Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

126. Breach [3]

Hey guys, sorry for the delay. There were a bunch of things going on. I was run ragged last week, then there were more rolling blackouts. I actually took out my old laptop (Emphasis on old, it still runs on Windows XP LOL) and went to the library to give you this chapter.

But on another note, its come to my attention that some online user by the name of karaokipanda on is stealing my work and posting it as his/her own. Calling it "Naruto: Deception" and is even trying to make money off of it with patreon and payblocks.

I'd like to thank user diablo93x for discovering this and letting me know.

This has deeply saddened me as I don't write this fanfic to make money. Yes, I do have a Ko-fi page, but that's only for those who wish to generously donate to me. My novel is FREE to you all, for your enjoyment, to solely entertain and encourage you.

If you can, try to spread the word so this horrible person doesn't cheat others out of their hard earned money. Whether it's through comments or reporting on, you'd be performing a great service.

During these challenging times, the need for integrity is paramount. Thank you, and as always, please enjoy the chapter.



The far east side of the island

Musai had just landed on the boat the group from Kumogakure arrived in to inform Tekkan and Hikaru of the situation

"Now that the barrier has been breached, we must call for help!" (Musai)

"As per protocol, I've already sent a carrier bird to Raikage-sama. Reinforcements should arrive within the hour, I just hope they can hold out long enou-?!" (Tekkan)


A second wave of explosions rocked the island! The aftershocks created turbulent winds that disturbed the ocean itself, nearly flipping the ship over! Hikaru quickly grabbed Tekkan and sent him below deck for his protection

"Musai! It's getting too dangerous here, I need to take Tekkan-dono away! If he gets captured-!" (Hikaru)

"I know, get moving! I'm going to back up the others!" (Musai)

"Good luck! Soon as I get him somewhere safe, I'll return to join you, hopefully with back-up!" (Hikaru)

Musai jumped off the ship as Hikaru reluctantly sailed away with Tekkan. He wanted to stay and fight more than anything, but he put his personal feelings aside for the bigger picture

Logically, his decision was the correct one, Tekkan knew too much about the inner workings of the Land of Lightning and its shinobi capital, Kumogakure. If such intel was compromised by those of foul intent, it could potentially lead to irreparable repercussions for the country

Under no circumstances could he allow Tekkan to be captured, even if it meant leaving his comrades behind

{Please be safe, everyone!} (Hikaru)




Back on the island

Despite the resulting explosions, most of the land remained intact. The forest was tall and strong, with only a few trees knocked over, its general appearance remained the same

Beneath the ground, one shinobi was tunneling upwards, bursting through ground. Arriving back on the surface, there were two unconscious shinobi in his arms

"COUGH! COUGH! That overzealous son of a-!"

The shinobi, covered in dirt, was none other than Rei. After spotting Deidara in the sky, he immediately knew what was going to happen next. He burrowed beneath the surface with his Doton1Earth Styleto protect him and his team from the blast

They had minimal injuries, just knocked out from the shocks and debris. Reacting with haste, Suzu assisted him with her Doton as well, layering the surface above them with Earth-style walls for protection. This was the sole reason the trio got off with minimal injury

Seizing an opportunity, Rei decided to speak with his guide


[I'm here, I know what you wanna ask and the answer is no, I honestly had no idea Deidara would be here]

"That's not what I was going to ask, I know you couldn't see him coming and this is before he appeared in the original story"

Deidara, the terrorist and member of the rogue antagonist group, the Akatsuki. A self-proclaimed "artist" and user of the Bakuton2Explosion StyleKekkei Genkai with a thirst for the dramatic, his sudden appearance complicated things

Notitia possessed all knowledge of the original story, but had the ability to observe every single location in the world at once. It could even check past events in places it had never been...but only when Rei used a lifeline

[Most of Deidara's movements before his debut were never known. Before he joined Akatsuki, he spent some time in his home nation of Iwagakure3Hidden Stone Villagebefore stealing forbidden jutsu]

"That weird-ass technique that forms mouths all over the body?"

[To be more accurate, it's a Kinjutsu4Forbidden Jutsuallowing the user to infuse chakra into any kind of material. In his case, infusing his Bakuton chakra into the clay dolls he uses for his "art"]

"Tsk! Art, my ass! He just a bombing maniac!"

[After stealing this technique, he defected from his village to join terrorist cells from all over in order to continue advancing his jutsu. Though, he typically worked for Ishigakure5Hidden Rock Villagesince it's a nation filled to the brim with similar troublemakers. It didn't take long for Akatsuki to take notice of his talents and recruit him]

"Ishigakure? That newly created nation resting between the Sand and Stone a couple of years ago? Now that I think about it, wasn't it officially formed around the time of the armistice signing with Konoha-!"


Tai started to move about, seeing this as a sign his teammates were waking up, Rei quit talking to Notitia and approached

"Hey, easy now. You took a bad hit to the head"

"H-Huh? Rei?! What...what happened?! We were...!"

"We got hit, I'll go over the details later. Right now, I need you to focus and tend to Suzu. Can you do that?"

"Eh? Suzu?! O-Okay, yeah. I can do that!"

Tai was a bit shaken, but he managed to keep himself composed. Unlike the others, Tai had yet to experience participating in such a hostile environment

Rei opted to maintain watch while Tai treated Suzu injuries

{Despite how eager he was earlier for achievements, now he's like this. He's doing pretty well if he can still perform advanced skills like medical ninjutsu in this situation. This will serve well for his growth...} 

[Rei, I'm going to speak with you, but you don't have to. Just use your index finger, one tap for yes, two for no. Understand?]


[Good. I just want to inform you that Deidara has left the scene and returned to the enemy armada, their troops are now invading the island. You can sense it right?]


[It doesn't look like there are anymore characters we're familiar with on those ships but remain cautious! If you end up killing Deidara, or any other main character, you'll end up creating "Ripples"]

Suzu was starting to come around

[I'll still keep an eye out and inform you of any important details. I recommend you continue the mission with your team as normal. Even without a lifeline, my range of observation isn't that bad. Tekkan has already sent a message to Kumo, back up should arrive soon]

{It's range can reach that far, even without a lifeline? Another feature it's failed to inform me of. I can never drop my guard around Notitia}

"Ugh! My head!"

"Welcome back Suzu!" (Tai)

"Tai, what's going on?" (Suzu)

"It's only been a few minutes since that last attack. At the last second, I brought us beneath the ground to avoid the blasts" (Rei)

"I remember. I covered the surface with layers of earth for-" (Suzu)

"We know, that saved our butts by the way. Nice job responding so efficiently, we would've been far more worse for wear had you not intervened!" (Tai)

The boys helped her up and the group discussed next measures, using their radios to check on everyone else. Sabu, Funsui, and Kintarō weren't responding, but they managed to get ahold of Toroi


"[He...Hello?!...Team Tango! It's good to hear your voices! Is anyone hurt?!]" (Toroi)

"We're fine, just a bit roughed up! What's the situation on your end?!" (Rei)

"[I've already combated several intruders, but so far, no problems. These guys appear to be mercenaries hired by an unknown client to attack the island]" (Toroi)

"Are they after the animals?" (Suzu)

"[That's the strange thing, it would appear some of them have different tasks. Some were hired just to attack the island, others were hired to abduct the animals, and a few were specifically targeting me in general]" (Toroi)

"Wait! They knew you'd be here?!" (Tai)

"[From the looks of it, yes. They even knew about Tekkan and Killer B-sama's arrival beforehand. Fortunately, I told Hikaru to sail away with Tekkan in the event the barrier was breached. But I know what you're thinking]" (Toroi)

Rei quickly caught on to Toroi's implications. For the perpetrator of this event to possess such classified intel implied a number of things for all of them...none of which were good

"[We can dwell on the hypotheticals later, there's a new problem now. Though the island is still intact, the secondary wave of explosions made a hole in the underground bunker]" (Toroi)

"Did the animals escape?!" (Tai)

"[B-sama managed to keep most of them in line but...a few managed to escape. Kintarō-dono is already going after them, Funsui and Sabu went underground to seal the hole]" (Toroi)

{That's why we couldn't reach them} (Rei)

"[From what I can tell, some of these guys are shinobi, but most aren't that skilled. Hardly any of them are Chunin level, and considering we're short on hands, I'm giving you permission to engage them]" (Toroi)

"Should we strive to capture them?" (Suzu)

"[If the option is available, definitely. We need answers, but if push comes to shove and it looks like you're in danger, don't take the chance. You're survival is more important, we must hold the line until reinforcements arrive. Rendering enemy combatants unable to fight is a win in itself. That's your priority!]" (Toroi)

"Alright!" (Tai)

"Understood!" (Suzu)

"[Kintarō-dono is on the escapees but if you encounter any of them, try and get them to safety. Since we can't use those scrolls anymore, things will be a tad bit more difficult. You can always call for help if it gets too-]" (Toroi)

"We got it, you just handle your end" (Rei)

"?!" (Tai & Suzu)

Rei didn't want to waste anymore time, the longer they remained idle, the higher the chance the enemy would reach the center of the island...and the entrance to the bunker

"[...Okay then, you have your orders Team Tango. Let's all strive to make it out of this alive!]" (Toroi)

"Yes sir!" (Team Tango)

Cutting the feed, Rei pointed in a different direction before informing the two he could sense enemies on approach. With no hesitation, the team moved out to combat the intruders



It was their first fight against enemy shinobi in quite some time, but they moved forward regardless, unaware of what was in store for them...


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