Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

149. The Hard Decision

I had a very LONG day, but my cousin decided to drop by and say hello. Then he showed me the new Spider-man trailer, and God help me, I was little excited.

And in that nanosecond of hype, I gained the strength to finish this chapter early. So, here it is.

I'm gonna sleep forever now. Enjoy the chapter


Hōzuki-jō1Demon Lantern Castle

"Only when I'm finally about to leave this place do I remember how large it is"

"Mm. Still hard to believe you put up with this for as long as you did Balance"

I could say the same of you, miss mad scientist. When it comes to research, I doubt even laying in a heaping pile of shit is beneath you

Then again, the same is true for Three when it comes to money...and Arc has unfortunately picked up this undesirable trait

"Kyō's explosion sure made a mess"

"What'd you expect. Mura's office was in the tallest tower, an explosion of that magnitude would easily send debris everywhere"

"Even if they're still alive in there, we're gonna have to move all this metal crap to get inside the ward"

"I've got it"




Why are you putting your hand on the-?



"This isn't much for us to worry about"

How the f**k-?! The metal is melting?!

ZIZZLE!, that's's disintegrating? This isn't something like a Yōton2Lava Styleor Futton3Vapour Style. Hell, I'm pretty sure it's not even a nature transformation, but a result of her "experiments"

But how the hell is she doing that...?

"Let's go, they're just up ahead"



As our footsteps resounded along the metal flooring, the memories of this place I didn't want to recall are coming right back to me

The solitary confinement ward...I never liked coming to this area during my tenure here. It wasn't the eerie vibe, the darkness, or even the putrid smell that bothered me

It was the idea...

"Just over here Balance"


The idea of my brother and I imprisoned like this, wasting away our precious years...our lives. Both of us have done time before, and after experiencing it once, desire to never go through it again

"Wait a sec, these guys are-?!"

"Because Kumo couldn't get anything out of them, it was easy for Brother Flow to transfer this group to the prison"

"Ahahaha! Nice!"

"I normally don't believe in second chances. However..."

"Yeah, I get you. The more the merrier, right?"

"Mm. I doubt you need me for anything else, so I'll take my leave. Have fun, Balance"

It's been around five years since I've laid eyes on this group of idiots. Normally I'd let them rot here for their past failure, but they were the first mercenary band my brother and I hired

You always have a soft spot for your first...



"Who's there?!"

"Alright! Listen up assholes, it's time for an early parole!"


"Who are you?!"

"I'm the one who's giving you a chance at freedom, but it doesn't come without cost! You're at a crossroads, and it's probably the only chance you'll get to avoid a shitty life!"


"Wait a sec..."

"Hm?'re here too. Perfect!"

"I know that voice..."

"Hey Itsuki! Like time no see...though ya can't see me behind this giant metal door"


No matter happens from now on...

"Can't believe the maniac with a the flaming sword got his ass handed to him by-!"

"You son of a bitch! That mission...wasn't as simple as you led us to believe! You set me, ALL of us up!"

"You're the leader man, it's your job to prepare for unexpected variables. Also, I'm glad you didn't talk. Though, you'd obviously be dead if you did"

"...I know you're not as petty as your brother. I take it you've got a job for me and my group?"

"You guys will participate in a teensy little operation against the village who put you through such heartache. Succeed, and you'll walk away with more power, money, and freedom than you've ever had"

No matter what I or my brother do...

"You really expect us to believe you can give us that? What happened to warden?"

"First, I don't give a shit what you believe, this is a take it or leave it offer. Second, the warden and his men are dead...mostly"

"You'd think we'd leave with you? Someone we can't trust?"

"Why the f**k would you willingly stay in this dump?"


No one...

"Let's stop wasting time pretending you're not gonna say yes. There's no negotiating, no bargaining...I either leave you to rot in here, or I release you and in return-"

"We do this job for you..."

"And the only rule you have to follow for a short time is to do whatever I say"

"Whatever you say...there had better be a f**cking time limit to that"

"I just said for a short time dumbass..."

And I mean no one...

"It's simple, you break this rule, you die slow...and painful. Everyone inside! Your leader has ten seconds to give me an answer before I leave!"


"Boss...there's no choice to make"

"Shut up! You don't even know if we can trust him! It because we took a job from him and his brother that we've been in this mess to begin with!"

"It's worth the risk! Anything's better than staying here! Do you think another opportunity like this will come along soon?!"

"Boss! Can we even trust him?!"

"Hell no! However, I don't want to stay here any longer. Do you?"


"Plus, if he really has killed the staff here, we'll all starve to death before Kusagakure4Hidden Grass Villageeven realizes what happened"


"We accept, Balance"

Will ever...

"Congratulations. Your worthless lives now have...some worth"

"Condescending little shit..."


"The doors, he really did open them..."

"We're finally out...!

"The prison is a mess, maybe the warden really is dead...!"

"What's next, Balance?"

"Glad you're on board Itsuki. You and your merry band of misfits will follow me first and-"

"Don't call us that"


"Even we have our pride"

Take from us again!

"Heh! Fair enough. Please follow me..."




"Oni Garrison..."




The Land of Lightning




"Wh-Who are you people?!"

Near the border of the Lightning country, the shinobi guards were under siege. These unknown assailants arrived at night, so quick and precise, nearly half of them were silenced before anyone knew what was happening

"While I do not bare you, your clan, nor your village personal people's future comes before all else. Your deaths provide us...opportunity"

"You're killing us for something like-"


"Which is why I will ensure none of you feel a thing as you pass on to the next world..."


The majority of men at this checkpoint had been killed. Two Kumo-nin hid behind debris of the now destroyed premise

"Lieutenant, the captain's dead! What do we-?!"

"You return and report this to the Clan Head! Ganjō-sama is sure to send reinforcements before the village can act!"

"What about you?! You can't expect me to leave you here and flee like a cowar-?!"

"That's exactly what you're gonna do. I'll buy you some time, now run...!"

"Kuh! Damn it!"


"Hey! You damn marauders!"


"I'll show you what happens when-!"




Before he could even understand what just happened, the subordinate he just sent away was impaled from behind with a giant shuriken. The throwing star was thrown so inhumanly fast, he couldn't even react as flew right past him

"H-How? How can someone...?"

"No survivors"

"W-Wait...don't I know-?"

The leader of this assault stepped out of the shadows, into the moonlight, and his face became visible

"That face...and those weapons..."


"You guys are members of the Fuma Cla-"



"Make peace with your god"


In an instant, the lieutenant was killed by the mysterious man. And a moment after, his fellow assailants gathered around him

"Nobuyuki-sama. What of the rest?"

"No survivors, just as our partners requested. However, the Yotsuki Clan has never wronged us, nor our ancestors . Make it quick and painless"




Nobuyuki's men vanished as quickly as they came. Seeking out any remaining shinobi to kill. The stoic leader stood in place as he gazed towards the direction of the country's capital...Kumogakure

Turning a deaf ear towards the screams of the slain...



"Everlasting peace only lasts...until the next war"





"Damn it! We have to-!"



"Ugh! Le-Let me go. I need to help them!"

"You need to shut up and do as I say!"

Several meters away from the ongoing massacre, two battered Kumo-nin were hiding in secret

"We barely survived that explosion in the prison! We're in no condition to fight!"

"You expect me to leave our comrades to die?!"


"You'd abandon-!"



He was punched to the ground by his colleague before he could protest anymore

"You think I don't feel the same as you? Right now, I'm fighting the urge to charge over there and help them"

"Then why don't we-?!"

"Aside from the obvious con of dying pointlessly, I can look at the bigger picture. We've already lost so much...but we'll lose a whole lot more if you and I don't get to Kumogakure before the enemy does!"

"Kuh! I-I know that...! I know that Damn it! F**K!"

"We'll have our chance at retribution, but our home comes first...the hard decision comes first"


"Now...are you with me?"

The man offered his hand to the friend he just punched. The latter of whom, after hesitating, took it with much frustration

"Let's go"

"Good. Because every second we waste means less time for our village to prepare. Things are going to be hard enough with Raikage-sama being away now"

"I got it! Sheesh! Let's move before you punch me again. hit hard!"


A somber feeling enveloped them as they fled the scene. The cries of fellow comrades dying pierced wracked their hearts with guilt and grief

Nevertheless, the pair continued onwards...






"You're pretty damn stubborn"


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