Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

115. Checkup

Hey Guys! This one would've been out sooner if I didn't experience another routine blackout. Advice for life: ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR S***! Enjoy the chapter!


The "Sake & Yaki" Diner

"Let me know if you need anything else"

"Thanks Akina-san"

Team Tango celebrated their recent successful mission with another trip to Akina's diner. Rei in particular was happy, already going to work on his second plate

"Easy there little carnivore. Eat anymore red meat and you'll never be able to use the bathroom again" (Tai)

"Spare me the juvenile wit. Looking at that pitiful plate of nothing but vegetables, you could use more meat. If you don't bulk up, you're gonna have trouble with training" (Rei)

"That's because I'm not aiming to look like Raikage-sama. Don't get me wrong, I admire the guy, but there's a reason he's been single all of his life" (Tai)

"Don't let him catch you saying that. You'll end up worse than Killer B-sama" (Suzu)

"And now, you have officially jinxed me Suzu" (Tai)

"Ahem! I've been meaning to question you guys about that subject. Let's have a quick checkup before I go. Suzu, you first" (Tango)

Suzu put her chopsticks down and rolled back her right sleeve. Revealing the metal training bracelet with four out the six red bulbs on it ignited

"I'm almost through Level 4, and I've adjusted to the weight already. They don't slow me down anymore" (Suzu)

"I could see the results through your exceptional use of Fūton1Wind Styleon the last mission. Well done. Tai?" (Tango)

"I just got to Level 5 about three weeks ago but, I still have trouble with its weight..." (Tai)

"You've always exercised proper chakra control so reaching Level 5 already is to be expected. But it appears your Taijutsu still needs some work" (Tango)

"Mm" (Tai)

"Like I said, it's because you don't eat enough meat" (Rei)

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever mister Level six" (Tai)


Finishing his second plate, Rei rolled back his sleeve and revealed a metal bracelet with six lights ignited

" really did it" (Suzu)

"Impressive..." (Tango)

"Yeah...I guess" (Rei)

"Hm? What's wrong?" (Tango)

"Hehe, isn't it obvious sensei? The little training maniac here is unsatisfied" (Tai)

"Unsatisfied? About what exactly?" (Tango)

"Sigh" (Rei)

Rei went on to explain how even though he mastered the bracelets, his chakra control was only nearing that of an elite Jonin. His desired spanned to reach the heights of Kage and beyond

Plus, he was already a Taijutsu focused shinobi with great speed and strength for his age. Adjusting to the increased weight the bracelets bestowed every time he reached new level was easy for him

The only reason he still held onto them was for the purpose of keeping his body in shape

"Is there any chance I could get a better one?" (Rei)

"Nope. Even if you went to someone else, they couldn't give you a better one" (Tango)

"How do you know?" (Suzu)

"There are some things which must take time. For any level above Jonin, one must dictate their own methods for getting stronger. There are no shortcuts" (Tango)

"Makes sense, otherwise there'd be Kage-level shinobi all over the place" (Tai)

"Don't misunderstand guys. I'm talking about you three specifically" (Tango)

"?" (Suzu, Rei, & Tai)

Tango finished his modest-sized plate and folded his arms

"It may come natural to you, but even I couldn't have predicted you'd get so far with the bracelets in the span of nearly a year and a half" (Tango)

"Really?" (Tai)

"Yes. I expected you would still be on Level 2, maybe 3 at the most. Definitely not 4,5, & 6. Only you, the top three of Kumogakure's Gifted Generation could've pulled off such a feat" (Tango)

"I still feel like you're exaggerating a bit Sensei" (Suzu)

"That right there. The fact you can even say that is a testament to your ability. Any other shinobi, regardless of age, would find such a task to be strenuous. Just look at me" (Tango)

"You did this to?" (Tai)

"Yup. I remember back to the time I reached Level 6 at a younger age and was praised as a genius. But looking at you three, it's just laughable now" (Tango)

Years ago, when Kumogakure was short on Jonin due to the last war, they promoted many young Chunin to make up for the loss. The village desperately required mentors for the new Genin teams

Tango, a member of the intelligence division and only a few years older than his current team, was one such Chunin

"Let me be honest. The only thing you guys lack is experience. In terms of strength, all of you are well beyond Genin-level, easily reaching Chunin-level. But don't let that get to your heads, there are plenty of other geniuses out there younger than you. All of whom can prove to be more than a match for you guys" (Tango)

"Translation; Don't get cocky, right?" (Tai)

"Pretty much" (Tango)

"Even though I've finished, can I still keep these?" (Rei)

Tango go out of the booth and placed some money on the table

"Heh! Feel free to keep those bracelets for now. That also goes for you two. You guys can give them back to me when you become Chunin and our squad is disbanded" (Tango)

"Yeesh, talk about bringing down the mood Sensei" (Tai)

"I know it's a sour subject, but one you must face eventually. And at the rate you lot are's coming soon" (Tango)

"Right..." (Suzu)

"..." (Tai)

"Hahaha! Relax! Even when it does happen, it's not like you'll be moving away or something. It just means the village will be treating you with more flexibility. Typically, most Chunin get assigned missions with squads they have a long history with" (Tango)

"Meaning we'll still be working together on a regular basis?" (Tai)

"Oh, most definitely. It's efficient after all" (Tango)

"Nice" (Tai)

"Alright, final orders. The meal's on me this time so go home and get some rest. While I'm gone, any sensei may call you for a mission!" (Tango)

Tango left the diner and soon after, the trio followed in suit before giving their goodbye's to Akina

"Delicious as usual" (Rei)

"Uh-huh. Well, you guys wanna hang out?" (Tai)

"Can't. I wanna finish my new pot" (Suzu)

"Right. I forgot that pottery hobby of yours was delayed because of our little house-building project" (Rei)

"I'm looking forward to seeing it. The last pot you made went great with my plants. They're blooming quite nicely" (Tai)

"The next one is almost ready for you" (Suzu)

"In that case, I'm gonna take off. Later" (Rei)

As Rei left, Suzu issued one last reminder

"Rei! Don't forget! We're celebrating Atsui's graduation at Mariko's tomorrow!" (Suzu)

"I'll be there!" (Rei)

"Tai, I'll give you your new pot at the party" (Suzu)

"Thanks. Still can't believe Samui's little brother is gonna be a ninja already" (Tai)

Suzu thought about Tango's words before making a solemn look. She then whispered to herself

"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop time from moving on" (Suzu)

"Huh? You say something?" (Tai)

"No. I'll see you later Tai" (Suzu)

"?" (Tai)




Rei's secret lab

"Well, that's coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself"

[That being...]


[Nano-! You've already gotten to that point?!]

"No, not yet. This is just the start. They won't be ready for quite some time. I also require more information"

[What kind?]

Rei took out a box containing several strange devices and blueprints most couldn't comprehend

[Isshiki's effects?]

"The ones I've yet to figure out, but yeah. There's still much about Ōtsutsuki tech I don't understand. Like this, these coordinates specify a certain location, yet they don't dictate altitude, longitude, or latitude"

[Considering we're talking about an Ōtsutsuki like him, and his usual methods of travel, I'd say they're space-time coordinates for another dimension entirely]

"The very same conclusion I've come to. Until I gain access to the Ōtsutsuki's natural ability to use space-time ninjutsu, I can only work with what I've got"

[You think it might be coming soon?]

"Not really. Despite how much stronger I've become, I've got no clue if I'll be able to do it" 

Rei's strength had grown substantially in the last year and a half. His chakra control skill had nearly doubled, and his overall capacity had grown to new heights thanks to the Ten-Tails

His strength and speed allowed him to easily contend with Chunin level ninja and his elemental mastery was coming along swimmingly. Three elements under his belt edged him ever closer to the level of a Jonin. Rei's Genjutsu was also matched by few within the entire village of Kumogakure

Nearly everyone referred to him as a "genius" or "prodigy". But he was still looking for improvement

[Well, your chakra is stronger than Part 1 Naruto's. Though since you aren't a Jinchūriki, you don't recover as fast as he does. Not to say your own recovery speed isn't abnormal in its own right]

"I can use the Shadow Clone Jutsu but...Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu is way too dangerous for me...even when it comes to simple training. Sealing the Ten-Tails within is still off the table"

[Not your fault. You don't have the right "eyes" to seal it away]

The Jutsu to make one a Jinchūriki of a Ten-Tails, the Rikudō Jūbi Kyūin2Six Paths Ten-Tails Coffin Seal, required the Rinnegan3Saṃsāra Eyeto perform

As he is now, acquiring one was nothing short of impossible. Likely to remain as such for several years considering how closely tied it is with the main antagonists of the Manga

"Whatever. Since I don't have Naruto's plot armor, I'll make my own cheats"

[Alright, but why Nanotech in particular? We talked about this in the hospital after that crazy mission with Yugito. You were initially against the idea to-]

"Ryūchi Cave"


"I must pass the White Snake Sage's trial before gaining access to their Tensei4ReincarnationTechniques. After more years of research, I've recently come to understand I had the wrong idea about this technology. Even with Ōtsutsuki cells, it doesn't guarantee I'll be able to adapt to natural energy"

[And you think Nanotech might help?]

"Isshiki modified his next potential host, Kawaki, not to give him a power boost. But to ensure his body could safely adapt to his soul and massive chakra. His previous host Jigen was just as compatible, and he was literally falling apart"

[Now I get it. You want to take advantage of the microscopic technology that can rewrite cellular structures and make augmentations. But aren't they based on Sage Transformation?]

"That was the same thought I had years ago but-"

Rei stopped working and took a deep breath

"Sigh. I did consider finding someone similar to the character Jūgo, but ultimately, I found it wasn't worth it. Kabuto implanted such DNA within him and look how messed up his body turned out. He was permanently deformed by the end of the series"

[Ah...not to mention, the overall uncontrollable surges of madness that comes along with it. Kabuto was able to placate it, but that doesn't mean you'd be able to. You don't want to take the chance]

"My mother studied virology before she retired, but I've always been the tech guy like my dad. These Microscopic Scientific Ninja Tools will ensure I can handle it"

[Your very own "cheat" huh? I like it]

"Well, they're not ready yet. There are still materials I need Mori Sp. to acquire for me. For now, I can only improve the old fashioned way"

Rei left the table and walked through the space time gate in the basement

[Increasing your chakra again?]

"Yeah. But also more"


"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu5Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


Four copies of him appeared in smoke

[Training, but not on the same scale as Naruto's huh?]

"He needed a thousand clones to train because one, he's an idiot. Two, he doesn't share the same genetic advantages as myself. Three, my clones get things done in a quarter of the time it usually takes while I work on my chakra with the Ten-tails. Not a bad training method if I do say so myself"


"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to work"


As Rei started to train, Notitia spoke to itself...but Rei couldn't hear it this time

[What is it now?]


[I know]


[Hey! This is my job! There's no need for that! Besides, from what I can tell...]









[He'll be experiencing a new obstacle soon enough]


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