Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

153. Give Thanks

It's crazy how fate works. I had this chapter, planned in this EXACT way, months ago. And to post it now, with this timing, is is so funny some times!

Enjoy the chapter everyone!


Mariko's Foster Home



"Less yelling, more fighting"




"At this rate, your stomachs are gonna be full on dirt than food"

"'re too fast!"

"Yeah! Rei-nii! Quit dodging!"

"That'd defeat the whole point of this Karui"

With Mariko almost done cooking, Suzu suggested Rei keep the kids entertained while she and Tai begin setting the table. Though reluctant at first, his interest was piqued when the eldest of the foster children, Karui and Omoi, asked to spar with him

Rei knew these two were destined to be the apprentices of Killer B. Being characters from the original story, he naturally kept them under observation

Obliging their request, they sparred as the other, much younger children watched in glee

"Let's go again!" (Karui)

"Right!" (Omoi)

Rei also wanted to test how strong he was. Especially after he underwent multiple sessions of draining the Ten-Tails chakra yesterday. His current chakra levels were higher than they've ever been, nearly reaching Jonin levels

All in preparation to break the next lock on the Black Scroll. Now that his body's rate of evolving was increasing, chakra control was even easier now

He was fully confident he could the break the third lock

{No issues so far...I feel like my capabilities have grown immensely. However...} (Rei)

"Now!" (Karui)

"Right!" (Omoi)


The pair unleashed a barrage of attacks from both sides, trying their best to knock Rei off balance. But the latter's exceptional speed was too great for the soon-to-be academy students

"Wrong..." (Rei)

"Huh?" (Omoi & Karui)


With barely any effort, he flipped them on their respective backsides

"...Again" (Rei)

"Ah!" (Karui)

"Ow!" (Omoi)

The match was finished in barely over a minute, neither challenger landing a single blow on Rei. The other children crowded around the Genin, enlivened by his performance

Rei gestured for them to sit, presenting a question for Karui and Omoi

"Do you know what you did wrong?" (Rei)

"Um...our teamwork?" (Omoi)

"Tactics?" (Karui)

"Nope. Your first mistake was made before that, challenging me. This might come off as a bit arrogant but, it was very naïve to think you could beat ME of all people in Taijutsu" (Rei)

"Sigh. I knew it from the're way too fast Rei-nii!" (Karui)

"I could've sworn we saw afterimages" (Omoi)

"What I mean is, you mustn't run in blind. You have to think, calculate, anticipate, choose your battles wisely before engaging. Never rush in blind" (Rei)

"Oh! Is this what you thing you always say?" (Omoi)


"Yup. Read between the lines" (Rei)

Rei had all the children stand and line up before demonstrating some safe fighting moves to study and practice.


Tai and Suzu observed from the side

"Shouldn't that be Tango-sensei's line?" (Tai)

"It's a good one, meant to be shared" (Suzu)

"True. And Rei seems as fit as ever" (Tai)

"You think so?" (Suzu)

"?" {What's with her? Lookin so serious all of a sudden...} (Tai)

{Forgetting Lava, even his Earth is...} (Suzu)

Suzu recalled their previous sparring match with Toroi, along with the latter's ambiguous comment towards Rei's supposed Yōton1Lava Style. She noticed his proficiency with said power had not only failed to improve in the past year, but even began to decline

Rei was still hiding the fact his body was now more alien than ever. His "Ōtsutsuki" DNA violently reacting every time he used his In'yōton2Yin-Yang/Shadow & Light Style-focused ability, Kisshōten3Auspicious Heavens

"Tai, has Rei's fighting style...changed?" (Suzu)

"Hmmm. More like, he regressed rather than progressed?" (Tai)

"What?" (Suzu)

"Oh right, you don't know since we never interacted much in school. During our early days, Rei had trouble accessing any of the five basic nature transformations. It's why he's so Taijutsu focused" (Tai)

"Also skilled in Genjutsu as well" (Suzu)

"True. True. His connection with Inton4Yin/Shadow Styleis potent, and with no element at his fingertips, he needed an edge. But that all changed when he suddenly demonstrated the ability to use Fire" (Tai)

"Right, his mother's ancestry" (Suzu)

"Rei told me a while ago that he's decided to, go back to basics. Since he always excels it's hard to tell, but I think he's realized since gaining an element, he's neglected his other skills" (Tai)

"Hmm. Maybe..." (Suzu)

"Now that I think about it, he told me his plans only days after our mission on Summoning Island" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)


Unbeknownst to them, Rei's enhanced hearing picked up nearly every word they uttered

{It's getting harder and harder to hide what's really going on with me, and they're not getting any duller} (Rei)

Unlike his Katon5Fire Styleand Suiton6Water Style, Rei's Doton7Earth Stylewas nurtured from his human chakra. After his body "reset" from his first reaction during Team Mabui's rescue, he retrained the two elements to new levels

However his Earth, along with Lava, originated from "Rei's" chakra and cells. Both of which were being replaced by his alien side, hence their decline

But losing a nature transformation was unheard of. People might even begin investigations into him, which was the last thing he wanted. His current dilemma, conjuring up an excuse for when the inevitable came, was quite the headache. 

Even his own team is beginning to notice...and he's running out of excuses


"Okay! Let's start!"

"Mariko-san, we're good?" (Suzu)

"Yeah, come inside and give me a hand. The rest of you, take your seats!" (Mariko)

"Alright! I'm starving!"

"This is gonna be great!"

"Rei-nii! Rei-nii! Sit next to me!"

"No me!"


While Tai and Rei kept watch over the children in the backyard, Suzu reentered the house to see Mariko taking pots of hot food off the stove

"Suzu, take out those bowls and plates for me. Let's fill them up"

"What happened to the small hibachi8Traditional heating device for foodyou always used?" 

"Broken, a long time ago. We're not exactly swimming in money"

"Right. Orphanage..."

"And that was years ago! When you were living with us. I'm surprised you can remember, you were still just a baby back then"

"Feels like yesterday to me..."

Suzu was orphaned at an early age. The girl, too young to take care of herself, was placed under Mariko's care. But once the girl entered the academy, she was legally allowed to stay at her family home

"I still think it was too soon for you leave. Yes, your home's been remodeled thanks to Mori Sp., but my doors are still open"

"More like, thanks to you, the kids, and my team"

"Hehe, plenty to be thankful for. I'm happy you've found a good good family"

"You'll always be my family Mariko, I've just added some new members to it"

"Wow. You trying to make me cry? It was hard to imagine you'd let anyone get so close to you. To show such concern for others besides brings a smile to my face"

"Gratitude. That's all there is to it. I've been blessed to receive friends able to look past my heinous family origins, to see me for who I truly am. If it means keeping them safe...there's no price I wouldn't pay"


The back door was opened

"You guys done, because I don't think I can keep them from waiting any longer. They're all, Rei especially, super hungry right now" (Tai)

"Pffft! Okay, we're coming!" (Mariko)

"Right behind you" (Suzu)

"Something good happen? That's a nice grin on your face" (Tai)

"Hehe! Maybe..." (Suzu)

Suzu and Mariko went to work placing the food and everyone sat impatiently around the table. Just as they were about to eat, Mariko requested everyone to clap their hands together

Closing her eyes as she offered a prayer

"Ancestors, we thank you for this plentiful bounty, we thank you for our health, we thank you for our freedom and joy. Please continue to watch over not only our family, but all who are in need of more love and blessings in their lives. Help us keep our hearts pure and humble, and renew our spirits with vigor. May all feel what we are so lucky to today" (Mariko)

"Itadakimasu!" (Everyone)




"Let's eat!" (Mariko)




Another district in Kumogakure

Calm. Serene...just how these meatbags like it


This day is like any other, people tending to their own business. So nonchalant, so uncaring, so...ignorant


It's always astounding, all this time watching them, to see how quick they are to stagnate. To remain unchanged, quick to let others do the "changing" for them. Striving to improve, only a select few possess this drive


Be it this world, or another, humans will have a million problems over their heads and still...!


They never act unless said problems directly affects them. It's so amusing, every time I...we see it


Oh! That's it! That's been the answer this whole time!


It's so easy! That's the key to getting people to do what you want. That's how We can get him to do what we want! Especially now that he's grown even more suspicious...


All really needs is a little...










You know what you can really do to help me out? Tell me what you're thankful for this year! Please, share your blessings in the comment section. Because that would really make my day!

Happy holidays everyone!


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