Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

117. Overture [1]

The next morning


[Tired already? I thought you were a morning person?]

"I'm part Ōtsutsuki, I don't get tired so easily. Besides, I am a morning person"

[Then what's the prob-ohhh...I get it. You're just frustrated since ya still haven't figured out how this thing works]

"No! I mean...I know I will eventually but, I'd like to know now"

Because he knew Mabui wouldn't be home, Rei decided it'd be safe to stay overnight at his secret lab. Continuing his research into useful Ōtsutsuki technology, his work eventually took him back to the subject of Isshiki's strange "Black Cubes"

Devices capable of disrupting "chakra sensing" would undoubtedly prove useful. Unfortunately, the only one he possessed was in terrible condition. Rei couldn't even be sure if it was unfinished or broken

"Just look at this mess! As an engineer myself, I can only be offended by such shoddy craftsmanship! No wonder Isshiki hired Amado, that asshole was too lazy to do any work himself"

[You killed him soooo...he's not doing anything anymore. Sheesh! I forgot how impatient you are]

"It's the principal that bothers me. Engineer's. We do have standards, and this is just sorry"

[Since the other dimensions he frequently visited are off the table for now, there's no point in stressing over it]

"I know, I just...I just thought I could do something without Space-time ninjutsu like-"

[Like what?]


Rei said no more. In truth, he hoped his "Kisshōten1Auspicious Heavens"ability could circumvent the need for acquiring Ōtsutsuki knowledge from other dimensions

But this In'yōton2Yin-Yang/Shadow & Light Stylepower could only replicate and/or alter materials he sent to the "White world". The strange "Black Gem" could produce an infinite amount, but it could not create materials it had yet to consume and scan

Rei considered sending the unfinished Cube to that world, but even if he did, there'd be no way to repair it. Alteration meant nothing if he couldn't comprehend how the tech works to begin with. Plus, it was the only prototype he had on hand

And above all else, he could never allow Notitia to find out the true nature of this ability


"It's nothing...lemme get back to work"

[About that, don't you have a prior engagement to get to? You're celebrating Samui's little brother graduating from the academy]

"Ah, I almost forgot about that. I've still got time though right? The party happens in the afternoon"

[Yeah, and you haven't had breakfast. You look like a mess after spending all night with these dusty machines, and you kinda stink]

"Again, how does a disembodied voice know I stink? You said the same thing back when I used the Black Scroll for the first time"

[Hmm...I guess you just stink that bad]

"Up yours. Guess I'll work on this stuff later"

Wrapping things up here, Rei returned to his home via Mabui's "traveling pots". Knocking on her room door, Rei realized Mabui still wasn't back from her assignment

{Maybe she's with the Raikage on some assignment. Probably working on the "Network" project again. Oh well, more cake for me then}




After taking a shower, Rei changed into casual clothes before eating a late breakfast. Never one to linger, he left the house and made his way to Mariko's foster home. It was not long after he noticed something peculiar via his chakra one was there

"Where are they? Hm!" (Rei)


The one who approached from behind and shouted was his teammate Tai

"Where have you been? I stopped by your place last night and no one was there" (Tai)

"I was...out. What's going on?" (Rei)

"There's been a change of plan. We're having the get together at Suzu's" (Tai)

"Something happen?" (Rei)

"The foster home is getting turned into a ICF complex earlier than scheduled. My uncle told me something is going on with Mori Sp. and they're moving all of their contracts ahead" (Tai)

{I never told Tetsuo to do that...something must be up. I'll contact him the next time I have some privacy}

"No worries. Suzu's new house is just as, if not even better than Mariko's" (Tai)

"Can't argue with that" (Rei)


The pair beamed through the village, making their way into poorest part of Kumogakure. Although they were already aware, the two Genin couldn't help but take note of the out-of-place homes that were remade by Mori Sp.

These brand new houses looked far to pristine to be located in such a slum

"H-Hehe. They don't fit in at all. You'd think this area would be the last to start remodeling" (Tai)

"The poorest area was obviously the easiest to start with, and they all give the same message, Look at the brand new homes even we can afford!" {Tetsuo's good at advertisement, it was wise to invest in him} (Rei)

"Yeah, but I haven't seen many willing to change, only a couple in the common and richer areas. The slums are the only ones with any noticeable difference" (Tai)

"When it comes change, humans are always slow to adapt. Give it time, when people see how superior these homes are, the whole village will be covered with them" (Rei)

"Yeah, you're right about that. Good grief. As usual, it feels like I'm talking to an adult whenever we chat" (Tai)

"Just your imagination" (Rei)

"Yeah...right. Oh! We're here" (Tai)


The boys landed in front of a beautiful, isolated home with no neighbors. The team had finished rebuilding Suzu's house quite some time ago...and it was a sight to behold

The former wooden shack was now a white, two-story home equipped with beautiful windows and a red roof. A large basement for her pottery hobby, wider kitchen and dining area, bigger family shrine, and a well groomed garden in the back, courtesy of Tai

"Man, I love looking at this place every time I see it" (Tai)

"Things gained with hard work are always better. Come on, I can hear the little pyromaniac yelling in the back" (Rei)




At the same time elsewhere

On an island north of Takigakure3Hidden Waterfall Village, a man sat quietly in front of a campfire with lunch cooking in a pot placed over it

He was quite tall, had long spiky black hair, a well built body, and a noticeably large x-shaped scar on his face

The sleeveless shirt he wore only exuded his muscles. A thick brown rope belt tied in a large knot behind his back, white pants and wooden geta sandles4Link. The bottom of his shirt bore the Kanji symbol "金" for "Kin"5Gold

"Umph! Another quiet day, not that I'm complaining. How are you doing Pochi?"


Sleeping next to him was a giant, yellow raccoon. Enormous in size, wrists wrapped in bandages, and a mark on it's forehead with the same Kanji symbol the man wore on the bottom of his shirt, it was anything but normal

{This big, lazy-!} "Hey! I'm talking to you!"


"AARRGGG!!" (Pochi)

"Don't you growl at me. It's already past noon! Get your sh*t together ya lazy raccoon!"

"Grrrrr...!" (Pochi)

"We're here for a reason. It's time to do our rounds, let's go!"

"Rrrrggghh..." (Pochi)

The man picked up an axe the size of a full grown adult with ease, demonstrating his great strength. Pochi begrudgingly followed as the pair traveled around the island, observing many strange animals along the way. Like Pochi, the majority of them were abnormally large

Eventually, the came across a brawl between said creatures


"!" (Pochi)

"Ah damnit, the cheetahs are stirring things up with the hyenas again. Pochi, you wanna-" 

"Harumph!" (Pochi)

"Yeah. Yeah. Less attitude and more work please"

"..." (Pochi)

"Hey. Don't forget, we're very close to a wanna take the chance all this noise might wake them up?"

"!" (Pochi)

"You and I both know how much they hate it when their sleep is disturbed. Get to work, I'm gonna patrol the parameter"

Hearing his warning, Pochi charged in the middle of the fight, doing his best to break it up before the animals caused anymore destruction. The man in particular headed towards a shoreline

"Nothing going on over here either, it's very quiet today. Looks like we won't be getting any-hm?"

Just as he was about to relax, shapes could be seen at a distance. Taking out a telescope, he shuddered at the sight of several ships, armed to the brim with men. Their course, his island

{What the hell?! How could that many ships make it past Takigakure's checkpoints?! Could something have happened to that village?! Could it have been an attack from a foreign nation?}


He bolted back to the fight between animals


"Rgh?" (Pochi)

"We got company!"

"Wroo?!" (Pochi)


One of the cheetahs took the opportunity to attack when Pochi was distracted

"?!" (Pochi)

"Hōshō!6Crumbling Palm"

The man stood in between them and with just one hand, sent the house-sized cheetah flying away. He then glared at the other animals while emitting a wave petrifying killing intent

"You guys wanna go?"


They all fled, none of them daring to meet the challenge. Pochi lowered his head, allowing the man to ride him as they left for the center of the island









"Get ready Pochi! I'm going to initiate the Terrarium protocol!"


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