Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

152. Somber News

Hey guys, I just want to say thank you for all the support you've given me. I started writing as an amateur, but with time and your advice, I began to improve. Turning what was once just a hobby of mine, into something truly special.

I promise to continue my work while always striving to be better. No matter what anyone says or does to discourage me from doing otherwise.

I hope you're having a lovely week, and please enjoy the chapter!


Kumogakure's General Hospital

"What in the hell-?!"


Tango had led Dodai and company to a heavily guarded hospital wing. All were met with the surprising sight of several familiar faces including Tekkan, Darui, Musai, F, and C

What drew their full attention were the two patients C was tending to

"My god...those wounds" (Tetsuo)

"Ronri, Funsui...what happened?!" (Dodai)

"U-Ugh, that voice. Is that you Dodai?" (Funsui)

"What are talking about, of course it's me-!" (Dodai)


"Dodai...Funsui has lost all sight in his left eye, he's still heavily disoriented" (Darui)

"?!" (Dodai)

"Allow explain" (Ronri)

"Save your strength, just because I said you weren't in the red doesn't mean I'm done treating you" (C)

"I'm fine. Sir, as you know, my squad was dispatched in secret to the Hōzuki-jō1Demon Lantern Castlein Kusagakure2Hidden Grass Village. Mainly, to keep the warden occupied while our leaders entered negotiation" (Ronri)

{That's right, I heard rumors Kusagakure was ending its incarceration services for the eastern villages} (Shō)

"When we arrived, we were greeted with open arms. But something felt off, and Toroi-sama had me secretly investigate the prison only to discover a hidden facility built within" (Ronri)

"What was inside?" (Dodai)

"I wasn't able to make it out...haaah...but it was clearly some form of human experimentation, enacted on the prisoners themselves" (Ronri)

"Kusagakure was doing such things under our noses?!" (Dodai)

"No. Whoever it was, they're not affiliated with that village. This unknown group managed to secretly take control of the prison, for who knows how long" (Ronri)

"How can you be sure?" (Tekkan)

"Because the warden was under their control. Turned into a puppet via Genjutsu...and a bomb" (Ronri)

"A bomb?! Does that mean-?!" (Musai)

"He self-destructed right in front us, and in the process...urgh!" (Ronri)

Knowing he had trouble, Musai finished for him. With a face devoid of all joy, he relayed the somber news...

"Both Toroi-sama and my fath--Osoi...they're dead" (Musai)


Dodai slumped against the wall in shock once he heard this. Everyone present trembled, thinking of what this shocking ordeal meant...and what's to come

Toroi was a famous shinobi known by many in the village, and now said shinobi had been killed, a fact most had trouble coming to terms with

"W-We only managed to survive due to being the furthest away from the blast. The unknown group responsible...they took nearly every single criminal and left" (Ronri)


No one was else was speaking, so Tetsuo decided to interject

"Is there anything else you can tell us?" (Tetsuo)

"Y-Yes. The one who controlled the warden, I managed to get a glimpse at his face. He's definitely a member of the Chinoike Clan" (Ronri)

"The Chinoike...they're back!" (F)

"We've haven't seen them since that incident with Team Mabui several years ago" (Darui)

{Chinoike...incident?} (Tetsuo)

"It wasn't just them. After we made it across the border, we spotted a checkpoint of ours under attack" (Funsui)

"I told you not to talk, you need to-" (C)

"Please, let him finish"


Everyone was startled with the sudden appearance of Tai's mother

"Tomoe-sama. Since you're here, I take it this checkpoint is...?" (F)

"We passed a checkpoint operated by the Yotsuki under siege during the night. They came out of nowhere, emerging from the shadows, cutting down our comrades one after the other" (Ronri)

"We...wanted to help. God, we wanted to but-!" (Funsui)

A tear fell from Funsui's right eye, recalling the gruesome moment he witnessed his allies dying. Overwhelmed with guilt for not doing anything about it

Tomoe approached the injured man on the hospital bed, grasping his hand as she smiled

"You've done well, choosing to relay this information for the good of the village. We Yotsuki pride ourselves on our duty as this country's shield. There is nothing for you to fell ashamed about" (Tomoe)

"Yes...thank you Tomoe-sama" (Funsui)

Seeing his longtime friend in such an emotionally fragile state, Ronri couldn't help but feel sad. Trying to focus, he continued his story

"The ones responsible for this, it's the Fūma clan, working at the behest of someone else. Likely the same unknown individuals responsible the prison break" (Ronri)

"That hidden branch of the Fūma again! The ones who worked with the Chinoike before...this was a coordinated attack. Which means-!" (Tango)

"Ah!" (Tekkan)

"Yes, we can assume the news of Kusagakure ending its service in the east was a lie. A means of luring Raikage-sama and the Daimyō-sama out of the village and country" (Dodai)

"Impossible. That intel came straight from-!" (Tekkan)

Tekkan couldn't believe it. The intel detailing Kusagakure's supposed plans came from one of the Daimyō's most trusted sources. Everyone was thinking the same thing. This news implied one of two things...

They were either betrayed, or this unknown group had far more influence and power than no one present cared to believe

"What about the boss?!" (Darui)

"You honestly think Raikage-sama is in danger?" (C)

"We can't be sure!" (Darui)

"Darui. There's no way..." (C)

{He's alright. He's the Raikage. Nothing can...} (Dodai)

"One more thing. The one leading the Fū's Nobuyuki the Brave" (Ronri)

"Nobuyuki Fūma?! Impossible, countless people witnessed him being killed by the 3rd Tsuchikage's3Earth ShadowJinton4Particle Styleduring the 3rd Shinobi World War!" (F)

"I know, but I heard them talk...and I'd recognize his face anywhere. That infamous terrorist was notorious for mass casualties" (Ronri)

{Even he's involved with this?!} (Dodai)

"Un. Real." (Darui)

After relaying everything he knew, C laid him down and ordered him to rest. Tomoe got out the way and let the Medical-nin do his job, facing everyone else

"I've also come to inform you that the Crescent has fallen. My husband has already moved out. I'm here to coordinate with you" (Tomoe)

"Already?! Then this means-!" (Dodai)

"Yes, Ganjō has already come to the same conclusion" (Tomoe) 

"No..." (Dodai)

"Kumogakure is under siege" (Tomoe)

The whole room went quiet, most present were in denial. The one thing none had wanted to experience again had returned

War was upon them...

"..." (Dodai)

"Um, if all the prisoners were taken...does that mean...this unknown enemy plans to..." (Tetsuo)

"Yes, it stands to reason they're planning to attack with a force comprised not only of the Chinoike and Fūma, but incarcerated mercenaries, rogue-nin, terrorists, and other criminals of differing variety" (Tomoe)

"A makeshift army..." (Tango)

"Hailing from almost every shinobi nation in the world..." (F)

"My this really happening?" (Tekkan)

"I feel like I'm stuck in a dream...or nightmare" (Darui)

"Then you better wake the hell up, because we've got work to do" (Tango)

C raised his hand

"How do we even know they'll be able to command such a callous force? One hastily put together at the last minute" (C)

"One, we don't even know how long they've been in the prison. They could've been planning this for years...whoever they are. Two, after everything that's happened, you really want to take that chance?" (Tango)

"..." (C)

"Not to mention, our leaders aren't here" (F)

"Speaking of that Dodai, with the Daimyō-sama and Raikage-sama gone, you're now the leading authority for Kumogakure" (Tomoe)

"So it's come to this..." (Dodai)

"What our move senpai?" (Tango)

"Haaaaa..." (Dodai)


Dodai popped his own cheeks before gathering his resolve

"F! Escort Tetsuo-dono back to the lab. Raikage-sama relocated my division closer to the government office for better coordination. It's one of the most secured locations in the village, we can use it for a headquarters" (Dodai)

"Yes sir! Tetsuo-dono, Shō-dono, please come with me" (F)

"O-Of course!" {Is this really happening?!} (Tetsuo)

"Tango! Go with them, Tetsuo's gonna need you for the project" (Dodai)

"Figures. This is gonna be one hell of a test run!" (Tango)


"C, stay at the hospital. I have a feeling the capacity is gonna increase!" (Dodai)

"I know where I'm needed. I'll arrange for staff to prepare. We'll also need to tighten security around the building!" (C)

"Darui!" (Dodai)

"I'll handle it!" (Darui)

"Musai! Send the call. I want every available shinobi at headquarters to begin coordinating our next move" (Dodai)

"Sniff! Yes sir!" (Musai)

"Remember! Headquarters is at my division!" (Dodai)

"Dodai-dono..." (Tekkan)

"Tekkan-dono, return to the Daimyō Intelligence Bureau. It's heavily guarded, and a perfect place for you to remain safe. Please try to get into contact with the Daimyō-sama if you can. Tenga! Does Tetsuo still need you?" (Dodai)

"No, we've finished our work. He can take things from here" (Tenga)

"Then stay with Tekkan and resume your original duties" (Dodai)

"Right. Let's go Tekkan-san" (Tenga)

"Yes!" (Tekkan)

The group exited the room, leaving C to his patients

"Tomoe-sama, please come with me. I'll have Moroi called in as well" (Dodai)

"I was just about to suggest that" (Tomoe)







"We'll begin first steps at my Intelligence Division" (Dodai)


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