Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

148. Dysfunctional

Kusagakure1Hidden Grass Village

The hidden bunker built inside Hōzuki-jō2Demon Lantern Castle, two members of the "Company" continued to nonchalantly converse despite the ongoing, deafening noise

The prison alarm had consistently rung as a result of the powerful explosion from Mura's office

"Huh. It went off without a hitch, wouldn't you say Red?"

"I wasn't doubting you, but your little lapdog. An incompetent like Kyō doesn't leave me with much faith" (Red)

"True, but he's still leading what's left of the Chinoike Clan. Though, mostly because its last leader had enough of the internal bickering and left" (Balance)

"That guy...En Oyashiro right? I'd prefer he take the lead for this job. You think Kyō can guide his clan for Kumo's renovation?" (Red)

"Who cares? This is Sage's personal endeavor, not mine. Whether the renovation succeeds or not, all that matters is getting sufficient data from this test of yours" (Balance)

"Speaking of the Lift, are you ready for transport?" (Red)

"Mountain just messaged me. Arc is transporting the Fuma along with their leader Nobuyuki. I'll take the fodder here and rendezvous with them outside Kumo to-" (Balance)


The pairs conversation was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Kyō, the current Chinoike Clan leader

"My task has been completed" (Kyō)

"Oh really? Is it safe to assume the Kumo-nin have been dealt with?" (Balance)

"I discovered several bodies, most of them unrecognizable but..." (Kyō)

"Lemme guess, not everyone was accounted for right?" (Balance)

"..." (Kyō)

"Sigh. Just go meet up with your clan. For your sake, they better have completed their task" (Balance)


"I thought you didn't care if this job failed?" (Red)

"I don't. I just like scolding rebellious dogs" (Balance)

{You and Arc really are twins...} (Red)

"Alright, I better get going. Despite the horrid location, it's been nice working with you Red" (Balance)

"Wait. Before you go, there are few more materials you can take" (Red)

"Only you would refer to human beings as such, and I'm pretty sure we've loaded up all the inmates on our ship" (Balance)

"Not the ones in solitary confinement. It was quite a surprise, as we've both met said subjects before" (Red)

"People you and I you've got me curious. Who is it?" (Balance)

"Heh! Follow me" (Red)





Sigh. Coming back to the clan home always makes me nervous. The household is gigantic as ever, with small castles, expensive gardens,  and hallways like a maze, it wouldn't surprise me if someone got lost in here

"Uncle Kiyoi, do you know what he's gonna say?"


"Seriously? Not even a hint?"

"You should know how cryptic my brother can be. Ganjō's always been stoic to say the least"

Yup. That I do know. Oh crap, we're already here. Damn it! Couldn't you have walked a bit slower?! It's late, maybe he'd get tired and go to sleep!

Then I wouldn't have to meet with him!


Uwaah...these shōji3Japanese Sliding Doormake this place look so antique

"In you go"


"Unfortunately, I can't stay. I'll see you later" 


This room is too big for just two people, makes me feel like I'm on trial. Ah! And there's even a judge...or maybe executioner. Depending how terrified his presence makes you feel

Yet, it always amazes me how someone so big and tall can partake in calligraphy with such grace and finesse

"You sure took your time"

This is how we're doing things? Me talking to your back this whole time? Though, talking to you face-to-face is debatably worse

"Apologies father, I was delayed after returning from an assignment. The Mission Assignment Desk is-"

"I'm aware of the chaos going on over there, that's not why I called you. Sit"


"I've been hearing about your squad as of late, specifically, its performance"

"My squad, Team Tango has been at the forefront of various unorthodox missions. Reaching difficulties high as A-rank, most of which have been successfully completed"

"Successful. Isn't that the truth..."


You'd think looking at him with his back turned towards you wouldn't be intimidating, but you'd be wrong


"My position in the village grants me access to assignment records"

"Y-Yes. I'm aware"

"Team Tango's mission success rate is near three hundred percent higher than most Genin in the village. There are few your age who can boast the same claim"

"Exactly. That's what I was-"

"I said few, not all"



He finally put the brush down, and now that he's actually facing me I...ugh! I can't help being shaken. Muscles protruding through his clothes, almost as if they're too small

The visible parts of his body detailed how toned he was, not a single hint of excess fat. Various scars, indicating a long life of battle. The gray kimono he wore only helped exude his insane strength

Yet, his short brown hair that was neatly slicked back reminded me just how meticulous he was. A keen mind hid behind that figure of strength and vigor

What the hell is it with Kumogakure and buff guys?!



"Do I have your attention?"

"Of course, please continue father!"

When someone like you sits down so close, it's hard to imagine anyone would ignore you!

"Tell me something. Those high-rank missions your squad completed. Did you accomplish such feats alone?"

" all of them. But-"


"This file...your mission on Summoning Island. It says you took down a Kōton4Steel Styleuser with the aid of your teammate?"

"Yes sir, it was a very difficult fight"

"I'll bet...I believe the Konjiki Twins are a subject I've come across before, very impressive"

"Thank you"


Here it comes...

"You've been a Genin for several years, almost five to be exact. Your elder cousins could've racked up three times the amount of achievements given such time"

"Yeah. When you're on the front line, and not the back where a medic like myself lays, that's obvious"

"Fair enough. Speaking on that front, how's your skill coming along in that regard? I'm happy you've found a practical use for that greenhouse of yours. I was beginning to think my money was wasted"

"...I'd never allow that to happen"

Okay. I know I'm in no position to complain, after you bought me an entire house so I could avoid all the family drama. Along with a greenhouse for my personal gardening hobby...but come on

I know you didn't have to put it like that

"Using Suiton5Water Styleto vaporize poisonous oils into mist. That's a very clever application of said nature transformation"

"Thank you. I've expanded my arsenal for various effects as well. Strictly for versatility"


"I've never stopped training. Recently, I've also begun efforts of honing my skills with the swor-"

"What about your medical ninjutsu?"


"You're the medic of the squad, their lives are literally in your hands. Do you feel confident you could save their lives in any given situa-?"



I'll never let my friends die

"Alright, but what if spending the time to save one meant jeopardizing the mission?"


"Could you do it? Could you weigh one life for the mission? The mission which, like any, could prove vital to the village and in turn...its people"

"I'm a medical-nin, my primary purpose is to preserve the lives of my squad"

"Your primary purpose is to Kumogakure. In that situation, the one vs the many...what choice would you make? Do you even know?"




Why's he getting up?

"If you can't even answer such a question...never mind. We're done here, that's all for today"


"It's late, you should turn in for the night. Leave me to my writing"



I'm having a hard time opening this shōji. It feels like all the energy within me has vanished. That look on his face when I couldn't answer...

An expression composed of nothing but...disappointment



What do you want now?


"You don't need to concern yourself with the Selection"


For real?! Then I won't have to worry about you losing your position anymore...awesome! I'd hate for the wrong heir to take over!

There's only a few of my cousins I actually like

"Okay. I won't-"

"I have no expectations for you to become clan head"


"There's no need for you to worry about any of the Yotsuki Clan's affairs from this point onwards"


"Just do whatever it is you want to do. Continue being a ninja or not, it's of no concern to me"


"Now go"




"Hah...haha! Wow..."

"Just do whatever it is you want to do" eh? Finally decided to get rid of your burden after all...damn it!

The one time I honestly believed you and I could actually be father and son...!

"It always sucks whenever I come here..."

I have to get out of this place before the urge to burn it to the ground wins over my common sense. Hopefully I don't run into another jerk in this stupid-

"Hm? Guys look"

"At wha-oh! Hey Akio, isn't that-?"

"Hahaha! Well, if isn't our Clan head's little embarrassment. Been well little cousin?"


That's just my crappy luck, three of my cousins I'd sell for a garden hose bump into me when I'm in no mood to talk with anyone. This friggin day!

"What? Not even a hi? How have you been? Nothing for your dear cousins?"

"Hey guys..."


"That's it? Just, Hey guys? Your manners haven't improved at all, a shame for being heir to the...current Clan Head"

"What are the two of us? Thin air?"

You have no idea how much I wish it were so

Most of my cousins are somewhat tolerable, but these two...the thin one with brown slicked-back hair and creepy squinty eyes is Souta. The big, bald muscle head to his left, with a face that makes you want to know the exact number of brain cells left in his head is Hiroto

"I'll give you a chance to start over with a proper greeting"


Some idiot, presumably his father, instilled Souta with the belief he's always the smartest guy in the room. In reality, he's a spoiled, annoying prick/grammar whore who can't stop correcting the speech of others

"Sorry cousins. I'd love to stay, but I've things to do. So I'm gonna bolt"

"I have to go is what you mean"


See what I mean?! This pretentious ass just can't help himself!

"Come on! We just returned from our duties on the border. Stay a while, let's reminisce like old times!"

"Honestly, must you be so loud Hiroto? My eardrums ring every time you speak"

"Bah! You're too delicate Souta!"

"Reminisce" huh? The Yotsuki Clan isn't just famous for its loyalty to the village, but its Kenjutsu6Sword Techniques. When we were younger, Hiroto would drag me into the clan dojo and "instructed" me on the ways of the sword

I was pretty much a test dummy whenever my parents were away. Akio and Souta would also jump in occasionally to, "help out". And their shitty parents only encouraged it, a means of suppressing the competition

But I never worried about him, nor Souta. An overconfident moron, and the other with a brain filled with nothing but swords, muscles, and meat...both of them are far too stupid to be a threat

Rei met these two during a visit once. For the entire time, he referred to them as Nimrod #1 & #2, Hehehe!

"Enough you two"


"Sorry Aniki7Honorable term for elder brother or superior"


He finally spoke. The pretty boy in the center with long, black hair, no wasted movement, and eyes that never miss a beat

The one, the only one of my cousins that makes my skin crawl is...

"Please little cousin, stay. I would like to speak with you. Rumors of Team Tango have reached even my ears"



"Aniki is expressing interest. How rare"

"Let's catch up, Tai"



Akio...I knew coming here today was a bad idea


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