Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

159. Make Your Peace

Minutes Earlier

Within one of Kumogakure's evacuation centers, Rei and his squad had escorted several civilians to safety. Once there, they began aiding the present staff before returning to headquarters for new orders

"Tai-kun, there's a couple of elders with some bad scrapes, and our most of medical ninja here are working on other critical cases. Could you take a look at them before your team leaves?" asked one of the staff

"Guys?" Tai looked to his team for their seal of approval, questioning with his eyes if there was enough time

"Go ahead. Rei and I will head outside and plot our next course of travel back to command" Suzu replied

"Okay then. Please show me the patients"

"This way"

Following Tai's departure, the remaining duo exited the facility, surveying the area for any hostiles present. Rei kept his senses sharp while Suzu kneaded her chakra in preparation for an enemy attack

Several minutes of quiet scouting later...

"This area cleared, and fortunately we can make a beeline directly to command"

"Right, let's go back and get Ta-?!"

Rei turned around mid sentence and withdrew a Kunai from his pouch. Quick on the uptake, Suzu followed in suit, understanding he picked up on a new chakra signature

"How many?"

"A lot...I think they're civilians. A bunch of signatures all bunched up together in a line, heading straight for the center. But that's the problem. Ya know, considering..."


They were very suspicious, and for good reason. For such a large group of civilians to navigate through the village so easily during an attack of this scale is nothing short of impossible

Which meant one of two things. Either they were incredibly lucky...or more likely, it's the enemy suppressing their chakra to fool any sensor-nin



Sounds of numerous footsteps grew louder the closer they approached. Rei and Suzu remained hidden and alert, blades gripped tight in hand as they readied themselves for a fight


"Oh! There it is! We've found it!"

"We're almost home free!"

A cluster of casually dressed individuals arrived from around the corner, gleeful at the sight of the evacuation center

{What the? They really are civilians?} Rei pondered

"But how could they get here?" 

"Gimme me a sec to ask"

"Eh?! Rei! You're breaking protocol...again!"


Not waiting for Suzu, Rei moved from his position, landing right in front of the group. After startling the already nervous crowd, Rei began throwing queries their way, confirming they were indeed citizens of the village

"...But how did you get here?"

"A friendly group of good samaritans helped and directed us before leaving for different evacuation center"

"Were they shinobi?"

"N-No, I don't think so. They weren't wearing the same outfit as you, and they were much younger. Though, there was a young woman directing them"

"You're saying kids younger than me saved you? All directed by a woman?"

"They were very efficient, enough for me to believe at first they were ninja. They called themselves something too...repeatedly as a matter of fact. Very boastful this lot. I believe it was, The Thundercloud Unit?"

{Mariko and the kids?!} thought Suzu

The girl was surprised Mariko allowed them to play an active role in this conflict. While they've been trained by Mariko in preparation for the academy, children were still children

{Since Mariko is with them, I guess they'll be alright?}

She put this thought in the back of her head and focused on the present, observing Rei's conversation with the man acting as the leader of the group

"Pffft!" {That name is so wrong}

"I-I'm sorry? Does that mean something to you?"

"Ahem, it's nothing. You're clear to enter the facility. Once inside, please quickly find a space to sit down. Preferably, out of the staff's way. Everyone is busy working"

"R-Right. Come on guys, let's get off the streets!"


After the civilians left, Suzu jumped down and landed next to Rei

"That was a risk, they could've been the enemy in disguise"

"That's why I placed some under my Genjutsu before talking to them"

"For probing their chakras?"

"There's no way I'm walking in blind before determining whether or not they're shinobi"

"Still a risk..."

"You know, there's something different about you..."


"This worrisome behavior of yours, it reminds me of Mariko-nee. You've never shown this anxious side whenever we were in the field. What's going on with you?"

Suzu crossed her arms and closed her eyes...before facing Rei again

"We're all changing, day by day. Look at yourself, I'd say you've changed a lot since the day we met. You've also become more outgoing"

"You still haven't answered my question"

To her, both Tai and Suzu were no longer just colleagues. Overtime, they'd grown to become something closer, even more than just teammates, akin to her relationship with Mariko and the foster children.

"You're the so-called prodigy. Try and figure out where this newfound concern of mine is coming from" Suzu said with a smug smirk


"Come on, let's go and get Tai. He should be done by now-"



"What the hell?!"

The carefree mood between the two was suddenly interrupted by the sound and sight of a massive explosion from outside the village

"What happened Rei?!"






Present Time

The massive explosion didn't escape anyone's notice, including Ganjō Yotsuki whom maintained his position on the southern coastline

"That location..." {Is it where I think it is?}


"Go! Give me confirmation!"



The shinobi saluting the Yotsuki Clan head dashed away, racing towards a vantage point before pulling out a pair of binoculars. With great haste, he desperately searched for the explosion's origin point, despite the massive cloud of smoke and fire obscuring his vision

Ganjō waited for answer with no cracks in his somber demeanor, unlike his anxious subordinates 



"It's First Quarter! The second layer of defense...the phase has been breached! And I think there's...yes! There's an army storming through!"

"The enemy's main force has finally revealed itself..."

The ones responsible for this attack had resorted to nothing but guerrilla tactics and sabotage since the beginning

But now, they've finally begun to fight in the open

{Shit, I never would've expected it'd be breached so quickly! How the hell did they-?!}

"Sir, should we...?"

Ganjō kept to his thoughts before responding, no one daring to disturb him


"No, we've been over this. Like the northern coast my wife is protecting, this area is too important to ignore. You lot stay here, I'll head out alone"

"By yourself? Sir, with all due respect, taking on an army is..."

"I don't need to beat them, just stall them"


Kumogakure needed as much time as possible. Even at this moment, Dodai worked like a madman, rearranging shinobi teams in preparation for the coming conflict at their door

"Message some of our men near the blast site to do the same"

"Yes sir, I'll-?!"


Out of nowhere, a massive shuriken flew directly at Ganjō

{Another attack. But only one?} "Hmph!"


Barely a foot away from him, Ganjō sliced the flying star in half within a split second. Everyone remained on guard, but for some reason, there was no follow up attack


"Well? Is my swordsmanship so scary? I thought you'd come out by now"


The attacker revealed himself, clapping his hands in admiration for Ganjō's skills

"Sorry about that, I was just blown away by your technique. The Yotsuki Clan has been blessed with talented individuals"

"You don't know the half of it..."

The attacker was dressed in black shinobi attire with large shuriken tied to his back. Unusual purple eyes, along with light green colored hair tied in a ponytail. A notable, horizontal scar across his forehead

With one hand across his chest, he bowed in a respectful manner towards Ganjō

"It is an honor to meet you, 17th Head of the Yotsuki Clan, Ganjō Yotsuki. I am Nobuyuki Fūma, of the true Fūma clan"

"Figures, only someone like you would brew such destruction. Daring to attack my clan and village...the title of Nobuyuki the Brave suits you well" said Ganjō with a clear, hostile tone

The Yotsuki head had long been eager to find the ones responsible for this attack. Many of his clan had already died thanks to the stealthy attacks Nobuyuki and his clan carried out since the start of this incursion

It had been a long time since he was this angry

"Sir, we'll assist-"

"Stay where you are, he's mine. You'll just get in my way"


"Besides, you have your own problems to deal with" he uttered before gesturing towards the coastline

Several Fūma members emerged from the sea, preparing to attack. It was clear Nobuyuki had come to retake this vital location, striving to gain an advantage for his side


"You heard the clan head!"

"Let's go! This area must be protected!"

Quick as a wink, the once quiet area erupted with war. Ganjō and Nobuyuki remained oblivious to it, with weapons in hand, never taking their eyes off one another

The two leaders conversed while also searching for the smallest opening to exploit

"From what I know, the Fūma Clan shouldn't bear a grudge so deep against Kumogakure...they'd go this far in ensuring its downfall"

"Of course not, that'd be the Chinoike Clan"

"Then why are you doing this?"

"It's nothing personal, but the fall of your country provides an opportunity for my clan and I"

"What do you mean by-?"

"Apologies, but I've a job to do...let's skip straight to the killing, shall we?"




The air shifted around them as Ganjō withdrew the second blade on his hip

"Anger...good. I wouldn't settle for anything less"

"I doubt we have the same gods but, I hope you've made peace with yours. Because I'll be sending you to them..."






"You son of a bitch"


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