Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

116. Vision For The Cloud



"Alright! That's enough! Shut it off!"

"On it!"

In the lab provided by the Raikage, Dodai collaborated with several of his colleagues including; Mabui, Tekkan, Tenga, C, and their new partner, Tetsuo Mori

A's "inner circle" were once again working on the mysterious "network" project 

"Not bad, if I do say so myself" (Tetsuo)

"Incredible...the connection is so easy to maintain now" (Tenga)

"That only applies to the technological aspect. For the next part..." (Tekkan)


A young man wearing shinobi attire subtly entered the room

"Guess that means it's my turn"

"Tango-dono. Glad you could join us" (Tekkan)

"Apologies for the delay everyone, my squad and I just got back from a mission" (Tango)

"It's fine. For these tests, we're asking enough of you as it is" (Dodai)

"For the sake of the village, this is nothing. As a ninja of Kumogakure, I'm simply fulfilling my duty" (Tango)

"Mm" (Dodai)

"Are we ready?" (Tango)

Mabui directed Tango to a chair in the middle of the room. It had several cables attached to it, all leading to different devices. One of which was a prototype battery Mori Sp. had provided for them

"The tech is up to capacity, all the remains-" (Mabui)

"Is the human aspect. In other words, me. That's fine, this test has been long overdue" (Tango)

"Power output is stable...connection is leakage whatsoever...we're green! Ready whenever you are Tango-senpai!" (Tenga)

Tango sat on the strange chair, closed his eyes, and focused. While the younger group began their tests, Dodai quietly approached and conversed with Tetsuo, thanking him for his help

"You've thanked more than enough for over a year Dodai-dono" (Tetsuo)

"It will never be enough. Because of you and your company, all of our hard work is finally coming to fruition. As a lifelong servant of Kumogakure, you have my sincerest gratitude" (Dodai)

"The relationship I share with you and your superiors is one of mutual benefits. I've gained quite a sum myself, not to mention the other perks Raikage-dono promised me" (Tetsuo)

When Tetsuo forged his agreement with them, A promised Mori Sp. all the power contracts he could strip from the council. The Daimyō gave him tax-free land nearby for his company's relocation. Unlike before, Mori Sp. was now less than a mile away from the village

Now, Tetsuo owned several warehouses within Kumogakure for product distribution as Mori Sp. manufactured more than just energy equipment, just as "Developer R" or Rei planned. And though he still had taxes for the warehouses, the Raikage allowed him to pay at a reduced price

This deal was nothing short of a business owner's dream. If anything, Tetsuo wanted to thank them for their service and cooperation but maintained his composure

"Tenga-kun has already been instructed on its use, so I doubt you'll need my assistance for the rest" (Tetsuo)

"You're not staying? Don't you want to see what happens?" (Dodai)

"I have absolute faith in my device. If something went wrong, it's not on my end. Besides, Shō is waiting outside for me. I have a meeting with your boss after all" (Tetsuo)

"Absolute faith...that mysterious chief engineer of yours must be something special" (Dodai)

"Like you would not believe. I'll see you later, Dodai-dono" (Tetsuo)

"Take care Tetsuo-dono..." (Dodai)

Dodai stared at Tetsuo's back as he leisurely walked out of the secret lab

{Not so much as a hint this time either...} (Dodai)

Though he respected his privacy, even an experienced shinobi like Dodai could barely contain his curiosity. The identity of Tetsuo's enigmatic architect was a constant source of discussion among A's inner circle. But while they were curious, they opted not to push things too far with their inquiries

They needed Tetsuo far more than he needed them, and both parties were aware of it. Upsetting the "golden parachute" of a partner that showed on their doorstep with impeccable timing was last thing they desired

Tetsuo on other hand, remained silent. "Developer R" was, for all intents and purposes, his "ace in the hole". Over the year, he received all kinds of revolutionary blueprints, schematics, and prototype inventions for his manufacturing company

There wasn't a single soul in the Land of Lightning that hadn't heard of Mori Sp., nor what its done for the country. Everyone benefitted from the low-cost power it was providing. But that was all the more reason for Tetsuo not to lower his guard

Mori Sp. was growing steadily...and even those outside the country were starting to notice


Tetsuo closed the door behind him as his eyes met with his chief of security, Shō, who was patiently waiting outside for him. The latter's subordinates were several feet away from him as well

"So?" (Tetsuo)

"We're at the ready sir" (Shō)

"Good, take me to A-dono's office" (Tetsuo)

"We're moving out!" (Shō)

With his bodyguards maintaining a protective circular formation around him, Tetsuo carefully made his way out of Dodai's facility. On the streets, his group blended in with the crowd, doing their best as to not draw attention to themselves

Less than fifteen minutes later, the group arrived at the government building of the village. Entering the now silent complex, they headed upstairs to the Raikage's office, intent on meeting with him, and the Daimyō

"Alright, I'm going in. Wait for me here. You know the protocol" (Tetsuo)

"If I don't hear anything after one minute, enter the office" (Shō)

"Mm" (Tetsuo)

Tetsuo left the group to themselves as he went inside. Shō's subordinates spoke for the first time since they left Dodai's lab

"It's rather quiet today. I guess even shinobi don't work late"

"Hardly. The Raikage probably dismissed everyone for the night. This meeting is supposed to be private, so keep your mouths shut and stay on guard!" (Shō)





Inside the office

Tetsuo was sitting on one of the two couches across from each other. Both A and the Daimyō were sitting on the other

"Thanks for taking my advice and putting seats in here" (Tetsuo)

"Considering how much you complained about it the last time you were here, I didn't have much of a choice" (A)

"To be fair, it gets pretty dull in here when the only thing in sight is your desk and workout equipment. But on to the matter at hand, Tetsuo-dono, you may have done your job a little too well" (Daimyō)

"We've called you here to discuss further means of protection" (A)

"I figured as much. My company's notoriety has risen greatly over the last year, as is to be expected. How are the council members A-dono?" (Tetsuo)

"Calling them pissed would be an understatement" (A)

After using the "Hyuga Affair" as leverage, A took away the contracts of many businesses several council members either owned, or had ties to. This act, which was effectively robbing them, didn't sit well with anyone

But A didn't care, stripping them of their power and influence was more than satisfying. Though he couldn't take away their positions, he now had more leeway and influence compared to the past. 

And while most of them complained, there was little they could do. Mori Sp. performed above and beyond, reforming Kumogakure's power grid into one centralized unit. Supplying more power within one year than their previous contractors could in the last decade

Tetsuo perfectly filled the empty shoes left behind with far more efficiency, and at a much cheaper price. The minority of council members who did back the Raikage consistently used this in their supporting arguments for his decision

And because none of A's political opponents expected him to have such a wild card like Tetsuo, their backs were against the wall. There was no choice but to grin and bear it as A robbed them of their money and power

"I can only assume some have reached out to you?" (Daimyō)

"Yup, trying to make up for their lost revenue. Obviously, I turned them all down" (Tetsuo)

"Since they can't buy you, they'll without a doubt resort to next best thing" (Daimyō)

"Me being dead would be the next best thing for them, as I already anticipated" (Tetsuo)

"Bringing along more men for security isn't going to be enough" (A)

"I've been fine so far, and I've already moved closer to the village, as per our previous agreement. All of my subordinates are people I trust, and they never leave my side" (Tetsuo)

"That's still-" (A)

"Even if something does happen, your capable shinobi nearby will intervene" (Tetsuo)

"All I'm saying is that we take extra steps to-!" (A)

"We can discuss Tetsuo's security measures later Raikage-dono" (Daimyō)

"!" (A)

{"Later" huh? Ending the subject as to not upset me while leaving an excuse to bring it up later. Daimyō sly fox} (Tetsuo)

A pressing Tetsuo for more security wasn't just out of concern for his safety, it was to give him an in...within Mori Sp.

Tetsuo kept their partnership at arms length, only allowing his own private security force to protect the company on the inside. With some compromise later, he allowed Kumo shinobi to aid in his protection, but none were allowed to set a single foot within his facility

It was obvious the two leaders held interest in the inner workings of Mori Sp., especially after discovering the existence of his backer. Though Tetsuo tried his best, not even he could stop the spread of rumors pertaining to the genius engineer, "Developer R"

"The ICF1Insulated Concrete Formshouses...quite clever of you for using three of our best Genin to demonstrate their usefulness" (A)

"Hey, I had a debt to pay to team Tango. Plus, if you actually saw the poor state of Suzu's home, you'd want to build her a new one too" (Tetsuo)

"And yet, you still found a way to benefit from the situation. Guess I should say, 'as expected of an experienced merchant'. However, they're without question a wonderful tool. Urban development is a pain when you live in a mountainous region like Kumogakure" (Daimyō)

"Right? The problem do we convince everyone else?" (Tetsuo)

"True, it's not like everyone in the village is just going to get up, walk out of their homes, and let you tear down and rebuild just like that" (A)

"But they're essential for taking full advantage of the new power grid I've given you. Upgrades are going to be essential down the line, and the current housing will only make things difficult" (Tetsuo)

"You did give us a time table of four years" (A)

"Yeah, a year ago. Meaning, we have three years left before negative side effects within the grid's structure begin to manifest themselves. Modernization is a must" (Tetsuo)

Calling the structures of Kumogakure "old" would be putting it nicely. Though the new power grid designed by Rei was cutting edge, the village's housing were ancient and traditional. Stretching all the way back to the era of the 1st Raikage

Not to mention, many of them were built either inside the very mountains themselves, making them hard to reach. Or, suspended in mid-air like the very building these men were sitting in now. Over 83% of the village's homes have remained the same since its founding

And given this word's current technological level, Rei knew they were completely unsuitable for modern technology. It was for this reason he used Suzu's house as a testing ground

"I may have a solution" (Daimyō)

"!" (Tetsuo & A)

"While the benefits are clear as day, I've found in my long career that most people don't respond to the obvious unless properly advertised" (Daimyō)

"With all due respect Daimyō-dono, we're talking about mass modernization. Construction work on a scale that effects everyone in the entire village. A simple ad campaign or something similar isn't going to cut it" (Tetsuo)

"Not to mention, convincing members of government. Even those that do support me are going to question it" (A)

"Of course. I was thinking about something a little more...unorthodox" (Daimyō)

"Like what?" (A)

"As you know, I've been away from the village for quite some time due to diplomatic relations. Doing my best to keep things peaceful between nations. Along the way, my subordinates and I have learned many nations are quite eager for a certain event to take place" (Daimyō)

"An event?" (Tetsuo)

"Yes. No one's ready for it now, as it requires cooperation from many from different nations. Plus, even after all this time, everyone is still feeling the effects from the last war. But I estimate we'll have quite the event within the next two years" (Daimyō)

"Wait...are you suggesting-?!" (A)

"Eh?" (Tetsuo)

"We've haven't had one in a long time. But my colleagues have estimated, if not outright planned for one to occur within the span of two years from now" (Daimyō)

"Hmm...that event was basically designed for advertisement. If we participate, perform well, and mention Mori Sp., we're guaranteed support for this reworking of Kumo's infrastructure" (A)

"The first one in a long time. Now doubt it'll be huge" (Daimyō)

"What? What event?!" (Tetsuo)


A and the Daimyō turned towards Tetsuo and, almost simultaneously, smiled. But what they said next...

"Something that benefits us all..." (Daimyō)

"We're talking about the..." (A)

"?" (Tetsuo)

Made his heart skip more than a simple beat









"The Chunin Exams..."


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