Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

118. Overture [2]

Suzu's backyard

"WOOHOO!!!! To celebrate my ascendance to ninja, it's time for a hot-blooded demonstration with my awesome Katon1Fire Style-!"



"Don't even think about it! You're not starting any fires today you little pyromaniac! Cool it!"

"Geez sis! That hurt! And you say I'm hot-headed!"

"Hahaha! Nice save Samui-san!"

Several kids shouted in joy as a celebration took place. Team Tango, Mariko, her foster kids, Samui, and the one whose graduation they celebrated, her younger brother Atsui. Delicious food was on display with a big cake in the center as more guests arrived one after the other

Rei was less concerned about the festivities, and more about the free food. Not hesitating to chow down as he watched everyone socialize and relax, fully enjoying each other's company



"Long time no see! You're looking well!"

"Aren't you-?" 

The ones approaching Rei were two guests, late to the party. One, an unfamiliar young man in his early 20's. The other man was in his late 40's that Rei was acquainted with...his academy teacher Osoi

"Osoi-sensei. I almost didn't recognize you" (Rei)

"Haha! It's not often this many shinobi gather together in casual clothes! Even my son and I are rarely seen out of our uniforms!" (Osoi)

"Your son?" (Rei)

"Ah, that's right! Allow me to introduce you to my pride and joy. My son Musai" (Osoi)

"Nice to meet you Rei. I've heard many great things about your squad" (Musai)

"A pleasure" (Rei)

Shaking his hand, Rei took note neither of them were wearing their standard shinobi attire, dressed in casual clothes like everyone else. Musai also shared his father's habit of wearing scarfs, a dull green one unlike his father's red scarf

"Unlike me, he's managed to rise to rank of Chunin. I couldn't be more proud!" (Osoi)

"Stop it Dad, it's embarrassing" (Musai)

"When did you take the Chunin exams?" (Rei)

"About a year ago. Since there hasn't been a collaborative exam since the last war, our village hosted its own private one" (Musai)

"Emphasis on private. Hardly anyone knew about it" (Osoi)

"Hmmm...Chunin exams..." (Rei)

"That's right, you're getting close to that age, it's natural you'd be curious. With what I've heard, I think you could become one now despite how young you are. Hahaha!" (Osoi)

As Osoi sat down and reminisced with his former pupil, Musai left to greet the others

"How's work?" (Rei)

"The academy is still the same, though not as chaotic as your year. But to be fair, your generation was a bit...special" (Osoi)

"You mean the whole, Gifted Generation thing?" (Rei)

"Ya know, it's funny. Forget the students, not even we teachers were aware of what the upper brass were doing. I always had this lingering suspicion about that particular year's batch of applicants" (Osoi)

"The ridiculous number of strange kids applying at the same time would naturally catch anyone's attention" (Rei)

"Mm. You guys were certainly a crazy bunch" (Osoi)

"That's putting it lightly, considering all the trouble they were up to" (Rei)

"You make it sound as if you weren't. From what I remember, you were...are pretty wild yourself" (Osoi)

"Huh? I am?" (Rei)

{Ahhh...good lord. He's not even aware of it} (Osoi)

Osoi stared at Rei with a cumbersome look as he recalled his time at the academy. Though the latter was never one to start fights, he certainly finished them. With his one-track-mind for gaining strength, Rei didn't care about anything else and kept to himself. But as he rose through the ranks, other students grew anxious

"Cloud Academy" was a highly competitive ninja school. Naturally, the number one student would be a target. But whenever someone confronted Rei, he thoroughly put them in their place...if by "put them in their place" meant ruthlessly crushing them that is

Unbeknownst to him, Rei earned quite the reputation for being something akin to a storm. Calm or chaotic, his mood could switch to either in a split second

"With all the rumors I've heard about you lately, it's obvious you're still as eccentric as ever" (Osoi)

"If you're referring to the times I've defended myself in school, I'll have you know, I always made the effort to not kill them. Everyone was breathing by the time I was done with them" (Rei)

{Barely breathing, mind you} (Osoi)

"Besides, they were the ones who always started fights with me. I simply dealt with situation accordingly. Instead of eccentric, I'm simply unique" (Rei)

"H-Hehehe. Right. Unique" {Oh boy, his "symptoms" have gotten even worse} (Osoi)


"?" (Rei & Osoi)

"Oh! Tai and Suzu! Good to see you!" (Osoi)

"Likewise" (Suzu)

"You're looking pretty good sensei. How's school, the kids aren't torturing you too much I hope?" (Tai)

"Not as much as your generation" (Osoi)

"What's up?" (Rei)

"The cake's ready, but we don't have a match. I'd thought it'd be best you light the candles instead of Atsui. He keeps volunteering to do it himself" (Tai)

"That's an awful idea" (Osoi)

"Ditto. Samui-san can only hold him back for so long" (Suzu)

"The last thing we need is him burning the cake...or the house" (Rei)

Rei immediately followed Tai, leaving Suzu and Osoi to themselves

"How are you Suzu? I mean, how are you really?" (Osoi)

"..." (Suzu)

Being her academy teacher, Osoi was obviously aware of her family heritage, and how its haunted her for years. The young girl before him has struggled to deal with the sins of her ancestors for the entire duration of her life

Osoi was one of the few people who could look past her bloodline, treating her with nothing but patience, respect, and compassion. Naturally, he was concerned with adjustments to a shinobi team

"I understand, but I'm okay sensei. I've been blessed to gain a squad that doesn't care about my heritage" (Suzu)

"Of course I know Rei, nor Tai would ever be bothered by such things. I just wanted to make sure the life of a shinobi hasn't been too...overwhelming for you" (Osoi)

"Granted, there are times when it's hard to stay on my feet but...I've ample support now. Not that Mariko's overbearing ways weren't there to begin with" (Suzu)

"You're not wrong about that. Calling her overprotective would be an understatement" (Osoi)

"Mm" (Suzu)

"Well, I'm glad to hear you're doing fine" (Osoi)

Osoi stood up and gestured her to follow

"Not that we've gotten the mellow stuff out of the way, how about we eat some cake?" (Osoi)

"Yes. Let's" (Suzu)




A tavern in Shimogakure2Hidden Frost Village

One man sang in front of a crowd, dressed in a kimono robe. His appearance resembled that of a warrior, rather than an entertainer. His vocals were quiet, yet powerful, as if he was sharing a Haiku

Only his voice could be heard, as everyone remained quiet. Too enamored with his performance to allow any distractions. After some time, he reached the end and shared his final lyrics

"♪ The delicate plant, bends under the wasp's weight
Hunger births within the casket, the shadow moves
The flower falls alone, the red snow is born
Shinobi, in solitude. Ever concealed, crying silent tears ♪"


Finishing his performance, he was met with a standing ovation as he humbly thanked the crowd. Getting off stage, he entered the back and gathered his belongings. Being a traveling artist, he never stayed in one place for too long

"Master Sabu!"


"Before you go, here. Your pay"

The manager of the establishment arrived with an envelope full of cash. But the one known as Sabu didn't take it

"The opportunity to share my art is all the payment I need. Thank you for allowing me to perform here" 

"I see. I also have something else for you. A letter arrived with your name on it"

"For me? Are you sure? I've haven't been here that long" 

"I thought so too. But it's addressed specifically to you. Again, thank you for performances. And yes, you're gonna take it"

"Ah?! Hey!" 

The manager slipped Sabu's pay in his hands along with the letter before dashing away

"Good grief. He's too nice for his own good. Now let's see who-?!" 

The letter didn't have any writing, just a single unrecognizable symbol engraved on it. However, Sabu seemed to realize what it meant and began to panic

"Impossible! The island! Have Kintarō and Pochi-?! What the hell happened?!"


Sabu blasted out of the tavern! Moving at top speed out of the village









"Have to get to Kumogakure...and find Killer B!"


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