Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

127. Breach [4]

Things are about to hit a new level! Next chapter, I have an announcement! Look forward to it and enjoy the chapter!


The west side of the island

While most of the raiders stormed the island, three remained behind. The very ones hired to lead this attack, a pair of twins and their superior. The elder twin was utterly stupefied as he observed Deidara's second bombing run before yelling aloud

"That stupid little shit!! He overdid it! I knew it'd be a bad idea to bring him along!"

"The island is still intact nii-san, and the Kumo-nin should've moved most the creatures in the bunker we were told us about. Long as they're safe, we can sill complete this job"

"That's if our client's words can be trusted!"

"Not the client, but the broker who gave us this job"

"Whatever! I still think there's something wrong with this whole situation, how the hell does he know so much about this place anyway?! Isn't it supposed to be some big secret between Takigakure1Hidden Waterfall Villageand Kumogakure?"


"I just can't shake this feeling there's more to this job. I dare say, it reeks of a setup. We shouldn't even-!"


The conversation between the twins abruptly came to an end as their leader emerged from the captain's cabin. Ever silent, he simply walked past them and stared at the island

"What happened?"


Not the chatting type, the younger left the talking to his older brother

"Deidara got overzealous and decided to make ANOTHER bombing run, nearly obliterating the island in the process"


"Where is he now?"

"I think he's combating the island overseer"

"I never told him to do that..."

"Like I said, overzealous. Fortunately, the Kumo-nin managed to move nearly all the products beneath the bunker. Ah! Speaking of that, one our scouts radioed in and revealed the attack blew a hole in the bunker and several animals have escaped"

"Where exactly?"

"Don't know. Before he could tell me, the line went dead. He was most likely taken out. What do you want to do?"

The leader folded his arms and weighed his options, the twins eagerly awaited his response 

"If things have progressed so far, there's no more reason for us to linger. Kumogakure's reinforcements will arrive soon and we don't want to be here when they do"

"Yes! That means-!"

"Mm. Let the others handle the tasks I assigned them, you two will act as saboteurs, disrupting the Kumo-nin already on the island"

"Alright! Time for some action! Let's go little bro!"


The older twin blasted off the boat at frightening speed, shooting his way through the other boats and mercenaries. Despite them being allies, he nearly sent them all flying without a care in world

"And he had the nerve to complain about Deidara...he's just as destructive"


"What is it?"

The younger brother had yet to leave, hesitant to speak his concerns

"Are you sure this job is okay?"

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't. In our line of work, sketchy jobs are the norm. I've already made contingencies in the event this job goes south"

"Right, I'll get moving then"

"One more thing"


"If you and your brother encounter Jiton no Toroi2Toroi of the Magnet Style, run away. Even if it hurts your pride, you two aren't a match for a shinobi of his caliber"

"...I know, but I don't think nii-san will accept it"

"If you want him to live, convince him. The fact is, no one here other than I can go toe-to-toe with him. For obvious reasons when you consider my particular skillset"


"I've said all I need to, get moving"



{Here's hoping they don't get killed...but to think I'd be facing Toroi of all people. This is a golden opportunity to earn notoriety for our group, don't screw it up you two!}




On the island

Team Tango had already engaged several enemy cells, now on their sixth encounter




{Just a few more left here!} "YAH!" (Rei)


"Fūton: Shinkūgyoku!3Wind Style: Vacuum Spheres(Suzu)


As usual, Rei acted as the vanguard, engaging the enemies from the front with his exceptional speed and Taijutsu. Suzu supporting him with mid-range wind style attacks, while Tai treated them

Rei drew all attention towards himself and away from his team. But he had no trouble dealing with these adults who had yet to reach Chunin level. Combating ninja of their skill was easy enough, but nevertheless, he remained cautious

{Magen: Kakuran!4Demonic Illusion: Disturbance} (Rei)



"He...cast Genjutsu...on this many people at once...with only a finger?!"

"Heh! You're up Suzu!" (Rei)

"Mm! Fūton: Shinkūha!5Vacuum Wave" (Suzu)


Suzu released several waves of sharp wind, cutting her targets in various places

"RGH!! F**king sharp!"

"Someone deal with her!"

Whenever it seemed like he was about to be overwhelmed with sheer numbers, he'd temporarily retreat and collaborate with Suzu, unleashing various combinations of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and/or Genjutsu.

In short intervals, Tai consistently restored their stamina with his Medical Ninjutsu. This guerilla warfare strategy was the best way to conserve strength and continue fighting as they moved from one area to another

{Hmph! You like using wind huh?! How about this then?!}

"?!" (Suzu)

"Careful!" (Tai)


In order to deal with Suzu, one of the enemies unleashed fire style attack to overcome her wind, but Rei was too quick to respond

{Suiton: Suidan!6Water Style: Water Bullet(Rei)


Rei erased the fire attack and blasted not only said attacker, but his compatriots as well. Sending them several feet away from him as his team

"Well Tai? I'm ready to end this!" (Rei)

"I'm ready! Suiton: Kiri Seigyo no Jutsu!7Water Style: Mist Control" (Tai)

With the preparations complete, Tai used his signature original Jutsu to vaporize any kind of liquid and control mist. In this case, it was a poisonous mist that numbed the body

Utilizing superb chakra control, Tai skillfully sent the mist towards his targets without harming Rei or Suzu in the process. One after another, their opponents began to lose strength, making it easier for Rei to neutralize them

Eventually, there was only one left, but Rei didn't knock him out

"Interrogation time?" (Tai)

"Yeah, none of others had any decent information. I'm hoping this one will, he was barking orders for this group after all" (Rei)

"Go ahead, I'll stand watch" (Suzu)

"Thanks, this shouldn't take long" (Rei)

Rei placed the last remaining enemy under his Genjutsu, coercing him to confess everything he knew about this attack. He'd previously attempted this with other groups, only to learn each enemy cell had only been given a limited amount of intel

The enemy cleverly followed strict guidelines, for the sake of information compartmentalization, a tactic Rei often employed as "Developer R" when it came to his inventions and Tetsuo Mori

But now, the situation was reversed, a "shoe on the other foot" as it were...much to his annoyance

"We...were hired to...attack..."

"I already knew that. But WHO hired you?!" (Rei)


"Then who might know?!" (Rei)

" charge"

{I thought they were just a disorganized group of terrorists from various countries. Someone managed to unite them?} (Rei)

"The three...took control...of force"

"How?" (Rei)

"They...very strong...all...Kekkei..."

"?!" (Suzu)

"Three Kekkei Genkai8Bloodline Limitusers?!" (Tai)

"Who are they? Where are they from?!" (Rei)

"Don't know who...they're from...Ishigakure9Hidden Rock Village"

The team were taken aback at his answer, Rei in particular considering his "familial history" with said nation

"Ishigakure? The newest shinobi nation, sandwiched between the Iwagakure10Hidden Stone Villageand Sunagakure11Hidden Sand Village?" (Tai)

"That place is rumored to be a cornucopia of Hijutsu12Hidden Jutsu, Kinjutsu13Forbidden Jutsu, and Kekkei Genaki users. It's rare to meet an entire squad of the latter, but it makes more sense if they're all from that nation" (Suzu)

"..." (Rei)

"Rei? You okay?" (Suzu)

"Oh! Y-Yeah, I'm fine" (Rei)

"Bothered by them being from Ishigakure?" (Tai)

"A little bit, but that's not what's bothering me" (Rei)

"Huh? Why would them being from Ishigakure bother you?" (Suzu)

"Oh that's right, I don't think we've told you. Rei's mom wasn't born in Kumogakure, she hails from that nation. Well, before it even was a nation anyway" (Tai)

"Really? I had no idea..." (Suzu)

"I never mentioned it because I don't know much about her, she died during childbirth. I don't know much besides her name, Moriko Sano" (Rei)

"Ah! I'm sorry" (Suzu)

"No worries, while I've been curious, it never really bothered me. It's not some sensitive secret or anything" (Rei)

The group went on the properly restrain the enemies they knocked out, before discussing their next course of action. The team had managed to take care of the invading groups on their side of the island

Now, they had to choose between staying at their post, or leaving to help their comrades

"Master Sabu and Funsui-senpai have sealed the breach in the bunker and returned to guarding the entrance above ground, Musai-san has rejoined them as well. Don't think we have to worry about them" (Tai)

"Kintarō-dono told us he was re-capturing the animals who escaped after those waves of explosions, but that was several minutes ago" (Rei)

"He should've contacted us by now. And Toroi-sama has been busy non-stop. So the question is..." (Suzu)

"Do we stay here, do we help Kintarō-dono...or do we help Toroi-sama?" (Tai)

Three choices, but none of them could make an immediate decision. The course of action they decide on would determine the outcome of this mission, that knowledge carried a heavy weight

But they knew there was no room for hesitation

"Alright, how about we-" (Tai)


"?!" (Team Tango)


"MOVE!" (Rei)

Rei grabbed both Tai and Suzu's arms before pushing his body to the limit, running at full speed. Dodging the unknown projectiles launched at them by a new enemy


{The hell?! What did they throw to cause an explosion like that?! Was it a paper bomb?} (Rei)

"Oh! OH! You actually dodged that! Nice! Finally, looks like we can have some fun!"

"Nii-san, please stay focused"

Rei observed the spot where they just stood, trying to uncover just what it was they were attacked with. As the dust settled, his team could see several craters with odd silver-colored spheres in the center

"What...what are those?!" (Tai)

"They look like metal? Stainless steel maybe?" (Rei)

"Probably. But how did they-eh?! Guys! Look!" (Suzu)

"?!" (Rei & Tai)

Suzu pointed at the location of the restrained enemies they fought. Only now, there wasn't a trace left of them as they were all reduced to nothing but deteriorating corpses with strange colored flames over them

"When did they-?!" (Tai)

"That attack just now, it was diversion!" (Rei)

"So fast, we didn't even realize-!" (Suzu)

The two enemies revealed themselves to be twins, slightly older in age than Team Tango. Notitia whispered in Rei's ears once more

[ careful! These two, they're-]

"I know" (Rei)

"Huh? Know what Rei?" (Tai)

"These guys, they must be ones we were told about. The ones from Ishigakure" (Rei)

"!" (Tai)

"The ones leading this operation!" (Suzu)

Hearing their words, the older twin couldn't help but smile when addressing them

"Well, saying the two of us are leading this operation is a bit of a stretch"

"?!" (Team Tango)

"Hello ninja of Kumogakure, my name is Etoro Konjiki. This is my younger brother Metoro. Nice to meet you!" (Etoro)

The others were hesitant, as the man known as Etoro easily revealed information to them. Something a typical shinobi would never do, his nonchalant demeanor threw them off

Realizing he was the talkative type, Rei stepped forth in response with a query of his own

"How nice of you to introduce yourselves. Would you also be so inclined as to tell us who sent you here?" (Rei)

"Hm? Hahaha! You're funny, I like you! Ya know, I would tell you, but I honestly don't know who hired us. Could be anyone, and your village DOES have a lot enemies after all. You'd probably figure it out before we could" (Etoro)

" guys aren't in charge?" (Rei)

"This merry band of marauders attacking your island are all from different groups, hired for the same purpose. Our boss just happened to take charge of them for efficiency" (Etoro)

"So you got rid of the ones here not for keeping them quiet, but rather-" (Rei)

"Fewer people, bigger cuts! Plain and simple, just how I like it!" (Etoro)

Etoro's confirmation started to shed some light on this situation. Rei gained more and more questions about this raid every time his team combated an enemy cell

"Thank you for telling us. Though I can't help as to wonder...why?" (Rei)

"Why? Isn't it obvious?" (Etoro)

"?" (Rei)


The air around Etoro and his brother changed, and a wide smile was born on the former's face

"Don't think I'll get in trouble spilling the the dead" (Etoro)


"GUYS!" (Rei)

"Right!" (Suzu)

"I know!" (Tai)


{Every since coming to this world, I've never had a feeling like this before!} (Rei)





"Now...LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!!!!" 


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