Without question. Truth be told, this invention Orochimaru and I created is only dangerous in the hands of idiots. So do your best to keep it out of brother Mountain's hands" (Red)

"Oh, you're real f*cking cute Red. I'm just about ready to-!" (Mountain)


"Is there anyone else with concerns we should be aware of?" (Sage)

"Just one sir. I've heard rumors pertaining to the Raikage and Daimyō that might concern you" (Flow)

"The Raikage AND Daimyō huh? This oughta be good" (Arc)

"Quiet. Brother Flow, please continue" (Sage)

"It would appear, they've found a company of their own to help them with the several projects" (Flow)

"They finally managed to hire a company to aid in their energy business? Unexpected, considering how every other one in the Land of Lightning and beyond was avoiding Kumo like a plague after the Hyuga Affair" (Mountain)

"That was our doing after all. Kumo's economy was looking a little too good for our plans" (Three)

"Oh please! You only wanted their economy to fall so you could poach all of their business clients for yourself. Greedy old man!" (Arc)

"It still benefited our plans, did it not?" (Three)

The one carrying the mask labeled "Three" was the member of the Company responsible for managing its funds. His public identity was that of a wealthy business owner far to the west of Kumogakure...and it was he who personally arranged for the Hyuga Affair 

After egging on the council and head ninja to cause that incident, the village lost the trust and support of many ceo's. After that, he wasted no time gathering these private contractors for himself. The Company had no qualms when it came to increasing personal profit as long as it didn't hinder their overall objective

Being the savvy businessman he was, how could he miss out on such an opportunity?

"Surprising, but I don't see how this is a concern?" (Blade)

"It's not like a single company can replace ALL the others when it comes to Kumo's energy demand. Hell, there's no way the Raikage would give away so much power, right?" (Three)

"That's what I initially thought but, from what I can tell...that's exactly what he's doing" (Flow)

"E-Eh?" (Three)

"Whoa, whoa! Slow down, he's letting a SINGLE company handle their power business? Has he...has he lost his mind? Or is he just desperate? I understand getting a client is a huge win for Kumo, especially after the losses we've caused them to suffer but..." (Arc)

"What is this company called? And it's owner?" (Sage)

"The owner is a man named Tetsuo Mori, head of Mori Sp." (Flow)

"Tetsuo Mori? Wasn't he the owner of that small manufacturing plant we sent the Oni Garrison to attack almost four years ago? I'm surprised he managed to rebound after that" (Time)

"Yes, and apparently his company has developed some new type of power source. While I haven't seen it for myself, the ones at the top are calling it revolutionary. The Raikage and Daimyō both think it's enough to give him all of their contracts, though I suspect the other reason for this bold move is to take away power from the council" (Flow)

The council of Kumogakure has been a thorn in the Raikage's side for quite some time. Nearly all of them have ties to various businesses in the country. By robbing them of their income, he'd strip them of their power. Exactly opposite of what the Company desired

Flow knew the council was the best way to keep the Raikage occupied and eyes away from them as they continued to operate in the Land of Lightning. But this new corporation had undoubtedly "stirred the pot"

"How the hell did they create a new-age power source so easily? I've been working the companies I stole to the bone and still haven't gotten anywhere close to what you're suggesting this so-called Mori Sp. has done" (Three)

"That answer is what I'm currently investigating, but the Raikage is keeping things quiet. If I ask too many questions, it'll draw suspicion" (Flow)

"Well shit...this complicates things" (Mountain)

"Not really, if we're progressing to Phase Two now, it'll be too late for him to do anything even if he does became aware of our existence" (Blade)

Sage stood up from his chair and walked away

"Leaving already?" (Time)

"You of all people should appreciate the need to maintain a proper schedule. I can't be gone for too long" (Sage)

"So...are we moving forward?" (Arc)

"Obviously. The time for waiting is over. Brother Flow, continue your investigation and call for a meeting as soon as you get a lead. Once you do, Brother Balance's spies will take things from there" (Sage)

"Of course" (Flow)

"Brother Three, prep the Fuma and Chinoike clan's for transport, it's time for us to fulfill our end of the bargain" (Sage)

"You got it" (Three)

"Brother Arc, Brother Scorpion" (Sage)

"I know, I'll make sure these guinea pigs put on a good show, hehe!" (Arc)

"They'll receive no interference from Takigakure" (Scorpion)

"Brother Balance is using his spies to coordinate with my intelligence network. No Daimyō will become aware of their movements" (Time)

"Right, but make sure the island overseer has enough time to contact Kumogakure before they breach the island barrier" (Sage)

"Way ahead of you" (Arc)

After standing up, their figures began to slowly fade from view, almost like smoke. The leader called "Sage" issued one final remark before the meeting ended

"This is what we've been waiting for. With this renovation of ours, regardless of whether or not the pawns succeed, we will reap the fruits of our labor. No mistakes" (Sage)

"..." (Everyone)









"Phase Two, Start!" (Sage)


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