Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

150. Tomoe Yotsuki

Got a busy weekend coming up, so next one will be on Monday. BIG THNGS ARE ON THE WAY!

Next Morning


"What was that? Are the kids wearing you out already?"

"No. I can handle the little gang of brats"

"They prefer being called Kumo's Thundercloud Unit. Imagine, Kumogakure having a shinobi squad with such a goofy name! Hahaha!"

"Heh! Don't jinx it. It's almost time for most of them to start at the Academy"

Karui and Omoi only have a few months before they begin their first year

"Not to mention, they're living with you of all people. It's obvious they'll excel faster than their peers"

"Fair enough, but you still haven't answered my question"

"It's nothing, just spent all night training again..."



"I've told you time and again Suzu, that's bad for your health..."

Uh-oh...she's mad

"I promise I won't do it again?"



"Don't make promises you have no intention of keeping!"

She usually so childish, I'd forgotten how strict she can be. Her light demeanor makes everyone forget about her past as a former ANBU captain

Well, she's only strict to the kids, me, and Tai...when it comes to Rei, she becomes completely unhinged and clingy


Speaking of which, where are those two anyway? We promised to meet here for the picnic today

"I'm still not done cooking. I need you to help Karui and Omoi watch over the kids"

"On it, I'm heading outside"





"Agh! No! Absolutely not! No climbing! My back really hurts right now!"

"Old man! Old man!"

"The closet perv has no stamina, you're lame!"

"Who taught you those words?!"

"That's why you'll never get a girlfriend!"

"YOU BRATS! Stop saying that whenever you see me!"

This isn't what I expected to see once I opened the door...

"I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about today" (Suzu)


"H-Hey Suzu"

"Eh?! Tai. You...!" (Suzu)

"H-Haha..." (Tai)

Just as I was relieved he finally showed up for today, my feelings took a sour turn at the sight his face, bearing gauze bandages on both cheeks. Along with a thin wrap around his left wrist

His clothes are ruffled as well...

"Karui, Omoi, please take the kids, I need to talk to Tai" (Suzu)

"S-Sure..." {Uh-oh...she looks mad. Did Tai-nii do something to anger her? Is she gonna kill him? Then get arrested, sent to jail?! Then Mariko-neesan would bust her out, and inevitably force us all to live a life on the run?!} (Omoi)

"Come on guys, you can play over there, Mariko-neesan's almost done cooking!" (Karui)



Now that the kids are gone...

" Spill. Now." 

"It just a few scrapes, don't worry" 

"I can tell. What I want to know is how you got them" 

It must have something to do with-

"Is it related to your clan?"

"Sigh. I went home to see my dad"

Knew it


"Our meeting went as well as I'd thought it go. On my way out, I ran into some of my cousins. That's when things...escalated" 




Last night




"You'll never beat me with such sloppy footwork!"

After being dragged into the family dojo by my three cousins. Souta and Hiroto happily watched from the sidelines while Akio "instructed" me like usual

Further resistance only meant more pushback from them, so I decided to just "take the plunge" and endure it. If I took a few hits, he'd eventually get bored and leave like always

"Here comes the next one!"


Akio's skill in Kenjutsu1Sword Techniqueswas more proficient than ever. Plus, it was while since I practiced with bokken2Wooden sword used for practicing Kenjutsu




"He almost got you, Akio"

"What are you doing Aniki? Get serious!"


"Tsk!" {Quit prancing around you little-!}

I improved as well, far beyond either of our expectations. Thanks to the training we've undergone over the last year, my Taijutsu has improved by leaps and bounds

The sword strikes that were practically invisible to me when I was younger, I could actually dodge now

"Hmph! YAH!"

{Geez, just let me go home already...}

But Akio just wouldn't let me go without hitting me at least once. His pride could never accept the fact I'd grown so much stronger this quickly


"Kuh! You...!"

His usual calm demeanor began breaking down in frustration, something that almost never happened. Unlike the others, Akio was always the sharp one, never loosing his calm

Many in the clan believed he'd be the likely candidate to win our "Selection"

"Is that all, Akio?"


I'll admit, seeing him like this put a smile on my face. I actually started fighting back, no longer sticking to defense. As more time passed, an idea blossomed in my mind...

{Maybe I can beat him now...}



{I got behind him! Now I'll-!}

"Oh Hiroto, here it comes..."

"Yup, it's over for the little brat"





"I love this part..."

That was a real, naïve...if not outright stupid idea...

"Kumo-ryū: Uragiri3Cloud Style: Back Slice...!"



"Aaaaand, it's over..."


Before I knew, my ass was on the floor

{I thought I had the edge, but it was all just a trap. He spun around on purpose, leading me in to attack from behind so he could counter}

"And here's the final blow, Tai"



{He's already moving in for another hit! Crap, I can't-!}




"Will you lot settle down?" 

Just as Akio was about to knock me into a coma, the sudden appearance of the Clan Head's wife stopped everyone in their place

That's right, my mother showed up

{Damn it, why'd she have to intervene now? I was this close to putting this brat in his place!}

"People are trying to sleep. It's far too late at night to be doing this"

Her subtle voice was a contradicting mix of soothing calm and absolute authority. All eyes focused on her. Then again, anyone else would do the same when gazing upon a woman in such a beautiful kimono, looking young enough to be my older sister

"What brought this on?"

"Apologies for the disturbance, Tomoe-sama. We cousins hadn't see each other in quite a while and thought it'd be nice to exchange a few pointers" (Akio)

"Is that right?" (Tomoe)

"As the older cousin, I have an obligation to teach my younger family" (Akio)

"Teach is it? It's a nice sentiment, but..." (Tomoe) 

"Hm?" {What's she pointing at-?!} (Akio)

{What the hell?! Impossible!} (Souta)

{Tai, he actually managed to...!} (Hiroto)

"It's not just my son that's lacking" (Tomoe)

"Haaa...haaa...!" {Got ya...} (Tai)

{He cut me...the instant before I struck?!} (Akio)

"Right near the neck, if you had been using real blades..." (Tomoe)

"..." (Akio)

"I think it's admirable of you, wanting to help your fellow peers. However, all of you have a long way to go before you're even remotely qualified to instruct another in the ways of the sword" (Tomoe)

"U-Ugh! Please...excuse us for the night" (Akio)

"Aniki..." (Hiroto)

"Come on Hiroto, we're done here" (Souta)

I'll be honest, having your mom save your ass, in this kind of can't imagine anything more humiliating. But seeing her put those jerks in their place made me happy

Despite her gentle appearance, she's earned herself a reputation. There's no one in the clan foolish enough to provoke her


"I almost forgot to tell you" (Tomoe)

"?" (Akio, Hiroto, & Souta)

"Unlike you three, who've had years of study and practice, Tai has only recently picked up the sword. His daily profession is being a Medical-nin" (Tomoe)

"?!" (Akio)

"Eh?!" (Souta)

{What?! That pipsqueak is...!} (Hiroto)

"Being struck so close to the head, by one of such'd be best if you stuck to your own training, rather than worry about others. Do you understand?" (Tomoe)

"GULP!" (Hiroto)

{She hasn't even turned around yet, I can't stop shaking!} (Souta)

"I'll take that...under consideration...Tomoe...-sama" (Akio)


I swear, that moment before he closed the sliding door, I could hear his blood pressure rising. I had to fight from smiling



"That was a sorry display"

"I know, my Kenjutsu needs some work, but I'm-!"

"I wasn't talking about your proficiency with the blade, your current rate of progress is more than adequate"

"Then...what's the problem?"

"Near the end, you let your ego get to you. That counter was timed correctly, but Akio still struck you. On the battlefield, arrogance leads to death"

Mother was far more tolerable than dad. Every criticism she gave was constructive, a means of helping me improve. And though she hid it, I knew she cared about my well being

However, it wouldn't hurt if she cared just a tad bit more, maybe she would've intervened earlier

"Okay then! It's settled!"


"Instead of those three, did Rei-chan put it the last time he was here?"


"Exactly, instead of those nimrods, it's best you seek instruction elsewhere. Goodness, that child always makes me smile. You should bring him here more!"


Seriously! Why the hell is that guy so popular with older women?! Even my mother?! I CANNOT let him come to my home anymore!

Sorry, getting off track. Akio didn't hurt me much, the real reason I got these marks is from...

"It's best if you train under me instead. Here, pick up your bokken, I'll take this one"

"We're gonna train right now?!"

"Of course, I can't have my own son fighting so sloppy in the future"

Ya see, most of the time, my mom is stoic, calm, and cool. But there are times when enthusiasm takes over. Those moments being her times in battle, training me...and Rei

"You may leave with a few bruises, but you're a Medical-nin, so there's nothing to fret over"

"That's not how it-!"

"Do your best not to get knocked out son!"

"That won't happen if you just take it easy on me!" {Or better yet, let's not do this at all!}

"Then there'd be no point to this, silly"

Just when I thought I was free from a beating, she dashed my hopes entirely. With a smile as bright as the sun, mom came swinging at me violently

"Get ready Tai!"

"Oh crap!!"







This was just another reason why I don't like visiting home...


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