Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

154. It Begins

And I'm back! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I'm finally back home after getting stuck in a long-term food coma from last week. I'm gonna try to give you all a faster release schedule this week

Please enjoy the chapter!


Several minutes ago

"Over here?!"

"No! Not over there! IT HAS TO BE OVER THERE!"

"Jeez! Be more specific!"

"More like, use your damn brain!"


The entirety of staff within Kumogakure's Intelligence Division was in a frenzy. Just minutes after receiving news of an impending attack, Dodai immediately issued commands to his subordinates

His team bolted around as they rearranged the facility to serve as a proper nerve center in preparation for the village's counterattack

"Where's Dodai-sama?! I have a report!"

"Back there! In the other room!"


Dodai was assuring Tetsuo and his bodyguard Shō of the situation, while also encouraging him to finish his work. Knowing their "project" would become a huge asset if it worked

"It will work, I just need you to-!"

"I'm sorry Dodai-dono, but you can't guarantee me that. Even if the system, along with its extensions are operative, how exactly will you coordinate the initial process?"

"Tango, he'll direct the others" (Dodai)

"You want our best pilot to set things up?! Without a pipeline back to the central hub...are you trying to fry his brain?! He's still our best candidate for running this thing!" (Tetsuo)

"I know it's a lot to handle, especially without the Network's help, but there's no other option. We can't just calmly set up the extensions in the middle of a warzone" (Dodai)

"So you expect the enemy will breach the village?" (Shō)

"...All scenarios are being considered, and the other staff will be preoccupied doing-" (Dodai)



"What?! I'm in the middle of something!" (Dodai)

"Apologies sir! But Musai has sent out the call"

"He's faster than I expected" (Dodai)

"It's only a matter of time before this place is packed with shinobi, all of whom will be awaiting instruction. You're needed in issuing orders"

"Fine! Have every ninja that arrives remain in our main testing area. Tomoe-sama is already working with the others there, it's our largest room anyway. I'll brief everyone in a moment" (Dodai)


"And call Tango, I've got a job for him!" (Dodai)


"Now where was I...ahem! Tango has been working for me ever since he became a Genin. I know his capabilities more than anyone else" (Dodai)

"What you're asking him to do...just pulling it off would be extremely stupendous" (Tetsuo)

"Yes, yes it is. But I believe he can handle it" (Dodai)

"...I-I'm sorry. I cannot, in good conscience condone this" (Tetsuo)

"I figured as much, that's why I like you Tetsuo-dono. Unlike your fellow businessmen, you have integrity. Which only makes this more difficult for me to say" (Dodai)

"What?" (Tetsuo)

"The village is most likely surrounded at the moment, and anyone who attempts to flee will probably be killed. Do you understand what I'm saying?" (Dodai)

"Wha-?!" (Tetsuo)


"!" (Tetsuo & Dodai)

Shō placed one hand on the sword at his hip, glaring at Dodai as he spoke in a slow and chilling tone

"Are you threatening my boss?" (Shō)

"H-Hey! What are you doing Shō?!" (Tetsuo)

"...I'm not threatening, merely stating a fact. I just received some new intel, things are far worse than they seem. Tekkan finally came through after contacting Kusagakure's1Hidden Grass VillageDaimyō via their broadcasting system" (Dodai)

{Right. I forgot all the Daimyō's have a, albeit highly limited, system of communication for their use only} (Tetsuo)

"..." (Shō)

"How bad?" (Tetsuo)

"It's-" (Dodai)



"Oh, for crying out loud! What is it now?!" (Dodai)

"There's been an explosion-no, MULTIPLE explosions sighted in various locations around the village!"

"?!" (Shō & Tetsuo)

"How?! They couldn't have breached our defenses, let alone, the village walls yet! Tomoe-sama would've informed me! Did the enemy plant bombs of some kind?!" (Dodai)

"In a matter of speaking, yes. But the bombs are-!"

Dodai instantly recalled the reports from Funsui and Ronri of their time in Hōzuki-jō2Demon Lantern Castle

It took only a moment for him to realize what was happening

"Damn Chinoike! To our very own citizens...HOW DARE YOU!" (Dodai)

{Dodai...} (Tetsuo)



"Exploding Humans..."




Mariko's Orphanage

"Hey, did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what Rei-nii? I didn't hear anything"

"Don't talk with your mouth full Karui. To answer that question Rei-chan, this place is located quite far from the central part of the village"

"..." (Rei)

You guys may not have been able to, but I certainly did. My enhanced hearing has been picking up some odd sounds over a minute ago. They almost sound like-

[Hey, hate to interrupt your nice meal, but we have a problem. A "Ripple" has been detected]

"?!" (Rei)

Now?! What could possibly-?!

[You can hear them right? Those sounds, they're explosions. Our "sight" is limited when we're not in "Support Mode", but "Lifelines" are a precious resource]

Better whisper

"Your point?" (Rei)

[The point is, I can't tell exactly why it's happening right now. But you might wanna start moving now. The village is clearly under siege]


"?!" (Everyone)

"Tai, Suzu, Mariko-nee...can I talk to you guys in private?" (Rei)

"?" (Tai)

{That look...something's wrong} (Suzu)

"...Sure. Everyone, keep eating" (Mariko)


This should be far enough away from the kids

"What's wrong?" (Suzu)

"I want you all to stay calm and listen carefully to what I have to say. Can you do that for me?" (Rei)

"Okay, now you're making me nervous" (Tai)

"This may be hard to believe but...right now, at this very moment, Kumogakure is being attacked" (Rei)

"?!" (Tai & Suzu)

"..." (Mariko)

"Those sounds I started hearing a minute ago, they're explosions. I suspect it's only a matter of time before the call is initiated" (Rei)

"HOW-! can you be sure?" (Tai)

"Have you forgotten how good his senses are?" (Suzu)

"Well, no...but-" (Tai)

"We'll know in the next minute if he's right or not. But just in case, I'll prep the children for travel to one of the evacuation centers" (Mariko)

"You believe him just like that? Not to say I don't trust you Rei but, are you absolutely sure?" (Tai)

If Notitia isn't jerking me around...

"Rei?" (Suzu)

"Honestly, I hope I'm wrong but-" (Rei)


"!" (Suzu)

"Crap" (Tai)

Agh! Forgot how loud that damn alarm is!

"We better take the kids-!" (Suzu)

"No, Suzu. I said I'll do it" (Mariko)

"Mariko-san!" (Suzu)

"Unlike myself, you three haven't retired as shinobi. You have your responsibilities to the village, mine are to these children. Our paths are split" (Mariko)

"But-!" (Suzu)

"We know where we have to go, but be careful nonetheless" (Rei)

"Rei..." (Suzu)

Though she's very good at hiding it, I suspect Mariko-nee is stronger than all three of us combined. Suzu did mention her former job was being an ANBU captain

She'll have no trouble protecting the children as they evacuate

"Thank you Rei-chan. But worry about yourselves first, I'll be pretty mad if any of you don't come back in one piece" (Mariko)

"Yes, I'll make sure nothing happens to them" (Suzu)

"That's a good attitude. OKAY everyone, you all heard alarm! You know what that means, and what we have to do! Our party will have to wait..." (Mariko)

What a shame, I'm still kinda hungry. And that food was really good

"Whoa. Whoa. You'll be protecting the both of us? Since when did we become helpless kittens?" (Tai)

"Well, you're the medic, so I have to watch after you. As for Rei, we wouldn't want Mariko-san freaking out" (Suzu)

"Sigh...!" (Rei)

Yeah, if I get so much as a scratch, Mariko will get even more clingy than she already is!

"So what now?" (Tai)

"You know the protocol, we convene at the Intelligence Division" (Suzu)

"We may be able to find out what those explosions were. I still find it hard to believe any enemy could get this far, past our country's defense" (Rei)

Well...except for Akatsuki, Tobi, and Madara Uchiha. But even with a "Ripple", I doubt it's them, especially this soon. I know for a fact Sanshōuo no Hanzō3Hanzō of the Salamanderisn't dead yet

Only with his passing can Tobi's pawn and Rinnegan4Saṃsāra Eyewielder Nagato create Akatsuki

"Maybe some spies got in? With all the defenses outside the village, it's still hard to think a large force could..." (Suzu)

"Yeah..." {Did something happen with my clan?} (Tai)

Tobi's associates are powerful, and the "Ripple" could be an early infiltration from their end, but again...its highly unlikely. The only ones I could think of that might be able to do this are that crazy immortal duo

They captured Yugito in the original timeline at a much later date. Hidan and that bastard Kakuzu...wait, huh? Why am I so angry all of sudden when I thought about them?

"We can't see anything from here" (Suzu)

"We'll get answers when we arrive at our intended destination. Let's go, I'll take point" (Rei)

"Right!" (Suzu & Tai)



 never ends


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